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1、一、单项选择1_ is Mothers Day? ()Its _ the second Sunday of May.AWhat; onBWhen; inCWhen; on2Chinese People usually eat rice cakes and climb mountains at the _. ()ASpring FestivalBDragon Boat FestivalCMid-Autumn FestivalDChongyang Festival3Theres a new film in the cinema. Its funny. ()Really? _ Lets go.AI

2、dont like it.BIm busy.CI cant wait.4Is the girl _? ()Yes, she likes Music very much.Areading a bookBlistening to musicCwriting stories5Whats wrong with _? ()He _ a fever.Aher; hasBhim; hasChim; have6Oh, its nine oclock in the evening. Its late, I _ go to bed now. ()AshouldntBcantChave to7Fathers Day

3、 is a day _ our fathers. ()AofBonCfor8There are _ numbers in the password. The _ number is three. ()Afour; fourthBfour; fourCfourth; four9The password has _ numbers and the _ number is eight. ()Afive; thirdBfive; threeCfifth; third10Whats Tim doing? ()Hes _ his toy ship _ his friends.Ashow; forBshow

4、ing; toCShowing; for11We are too late. The film is _. ()AinBatCoffDover12You have a bad cough, you shouldnt _ so much cola now. ()AdrinkingBdrinkCdrinks13Whens _? ()Its on the second Sunday of May.AMay DayBTeachers DayCMothers Day14People usually _ at the Double Ninth Festival. ()Aeat cakesBclimb mo

5、untainsClook at the moon15He is happy _ his friends. ()Ato helpBhelpingChelps二、用单词适当形式填空16George is very happy _ (help) them.17Look! Dad _ (cook) meat in the kitchen. Hes a great _ (cook).18Wang Bing usually _ (climb) mountains and _ (eat) rice cakes at this festival.19The soup is ready!Wow, it _ (s

6、mell) nice.20_ (do) Jack _ (take) the bus to school every day?Yes, he often goes to school _ a bus.21The computer room is on _ (twelve) floor.The Art room is on the _ (eight) floor.22Ten students have _ (they) birthdays in February.23Ben _ (try) on the black T-shirt and it fits.24He wants _ (take) t

7、he bus to the supermarket.25Mum, the vegetable soup _ (smell) yummy.26The door opens. Bobby goes in. There is a pig in the house. They start _ (fight).27Its too late. Mike has to _ (go) to bed now.28How many _ (tooth) do you have?Twenty-eight.29Johns family live on the _ (three) floor in this buildi

8、ng.30Helen always _ (brush) her teeth twice(两次) a day.三、完成句子31We put on warm c_ in winter.32Im ill. I want to see the d_.33The prince v_ every house and finds Cinderella at last.34_ Day is on the tenth of September.35Mike goes to school by m_ every day.36When do you _ _ (打电话我)?_ the _ of _. (在8月5日)3

9、7Su Hai is very sad_ (wash) the dishes.38Whos _ _ (洗蔬菜) in the kitchen?Mum is.39Her parents _ (都住在) Suzhou. Her sister _ (live) near school. Her uncle is a bus _ (drive).40There are many tall buildings in our _ (城市).四、阅读判断阅读短文并判断,用T/F表示Its four oclock in the afternoon. Miss White and her students ar

10、e all in the classroom.They arent having a class. They are cleaning the classroom now. Look, Miss White is cleaning the blackboard.Wu Wei is sweeping the floor. What is Chen Yu doing? Look, she is cleaning the windows with Amy. Zhang Peng is very tall, so he is cleaning the door. Mr Black is helping

11、 him.Now the classroom is clean and bright. They are tired ,but they are very happy.1、The students are in the computer room now.( )2、Miss White is cleaning the door.( )3、Chen Yu and Amy are cleaning the windows.( )4、Zhang Peng is cleaning the door because he is tall.( )5、The students arent tired and

