1、品牌授权合同CONTRACT FOR BRAND AUTHORIZATION 签约各方:BETWEEN: 甲方(授权方):*乙方(被授权方):*丙方(生产加工方): 丁方(生产加工方):Party A (Authorizing Party): *乙方(被授权方):上海爱茉莉兰芝化妆品有限公司Party B (Authorized Party): * 丙方(生产加工方):Party C (Manufacturing and Processing Party): Party D (Manufacturing and Processing Party): 定义:DEFINITIONS:1、 *:系指
2、由在韩国直接生产的或者由丙方、丁方依据乙方的指示,按照甲方提供的制造工艺和相关技术生产制造的,并由甲方依据本合同的约定授权乙方在中华人民共和国境内销售的相关品牌产品。1. The term “*” as used herein means such brand products as directly manufactured in Korea or as jointly manufactured by Party C and Party D subject to instructions of Party B and with the manufacture processes and re
3、lated technologies provided by Party A hereunder, and as Party A authorizes Party B to sell within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China in accordance with terms agreed herein.2、 发货发:系指收到乙方书面订购*产品订单的本合同当事方,包括甲方、丙方和丁方。2. “Supplier” as referred to herein means such party to this Contract as m
4、ay receive written orders from Party B for *, including Party A, Party C as well as Party D.鉴于:WHEREAS, 1、甲方系一家依据大韩民国法律设立的企业法人,有意依据本合同之约定授权乙方在中华人民共和国境内销售*产品,并愿意向丙方和丁方提供生产*产品的相关制造工艺和技术,以便丙方和丁方可即使依据乙方的指示向乙方提供*产品; 1. Party A, a corporation duly incorporated and valid existing under the laws of the Repu
5、blic of Korea, desires to, pursuant to provisions contained herein, authorize Party B as its agent to sell * within the territory of China, and agrees to provide Party C and Party D with related manufacturing processes and technologies for intended manufacture of *, thus enabling Party C and Party D
6、 hereto to furnish to Party B *subject to instructions of Party B; 2、乙方系一家依据中华人民共和国法律、法规设立的有限责任公司,愿意接受甲方的授权和委托,按照本合同之约定在中华人民共和国境内销售*产品;2. Party B, a limited liability corporation duly incorporated and valid existing under the applicable laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China, hereby a
7、grees to accept such authorization and entrustment by Party A hereunder whereby to sell * Products within the territory of China pursuant to provisions described herein;3、丙方和丁方均系依据中华人民共和国法律、法规设立的有限责任公司,且具备生产*产品的能力,愿意依据本全责的约定为乙提供*产品。3. Party C and Party D, both limited liability companies duly incorp
8、orated and existing under the laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China and having sufficient capability and competence to manufacture the said * Products, hereby agree to provide Party B with desired * Products in accordance herewith.上述各方经协商一致、就上术事宜,达成签订本合同,以兹各方共同信守执行。 NOW, THEREFORE, i
9、n consideration of promises and mutual covenants contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 第一条 授权销售区域:Article 1 Authorized Territory依据本合同之约定及甲方之授权,乙方仅限于在中华人民共和国境内销售*产品;未经四方事先另行书面授权,乙方不得擅自在中华人民共和国境外销售甲方的产品或者授权任何第三方在中华人民共和国境内外销售*产品。Based on or pursuant to provisions contained herein and a
10、uthorization by Party A hereunder, Party B is only allowed to market * Products within the territory of China; Party B is precluded from any intended sales by itself of or from intended permitting any third parties to market any of Party As products outside the territory of China in the absence or d
11、efault of further written authorization from Party A.第二条 *产品:Article 2 * Products 1、*产品之个体品牌为; 2.1 The specific or particular brands of * Products as described hereunder are as follows: _. 2、*产品之名称、品种、规格、单位、价格由双方届时以书面形式在本合同之附件一中约定; 2.2 The name, type, specifications, unit as well as price of the * P
