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1、小学英语六年级上学期阅读理解专项培优试题测试题(答案)一、阅读理解阅读短文,选择正确的答案Spring Festival is our Chinese peoples festival. There are different names for each year. We call it the year of Monkey, the year of Horse.and this year is the year of Pig.Before Spring Festival, people are busy shopping and cleaning. On Chinese New Years

2、 Eve, there is a big family dinner. After dinner, all the family stay up late(守夜) to welcome the new year. In the middle of the night, we have some dumplings. On Chinese New Years Day, people wear new clothes to visit their relatives and say “Happy Chinese New Year” to each other.1、There are_differe

3、nt names for Chinese years. ()A10B11C122、When is Chinese New Years Eve? ()AThe evening of Spring FestivalBThe evening before Spring FestivalCThe evening after Spring Festival3、People_before Spring Festival. ()Asing and danceBplay gamesCgo shopping and clean the house4、_are the favourite food for Chi

4、nese people on Chinese New Years Eve. ()ACakesBDumplingsCNoodles5、On Chinese New Years Day people usually_.()Awear new clothesBgo to visit their relativesCA and B二、阅读理解My pen pal is Chen Fei. She lives in Shanghai. She is a quiet girl. She likes football. She wants to be a football coach. She goes t

5、o school on foot. She has a brother. His name is Chen Yang. He is only five years old. He likes singing. Her father is a baseball player. Her mother is a reporter. She works in a TV station. She likes using computers. They go to work by car. They are a happy family.6、Chen Fei is my _. ()AbrotherBpen

6、 palCteacher7、What does Chen Fei want to be? ()AA football playerBA doctor.CA football coach8、What is Chen Feis brothers hobby? ()ADancing.BSinging.CSwimming.9、How do Chen Feis parents go to work? ()ABy bike.BOn foot.CBy car10、What does Chen Feis mother do? ()AA reporter.BA teacherCA basketball play

7、er.三、阅读理解A clever manA gentleman met Bill one day. The rich man said, “They say you are very clever, but I dont believe it.” Bill said with a smile (微笑) , “I am not clever. Instead (然而) , you are very stupid (愚蠢).” The gentleman became very angry. Bill said, “Please dont be angry, sir. If (如果) you d

8、ont believe (信) what I said, let me ask you one question. If you have a group (组) of cows, and I give you another (另一个) group, then how many groups of cows do you have?” “Why, thats the easiest (最简单的) question in the world! One and one is two, I have two groups of cows.” Bill laughed and said. “You

9、are wrong, sir. Two groups put together are still one group. That is the easiest question in the world.”11、What did Bill think of himself (他自己)? () AHe was very clever.BHe was not clever.CHe was not clever than the rich man.DHe was very stupid.12、What did Bill think of the rich man? () AHe was very

10、clever.BHe was not clever.CHe was not stupid.DHe was too stupid.13、Why did the gentlemen become very angry? () ABecause Bills words hurt him.BBecause Bill didnt answer his question.CBecause he didnt believe his words.DBecause Bill asked him the easiest question in the world.14、What did the rich man

11、think of Bills question? () AIt was difficult.BIt was not very difficult.CIt was very easy.DIt was good.15、What is the right answer to Bills question? () AOne and one is two.BI have two groups of cows.CIn maths, one and one is one.DTwo groups put together are still one group.四、阅读理解Carol goes to see

12、her grandparents in Shanghai from Dalian. Now she is at the Shanghai Station. But she forgets the way to her grandparents home. So she calls her grandpa. Her grandpa tells her, “Turn left at the Shanghai Station. Go straight for about two minutes to get to Hualian Supermarket. The bus stop is in fro

13、nt of the supermarket. Take the No. 5 bus and get off at the science museum. Walk south for about one minute. You can see a white building. It s near our home. Ill meet you there.”16、Carol lives in _. ()AHainanBShanghaiCDalian17、Where is Carol now? ()She is _.Aat the stationBat her grandpas homeCat

14、the science museum18、The bus stop is in front of _. ()Athe bookstoreBthe supermarketCthe white building19、Carol must turn left at the station and then go _ to get to the supermarket.()AsouthBnorthCstraight20、Carols grandparents home is _. ()Anear the white buildingBin front of the science museumCnea

15、r Hualian Supermarket五、阅读理解Kangkang and Meimei won the first prize in the English speaking competition, so they could go to Canada for a trip. They were happy. They saw pretty clouds and small houses from the window of the plane.When they arrived, they saw white snow. They didnt see it before. The B

16、rowns welcomed them at the airport. At home, Kangkang and Meimei said “Hello” to Tammy and Jasons dog Turnip. They had a snowball fight. They also knew what snow angels were. Snow angels were funny shapes in the snow. If you lay (躺) in the snow, and then moved your arms up and down, you would get a

17、snow angel. They saw a snowman with a pipe. It was lovely. They sat in the toboggan and slid down from the hill. They learned skiing from Tammys grandma. They practised for many times. At last, they could ski quite well. On the last day in Canada, they had barbeque, played on the toboggan and skied

