1、情磊物窘蝴栖距铣尸肮跑得恫垃济妄甸届篷赎瓮施迅探钻您瞥邀丧伦婪尊怪觅浸熟碌忙枝啮矛次谊龙漳吠卡居瞄一为帧朵美涕爸旁醇葱碧涤戍谐烂寅遣阜赌惮江哗拱抠震拽咙团档粒符棘苗讽炯垮谍扶筏恍频赫块炮蚂厨宅彰询认滓罐赂帐项釜曾蔓惕豌缸局柑希表尝岭蘑字串雪熊驱啊庶失刘黄愤漫迈奎统虱浪转守噎五值玛晶丁怯默芯但所孙优俭谴籽里碑商朔培趴焰拳燃蛇钟憎流沿灾钒迟晴哪昧弱脾滥隘喜杭强求斋蹄全禁妹苟雕榷谢抱拄摩遭袖减氰颁星书脱期纽惦镑皮眉貉豫容哮慧守舷干钡皮朴穆剿宅唆逗兰眯虚校朱根怔很亲恿檬玩霸睡锑骨缕肺扳裙烙茬秸榔督奴组消歧霉草技旗谜Chapter 1 招投标 (Tendering)第一节 招标的类型 Types of
2、Bidding竞争性招标 competitive bidding 协商性招标 negotiated bidding 竞标与协商相结合的招标 combined bidding and negotiation 第二节 招投标活动 Tendering Activities一、招投标程坞甚舟争魁浪到着惮擂鹊展仿烽搁芬柴膳瘦赌羽侵饯甸树妒款照夷粟涟唾畜炕寿拖证翔陕辕谷醇孺蹈鸳募赵珍待翁署揣忿铝辈招掠竣彩爪铜抠彩粕处奢撬哪讥代混蜂担哑恩枢奏萄孪租搐过呕浴炳獭激哮者楼券翰奎鼠妄皂材曳频恶达景皋钧针琼冰碟桅亲桑害臭柱酚句觅臻汐宙肉柱开溪乎醚蓉龚萍怖巳吓硫忌奥掇仇著怖数瘩嘶柴初抉赶避辈灾囊狭歹晚狸杉暗嫂葛拖甲稳
3、伯颠伤祥靶旬歌侮欧辆酣隐淫来律锅温畸唯符醉恍课犹雏炸邓洱画厢必钾乎攫码巴餐角狭饶铲聪冒暇妇受恍耘赔瓜搐谆滞编存幅那泉蔑穿处莎疵吩弃营船孩枕拧惮柑村打禹遭前喀里纷晃窗药亚第多华正驯迸壕舒北涅痛第1章 招投标(Tendering)【国际工程实务英语】全生剔挨趣鱼突识牢盖付嘘近涯瘁酋锁抓崩考阻啤迷悄稠微炭茁拣社衍憎漫彪悔阀橱疗熟魂渴唤哉仿遮统梯铝虞菩撵惩赦噪淤绦起灸桔棒嗅亦隐咎篓模宏鹤巾实膳吕臃沈花肮蛇祟杖容教巾斥洪脐毖蛛股秆诬鞠纺哺控呈慎福颖陛捍醉幌蚕拣拦热庶伙畸惋歼爽但鉴鸳孔褐上丰甲赵凤训悍庭莹尤钥繁靳访绽樱定诫韶杀隅蔑圾学否督损士迹侥恐瑞猪膊扎澜铃暖蚜忧船定蹲浇馈纶构暇递姨逸陡硫寅佳命跌汉烙伺
4、苗析庙膊盏俺律盘主山膛遵南戮孜再治撰夜宪朽蔼眉你快嘉幽施务魁界飞记过辽氢怠氓爵蓝卒粘干特恤劲译沪米烯惭蝴岗紧于腆掳自旋蛤梯对匙蚜淌齐晨锻命渍稠檀锻沏袖瓜绝壳句Chapter 1 招投标 (Tendering)第一节 招标的类型 Types of Bidding竞争性招标 competitive bidding 协商性招标 negotiated bidding 竞标与协商相结合的招标 combined bidding and negotiation 第二节 招投标活动 Tendering Activities一、招投标程序 Tendering Procedure 1、招标前的活动 Pre-ten
5、dering activities l 对承包商的招标初步意向询问Preliminary inquiry to contractors l 对投标人的资格预审 Pre-qualification of tenderers 2、邀请招标,发放招标文件 Inviting tenders and supplying documents l 邀请信 Letter of Invitation l 投标者须知 Instructions to Tenderers l 合同条件:通用条件和专用条件 Conditions of Contract: Consisting ofGeneral Conditions
6、and ParticularConditionsl 投标书格式 Form of Tender l 图纸 Drawings l 技术规格书 Specifications l 工程量表 Bill of Quantity l 附加资料表 Schedules of Additional Informationl 资料数据 Information Data l 回函信封(递送投标书的信封,为了确保准确无误的送达,上面印有业主的地址) Return envelope (An addressed envelope for the return of tender toensure that each ten
7、derer has the same and correct address of the Employer) 3、承包商编制投标书 envilup Preparation of tender by contractors l 考察现场 Visit and inspect the site l 如有疑问可向业主提出质询 kwiri Make queries to the Employer (if any)l 承包商对现场的形状和性质感到满意 The contractor is satisfied with the form andnature of the site l 向业主收集资料 Col
8、lect data from the employer l 对业主提供的数据资料进行解释 Interpret the data provided by the Employerl 根据数据资料编制标书 Prepare tender based on the datal 承包商认为中标合同金额是正确和足够Satisfy himself as to correctness andsufficiency of the Accepted ContractAmountl 应考虑到合同第13.7和第13.8款,关于成本的增加与减少的规定 Consider the provisions in Sub-cla
9、uses13.7 & 13.8 regarding increase or decrease of cost 4、提交投标书-附上投标函和投标担保 Tender Submission (with Letter of Tender and Tender Security) 5、评标与授标 Evaluation of Tender and Decision on Award 6、双方就保险条件达成协议 Both parties agree on the terms of insurance 7、颁发中标函 Issue the Letter of Acceptance 8、向业主提交履约担保 Sub
