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1、小学英语六年级上册阅读理解专项模拟试题测试卷(及答案)(1)一、阅读理解Danny: Hi, Li Hua! Happy Chinese New Year!Li Hua: Hi, Danny! Happy Year of the Ox (牛,公牛).Danny: Sorry, what do you mean?Li Hua: Well, we Chinese named the years after twelve animals. This year is the Year of the Ox! It is a new start cycle of the twelve animals.Da

2、nny: Who decides the order of Chinese zodiac (生肖).Li Hua: In one story, the Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝) held a running race to choose animals for the names of the years. There were twelve animals faster than the others. The rat was the first of these twelve animals. The ox was the second.Danny: So interesti

3、ng! I want to know what my Chinese zodiac.Li Hua: When were you born? Danny: I was born in 2009. Li Hua: Wow! Your birth-year animal is the rat. This year is your animal year (本命年).1、This year is the Year of the _. ()ATigerBRatCOx.2、Who tells us a story about Chinese zodiac? ()ALi HuaBDannyCLiu Hua3

4、、In the story, the Jade Emperor held a _ race. ()AsingingBswimmingCrunning4、_ was the first animal in the race. ()AThe ratBThe oxCThe horse5、How old is Danny now? ()A8B12C18二、阅读理解 Mary is from Canada. She teaches English in China now. She knows a little Chinese. She isnt free (空闲的) from Monday to Fr

5、iday. So she often goes shopping on Saturday.Today is Saturday. Mary goes to the shop. She comes out of her car and goes into the shop. “What can I do for you?” the man in the shop asks her in Chinese. So she says in Chinese, ” A quilt (被子), please.” Then the man goes to the back of the shop. “My Ch

6、inese is not bad. The man understands (理解) me, ” she thinks. Mary is happy. Soon the man comes back. He shows Mary a cup.6、Mary is a _. ()AstudentBdoctorCteacher7、Mary often _ on Saturday. ()Adoes some washingBgoes shoppingCgoes to school8、Mary goes to the shop _. ()Aby busBby trainCby car9、Mary wan

7、ts to buy _. ()Aa cupBa quiltCbooks10、From the passage(文章), we know _. ()AMary is busy from Monday to FridayBMarys Chinese is goodCthe man understands Mary三、阅读理解Its Sunday. Ben, Mike and David are in the library. They want to read some books. There are some public signs on the walls of the library.

8、The signs mean different things. Ben and Mike know a lot about them. They shouldnt litter and must keep quiet in the library. They shouldnt eat or drink. Suddenly, they see a man eating. Ben goes up to him and says, “Sir, you cant eat here. Look at that sign. It means No eating or drinking.” The man

9、 says sorry and goes out of the library.11、What day is it today? ()AIts Saturday.BIts Sunday.CIts Monday.12、Where are Ben, Mike and David? ()AIn the park.BIn the zoo.CIn the library.13、Who doesnt know a lot about public signs? ()ABen.BThe man.CMike.14、They see a man _. ()AeatingBdrinkingCsmoking15、W

10、hich of the following is WRONG according to the signs in the library? ()AOne of the signs means we should keep quiet.BOne of the signs means we should litter.COne of the signs means we shouldnt eat or drink.四、阅读理解Different cities have different ways to go to work. Lets go and have a look. There are

11、lots of people in Beijing, China. Many people go to work by subway. Its fast and cheap. It helps reduce traffic jams (减少交通堵塞).A red double-decker bus (红色双层巴士) carries people to work in London. People like to go to work by bus. It is very interesting. In New York, people often go to work by car. Some

12、times they go by bus. They like to go by taxi if they are in a hurry. Taking a taxi can save time, but it is expensive.16、There are _ cities in the passage (文章). ()AtwoBthreeCfour17、Many people in Beijing take the _ to work. ()AsubwayBtaxiCbus18、People often _ to work in the USA()Atake a taxiBtake a

13、 red double-decker busCdrive a car19、The underlined words in a hurry mean _. () (划线词in a hurry的意思)A等待B匆忙C悠闲20、In New York, taking a taxi can save time, but it is _. ()Afast and cheapBcheap but slowCexpensive五、阅读理解 The e-schoolbagHeavy schoolbags are bad for students health. Now the e-schoolbag will

14、help students.In fact, the e-schoolbag is a computer for students. It is small and light, but it can store (存储) many things for students, such as textbooks and exercises. Students can also use chips. They can put the right chip into the e-schoolbag and read the textbooks page by page on the screen.