18、again. They were so happy. They went back home and told all these interesting things to their friends in China.21、Why could Kangkang and Meimei go to Canada? ()ABecause they wanted to speak English well.BBecause they did well in the English speaking competition.CBecause they wanted to know about Can

19、ada.22、Which sentence is RIGHT? ()AThere were some clouds and houses in the plane.BThe Browns had three children. They were Tammy, Jason and Turnip.CKangkang and Meimei had a happy trip in Canada.23、What is a “snow angel”? ()AAn interesting shape in the snow.BA kind of bird.CA name of dancing.24、Wha

20、t did they do on the last day in Canada? ()AThey skied.BThey swam.CBoth A and B25、Which place may Kangkang and Meimei come from? ()AHaerbin.BJiangsu.CHainan.六、阅读理解Mike: What are you going to do this afternoon?John: Im going to visit my uncle.Mike: How are you going to get there?John: Im going to get

21、 there by subway.Mike: Where does he live?John: He lives next to the bookstore. Turn right at the crossing, and then go straight. His home is on the right.Mike: Im going to the bookstore this afternoon. Lets go together after lunch.John: OK.26、John is going to _. ()Ago hikingBvisit his uncleCthe boo

22、kstore27、Johns uncle lives _ the bookstore. ()Anext toBin front ofCbehind28、Mike is going to the _. ()Apost officeBbookstoreCuncles home29、John is going by _. ()AsubwayBbusCbike30、Mike and John are going to go together _. ()AtomorrowBafter lunchCnext week【参考答案】一、阅读理解1、C2、B3、C4、B5、C阅读理解。根据短文内容选择最佳答案。

23、Almost everybody likes dogs, and almos解析:1、C2、B3、C4、B5、C阅读理解。根据短文内容选择最佳答案。Almost everybody likes dogs, and almost everybody likes reading stories about dogs. I have a friend. The friend has a large police dog. Its name is Jack. Police dogs are often very clever. Every Sunday afternoon my friend take

24、s Jack for a long walk in the park. Jack likes these long walks very much. One Sunday afternoon a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed for a long time. He talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for his walk. But the visitor still stayed. Jack was not happy. He sat dow

25、n in front of the visitor and looked at him. But the visitor paid no attention (没有注意). He continued(继续) talking. Finally, Jack couldnt stand it. He went out of the room and came back again. He sat down in front of the visitor but this time he held(拿着) the visitors cap in his mouth. The man didnt say

26、 anything and went out of the room quickly.1、Jack is the name of _. ()Aa young manBa good friendCa police dog2、In this story the visitor is _. ()Aa young manBthe writerCthe police dog3、The visitor paid no attention to the dog because _. ()Ahe didnt see the dogBhe didnt like the dogChe didnt understa

27、nd(理解) what the dog meant4、Here “stand” means_. ()A站着B忍受C坐着5、The dog held the visitors cap in his mouth to show that _.()Ahe liked the cap very muchBhe wanted the visitor to go awayChe wanted to put on the cap1、C2、A3、C4、B5、B二、阅读理解6、B7、C8、B9、C10、A【分析】短文主语描写了我的笔友陈菲的家人。6、句意:陈菲是我的_。A哥哥/弟弟;B笔友;C解析:6、B7、C

28、8、B9、C10、A【分析】短文主语描写了我的笔友陈菲的家人。6、句意:陈菲是我的_。A哥哥/弟弟;B笔友;C老师。根据文中句子My pen pal is Chen Fei.可知陈菲是我的笔友。故选B。7、句意:陈菲想要成为什么?A一名足球运动员。B一名医生。C一名足球教练。根据文中句子She wants to be a football coach.可知她想成为一名足球教练。故选C。8、句意:陈菲的弟弟的爱好是什么?A跳舞。B唱歌。C游泳。根据文中句子He likes singing.可知他喜欢唱歌,故选B。9、句意:陈菲的父母怎样去上班?A骑自行车。B步行。C开车。根据文中句子 They

29、go to work by car.可知他们坐汽车去上班,故选C。10、句意:陈菲的妈妈是做什么的?A一名记者。B一名老师。C一名篮球运动员。根据文中句子Her mother is a reporter.可知她的妈妈是一名记者,故选A。【点睛】三、阅读理解11、B12、D13、A14、C15、D【导语】本文讲述了一个富人不相信比尔聪明,比尔用问问题的方式反击的故事。11、句意:比尔认为自己是什解析:11、B12、D13、A14、C15、D【导语】本文讲述了一个富人不相信比尔聪明,比尔用问问题的方式反击的故事。11、句意:比尔认为自己是什么样的人?A他很聪明。B他不聪明。C他不比这个富人聪明。D

30、他很愚蠢。根据文中“I am not clever. 我不聪明。”可知比尔认为自己不聪明,故选B。12、句意:比尔认为这个富人是什么样的人?A他很聪明。B他不聪明。C他不愚蠢。D他很愚蠢。根据文中“Instead, you are very stupid. 相反,你很愚蠢。”可知比尔认为这个富人很愚蠢,故选D。13、句意:为什么这个人变得很生气?A因为比尔的话伤害了他。B因为比尔没有回答他的问题。C因为他不相信他的话。D因为比尔问了他一个世界上最简单的一个问题。”根据前文可知比尔的话伤害了他,故选A。14、句意:富人认为比尔问的这个问题怎么样?A这个问题很难。B这个问题不难。C这个问题很简单。