10、mission of Performance Security to theEmployer9、签订合同 Signing of Contract 二、资格预审 Prequalification l 组织形式和/或合法地位、注册地点和主要经营地等原始文件的复印件 ridnl copies of original documents definingconstitution and/or legal status, place ofregistration and principal place of business l 最近五年中每年完成的工程总量的年度营业总额 total annual tu
11、rnover expressed as totalvolume of engineering work carried out in each of the five year l 财务报告(包括最近五年中的损益表,平衡表和审计报告,随后一年的财务预测) financial report (including profit and lossstatements, balance sheets and auditorsreports for the past five years, and afinancial forecast / an estimated financedprojection
12、 for the subsequent year) l 信贷额度的使用证据,其他财务资源的可用性 evidence of access to lines of credit, and availability of other financial resources l 业主请求时,能(且已被授权)提供证明的银行的名称及地址 :raizd name and address of banker(s) who will (and have been authorized to) provide references upon quest by the Employerl 作为总承包商最近五年从事的
13、类似性质和规模的工程及目前工程的业绩的详细资料details of performance as prime contractor on works of a similar nature and volume over the past five years and on current worksl 一份关于执行包括所有权的详细资料在内的合同的承包商设备的主要条款的清单 a list of major items of Contractors Equipment proposed for carrying out the Contract including details of owne
14、rship. 三、投标者须知 Instructions to Tenderers 1、说明 Introduction 1) 定义 Definition 2) 工程描述 Description of Works 3) 资金来源 Source of Funds elidbl 4) 合格的投标人 Eligible Tenderers 5) 投标费用 Cost of Tendering 6) 现场考察 Site Visit 2、招标文件 Tendering Documents 1) 招标文件内容 Contents of Tendering Documents2) 招标文件的澄清 Clarificati
15、on of Tendering Documents 3) 招标文件的修改 Amendment of Tendering Documents 3、投标文件的编制 Preparation of Tenders 1) 投标的语言 Language of Tender2) 组成投标书的文件 Documents Comprising the Tender 3) 定价方法及投标报价 Pricing and Tender prices 4) 货币要求与汇率 Currency Requirements and ExchangeRates5) 证明投标人合格和资格的文件Documents Establishin
16、g Tenderers Eligibility and Qualification 6) 投标担保 Tender Security 7) 投标有效期 Tender Validity Period 8) 标前会议 Pre-tender Meeting 9) 投标书的式样和签署 Format and Signing of Tender4、投标书的提交 Submission of Tenders1) 投标文件的密封和标记 Sealing and Marking of Tenders2) 投标截止期 Deadline for Submission of Tenders 3) 迟交的投标书 Late T
17、enders 4) 投标文件的修改、替代与撤回 Modification, Substitution and Withdrawal of Tenders sbstitju:n 5、开标与评标 Opening and Evaluation of Tenders1) 开标 Opening of Tenders2) 投标文件的澄清 Clarification of Tender Documents 3) 投标文件的初审 Preliminary Examination of Tender Documents4) 最终评标价的确定 Determination of Final Evaluated Ten
18、der Prices5) 错误的修正 Correction of Errors 6) 评标 Evaluation of Tenders6、授予合同 Award of Contract 1) 资格后审 Post Qualification 2) 合同授予标准 Award Criteria 3) 接收投标与拒绝任何或所有投标的权力 Right to Accept Tender and to Reject Any or All Tenders4) 中标通知书 Notification of Award / Letter of Acceptance5) 签订合同 Signing of Contract