12、 happy.( )五、阅读判断Today is Saturday. Tom is in the living room. His mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen. Mum says, “Tom, can you help me sweep the floor?”“Sorry, mum.” says Tom. “Why?” asks mum. “Because I am busy now.” Tom says. Mum asks, “Are you doing your homework?” Tom answers, “No, Im not, m

13、um.” Mum asks again, “Are you cleaning the table?” Tom says, “No, mum.” Mum is confused, “What are you doing now?” She walks to the living room and she is unhappy now. “You are busy watching TV?”46、What day is it today? ()AIts Sunday.BIts Monday.CIts Saturday.DIts Friday.47、Mum is in the _. ()Alivin

14、g roomBkitchenCbedroomDbathroom48、Which of the following is right (下面哪个是正确的)? ()ATom is in the kitchen.BTom is busy.CMum is washing the dishes.DMum is busy.49、What do you think of Tom? ()AHe is a good boy.BHe is a clever (聪明的) boy.CHe is a kind (善良的) boy.DHe is a lazy (懒惰的) boy.50、What does the word

15、 “confused” mean in Chinese? ()A难过的B友好的C困惑的D紧张的六、阅读理解Tims father is ill in hospital. Its Sunday. Tim is on his way to the hospital to see his father. The hospital is very far from his home, so he wants to take a bus. Now he is at the bus stop, and there are many people at the stop. The bus is late,

16、so he wants to go there by taxi. When Tim gets to the hospital, his father is very happy.51、_ is ill in hospital. ()ATims motherBTimCTims father52、The hospital is _. ()Anear Tims homeBnear Tims schoolCvery far from Tims home53、Tim wants to _ at first. ()Atake a taxiBtake a busCwalk54、Tim finally _ t

17、o the hospital because the bus is late. ()Atakes a taxiBtakes a busCtakes a metro55、Tims father _ very happy when he sees Tim. ()AisntBareCis七、阅读理解阅读理解。Mr Jones and Mr Brown work in the same office. One day, Mr Jones said to Mr Brown, “I will have a small party at my house on Monday evening. Would y

18、ou and your wife (妻子) like to come?”Mr Brown said, “Thank you very much. Id love to, but let me ask my wife first.” So Mr Brown went to the other room and called his wife. Then he came back and looked very worried (焦虑的). “Whats the matter?” asked Mr Jones. “Is your wife at home?” “No,” answered Mr B

19、rown. “She isnt there. My small son answered the telephone. I said to him, Is your mother there, David? and he answered, No, she isnt in the house. Wheres she? I asked. She is somewhere (某处) outside. Whats she doing? She is looking for me.”阅读短文,选择正确的答案。56、Who is going to have a party? ()AMr Jones.BM

20、r Brown.CMrs Brown.57、Would Mr Brown like to go to the party? ()AYes, hed love to.BNo, he wouldnt.CWe dont know.58、What does Mr Brown want to do before he gives an answer to Mr Jones? ()AGo back home.BTelephone his son.CAsk Mrs Brown.59、Where does Mr Brown make the telephone call? ()AIn the same roo

21、m.BAt his home.CIn the other room.60、What is Mrs Brown doing? ()AShe is playing cards with her son at home.BShe is out somewhere looking for her son.CShes buying things in the supermarket.【参考答案】一、单项选择1C解析:C【详解】句意:母亲节在_? 在五月的第二个星期天。根据答句可知上文问的是母亲节在什么时候,因此第一空填When。in + 年 / 月 / 季节,on + 具体日期,“the second

22、Sunday of May”是具体日期,因此前面用介词on,故选C。2D解析:D【详解】句意:中国人通常在_吃年糕和爬山。A春节,B端午节,C中秋节,D重阳节,根据常识可知在重阳节吃年糕和爬山,故选D。3C解析:C【详解】句意:电影院上映一场新电影。很有趣。真的吗?_ 让我们走吧。I dont like it. 我不喜欢。Im busy. 我很忙。I cant wait.我迫不及待了。由句子中lets go可知想去看电影,故选C。【点睛】4B解析:B【详解】句意:那个女孩正在_?答语意为是的,她非常喜欢音乐。A读书,B听英语,C写故事。该句时态为现在进行时,结构为:be+doing,结合句意和