12、roducts hereunder are as provided for in Appendix A as attached hereto which is to be reached by related parties hereto in writing through friendly negotiation; 3、如甲方开发出*产品新的品牌成产品,或者*产品之名称、品种、规格发生变动的,双方应以书面形式确认,确认书应作为本合同附件。 2.3 Any new brand or product as may be developed by Party A in the future or
13、 any change to the name, type, or specifications of * Products hereunder are subject to a confirmation by both Parties hereto in writing which confirmation, signed thereby, shall be attached hereto as its appendix. 4、乙方必须按本合同附件中的约定的销售价格进行销售。 04、乙方必须按本合同附件中的约定的销售价格进行销售。2.4 Party B is required to mark
14、et * Products at the price set forth in related Appendix attached hereto.5、甲方保证:其提供的*产品的质量均符合中华人民共和国官方规定的关于护肤品或化妆品的质量标准;依据其向丙方和丁方提供生产*产品的相关制造工艺和技术生产的*产品的质量亦符合中华人民共和国官方规定的关于护肤品或化妆品的质量标准。 2.5 Party A hereby undertakes and warrants that the quality of such * Products as provided by the same will be up
15、to or in line with applicable quality standards prescribed by related competent authorities of the Peoples Republic of China regarding skin-care products or cosmetics; in addition, the quality of such * Products as manufactured with the manufacturing processes and technologies provided by Party A to
16、 Party C and Party D is also in conformity with applicable quality standards prescribed by related competent authorities of the Peoples Republic of China regarding skin-care products or cosmetics.第三条 *产品的生产Article 3 Manufacture of * Products 1、以下品牌的各类*产品由甲方直接生产,并提供给乙方进行销售: 3.1 The * Products which a
17、re of the brands to be listed below shall be directly manufactured by Party A for furnishing to Party B for sale hereunder: _. 2、以下品牌的各类*产品,甲方将向丙方和丁方提供生产该类*产品的相关制造工艺和技术,由丙方和丁方依据乙方书面订单所载的要求进行生产并提供给乙方进行销售; 3.2 Party A will furnish to Party C and Party D related manufacturing processes and technologies
18、 necessary for production by Party C and Party D, subject to the requirements prescribed in the written order placed by Party B therewith, of the * Products which are of the brands to be indicated below, for sale thereof by Party B hereunder; _. 3、丙方和丁方保证:无论何时、且无论本合同是否有效。(1)在未接到乙方的书面订单的前提下,丙方和/或丁方不生
19、产任何的*产品;(2)丙方和/或丁方依据乙方书面订单生产的所有*产品只能依据乙方书面订单所载的要求销售给乙方,不得自得销售或提供给任何第三方销售; 3.3 Both Party C and Party D hereby undertake that at any time or at all times and whether this Contract is valid: (1)在未接到乙方的书面订单的前提下,丙方和/或丁方不生产任何的爱茉莉产品;(2)丙方和/或丁方依据乙方书面订单生产的所有爱茉莉产品只能依据乙方书面订单所载的要求销售给乙方,不得自行销售或提供给任何第三方销售;(i) No
20、 * Product will be manufactured by Party C and/or Party D without receiving written orders from Party B; and (ii) The * Products as manufactured by Party C and/or Party D hereunder may be only allowed to be sold to Party B subject to requirements set out in applicable written orders as duly placed b
21、y Party B, and may not be sold by Party C and/or Party D themselves or itself, nor shall be provided to any third parties for sale thereof; 4、乙方保证:作为*产品在中国境内的销售商,其进货渠道仅限于依据本合同约定的渠道(即依据本合同约定分别向甲方、丙方或丁购入相应品牌的*产品后销售),乙方不得向非本合同当事方购入来自于任何渠道的*产品,但本合同另有约定的除外。 3.4 Party B hereby undertakes and warrants that