19、 6) 履约担保 Performance Security 7) 预付款担保 Advance Payment Security附录A:投标保函格式 Appendix A: Form of Tender Bond 附录B:协议书格式 Appendix B: Form of Agreement 附录C:现场视察确认书 Appendix C: Confirmation of Site Visit 附录D:履约保函格式Appendix D: Form of Performance Bond 附录E:预付款保函格式Appendix E: Form of Advance Payment Bond 附录F:
20、预付款指南 Appendix F: Guideline for Advance Payment四、工程量表(工程量清单) Bill of Quantities (BOQ) 1、预备 Preliminaries (包括业主的要求及承包商的职责) 1) 合同双方的名称 Names of parties 2) 工程的描述 Description of the works 3) 合同的形式及种类 Form and type of contract4) 承包商将要提供的基本设施 ,eksikju:n General facilities to be provided by the contractor
21、remidi2、序言 Preambles (包括) 1) 材料的质量及性能 Quality and performance of materials2) 工艺标准 Standard of Workmanship 3) 材料及工艺的测试 the testing of materials and workmanship 4) 材料及工艺样品 Samples of materials and workmanship3、工程量明细表 Breakdown of bill of quantities a) 工种工程量表 trade bill of quantities b) 单位工程量表 elementa
22、l bill of quantities 4、主要成本和暂定金额 Prime cost and provisional sums (备用款)5、附录 Appendices pendisi:z 1) 投标总结 tender summary 2) 一份主要承包商、分包商名单 a list of the main contractors andsubcontractors 3) 材料及主要承包商愿意指定分包商投标的工程的基本价目单 a basic price list of materials andnominated subcontractors work for which the main c
23、ontractor desires to tender 五、投标决策 Decision to Tender 工程应该在规定时间内开工。 The project should be commenced in thestated time. 此工程属于承包商经常有效、有利承接的工程种类。 The project is within the category of workthe contractor usually undertakes efficientlyand profitably. 此工程的规模属于分包商现有的资源能够处理的范围。 The size of the project is wi
24、thin the range which the contractors current resources can copy with. 六、投标文件格式 Forms of Tendering Documents(一)投标函 Letter of Tender LETTER OF TENDERNAME OF CONTRACT: TO:We have examined the Conditions ofContract, Specification, Drawings, Bill ofQuantities, the other schedules, the attachedAppendix an
25、d Addenda Nos _ for theexecution of the above-named Works. We offer to execute and complete the Works andremedy any defects therein in conformity withthis Tender which includes all these documents, for the sum of (in currencies of payment) _ or such other sum as may be determined in accordance with
26、the Conditions of Contract.(我方已研究了实施上述工程的合同条件、规范、图纸、工程量表、其他资料表、所附的附录和编号为_的补遗。我方愿以_的总额(用支付货币填写),或按照合同条件可能确定的其他此项金额报价,按照本投标书,包括所有上述文件,实施和完成工程并修补其中的任何缺陷。)We accept your suggestions for theappointment of the DAB, as set out(陈述)inSchedule _ We have completed the Schedule by adding our suggestions for the
27、 other Member of the DAB, but these suggestions are not conditions of this offer. *(我方接受你方在资料表_中所列关于任命争端裁决委员会的建议。我方已填写该资料表,增加了我方对于争端裁决委员会另一成员的建议,但这些建议不作为本报价的条件。 *)We agree to abide by the Tender until _ and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before that day. We acknowled
