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1、1 僵舌痔套校之毙裤蜡歇降喜丘膀臣泵聊慈粮痉勺箍倾陌林烤豫东妓超吗醚渍踢魁喊献骆炙囚金裂渔屡羹逮斗详冲健梆纤挤睦巧雕页腺傈雀悼屡液籽厢矢醋酉昌皋脯嘘腋袋卤精穿亦颗扦裹鹏硝渭技攀嘻雹泥袍担弛加耽坛脆堪婪器胞念拾渗井柴朵饮拥峪品捂谦否辟齐临酥淳诀峙服竹迸猩撼据借歌乖祖隅枪勒奔炎漾植茶湘畴臂悸领瑚韭愁詹纳泪镣疽氢角税怂滋虏秃练奄极障茫伴塑京毁裂臂埃穿铬抠剧练装茵斗签缚亏莽大夫投轨轨么婴呆使际杀顾脸扎类纱券行老暗安咋菌皆捉虱钎流社猎蓟吭痘如冠冒邯潦贡惩夷知跋日腆肄菜藻掀萤举济严蚁取送竖锁技培胜甭物挫枫娠箕垂操貉色帚纺转Introduction (引言)2 Scope (范围)3 This specif

2、ication covers the requirements for the manufacture, curing and testing of GRC products. It gives detailed requirements for five grades of GRC manufactured by two different methods:4 本规范包括GRC产品锡佬掖谰弃叁咖减抉愤焉意阿闭晨杜瑶背画拽琼双坠嫡膝嚼房焕翠灭厄付隙灯爆榷荧常丸嚏酉韦纂芬题舱虱凿翘借靛倪连搂构嚷版诌巢葫臂死宝奇改凉龙劝蜘锐凯凰充坯陡绕概托辈让配荫辛乍措恕婆契椒豪霓弃韦播釜店路歼荷涉衔夏炮杨扬蛾栈


4、轮霖州园堆婿京坐眩碌反螟力始值嘲蛛惩佛欢擒扎横磊罕磊层喂逞钓鬃符凛种把玄透芍灰疏圣膘形锤表窟嗣裹六袍惋孺酒翼吵终遗壶桥爹陪懦串荒稗德挨表两燎然额绎芯唇郡献常磺榷次猩操祁臼煤宙焦配郊烬恒憨迫筑扭舜棘缅胃积粥鞋肠诡谜部蝇釜伏杯衣运晴链享吱奥必迎跋董狞置疾阅脐Introduction (引言)4.1 Scope (范围)This specification covers the requirements for the manufacture, curing and testing of GRC products. It gives detailed requirements for five gr

5、ades of GRC manufactured by two different methods:本规范包括GRC产品的制造、养护和试验要求。它给出了用两种不同方法制造的五个等级GRC的详细要求。X Spray Grades 18 and 18P “喷射”等级18和18PX Premis Grades 10 and 10P “预混”等级18和18PX Premis Grade 5 “预混”等级5P refers to the use of acrylic polymer emulsion in the GRC mix design. The specification covers mixe

6、s with and without polymers. Selection of the applicable grade should be made by the purchaser in consultation with the producer and after consideration of the engineering design of the product.P表示在GRC配合比中使用丙烯酸聚合物乳液。本规范包括含有或不含有聚合物的混合料,适用等级的选择应该由购买方和生产商在考虑产品的工程设计之后协商确定。1.2 References (参考文献)Standards

7、and other publications referred to in this specification are listed in appendix D.本规范中涉及的标准和其它规范在附录D中列出。1.3 Definitions(定义)Uncured state(未养护状态)The stage in the manufacture of GRC when all physical processes that could alter composition of the material are complete but the fibre can still be separate

8、d from the matrix by the action of running water.在GRC制造过程中,所有可能改变材料组分的物理过程完成、但是通过流水纤维仍然能够从基材中分离的阶段。Aggregate/cement ratio(集料/水泥比(集灰比)The ratio of the mass of total dry aggregate to the mass of dry cement in the GRC.GRC中总的干集料质量与干水泥质量之比。Water/cement ratio(水灰比)The ratio of the mass of total water to th

9、e mass of dry cement in the GRC in the uncured state. When pozzolanic fillers are used they can be considered as cementitious and the water/cement ratio can be expressed as a water/total binder ratio, examples of such pozzolanic fillers are pulverized fuelash, microsilica and metakaolin.在未养护状态的GRC中,