15、Students can also use the e-schoolbag to take notes or send emails to their teachers.Some people say the e-schoolbag is good for students study, but some people say its not good for students eyes. I think time will tell us the result.21、The e-schoolbag is a(n) _. ()AcomputerBmobile phoneCe-book22、Th

16、e e-schoolbag is _. ()Alight and bigBbig and heavyCsmall and light23、Students can use _ to store textbooks. ()AchipsBpaperCexercise books24、Students can use the e-schoolbag to _. ()Atalk with their friendsBmake chipsCread textbooks and take notes25、Which of the following is TRUE? ()AWe cant buy the

17、e-schoolbag now.BThe e-schoolbag may be bad for students eyes.CAll parents dont like the e-schoolbag.六、阅读理解Everyone has his or her own living habits. Keeping good living habits is important. Why are some habits better than others? Lets find out.Why do we need to eat coarse grain (粗粮)?Corn, sweet pot

18、ato, soybean and oats are all coarse grains. Eating coarse grains is good for your health. They have a lot of dietary fiber (食用纤维).They are good for your digestion (消化). You can cook them in porridge or make drinks with them.Why shouldnt we bend (弯曲) our heads for a long time?Keeping your head bent

19、down for long is not good for your neck. Why is that? Its because you put too much pressure on your neck. Its like putting two watermelons (about 27 kilograms) on your neck. You might have neck and shoulder pain by doing that.Why shouldnt we rub (揉) our eyes?Your hands are dirty. When you rub your e

20、yes, the bacteria (细菌) on your hands may go into your eyes. Your eyelashes (睫毛) might also break or fall off. If something gets in your eyes, do not rub them. Rinse (冲洗) them with cold water.Why is a cold-water bath after exercising bad? After exercising, your skin is sweating (流汗) and your heart is

21、 beating fast. A cold-water bath will stimulate (刺激) them too much. It might give you a cramp (抽筋) or headache. Youd better wait for a while until your body cools down. Then you can take a warm-water bath to relax.26、Which is NOT a coarse grain? ()ACorn.BSoybean.CRice.27、What should you do if you ge

22、t something in your eyes? ()ARub your eyes.BRinse your eyes with cold water.CTake some medicine.28、What does the word “pressure” mean in Chinese? ()A重量B压力C疼痛29、_ might give you a cramp or headache. ()AEating more coarse grainBTaking a warm-water bath after exercisingCTaking a cold-water bath after e

23、xercising30、We can read this passage (短文) in a book about _. ()AHEALTHBFOODCSPORTS【参考答案】一、阅读理解1、C2、A3、C4、A5、B【分析】对话大意:对话介绍了中国的十二生肖的故事。1、句意:今年是_年。A虎;B鼠;C牛;根据对话中的T解析:1、C2、A3、C4、A5、B【分析】对话大意:对话介绍了中国的十二生肖的故事。1、句意:今年是_年。A虎;B鼠;C牛;根据对话中的This year is the Year of the Ox! 今年是牛年。故选C。2、句意:谁告诉我们关于中国生肖的故事?A李华;B丹尼

24、;C刘华;根据对话,可知是李华,故选A。3、句意:在故事里,玉皇大帝举行了_比赛。A唱歌;B游泳;C跑步;根据对话中的 In one story, the Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝) held a running race to choose animals for the names of the years.在一个故事,玉皇大帝举行一场赛跑选择动物作为年份的名字。可知玉皇大帝举行跑步比赛,故选C。4、句意:_是比赛中第一名动物。A鼠;B牛;C马;根据对话中的The rat was the first of these twelve animals. 鼠是这十二个动物中的第一名。

25、故选A。5、句意:丹尼现在多大了?根据对话中的 I was born in 2009.Your birth-year animal is the rat. This year is your animal year (本命年).我出生于2009年。你的生肖是鼠。今年是你的本命年。可知丹尼十二岁了,故选B。【点睛】二、阅读理解6、C7、B8、C9、B10、A【分析】本文讲了玛丽来自加拿大,现在在中国教英语,周六去购物买被子的事情。6、句意:玛丽是一名_。解析:6、C7、B8、C9、B10、A【分析】本文讲了玛丽来自加拿大,现在在中国教英语,周六去购物买被子的事情。6、句意:玛丽是一名_。A学生,

26、B医生,C老师,根据Mary is from Canada. She teaches English in China now.,可知玛丽是一名老师,故选C。7、句意:玛丽经常星期六_。A洗衣服,B去购物,C去上学,根据So she often goes shopping on Saturday.,可知玛丽经常星期六去购物,故选B。8、句意:玛丽_去商店。A乘公共汽车,B乘火车,C开车,根据Mary goes to the shop. She comes out of her car and goes into the shop.,可知玛丽开车去商店,故选C。9、句意:玛丽想买_。A一个杯子,

27、B一床杯子,C书,根据So she says in Chinese, ” A quilt (被子), please.”,可知玛丽想买一床被子,故选B。10、句意:从文章,我们知道_。A玛丽从星期一到星期五很忙。B玛丽的汉语很好,C这个男人懂玛丽,根据She isnt free (空闲的) from Monday to Friday.,可知玛丽从星期一到星期五很忙,故选A。【点睛】三、阅读理解11、B12、C13、B14、A15、B【导语】本文主要叙述了本、迈克和大卫对于图书馆内标志的认识。11、句意:今天星期几?A今天是星期六。解析:11、B12、C13、B14、A15、B【导语】本文主要叙述

