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1、淄博市英语六年级小升初期末复习试卷一、单项选择1Mike _ many pictures and ate fresh food yesterday. ()AtakeBtookCtaking2There _ no computers in the Tang dynasty. ()AwereBwasCare3This building has _ floors. Our classroom is on the _ floor. ()Afour; twoBfour; secondCfourth; two4_ Im going to visit the moon. ()ALast MondayBOne

2、 dayCFive days5The boy was short before, _ hes tall now. ()AandBbutCso6He has _ orange T-shirt. It is on _ chair in his bedroom. ()Aan; /Ban; theCa; aDthe; the7The brown cat is as _ as the black cat. ()AfatBfatterCthinner8My family usually go to the park together _ Sunday. ()AinBonCatD/9What_Amy_las

3、t weekend? ()Adid, doBdo, doCdoes, do10It is cold today, you must _ your coat. ()Atake offBput onCpick up11What did you do last night? ()_AHe saw a film.BI see a film.CI saw a film.12Your hands are _ than _. ()Abiger; mineBbigger; ICsmaller; mine13What did you do _ your holiday? ()AonBinCat1re you f

4、rom _? ()Adifferent countryBdifferent countriesCthe same countries15What _ you _ next Sunday? ()Aare; going to doBare; doingCare; going二、用单词的适当形式填空16She often _ (wash) the clothes on Sundays.17There _ no gym in my old school. (be)18Tomorrow is our farewell party. Well _ (have) lots of fun.19The boy

5、often helps her mother at home. He is very _ (help).20I _ (wash) my clothes the day before yesterday.2hen Jie is _ (thin) than you.22There _ (be) a football match in our school next week.23The girl often _ (help) her mother _ (do) housework last year.24Mike is good at _ (play) table tennis.2ont talk

6、, my little sister _ (sleep).26Mr Green is tall, so he can reach the apples on the tree _ (easy).27_ (keep) safe, we must _ (wait) on the pavement. 28There _ any fruit or a lot of vegetables on the table just now. (be)29The mouse _ (wake) the lion up, then the lion shouted _ (angry).30I finished my

7、homework _. Its so _ (easy).三、完成句子31Tom was ill. He s_ all day at home.32Mike _ (对很兴奋) the football match.33John wants to be an _ (宇航员) one day and walk on Mars.34Its _ (困难的) for me.35There are lots of _ (糖果) in the bag.36Im going to have dinner with my family in the r_.37Lingling is now reading boo

8、ks in the school l_.38Jim had a cold _ (昨天).39The eighth month of the year is _.40W_ there any boys in the park?Yes, there were.四、完形填空There was a horse on a small island(岛). He didnt like the island. He wanted to find a(n)_41_ place. All his friends said, “Dont _42_, Mr Horse. “But the horse didnt l

9、isten to his friends. The horse left at last. _43_ got to a big island on a hot afternoon. He could _44_ a lot of green grass there. After about fifteen days, he was very _45_. Unluckily(不幸的是), a man saw the horse and _46_ him one day. He took the horse home.So the horse had to _47_ hard all day. Th

10、e man was not kind to him. The horse was very thin after one year and he was very _48_. “Im not happy at all. I want my _49_,” thought the horse.The horse ran back to the small island one night. He was happy to _50_ his friends again. “I will never leave my friends again,” he said.41、AoldBnewCsmall4

11、2、AleaveBfindCwork43、AitBSheCHe44、AputBvisitCeat45、AthinBheavyCinteresting46、AcaughtBlostCwashed47、AstudyBworkCwalk48、AlateBhappyCsad49、AmotherBfatherCfriends50、AseeBmakeCpick五、阅读判断阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)It was in autumn. A young man went into a forest. He walked along a river. Suddenly he saw two green

12、 eyes looking at him from the trees. A tiger was getting ready to jump onto him. What did he do? He jumped into the river. In the river there was a big crocodile(鳄鱼). Its mouth was so big. The young man closed his eyes. The tiger jumped over him. And the young man opened his eyes. The tiger was in t

13、he mouth of the crocodile at that time.51、The story happened in summer.( )52、The man was walking along a river.( )53、The tiger was going to play with the man. ( )54、In the river there was a big crocodile. ( )55、The man was safe at last. ( )六、阅读理解Once there was a farmer. He worked for a landlord(地主).