23、选项可知,此处应用listen(听)的现在分词形式listening,listen to music意为听英语,为固定答语,故选B。5B解析:B【详解】句意:_怎么啦?他发烧了。her她;him他;has第三人称单数形式;have原形;根据答语中的He可知问句中用him,答语主语He是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,故选B。6C解析:C【详解】句意:现在是晚上九点,很晚了,我_得去睡觉了。A不应该,B不能,C必须。结合句意和选项可知,此处应用have to,意为不得不,必须,故选C。7C解析:C【详解】句意:父亲节是给我们的爸爸的节日。of表示从属;on在上面;for为了,给;由句

24、子可知父亲节是给爸爸的节日,故选C。8A解析:A【详解】句意:这个密码有四个数字。第四个数字是三。第一空表数量,故用基数词four;第二空做number的定语,故用序数词fourth;故选A。9A解析:A【详解】句意:密码有_数字_数字是八。根据句意,可知密码有五个数字,用基数词five,排除C;第三个数字用序数词third,排除B,故选A。【点睛】10B解析:B【详解】句意:蒂姆在做什么?他正把他的玩具轮船给他的朋友们看呢。show sth. to sb.拿某物给某人看,根据横线前的is可知该句是现在进行时,主语 + be + 动词的现在分词。故选B。11D解析:D【详解】句意:我们晚了。这

25、个电影_。A在里;B在;C关闭;D结束;根据句意可知题干表达的是我们晚了,电影结束了。D符合语境,故选D。12B解析:B【详解】句意:你咳嗽得很厉害,现在不应该喝那么多可乐。情态动词should后跟动词原形,故选B。13C解析:C【详解】句意:_是什么时候?在五月的第二个星期日。A五一劳动节,B教师节,C母亲节,根据常识可知,母亲节在五月的第二个星期日,故选C。14B解析:B【详解】句意:人们通常在重阳节_。A吃蛋糕,B爬山,C赏月,根据常识可知人们通常在重阳节爬山,故选B。15A解析:A【详解】句意:他很高兴帮助朋友们。A不定式,B动名词,C第三人称单数,be happy to do sth

26、.很高兴做某事,后跟不定式。故选A。二、用单词适当形式填空16to help【详解】句意:乔治很高兴帮助他们。be happy to do sth很高兴做某事,固定句式,故help应用动词不定式to help,故答案为to help。17 is cooking cook【详解】句意:看,爸爸正在厨房煮肉,他是一位优秀的厨师。Look是现在进行时的标志词,其结构:主语+be+doing+其他,主语dad是第三人称单数,be动词用is,cook的现在分词是cooking;great是形容词,后接名词,cook作为名词意为厨师,故答案为is cooking;cook。18B解析: climbs ea

27、ts【详解】句意:在这个节日王兵通常爬山和吃年糕。climb爬,eat吃,根据usually可知该句是一般现在时,主语Wang Bing是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故答案为climbs;eats。19smells【详解】句意:汤准备好了!哇,它闻起来很好。smell闻起来,该句是一般现在时,主语it是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式smells。故答案为smells。20D解析: Does take on【详解】句意:杰克每天乘公交车去上学吗?是的,他经常乘公交车去上学。根据问句句意可知这是一般现在时,句中有谓语动词take,所以一般疑问句要借助助动词,主语是Jac