28、了本、迈克和大卫对于图书馆内标志的认识。11、句意:今天星期几?A今天是星期六。B今天是星期天。C今天是星期一。根据句子“Its Sunday.今天是星期天。”故选B。12、句意:本、迈克和大卫在哪里?A在公园里。B在动物园里。C在图书馆里。根据句子“Ben, Mike and David are in the library. 本、迈克和大卫在图书馆。”故选C。13、句意:谁不太了解公共标志?A本。B那个人。C迈克。根据句子“这些标志意味着不同的东西。本和迈克对他们了解很多。”和句子“ Suddenly, they see a man eating.突然,他们看到一个人在吃东西。”故选B。1

29、4、句意:他们看见一个_的人。A吃,B喝,C抽烟,根据句子“ Suddenly, they see a man eating.突然,他们看到一个人在吃东西。”故选A。15、句意:根据图书馆的标志,以下哪一项是错误的?A其中一个标志意味着我们应该保持安静。B其中一个标志意味着我们应该乱扔垃圾。C其中一个标志意味着我们不应该吃或喝。根据句子“They shouldnt litter and must keep quiet in the library. They shouldnt eat or drink.他们不应该乱扔垃圾,必须在图书馆保持安静。他们不应该吃或喝。”故选B。四、阅读理解16、B1

30、7、A18、C19、B20、C【导语】本文讲述了不同的城市有不同的方式去上班,文中列举了北京,伦敦和纽约三个城市里人们的交通方式。解析:16、B17、A18、C19、B20、C【导语】本文讲述了不同的城市有不同的方式去上班,文中列举了北京,伦敦和纽约三个城市里人们的交通方式。16、句意:这篇文章中有_城市。A二,B三,C四,根据短文内容可知有北京,伦敦和纽约,共三个城市。故选B。17、句意:在北京很多人乘_去上班。A地铁,B出租车,C公共汽车,根据 Many people go to work by subway. 可知是乘地铁。故选A。18、句意:在美国人们经常_去上班。A乘出租车,B乘红色

31、双层巴士,C开小汽车,根据In New York, people often go to work by car. 可知是乘小汽车。故选C。19、句意:划线词in a hurry的意思是_。根据They like to go by taxi if they are in a hurry.可知意思为匆忙。故选B。20、句意:在纽约,乘出租车可以节省时间,但是_。A又快又便宜,B便宜但是很慢,C昂贵的,根据Taking a taxi can save time, but it is expensive.可知很贵。故选C。五、阅读理解21、A22、C23、A24、C25、B【分析】短文大意:主要讨论

32、电子书包的好处和坏处。21、句意:电子书包是一个_。由短文In fac解析:21、A22、C23、A24、C25、B【分析】短文大意:主要讨论电子书包的好处和坏处。21、句意:电子书包是一个_。由短文In fact, the e-schoolbag is a computer for students. 可知电子书包是一个电脑,A电脑,B移动电话,C电子书,故选A。22、句意:电子书包_。由短文It is small and light, but it can store (存储) many things for students, such as textbooks and exercise

33、s.可知电子书包又小又轻,结合选项C符合题意,故选C。23、句意:学生们可以使用_来存储课本。由短文They can put the right chip into the e-schoolbag and read the textbooks page by page on the screen. 可知学生们可以用芯片储存课本,A芯片,B纸,C练习本,故选A。24、句意:学生们可以使用电子书包_。由短文They can put the right chip into the e-schoolbag and read the textbooks page by page on the scree

34、n. Students can also use the e-schoolbag to take notes or send emails to their teachers.可知学生们可以用电子书包读课本和记笔记,结合选项C符合题意,故选C。25、句意:下列哪个是正确的?A我们现在不能买电子书包。结合短文电子书包应可以买到。B电子书包也许对孩子的眼睛有坏处。由短文The e-schoolbag may be bad for students eyes.可知电子书包也许对孩子们眼睛有害。C所有的父母都不喜欢电子书包。结合短文可知并不是所有的父母都不喜欢电子书包,故选B。【点睛】六、阅读理解26

35、、C27、B28、B29、C30、A【导语】本文主要写了一些与健康有关的生活习惯。26、句意:哪个不是粗粮?A玉米,B大豆,C大米。根据解析:26、C27、B28、B29、C30、A【导语】本文主要写了一些与健康有关的生活习惯。26、句意:哪个不是粗粮?A玉米,B大豆,C大米。根据文中句子Corn, sweet potato, soybean and oats are all coarse grains.可知大米不是粗粮,故选C。27、句意:如果眼睛里进了东西,你该怎么办?A揉揉眼睛。B用冷水冲洗你的眼睛。C吃点药。根据文中句子If something gets in your eyes, d

36、o not rub them. Rinse (冲洗) them with cold water.可知眼睛里进了东西应该用冷水冲洗,故选B。28、句意:pressure这个词在中文里是什么意思?pressure是名词,意思是压力,故选B。29、句意:_可能会让你抽筋或头痛。A多吃粗粮。B运动后洗温水澡。C运动后洗冷水澡。根据文中句子A cold-water bath will stimulate (刺激) them too much. It might give you a cramp (抽筋) or headache. 可知运动后洗冷水澡可能会让你抽筋或者头疼,故选C。30、句意:我们可以在一本关于_书中读到这段话。A健康,B食物,C运动。根据短文内容可知文章是关于健康的,故选A。


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