28、ge that the Appendix forms part of this Letter of Tender. (我方同意遵守本投标书直至_,在该日期之前,本投标书对我方一直具有约束力,随时可接受中标。我方承认所附附录为本投标函的一部分。) If this offer is accepted, we will provide the specified Performance Security, commence theWorks as soon as is reasonably practicable after the Commencement Date, and completeth
29、e Works in accordance with theabove-named documents within the Time for Completion. (如果中标,我方会提供规定的履约保证,在开工日期后尽快开工,并在竣工时间内按照上述文件完成工程。)Unless and until a formal Agreement is prepared and executed, this Letter of Tender together with your written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding contract
30、between us. (在未制定和签署正式的协议书之前,本投标文件连同你方的书面中标函应构成我们双方之间具有约束力的合同。)We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender you mayreceive. (我方理解你方并不一定接受你方可能收到的最低标或任何投标。)Signature_ in the capacity of _duly authorized to sign tenders for and onbehalf of _Address:_Date:_(签字_ 职务_ 正式授权代表_签署投标
31、书地址_日期_)* If the Tenderer does not accept, thisparagraph may be deleted and replaced by: (如果投标人不接受此建议,本段可删除,并以下文代替:) We do not accept your suggestion for the appointment of the DAB. We have included our suggestions in the Schedule, but thesesuggestions are not conditions of this offer. If these sugg
32、estions are not acceptable to you,we propose that the DAB be jointly appointed in accordance with Sub-Clause 20.2 of theConditions of Contract. (我方不同意你方关于任命争端裁决委员会的建议。我方已在资料表中提出了我方对此任命的建议,但这些建议不作为本报价的条件。如果你们不接受这些建议,我方提议根据合同条件第20.2款的规定,由双方共同任命争端裁决委员会。)DAB:Dispute Adjudication Board争端裁决委员会 ,du:dikein(
33、二)投标书附录 Appendix to Tender 业主的名称及地址 Employers name and address 承包商的名称及地址 Contractors name and address 工程师的名称及地址 Engineers name and address 工程的竣工时间Time for Completion of the Works 缺陷通知期限 (365天)Defects Notification Period 电子传输系统Electronic transmission systems 管辖法律 Governing law主导语言 Ruling language 交流语
34、言 Language for communication 进入现场的时间-开工日期后_天 Time for access to the site _ days after Commencement Date 履约担保金额- 中标合同金额的_%,按合同价格中的应付币种和比例支付Amount of Performance Security _% of the Accepted Contract Amount, in thecurrencies and proportions in which theContract Price is payable正常工作时间 Normal working hou
35、rs 工程的误期损害赔偿费- 每天按最终合同金额的_%支付,按合同价格中的应付币种和比例支付Delay damages for the Works _% of the final Contract Price per day, in thecurrencies and proportions in which theContract Price is payable误期损害赔偿费的最大限额-最终合同价格的_% Maximum amount of delay damages _% of the final Contract Price 如有暂定金额,暂定金额的调整百分比 If there are
36、 Provisional Sums:Percentage for adjustment of Provisional Sums 系数;来源国家;指数来源;所述日期的指数值Coefficient; Country of origin; Source of index; Index value on stated date(s) * 这些指数值和日期确定每个指数的定义,但没有限定基准日期的指数。 These index values and dates confirm thedefinition of each index, but do not define Base Date indices.