22、 it, acting as the seller of * Products within the territory of China, will purchase * Product only from the source as stipulated herein, i.e. purchase related * Products of various brands, from Party A, Party C or Party D hereto for sale thereof within China hereunder, Party B shall refrain from ma
23、king any purchase from any third party other than to this Contract, of any * Products acquired in any manner or from any channel, unless and until otherwise provided herein.第四条 产品的质量和包装Article 4 0产品的质量和包装Quality and Package of Products1、甲方、丙方和丁方提供的*产品的质量均应符合中华人民共和国官方规定的关于护肤品或化妆品的质量标准; 4.1 The qualit
24、y of such * Products as provided by Party A, Party C as well as Party D hereunder shall be in line with applicable quality standards regarding appropriate skin-care products or cosmetics that may be prescribed by related competent authorities of the Peoples Republic of China.2、甲方、丙方和丁方提供的*产品的包装应能保证产
25、品的质量、无任何的破损,并且适合邮寄、运输、储存的等物流环节; 4.2 The package of such * Products as provided by Party A, Party C as well as Party D hereunder shall be appropriate to ensure the quality of products, prevent the delivered products from any possible damage, as well as to logistics or distribution such as delivery by
26、 post, transport and storage, etc; 3、*产品的包装随货出售。 4.3 The package of * Products will be sold together with such * Products that may be sold to customers. 第五条 交货方式Article 5 0交货方式Terms of Delivery 1、甲方、丙方和丁方应收到乙方的书面订单后天内回复乙方,在得到乙方确认后的_日内发货; 5.1 Within _ days upon receipt of a written order duly placed
27、by Party B, Party A, Party C and Party D shall make proper response or reply thereto, and make delivery of ordered goods within _days upon confirmation from Party B;2、交货时间和交货地点:乙方在订单中指定的时间和地点; 5.2 The date and place of such delivery of goods shall be as specified in the written orders duly placed by
28、 Party B;3、运输方式:在保证产品质量、安全、无瑕疵和交货时间前提下的任何方式; 5.3 Mode of transportation shall be any mode or form that is appropriate and sufficient to ensure the quality, safety, no-defect as well as delivery time of ordered * Products; 4、费用和风险的承担:费用由发货方负担:在货物验收通过前,货物毁损灭失的风险由发货方负担。 5.4 Assumption of expenses and r
29、isks: it is agreed that related expenses that may arise shall be charged to the account of Supplier; and the risk of loss and/or destruction of ordered goods shall be on the shoulders of the said Supplier prior to acceptance thereof.第六条 验收方法Article 6 验收方法Acceptance Methods 乙方收货后,应在收货到后的当日及次日(次日为假期的,
30、验收日顺延至假期最后一天的次日)依据本合同各方共同确认的验收标准对货物进行验收。乙方在验收过程中有异议的,应及时通知发货方并妥善安排退货、调换等手续。Party B shall, on the day when the delivered goods may be received or on the day immediately following the date when the delivered goods may be received (in case the day immediately following the receipt of delivered goods fa
31、lls on holiday, then it shall be extended to the day immediately following the end of such holiday), carry out proper inspection on and determine whether to accept such delivered goods in the light of appropriate acceptance standards mutually agreed to herein. 乙方在验收过程中有异议的,应及时通知发货方并妥善安排退货、调换等手续。Part
32、y B shall promptly notify the Supplier of any goods that are thought unsatisfactory to Party B in the course of aforesaid acceptance, and shall make appropriate arrangement for return and replacement of such rejected or unaccepted goods. 第七条 付款Article 7 0付款Terms of Payment 1、付款时间:乙方在货物验收合格后的日内付款; 7.