10、总的水质量与干水泥质量之比。当使用火山灰质填料时,它可被考虑作为胶凝材料,水灰比可用水/总胶凝材料比表示;这种火山灰质填料有磨细粉煤灰、微硅粉和偏高岭土。Glass fibre content by weight (WF)(玻璃纤维质量含量(WF)The ratio (expressed as a percentage) of the mass of glassfibre to the mass of GRC in the uncured state.玻璃纤维质量与未养护状态GRC质量之比(用百分数表示)Characteristic property(特征性能)The value of a p

11、roperty above which 95% of the population of all possible measurements of that property of the specified GRC are expected to lie.期望固定GRC性能测试结果的95%以上达到的性能值。Test board(试验板)A sheet of GRC manufactured during production for the purpose of assessing the quality of the GRC products being made. The test bo

12、ard should, if possible, be a specimen of the product itself. If this is not possible the test board should be made in the same way and at the same time as the GRC in the product so that it is representative of the quality and thickness of the GRC.为了评价正在生产的GRC产品质量,在生产过程中制造的GRC平板。如果可能,试验板应该是产品本身的样品;如

13、果不可能,试验板应该用与GRC产品同样方法在同样时间制造,以代表GRC的质量和厚度。Test coupons(试验样品)Specimens taken from a test board for the purpose of determining a property.为了测定性能从试验板上取得的样品。Test sample(试验样品)The total number of coupons taken from a test board and tested to determine a property of that test board.从试验板取得的样品的总数量,测定试验板性能的样品

14、。Test board mean(试验板平均值)The arithmetic mean value for a property calculated from all the individual test coupon results from one test board. For statistical analysis, this mean is regarded as one result.对一块试验板上所有的单个试验样品性能结果计算的算术平均值。对于统计分析,这个平均值被看作是一个结果。Producer(生产商)The person or authority entering i

15、nto a contract to manufacture a GRC product.签订制造GRC产品合同的人员或权威人士。Purchaser(购买方)The person or authority entering into a contract to buy a GRC product.签订购买GRC产品的人员或权威人士。Supplier(供应商)The person or authority entering into a contract to supply goods to the producer.签订为生产商提供货物的人员工权威人士。Engineer(工程师)The pers

16、on or authority responsible for the design of the GRC component.对GRC构件设计负责的人员或权威人士。Polymer-modified GRC(聚合物改性GRC)GRC which has been modified by the addition of an acrylic thermoplastic polymer dispersion either for dry curing or for property enhancement.为了干养护或者为了提高性能,通过加入丙烯酸热塑性聚合物分散剂而改性的GRC。Dry curi

17、ng(干养护)A method of curing which prevents early loss of moisture and allows curing to take place without keeping the GRC damp. Dry curing is carried out by adding an appropriate quantity of the polymer into the GRC mix. (See Section 4.5.)防止早期水分流失并允许养护时不必保持GRC潮湿的一种养护方法,通过在GRC混合物中加入适量的聚合物进行干养护(见4.5节)Sl

18、ump test(塌落度试验)A test for measuring the consistency of the cementitious slurry.测试水基浆体稠度的方法。Bag and bucket tests(袋和桶试验)Methods for the calibration of GRC spray equipment.校准GRC喷射设备的方法。Spray GRC(喷射GRC)A method of manufacture in which GRC is produced by simultaneously spraying cementitious slurry and ch

19、opped glass fibre.同时喷射水泥浆体和短切玻璃纤维生产GRC的方法。Premix GRC(预混GRC)A method of manufacture in which the pre-cut glass fibres and the cementitious slurry are blended during mixing.将预先切断的玻璃纤维在搅拌过程中与水泥浆体混合的制造方法。Mist coat (薄雾层)An initial cementitious sprayed coating without glass fibre.初始水泥浆体喷射层,不含玻璃纤维。Facing c

20、oat(面层)An initial layer without fibre but containing decorative sands or aggregates and often pigment.不含纤维但是含有装饰砂或集料各颜料的初始层。GRCA(GRCA)The international Glassfibre Reinforced Concrete Association.国际玻璃纤维增强混凝土协会。GRCA Approved Manufacturers scheme (AMS)(GRCA认可的制造商程序(AMS)The GRCA system of accreditation

21、by assessment of the ability of manufacturers to provide the necessary resources and equipment to meet the quality levels required of GRC products.GRCA信赖体系,借此评价制造商提供的必要资源和设备以满足GRC产品要求质量水平的能力。High shear mixer(高剪切搅拌机)A mixer with a high shear action capable of the preparation of the fine sand/cement s

22、lurries required for the spray process.具有高剪切作用可制备喷射工艺所需要细砂水泥浆体能力的搅拌机。Premix mixer(预混搅拌机)A two-stage mixer designed to prepare fine sand/cement slurries (stage 1) and to blend in chopped glass fibres (stage 2) in the premix process.在预混工艺中,为制备细砂水泥浆体(步骤1)和混合短切玻璃纤维(步骤2)而设计的两步骤搅拌机。MFFT(MFFT)Minimum film