28、k第三人称单数,助动词用does,后加动词原形take,答句中已经有谓语动词goes,所以乘公交车可以用介词短语on a bus,故答案为Does;take;on。21 twelfth eighth【详解】句意:电脑教室在十二楼。美术教室在八楼。表示楼层时用序数词,twelve的序数词是twelfth,eight的序数词是eighth。故答案为twelfth;eighth。22their【详解】句意:十个学生在二月过生日。they他们,人称代词主格,修饰名词应用其形容词性物主代词their他们的,故答案为their。23B解析:tries【详解】句意:本试穿了那件黑色T恤,很合身。fits说明

29、句子是一般现在时,主语Ben是第三人称单数,动词try要用第三人称单数形式tries,故答案为tries。24to take【详解】句意:他想坐公共汽车去超市,want to do sth想做某事,故答案为to take。25smells【详解】妈妈,蔬菜汤闻起来很美味。主语是the vegetable soup不可数名词,动词用第三人称单数smells,故答案为smells。26fighting【详解】句意:门开了。鲍比进去了。房子里有一头猪。他们开始打架。start doing sth.开始做某事,fight的动名词是fighting,故答案为fighting。27go【详解】句意:太晚了

30、。迈克现在必须去睡觉。本题考查has to不得不,不得不做某事,to 后加动词原形。故答案为go。28teeth【详解】句意:你有几颗牙齿?二十八颗。tooth牙齿,how many后跟可数名词复数,tooth的复数形式为teeth,故答案为teeth。29third【详解】句意:约翰一家住在这栋楼的三楼。在几楼用序数词,three序数词是third,third floor三楼,故答案为third。【点睛】30H解析:brushes【详解】句意:海伦总是一天刷两次牙。由句中always可知句子时态为一般现在时,主语为Helen,因此动词应用第三人称单数形式brushes,故答案为brushes

31、。【点睛】三、完成句子31clothes#lothes【详解】句意:我们在冬天穿上温暖的_。根据句意和所给单词首字母可知这里表达的是我们在冬天穿上温暖的衣服,衣服用clothes。故答案为clothes。32doctor#octor【详解】句意:我病了。我想要去看_。根据句意及首字母d,可知考查动词短语see the doctor,意思是看医生,故答案为doctor。33visits#isits【详解】句意:王子拜访了每家每户,终于找到了灰姑娘。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词visit拜访,and连接的动词形式要一致,finds是find的第三人称单数,visit也用第三人称单数形式visit

32、s,故答案为visits。34Teachers【详解】句意:_节在九月十日。根据题意和常识可知,教师节在九月十日。教师节teachers day,故答案为Teachers。35metro#etro【详解】句意:迈克每天乘_去上学。根据句意和首字母,可知考查单词metro地铁,by metro乘地铁,介词短语,故答案为metro。【点睛】36A解析: call me On fifth August【详解】句意:你什么时候给我打电话?在8月5日。打电话call,do后跟动词原形,我me,8月5日the fifth of August,在某一天用介词on,故答案为call;me;On;fifth;A

33、ugust。37to wash【详解】句意:苏海洗了盘子,很伤心。此题考查不定式,sb is+形容词+to do sth某人做了某事,某人怎么样,根据句意,故答案为to wash。【点睛】38 washing vegetables【详解】句意:谁在厨房里洗蔬菜?是妈妈。洗蔬菜wash vegetables,由Whos可知句子是现在进行时,故动词用现在分词,wash的现在分词是washing。故答案为washing;vegetables。39H解析: both live lives driver【详解】句意:她的父母都住在苏州。她姐姐住在学校附近。她的叔叔是一位公共汽车司机。parents是两个

34、人,两者都用both,住live,从后文的is可知句子是一般现在时,第一空填both live;第二空前主语Her sister是第三人称单数,动词live用第三人称单数形式lives;第三空表达司机driver,前面有冠词a,用单数;故答案为both live;lives;driver。40city【详解】句意:我们城市里有很多高楼。city城市,in our city在我们的城市里,介词短语,故答案为city。四、阅读判断41F解析:1、F2、F3、T4、T5、F【解析】1、由短文听关键句“Its four oclock in the afternoon. Miss White and h