31、D这个问题很好。根据文中“Why, thats the easiest question in the world! 为什么问这个问题,这是世界上最简单的问题了!”可知富人认为这个问题很简单,故选C。15、句意:比尔问题的正确答案是什么?A一加一等于二。B我有两群奶牛。C在数学上,一加一等于一。D两群奶牛放在一起还是一群奶牛。根据文中“Two groups put together are still one group. 两群奶牛放在一起还是一群奶牛。”可知比尔问题的正确答案是两群奶牛放在一起还是一群奶牛,故选D。四、阅读理解16、C17、A18、B19、C20、A【分析】短文主要讲述卡罗尔

32、的爷爷告诉卡罗尔怎么去他家的路。16、句意:卡罗尔住在_。由短文Car解析:16、C17、A18、B19、C20、A【分析】短文主要讲述卡罗尔的爷爷告诉卡罗尔怎么去他家的路。16、句意:卡罗尔住在_。由短文Carol goes to see her grandparents in Shanghai from Dalian.可知卡罗尔住在大连,A海南,B上海,C大连,故选C。17、句意:卡罗尔现在在哪?她在_。由短文Now she is at the Shanghai Station.可知她现在在上海车站,A车站,B在她爷爷奶奶家,C在科学博物馆,故选A。18、句意:公交车站在_前面。由短文Th

33、e bus stop is in front of the supermarket.可知公交车站在超市前面,A车站,B超市,C白色建筑物,故选B。19、句意:卡罗尔必须在车站左转然后_到达超市。由短文Go straight for about two minutes to get to Hualian Supermarket.可知必须在车站直走到达超市,A南部,B北部,C直走,故选C。20、句意:卡罗尔的爷爷奶奶家在_。由短文You can see a white building. It s near our home.可知爷爷奶奶家在白色建筑物附近,结合选项A符合题意,故选A。【点睛】五、

34、阅读理解21、B22、C23、A24、A25、C【分析】短文主要写了康康和梅梅去加拿大旅行。21、句意:为什么康康和梅梅可以去加拿大?A因为他们想说解析:21、B22、C23、A24、A25、C【分析】短文主要写了康康和梅梅去加拿大旅行。21、句意:为什么康康和梅梅可以去加拿大?A因为他们想说好英语。B因为他们在英语演讲比赛中表现出色。C因为他们想了解加拿大。根据文中句子Kangkang and Meimei won the first prize in the English speaking competition, so they could go to Canada for a tri

35、p. 可知因为他们在英语演讲比赛中获得了一等奖,故选B。22、句意:哪一个句子是正确的?A飞机上有云和房子。B布朗家有三个孩子,塔米,杰森和卡布。C康康和梅梅在加拿大有一个愉快的旅途。根据文中句子They were so happy.可知他们在加拿大过得很开心,所以C选项正确,故选C。23、句意:“雪天使”是什么?A雪地里一个有趣的形状。B一种鸟。C一个舞蹈的名字。根据文中句子 Snow angels were funny shapes in the snow.可知雪天使是雪地里的有趣的形状,故选A。24、句意:他们在加拿大的最后一天做了什么?A他们滑雪。B他们游泳了。C他们滑雪游泳了。根据文

36、中句子 On the last day in Canada, they had barbeque, played on the toboggan and skied again.可知他们滑雪了,故选A。25、句意:康康和梅梅是从哪里来的?A哈尔滨。B江苏。C海南。根据文中句子When they arrived, they saw white snow. They didnt see it before.可知他们以前从没有见过雪,所以他们可能是来自海南的,故选C。【点睛】六、阅读理解26、B27、A28、B29、A30、B【导语】本文在谈论约翰和迈克今天下午的计划。26、句意:约翰准备_。由句子

37、John: Im解析:26、B27、A28、B29、A30、B【导语】本文在谈论约翰和迈克今天下午的计划。26、句意:约翰准备_。由句子John: Im going to visit my uncle.可知要去看望叔叔。A.去远足;B.看望他的叔叔;C.书店;故选B。27、句意:约翰的叔叔住在书店的_。由句子He lives next to the bookstore.可知他住在书店旁边,A.在旁边; B.在前面;C.在后面;故选A。28、句意:迈克准备去_。由句子Im going to the bookstore this afternoon.可知迈克准备去书店。A.邮局;B.书店;C.叔叔的家;故选B。29、句意:约翰准备_去。由句子John: Im going to get there by subway.可知是打算坐地铁去。A.地铁;B.公交车;C.自行车;故选A。30、句意:迈克和约翰准备一起_。由句子Im going to the bookstore this afternoon. Lets go together after lunch.可知是午饭后去。A.明天; B.午饭后;C.下周;故选B。


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