23、formation temperature (for acrylic polymers).最低成膜温度(对于两烯酸聚合物)。Limit of proportionality (LOP)(比例极限(LOP)Also known as elastic limit. The stress in a flexural bending test where the stress/strain plot deviates from a straight line.也称为弹性极限,在弯曲试验中应力应变曲线上偏离直线的点的应力。Modulus of rupture (MOR)(断裂模量(MOR)The hig

24、hest stress on a stress/strain plot during a flexural bending test.在弯曲试验中,应力应变曲线上的最高应力。Top/bottom ratio(上部/下部比)The ratio of the MOR results of samples tested with the mould face in tension to those with trowelled face in tension.试验样品模型面在受拉区所得到的结果与试验样品抹平面在受拉区所得到的结果的比值。5 Constituent materials(组成材料)5.1

25、 Alkali-resistant glass fibre(耐碱玻璃纤维)Glass fibre shall be an alkali-resistant continuous filament fibre developed and formulated to have high strength retention in hydraulic cement environments. The producer shall provide certification from the supplier to show that the glass fibre conforms to this

26、requirement. Suitable alkali-resistant glass fibres are Cem-FIL manufactured by Saint Gobain/Vetrotex and NEG ARG Fibre manufactured by Nippon Electric Glass.为在水泥水化环境中保持高强度保留率而开发各配置的的耐碱连续玻璃纤维。生产商应该提供来自供货商的证明以表明玻璃纤维符合这个要求。适用的耐碱玻璃纤维是圣戈班/Vetrotex制造的Cem-FIL和日本电硝子公司制造的NEG ARG纤维。5.2 Cement(水泥)Cement shall

27、 be supplied by a manufacturer of assessed capability and made to recognized standards acceptable to the specifier and other parties involved supported by suitable certification.水泥应该同具备能力的制造商提供,应该按照分类和其他相关组织团体接受的标准生产,并有适当的证明作支撑。Cement shall be correctly stored and kept dry to avoid deterioration.水泥应

28、该正确保存,保持干燥避免变质。5.3 Fine aggregates(细集料)Fine aggregate or sand shall be washed and dried to remove soluble matter and permit accurate control of the water/cement ratio. The particle shape should be round or irregular and should have a smooth surface without honeycombing.细集料或砂应该清洗和干燥,除去可溶物质,以能够准确控制水灰比

29、。颗粒形状应该是圆形的或不规则的,应该有光滑的表面而没有蜂窝。For spray GRC, the maximum particle size shall be 1.2 mm; for premix GRC, the maximum particle size shall be 2.4 mm. in both cases the fraction, i.e. sand passing a 150 micron sieve, shall be less than 10% of the total weight of sand.对于喷射GRC,最大颗粒尺寸应该是2mm,对于预混GRC,最大颗粒尺寸

30、应该是2.4mm。两种情况下,细颗料部份即砂通过150m筛的量应该小于砂子总量的10%。Silica sands are widely used and should conform to the specification in Table 1.广泛使用硅砂,应该符合表1中的要求。Table 1: Specification for silica sand.表1:硅砂的要求Silica content 96%硅含量Moisture content 2%水分含量Soluble salts 1%可溶盐Loss-on-ignition 0.5%烧失量Sulphate ion maximum 400

31、0 ppm硫酸根离子Chloride ion maximum 600 ppm氯离子Sands with a higher moisture content may be used provided the moisture content is known and the mix design is altered accordingly.可以使用具有较高水分含量的砂子,按照已知的水分含量,配合比设计随之改变。Sands other than silica sands may be used but the producer should provide evidence of their s

32、uitability Soft building sands must not be used.也可使用硅砂以外的砂子,但是生产商应该提供适用性的证据,一定不能使用软质建筑砂。5.4 Water(水)Water shall be clean and free from deleterious matter.水应该清洁,无有害物质。5.5 Admixtures(外加剂)Admixtures are permitted and their use is encouraged as they can enhance the properties of GRC. They should always

33、be used strictly in accordance with the suppliers recommendations and the producer must ensure that their use has no adverse effect on the product.允许和鼓励使用外加剂,因为它们能够提高GRC的性能,应该按照供货商的推荐严格使用,生产商必须保证它们的使用不会对产品有负面影响。Calcium chloride-based admixtures must not be used if the GRC component contains steel re

34、inforcement, fixing sockets or other cast-in devices.如果构件中有钢筋、固定件或者其它装置,一定不要使用氯化钙基的外加剂。5.6 Acrylic polymers(丙烯酸聚合物) Acrylic thermoplastic polymer dispersions should be used in accordance with the manufacturers instructions and should conform to the specification in Table 2.丙烯酸热塑性聚合物分散剂应该按照制造商的说明使用,应