33、1 Date of Payment: the agreed upon payment shall be paid up within _days after the delivered goods are confirmed to be satisfactory and accepted;_. 2、付款方式:,以人民币结算。 02、付款方式:,以人民币结算。7.2 Form of Payment: the agreed upon payment hereunder shall be paid by way of _ in RMB. 第八条 知识产权和商业秘密Article 8 0知识产权和商业
34、秘密Intellectual Property Rights and Trade Secrets 1、本合同涉及的*产品的所有品牌的商标权均归甲方所有,甲方授权乙方在宣传、销售*产品时可使用上述商标以及甲方的名称,授权丙方的丁方在生产*产品时可使用上述商标。乙方、丙方和丁方仅限于在上述授权范围内使用茉莉产品的相应品牌商标或甲方的名称,未经甲方书面确认,不得越权使用或授权任何第三方使用。 8.1 The ownership of and title to any and all trade marks of all brands of * Products referred to herein
35、shall remain with Party A, and Party A hereby authorizes Party B to use the aforementioned trade marks and name of Party A in carrying out appropriate promotions and sales of * Products, and hereby authorizes Party C and Party D to use the said trade marks in manufacturing related * Products. 乙方、丙方和
36、丁方仅限于在上述授权范围内使用茉莉产品的相应品牌商标或甲方的名称,未经甲方书面确认,不得越权使用或授权任何第三方使用。Party B, Party C and Party D shall be only allowed to use trade marks of related brands of * Products hereunder or the name of Party A, as appropriate, to the extent as authorized by Party A hereunder, and, in the absence of approval of Part
37、y A in writing, may not use beyond their respective conferred authority (ultra vires) nor shall permit any third party to use the said trade marks or Party As name, as appropriate, for any reason whatsoever and by any manner. 2、甲方依据本合同向乙方、丙方和丁方提供的所有涉及*产品制造的工艺、技术、流程等资料均属甲方所有,乙方、丙方和丁方应对上述秘密承担保密义务,不得向非
38、本合同当事泄漏。 8.2 The processes, technologies, flows, etc that are to be provided by Party A to Party B, Party C and Party D as stipulated herein and that are in relation to manufacture of * Products shall remain property of Party A, and Party B, Party C as well as Party D are obliged to keep confidentia
39、l the aforementioned trade secrets and may not disclose or divulge the same to any party other than those to this Contract. 第九条 违约责任Article 9 Liabilities for Breach of Contract1、乙方违反本合同第一条、第二条第4款、第三条第4款约定的,甲方可解除本合同,取消对乙方的授权,并要求乙方支付人民币元的违约金,但甲方事后追认的除外。 9.1 In the event where Party B is in breach of A
40、rticle 1, 2.4 of Article 2, and/or 3.4 of Article 3 hereof, Party A is free to terminate this Contract, revoke authorization to Party B, without prejudice to its rights to claim for a liquidated damages in the sum of _(RMB), except where Party A ratifies or recognizes the acts committed by Party B t
41、hereafter.2、甲方违反本合同第二条第5款、第四条第1款的约定的,造成乙方、丙方或丁方损失的,甲方应赔偿乙方、丙方或丁方因此遭受的损失。 9.2 Party A shall be held liable for compensation for any loss or damage to Party B, Party C and/or Party D arising by virtue of breach on the part of Party A of provisions of 2.5 of Article 2 and/or 4.1 of Article 4 contained
42、herein. 3、丙方或丁方违反本合同第二条第3款、第四条第1款的约定的,甲方或乙方可责令丙方或丁方及时纠正。逾期不纠正或者丙方或丁方的违约行为造成本合同任何一方严重损失的,甲方或乙方可取消丙方或丁方生产*产品的资格,并可要求丙方或丁方向甲方和乙方各支付人民币元的违约金。在此情况下,乙方可不受本合同第三条之限制。 9.3 In case Party C or Party D runs counter to or breaches provisions of 2.3 of Article 2 and/or 4.1 of Article 4 hereof, Party A or Party B
43、is entitled to order such breaching party to make proper correction or rectification within a reasonable time limit and in a timely manner. 逾期不纠正或者丙方或丁方的违约行为造成本合同任何一方严重损失的,甲方或乙方可取消丙方或丁方生产爱茉莉产品的资格,并可要求丙方或丁方向甲方和乙方各支付人民币元的违约金。In case the breaching party fails to make appropriate correction or rectifica
44、tions within such specified time limit or great or serious loss is caused to any other parties hereto, as a result of the breach of either Party C or Party D, Party A or Party B may disqualify Party C or Party D, as which is the wrongdoer, from manufacturing related * Products, without prejudice to
45、the rights to demand Party C or Party D to pay a penalty for breach in the sum of_(RMB) to each of Party A and Party B. 在此情况下,乙方可不受本合同第三条之限制。In such a case, Party B may not be restricted by or subject to provisions of Article 3 hereof.4、发货方延期交货或乙方延付货款的,每延迟一天,应偿付对方该批货款总值0.02的违约金,如果造成对方损失的,还应赔偿对方的损失。延迟超过天的,对方可取消该笔订单,并要求违约方支付人民币元的违约金。 9.4 In the event the Supplier delays in delivering ordered goods or Party B fails to make paym
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