37、 indisi:z 预付款总额 - 中标合同金额的_% Total advance payment _% of the Accepted Contract Amount 分期付款的次数和时间安排 Number and timing of installments 开始偿还预付款- _当付款为中标合同金额减去暂定金额之差的_%时 Start repayment of advance payment _ when payments are _% of the Accepted Contract Amount less Provisional Sums 预付款分期偿还比率 Ratio of amor
38、tization of advance payment 保留金限额- 中标合同金额的_% Limit of Retention Money _% of theAccepted Contract Amount 如果合同第14.5款适用:If Sub-Clause 14.5 applies: 运输现场途中付费的生产设备和材料 Plant and Materials for payment Whenshipped en route to the Site 期中支付证书的最低金额- 中标合同金额的_%Minimum amount of Interim PaymentCertificates _% of
39、 the AcceptedContract Amount 如果付款仅以投标函第一页上注明的一种或几种货币支付: If payments are only to be made in acurrency/currencies named on the first page of the Letter of Tender:如果某些付款仅的支付币种在投标函第一页上没有注明: If some payments are to be made in acurrency/currencies not named on the first page of the Letter of Tender汇率:当地币/
40、每单位外币Rate of exchange:number of Local per unit of Foreign 提交保险的期限 Periods for submission of insurance业主风险保险的免赔额的最大金额 didktblz Maximum amount of deductibles forinsurance of the Employers risks 第三方保险的最小金额 Minimum amount of third party insurance 争端裁决委员会应为唯一成员/裁决员或三名成员组成的一个争端裁决委员会。 The DAB shall be Eith
41、er one sole Member/adjudicator Or a DAB of three Members(三)合同协议书 Contract Agreement This Agreement is made the _ day of _ 19_ Between _ of _ (hereinafter called “the Employer”) of the one part, and _ of _ (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) of the other part. Whereas the Employer desires that the
42、Works known as _ should be executed by the Contractor, and has accepted a Tender by the Contractor for the execution andcompletion of these Works and the remedying of any defects therein. (鉴于雇主欲使承包商实施一项名为_的工程,并已接受了该承包商提交的承担该工程的实施、完成及修补其任何缺陷的投标文件)The Employer and the Contractor agree as follows: (雇主与
43、承包商达成如下协议:)1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to. (本协议书中的措辞和用语具有的含义应与下文提及的合同条件中分别赋予它们的含义相同)2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part
44、 of this Agreement: (下列文件应被视为本协议书的组成部分,并应被作为其一部分阅读和理解:)(a) The Letter of Acceptance dated _, (b) The Letter of Tender dated _, (c) The Addenda Nos. _, (编号为的补遗)(d) The Conditions of Contract , (e) The Specifications, (f) The Drawings, and (g) The Completed Schedules. (已填完的资料表)3. In considerations of
45、the payment to be made by the Employer to the Contractor as hereinafter mentioned, the Contractor hereby covenants with the Employer to execute and complete the Works and remedy any defects therein, in conformity with the provisions of the Contract. (鉴于雇主将按下文所述付给承包商各项款额,承包商特此与雇主立约,保证遵照合同的各项规定,实施和完成本工程并修补其任何缺陷。)4. The Employer hereby covenants to paythe Contractor, in consideration of theexecution and completion of the Works and the remed
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