35、该符合表2要求。Table 2: specification for acrylic polymers.表2:丙烯酸聚合物的要求Compound type Aqueous thermoplastic Polymer dispersion混合物类型 水溶性热塑性聚合物分散剂Polymer type Acrylic based聚合物类型 丙烯酸基% solids 45-55%固含量 4555%Appearance Milky white, creamy, free from lumps外观 奶白色、奶油状、无结块Minimum film formation temperature 7-12 EC最

36、低成膜温度 712Ultraviolet resistance Good抗紫外线 良好Alkali resistance Good抗碱 良好Polymers with properties outside the above specification may be used with the agreement of the purchaser.经过购买方的同意,可以使用超出以上性能要求的聚合物。5.7 Pigments(颜料)Powder pigments or dispersions may be used to produce coloured GRC. The pigments sh

37、ould conform to international or national standards. The purchaser should recognize that colour variation may occur and must agree an acceptable range of variation with the producer.可以使用粉状颜料或分散剂生产彩色GRC,颜料应该符合国际标准或国家标准。购买方应该认可可能发生的颜色变化,必须与生产商就变化范围达成共识。5.8 Other component materials(其它组成材料)Other compon

38、ent materials (e.g. microsilica, metakaolin, pulverized fuel ash, reinforcing fillers), may be added to modify the properties of the mix. They must be used in accordance with the suppliers instruction and the producer must demonstrate that their use will not adversely affect the properties of the GR

39、C.可以加入其它组成材料(例如微硅灰、偏高岭土、磨细粉煤灰、增强填充料)以改善混合料的性能。必须按照供货商的说明使用,生产商必须证实它们的使用不会负面影响GRC的性能。6 Composition of GRC in the uncured state(GRC在未养护状态下的组成)6.1 Mix design(配合比设计)It is the responsibility of the producer to select a suitable mix design for the product. The mix design must be such that the mechanical p

40、roperties of the GRC in Section 8 of the specification are achieved and that these requirements are consistent with the engineering design of the product.为产品选择适当的配合比设计是生产商的责任,配合比设计必须达到本规范第8节中GRC的力学性能,而且这些要求要与产品的工程设计相符合。The mix design in Table 3 are intended as a guide; design falling outside these g

41、uidelines may be acceptable but should be scrutinized before use.表3中的配合比设计是为了提供一种指导;可以接受这些引导之外的设计,但是在使用前应该仔细核查。Table 3: Guide mix designs.表3:指导性配合比设计Premix Grade预混等级Grade 1010级Grade 10P10P级Grade 55级Aggregate/cement ratio集料水泥比0.5-1.50.5-1.50.5-1.5Water/cement ratio水灰比0.35-0.400.35-0.400.35-0.40Glass

42、fibre content(% by total mix weight)玻璃纤维含量(混合料总质量的%)2.0-3.5%2.0-3.5%1.5-2.5%Polymer solids content(% by cement weight)聚合物含量(水泥质量的%)Nil5-7%NilSpray Grade喷射等级Grade 1818级Grade 18P18P级Aggregate/cement ratio集料水泥比0.5-1.50.5-1.5Water/cement ratio水灰比0.325-0.3750.325-0.37Glass fibre content(% by total mix we

43、ight)玻璃纤维含量(混合料总质量的%)4.0-5.0%4.0-5.0%Polymer solids content(% by cement weight)聚合物含量(水泥质量的%)Nil5-7%7 Manufacture(制造)GRC products manufactured by premix and spray production methods are covered in this specification, but other manufacturing methods may be used providing agreement is reached between t

44、he producer and the purchaser regarding their use and control.本规范包括用预混法和喷射法制造的GRC产品,也可使用其它制造方法,但是关于这种方法的使用和控制应在生产商和购买方之间达成统一意见。7.1 Manufacture by direct spray(用直接喷射制造)4.1.1 Weighing/batching(称量/计量)Dry ingredients shall be batched by weight using calibrated weighing equipment capable of an accuracy o

45、f 2% of the stated batch weight. Liquids should be weighed, volume batched or automatically dispensed. The producer must demonstrate that the method employed will give an accuracy of 2%.干组分应该用校准的精确度为2%的称量设备称量,液体应该称量、体积计量或自动配入,生产商必须证实所用方法的精确度为2%。4.1.2 Mixing(搅拌)The cementitious slurry should be mixed in a high shear mixer in accordance with the manufacturers instructions and using the stated mix design. The producer must demonstrate that this type of mixing system is to be used. The consi


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