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1、第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)1- Would you be interested in seeing a film tonight?- _CNot at all.Are you sure?Great! Id love toYoure welcome.2- Excuse me, could you tell me the way to Peoples Square?- _B_I dont understand you.Sorry, Im a stranger here.Why dont you take a taxi?Dont bother me.3- Ive got

2、the first prize in the dancing contest.- _C_Youre welcome.Its very kind of you.Please accept my congratulations.Oh, really, I cant believe my ears.4- Ive passed the examination.- _D_What a pity!I have the examination.Come on.Congratulations.5- Im suffering from a stomachache.- _A_Are you feeling bet

3、ter?Why are you here?Are you pleased?Whats the matter with you?6.Heaven Air is the name of _B_ .a planean airlinea travel servicean advertising program7.Traveling with Heaven Air is _D_ .comfortable but expensivecheap and pleasantexciting but tiringquick and safe8.Heaven Air can take you to Paris _C

4、_ .on weekends onlyjust on weekdaysany time in a weektwo or three times a week9.Most flights of Heaven Air go to _C_ .big citiessmall townsboth big and small citiesthe very center of Asia10.According to the advertisement, Heaven Air believes it is _D_ .the second biggest in the worldthe second best

5、in the worldthe biggest in the worldthe best in the world11.According to the passage, it is believed that _B_ .wolf-children is a common occurrence existing in every country every centurythe unusual occurrence of wolf-children has existed for over twenty centuriesshe-wolves enjoy looking after a hum

6、an baby instead of her own childhuman beings are curious about wolf children12.Except that the boy knew nothing about the relationships among human families, _C_facts could show that he was a wolf-child.twothreefourmany13.The word litter in the first paragraph probably refers to _C_ .a harethe boyne

7、wly-born wolvesanother she-wolf14.It took the doctor a long time to manage to get the wolf-child to _A_ .return to what it means to be a human beingforget his wolf liferemember his own family and namespeak like a human child15.Only after many long years of devoted and patient instruction did the doc

8、tor manage to _C_ .win the boys trust and make the boy obey himmake the boy walk straight up like a human beingget the boy to dress himself in clothes and feed himself as a human being doesBoth A and B16.When Jack called me at 11:30 a.m. yesterday, I _B_ lunch in the kitchen.cookedwas cookingcooksha

9、s cooked17.Have you found the man _C_hair was really long?whowhichwhosewhom18.Both the little girl and her mother _C_ from the countryside, I suppose, I can tell from their clothes.iswasaredo19.Never before _D_see such a wonderful movie! Thats the best movie I have ever seen in my life.I havehave II

10、 diddid I20.My mother _C_ mathematics in my hometown ever since she graduated from the university.taughtteacheshas taughtis teaching21 Aconcerntroubleinterestdispleasure22 Aoninwithto23 Apassivelyinstinctivelycollectivelyhopefully24 Benduresufferundergoexperience25 Dalertawakeawareinformed26 Ctellma

11、kepersuadecause27 BThereforeHoweverFurtherMoreover28 Dimpossiblewonderfulincapablepractical29 Bwithfortoin30 Con mindin heartin mindon your mind第五部分:英译汉(共3小题;每题5分,满分15分)They quested both men but neither of them could speak English.两人,但他们都会说英语。Were there any phone calls for me while I was out? 有没有人打电

12、话给我,我是吗?I am now a distance education student.我现在是一个远程教育的学生。第六部分:写作(满分15分)请根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。The Job I LikeWhen I grow up I want to be an English teacher. English is my favorite subject and I am quite good at it so I think that being an English teacher would be a great opportunity for me to

13、keep studying and learning about this international language. English is important all over the world, so I would like to help other people understand more about English and English-speaking countries.A teacher should help students to improve themselves and get a good job in the future. I would be v

14、ery happy to help other people to study this very useful language. Im looking forward to becoming a friendly and helpful teacher.In the past three years of my college life I have never ceased to think what kind of work I shall take up upon graduation. Although my ideas are not consistent, I have dec

15、ided on a college teacher as my life-long career.A variety of reasons have led me to choose this occupation over other more lucrative ones. First, teaching is learning. To make my lectures more constructive and stimulating, I have to read more books, explore new knowledge and gain a better understan

16、ding of the world the very thing I enjoy in my life. Second, teaching means freedom and independence. As a teacher, Im free to use my own ideas and make my own decisions, a privilege not everyone can have, even those with highly-paid positions. Finally, I like teaching because it offers certain peac

17、e of mind. No more rushing to catch a morning bus, no more anxiety to please a boss, no more worries about your paycheck which is steady, if not handsome.Nothing, not even a big salary, can equal for the opportunity to continue learning, The satisfaction of being your own boss,and a gentle peace of

18、life.I like to be a teacher best because both of my parents are teachers. Their students all love them and respect them which influent me a lot. Besides, being a teacher, I can always stay with the students and I will always stay young nomatter how old I am. I will feel proud because I can teach the