14、 The landlord made the man work all day long, but paid him very little money and didnt give him enough food to eat.One day when the man was having breakfast, the landlord came and said to him, “Its much too inconvenient(不方便的)to go to work and come back for supper. So I want you to have breakfast, lu

15、nch and supper now before you go to the fields.”“How can I eat three meals at a time?” the man thought. But he said, “All right.” He finished his breakfast and went out.Two hours later, the landlord went out for a walk. What did he see? He saw that the man was sitting under a tree and smoking. The l

16、andlord was very angry. “Why arent you working in the fields?” he said. The man said with a smile, “I have had my supper and you know very well what I should do after supper.”56、The landlord gave the farmer _. ()Avery little workBmuch food to eatCvery little money57、The farmer had three meals togeth

17、er because _. ()Ait was good for the landlordBthe landlord was very kindChe smoked under a tree58、Two hours later, the landlord saw the farmer _. ()Aworking hard on the farmBhaving his lunch under a treeCsmoking under a tree59、What does the farmer usually do after supper? ()AHe works in the field.BH

18、e has a rest.CHe sits under a tree.60、The farmer was very _. ()Ahard-working(勤劳的)BangryCclever【参考答案】一、单项选择解析:B【详解】句意:迈克昨天拍了很多照片,吃了新鲜的食物。根据yesterday可知本题考查一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式,A是动词原形,B是动词过去式,C是动名词/动词的现在分词,故选B。解析:A【详解】句意:唐代没有电脑。本题考查There be句型。in the Tang dynasty可知时态为一般过去时, computers是名词复数,be动词用are,are的过去式为wer


20、nge是以元音音素开头的,用an,双方都知道的东西前要用定冠词the,故选B。7A解析:A【详解】句意:棕色的猫和黑色的猫一样胖。考查as+adj./adv原级+as和一样;故BC都是比较级,选A。8B解析:B【详解】略9A解析:A【详解】句意为“上个周末艾米做什么了?”last weekend意为“上个周末”,由此可知句子为一般过去时,故选助动词A.did 。助动词do和does用于一般现在时中,故不选B和C。10B解析:B【详解】句意:今天冷,你必须穿上外衣。A项为脱掉,排除A;C项为挑选,排除C;冷了应穿上外衣,故选B。1解析:C【详解】句意:昨晚你做了什么?_ 本题考查动词的过去式和人

21、称代词。A他看电影了。B我看电影。C我看电影了。根据last night昨晚,可知句子为一般过去时态,答语中的动词应为过去式,see的过去式为saw,排除B选项。问句主语是you,答语主语用I,故选C。1解析:C【详解】句意:你的手比我的手更小一些。此题考查形容词比较级,than是形容词比较级的标志词,mine=my hands,进行比较,big的比较级是bigger,A排除,I是人称代词主格,B排除,故选C。1解析:A【详解】句意:你(们)假期做了什么?本题考查介词辨析。A选项,on holiday在假期,表示将要休假或假期已结束。B选项,in holiday在假期中。C选项,没有at ho

22、liday这种说法。句子为一般过去时态,可知假期已经结束,A选项符合题意,故选A。1解析:B【详解】句意:你们来自_?不同的国家different countries,同一个国家the same country,所以选项A和C错误,故选B。1解析:A【详解】句意:你下周要去做什么?该句时态为一般将来时,结构为:be going to+动词原形,主语you为第二人称,其对应的be应用are,结合句意和选项可知,are going to后应用动词原形do,意为做,故选A。二、用单词的适当形式填空16washes【详解】句意:她经常在星期日洗衣服。本题考查动词第三人称单数形式,根据often可知句子

23、是一般现在时,主语She是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,wash的第三人称单数形式是washes,故答案为washes。17was【详解】句意:我以前的学校没有体育馆。本题考查there be句型的一般过去时。根据句意可知该句时态是一般过去时,所以be动词要用过去式。又因为gym是单数,所以be动词用is,is的过去式是was,故答案为was。18have【详解】句意:明天是我们的告别晚会。我们将有许多乐趣。will后加动词原形,have有。故答案为have。19helpful【详解】句意:男孩经常在家帮助她的妈妈。他是非常_。根据句意可知该空填形容词,help的形容词是helpf