35、er students are all in the classroom.”可知学生们都在教室里,而不是在电脑房里,故为F。2、由短文听关键句“They are cleaning the classroom now. Look, Miss White is cleaning the blackboard .”可知Miss White正在擦黑板,而不是擦门,故为F。3、由短文听关键句“What is Chen Yu doing? Look, she is cleaning the windows with Amy.”可知Chen Yu和Amy正在擦窗户,故为T。4、由短文听关键句“Zhang P

36、eng is very tall, so he is cleaning the door.”可知Zhang Peng个子非常高,所以他正在擦门,故为T。5、由短文中关键句“Now the classroom is clean and bright.They are tired,but they are very happy.”可知学生们虽然累但是很开心。故为F。五、阅读判断解析:46、C47、B48、D49、D50、C【导语】本文介绍了汤姆星期六在家的生活。46、句意:今天是星期几?A今天是星期天。B今天是星期一。C今天是星期六。D今天是星期五。根据Today is Saturday.,可知今

37、天是星期六,故选C。47、句意:妈妈在_里。A客厅,B厨房,C卧室,D浴室,根据“His mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen.”,可知妈妈在厨房里,故选B。48、句意:下面哪个是正确的?A汤姆在厨房里。B汤姆很忙。C妈妈正在洗碗。D妈妈很忙。根据第一段可知妈妈很忙,故选D。49、句意:你觉得汤姆怎么样?A他是个好男孩。B他是个聪明的男孩。C他是个善良的男孩。D他是个懒惰的男孩。根据全文的描述可知汤姆是个懒惰的男孩,故选D。50、句意:单词“confused”的中文意思是什么?根据所学和短文语境,可知confused的中文意思是困惑的,故选C。六、阅读

38、理解解析:51、C52、C53、B54、A55、C【导语】文本讲述蒂姆去医院看望他的爸爸。51、句意:_生病住院了。由句子Tims father is ill in hospital.可知是蒂姆的爸爸住院。A.蒂姆的妈妈;B.蒂姆;C.蒂姆的爸爸;故选C。52、句意:医院是_。句子The hospital is very far from his home.可知医院离他的家很远。A.在蒂姆的家附近;B.在蒂姆的学校附近;C.在蒂姆的家非常远;故选C。53、句意:蒂姆一开始想要_。由句子so he wants to take a bus. 可知他想坐公交车。A.打车;B.坐公交车;C.走路;故选

39、B。54、句意:蒂姆最终_去医院因为公交车迟了。由句子The bus is late, so he wants to go there by taxi. 可知他打车去的。A.打车;B.坐公交车;C.坐地铁;故选A。55、句意:当蒂姆的爸爸看见他时_非常开心。由句子When Tim gets to the hospital, his father is very happy.可知爸爸非常开心。A.不是;B.是;C.是;故选C。七、阅读理解解析:56、A57、A58、C59、C60、B【分析】短文大意:Mr Jones 和Mr Brown在谈论聚会的事情。56、句意:谁打算句型一次聚会?根据One

40、 day, Mr Jones said to Mr Brown, “I will have a small party at my house on Monday evening. 可知是Mr Jones,故选A。57、句意:布朗先生想要去参加聚会吗?根据Mr Brown said, “Thank you very much. Id love to, but let me ask my wife first.” 可知他想去,故做肯定回答,故选A。58、句意:当布朗先生在给约翰回复之前他想做什么?根据Mr Brown said, “Thank you very much. Id love to, but let me ask my wife first.” 可知他要先问问他的妻子,故选C。59、句意:布朗先生在哪里打的电话?根据So Mr Brown went to the other room and called his wife.可知他在另一个房间里,故选C。60、句意:布朗夫人正在做什么?根据Whats she doing? She is looking for me.可知她正在找她的儿子,故选B。【点睛】


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