19、 students right from wrong and I can also learn a lot from my students. Whats more, I can have lots of chance to go on my training and there will be lots of holidays so that I can do whatever I want. Although the pay is not very high, I will feel happy to be with my studentsI like to be a doctor. Th

20、e doctor is a decent profession. He never has to stay out under the hot sunshine, or in the cold wind. He always works in a clean room with air-conditioning. Sitting in the comfortable chair, he diagnoses the sick without any compassion, no matter how serious or what pain the patient feels. After li

21、stening to a little description of the anxious patient, he may interrupt the patient and tell him or her to take a long list of body check. Like for example, the blood test, the X-ray, CT and so on. After these checks, the doctor tells the exhausting patient while scanning the test report, “Its noth

22、ing serious. Take the medicine and have a good rest.”Besides, the doctor gets high pay.Everyone likes to be such a doctor. So do I.In the past three years of my college life I have never ceased to think what kind of work I shall take up upon graduation. Although my ideas are not consistent, I have d

23、ecided on a college teacher as my life-long career.A variety of reasons have led me to choose this occupation over other more lucrative ones. First, teaching is learning. To make my lectures more constructive and stimulating, I have to read more books, explore new knowledge and gain a better underst

24、anding of the world the very thing I enjoy in my life. Second, teaching means freedom and independence. As a teacher, Im free to use my own ideas and make my own decisions, a privilege not everyone can have, even those with highly-paid positions. Finally, I like teaching because it offers certain pe

25、ace of mind. No more rushing to catch a morning bus, no more anxiety to please a boss, no more worries about your paycheck which is steady, if not handsome.Nothing, not even a big salary, can equal for the opportunity to continue learning, The satisfaction of being your own boss,and a gentle peace o

26、f life. 3、通过活动,使学生养成博览群书的好习惯。B比率分析法和比较分析法不能测算出各因素的影响程度。C采用约当产量比例法,分配原材料费用与分配加工费用所用的完工率都是一致的。C采用直接分配法分配辅助生产费用时,应考虑各辅助生产车间之间相互提供产品或劳务的情况。错 C产品的实际生产成本包括废品损失和停工损失。C成本报表是对外报告的会计报表。C成本分析的首要程序是发现问题、分析原因。C成本会计的对象是指成本核算。C成本计算的辅助方法一般应与基本方法结合使用而不单独使用。C成本计算方法中的最基本的方法是分步法。XD当车间生产多种产品时,“废品损失”、“停工损失”的借方余额,月末均直接记入该

27、产品的产品成本 中。D定额法是为了简化成本计算而采用的一种成本计算方法。F“废品损失”账户月末没有余额。F废品损失是指在生产过程中发现和入库后发现的不可修复废品的生产成本和可修复废品的修复费用。F分步法的一个重要特点是各步骤之间要进行成本结转。()G各月末在产品数量变化不大的产品,可不计算月末在产品成本。错G工资费用就是成本项目。()G归集在基本生产车间的制造费用最后均应分配计入产品成本中。对J计算计时工资费用,应以考勤记录中的工作时间记录为依据。()J简化的分批法就是不计算在产品成本的分批法。()J简化分批法是不分批计算在产品成本的方法。对 J加班加点工资既可能是直接计人费用,又可能是间接计

28、人费用。J接生产工艺过程的特点,工业企业的生产可分为大量生产、成批生产和单件生产三种,XK可修复废品是指技术上可以修复使用的废品。错K可修复废品是指经过修理可以使用,而不管修复费用在经济上是否合算的废品。P品种法只适用于大量大批的单步骤生产的企业。Q企业的制造费用一定要通过“制造费用”科目核算。Q企业职工的医药费、医务部门、职工浴室等部门职工的工资,均应通过“应付工资”科目核算。 S生产车间耗用的材料,全部计入“直接材料”成本项目。 S适应生产特点和管理要求,采用适当的成本计算方法,是成本核算的基础工作。()W完工产品费用等于月初在产品费用加本月生产费用减月末在产品费用。对Y“预提费用”可能出

29、现借方余额,其性质属于资产,实际上是待摊费用。对 Y引起资产和负债同时减少的支出是费用性支出。XY以应付票据去偿付购买材料的费用,是成本性支出。XY原材料分工序一次投入与原材料在每道工序陆续投入,其完工率的计算方法是完全一致的。Y运用连环替代法进行分析,即使随意改变各构成因素的替换顺序,各因素的影响结果加总后仍等于指标的总差异,因此更换各因索替换顺序,不会影响分析的结果。()Z在产品品种规格繁多的情况下,应该采用分类法计算产品成本。对Z直接生产费用就是直接计人费用。XZ逐步结转分步法也称为计列半成品分步法。A按年度计划分配率分配制造费用,“制造费用”账户月末(可能有月末余额/可能有借方余额/可能有贷方余额/可能无月末余额)。A按年度计划分配率分配制造费用的方法适用于(季节性生产企业)


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