24、ul,意思是有帮助的,故答案为helpful。20washed【详解】句意:我前天洗了我的衣服。根据时间状语the day before yesterday(前天)可知句子为一般过去时,动词用过去式,wash的过去式为washed,故答案为washed。21thinner【详解】句意:陈洁比你瘦。根据than可知该句考查比较级,thin瘦的,比较级是thinner更瘦的,故答案为thinner。22will be【详解】句意:下周我们学校有一场足球赛。根据next week可知句子是一般将来时,be要用will be,故答案为will be。23 helped do#to do【详解】句意:去

25、年这个女孩经常帮她妈妈做家务。help sb. to do sth.或help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事,为固定搭配。根据last year可知句子是一般过去时,动词help要用过去式helped,故答案为helped;do/to do。24playing【详解】句意:迈克擅长打乒乓球。擅长做某事be good at doing sth,因此该空应填playing,故答案为playing。25is sleeping【详解】句意:不要说话,我的小妹妹正在睡觉。根据句意,可知句子是现在进行时,be doing结构,主语my little sister是第三人称单数,be动词用is,sl

26、eep现在分词为sleeping,故答案为is sleeping。【点睛】26easily【详解】句意:格林先生个子很高,所以他很容易就能够到树上的苹果。本题考查副词修饰动词,easy是形容词,对应的副词是easily,故答案为easily。27 To keep wait【详解】句意:为了保证安全,我们必须在人行道上等候。根据句意,可知本题考查动词不定式表示目的,句中的must后面接动词原形,故答案为To keep;wait。28wasnt【详解】句意:刚才桌上没有水果也没有很多蔬菜。根据句中的any,可知句子是there be句型的否定句,由句中的just now可知句子是一般过去时,横线后

27、面的fruit是不可数名词,否定用is过去式was的否定形式wasnt,故答案为wasnt。29 woke angrily【详解】句意:老鼠把狮子叫醒,然后狮子生气地喊叫。shouted是过去式,可知本题考查一般过去时,wake的过去式是woke,第二个空填副词修饰动词,angry的副词是angrily,故答案为woke,angrily。30 easily easy【详解】句意:我_完成我的家庭作业。它是如此_。第一空要填副词,修饰动词finished,easy是形容词,意思是容易的,其副词形式是easily;第二空填形容词作表语,故答案为easily;easy。三、完成句子31stayed#

28、tayed【详解】句意:汤姆生病了。他整天待在家里。根据句意及首字母s可知考查动词stay,stay at home意思是待在家里,句子是一般过去时,谓语动词用动词过去式,故答案为stayed。32is very excited about【详解】句意:迈克对足球比扫很兴奋。本题考查固定短语对很兴奋,be very excited about,主语是Mike,be动词用is,故答案为is very excited about。3stronaut【详解】句意:约翰有一天想要成为宇航员并且在火星上散步。根据横线前的不定冠词an可知宇航员要用astronaut,一个宇航员名词用单数,故答案为astr

29、onaut。3ifficult【详解】句意:对我来说它是困难的。be动词is后用形容词困难的difficult。故答案为difficult。3andies【详解】句意:包里有许多糖果。糖果可以用candy,可数名词,许多糖果用复数candies。故答案为candies。36restaurant#estaurant【详解】句意:我要和我的家人在餐厅吃饭。结合句意和首字母可知考查餐厅restaurant,在餐厅in the restaurant,故答案为restaurant。37library#ibrary【详解】句意:玲玲正在学校图书馆读书。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词library图书馆,名

30、词,故答案为library。38yesterday【详解】句意:吉姆昨天感冒了。本题考查副词的用法。根据汉语提示可知单词是yesterday,副词,故答案为yesterday。39A解析:August #Aug.【详解】句意:一年中的第八个月是_。根据句意和常识可知,一年中的第八个月是八月,August/Aug.,故答案为August/Aug。40Were#ere【详解】句意:公园里有一些男孩吗?是的,有。根据答语可知问句中be动词用were,故答案为Were。四、完形填空解析:41、B42、A43、C44、C45、B46、A47、B48、C49、C50、A【分析】文章讲的是一匹马不愿意听从伙




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