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1、三年级上学期阅读理解专项英语提高试题测试题(含答案)一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习1 Hello, Im Li Hua. Im Chinese. Im 10 years old(岁). Lily is an English girl(女孩). She is my friend. Is she 10 years old too? Yes, she is. We often go to school together. She has a cat(猫). Its name is Kitty.31、Lily is from(来自)_. ()ABC32、Lily has a _. ()ABC33、

2、We often _together. ()ABC34、Lily is _years old. ()A9B10C1135、Kitty is a _. ()AgirlBcatCtoy(玩具)2 Lynn: Mike! Do you like fruit?Mike: Yes, I do.Lynn: So, lets buy some fruit.Mike: Good idea! I like pears and watermelons. Lets buy some.Lynn: No, I dont like pears. Lets buy some oranges and watermelons.

3、Mike: OK.31、Lynn and Mike buy some _. ()ApensBrulersCfruit32、Lynn: I like _. ()Apears and watermelonsBoranges and watermelonsCpears and oranges33、Mike: I like _. ()Apears and watermelonsBoranges and watermelonsCpears and oranges34、Lynn and Mike: We like _. ()AstrawberriesBpearsCwatermelons35、_: I do

4、n t like pears. ()ALynnBMikeCMum3 This is my room (房间). A ball is under the bed. Two books are on the bed. A chair is under the desk. A toy boat is on the desk. A bag is in the desk. Look! Strawberries are on a plate. How many strawberries? One, two, three Ha! Fifteen strawberries!31、A ball is _ the

5、 bed. ()AonBinCunder32、Two books are _ the bed. ()AonBinCunder33、A _ is under the desk. ()AballBbagCchair34、A toy _ is on the desk. ()AboatBcarCdog35、How many strawberries? _. ()A15B16C174 Hi, my name is Lily. Im from the USAThis is my friend, Cici. Its a cat. Its short and fat. It has a big body an

6、d a long tail. It likes fish. I like watermelons. I have a big toy box. Whats in it? 13 balls, 16 toy cars, 17 crayons and 19 pencils.31、Lily is from the _. ()AUKBUSA32、Cici is a _. ()AcatBdog33、Cici has a _ body. ()AbigBsmall34、Lily likes _. ()AfishBwatermelons35、Lily has _ toy cars. ()AsixteenBnin

7、eteen5 Hello! My name is Lisa. I am twelve years old. Im from Australia. I am a new student in China. In Australia, kangaroos are very popular (受欢迎的). The mother kangaroo is very tall. Where is the baby kangaroo (小袋鼠)? Its in her mothers pouch. Today I have a new toy animal. This animal is from Chin

8、a. Its black and white. Its fat and cute. It has two black eyes. It likes bamboo. I like it very much. What is it? Can you guess?31、Where is Lisa from? ()AChinaBAustraliaCCanada32、We see many _ in Australia. ()AelephantsBmonkeysCkangaroos33、Lisa is a new _. ()ApupilBteacherCanimal34、The underlined w

9、ord pouch means _. (文中划线词pouch是什么意思?) ()A口袋B嘴巴C包35、What is Lisas new toy animal? ()AA toy tiger.BA toy panda.CA toy bear.6 My name is Chen Jie. Im a girl from Jinhua, China. Im eleven years old and Im a student.I have a happy family. My father is very tall. My mother is thin and beautiful. My sister

10、 is ten years old. She has big eyes. She likes grapes and she likes purple. She has a purple bag. Look, its on the bed.31、How old is Chen Jie? ()A11、B15、C10.32、Chen Jie is a _. ()AteacherBstudentCbaby33、Chen Jie is from _. ()AChinaBUKCUSA34、Where is the purple bag? ()AIts in the book.BIts in the des

11、k.CIts on the bed.35、Chen Jies sister likes _. ()ApearsBgrapesCoranges7 Hello! My name is Betty. Im a girl. I am from Canada. I am eleven years old. I like the zoo. I like pigs. Theyre fat and cute. And I have seventeen toy pigs, too. I like grapes. Theyre yummy. I dont like apples. Do you like me?

12、Lets make friends.31、Betty is from _? ()ACanadaBChinaCthe UK32、She is a _? ()AteacherBboyCstudent33、The pigs are _? ()AthinBfatCsmall34、Betty has _ toy pigs. ()A7B11C1735、Do you like grapes, Betty? ()AYes, I do.BNo, I dont.CI like grapes.8 Lucy and Bob are students. Lucy is twelve years old. She is

13、from the USAShe likes grapes and apples. She has a brown cat. Its small and fat. Bob is eleven years old. He is from the UK. He likes pears and strawberries. He has a toy car. Its on the box.31、Bob is _ years old. ()A12B11C2032、Lucy is from the _. ()AUKBUSACUN33、Lucy has a brown cat. Its _. ()Abig a

14、nd fatBsmall and thinCsmall and fat34、Bob likes _. ()Agrapes and applesBgrapes and strawberriesCpears and strawberries35、Bob has a toy car. Its _ the box. ()AinBonCunder9 Kate: Lets go to the zoo!Mike: OK.Kate: Look at the giraffe.Mike: Wow! Its so tall. Its from Africa (非洲).Kate: Look at the panda.

15、 Its so cute.Mike: Yeah! It has a big body. Its black and white.Kate: Where is the panda from?Mike: Its from Sichuan, China.Kate: Look at the monkeys. How many monkeys do you see?Mike: I see thirteen.Kate: No, fourteen! Look! A little monkey is on the elephant.Mike: Ha-ha! Its so funny!31、Where is t

16、he giraffe from? ()AIts from Africa.BIts from the UK.32、Is the panda from Sichuan? ()ANo, it isnt.BYes, it is.33、How many monkeys? ()AThirteen.BFourteen.34、What color is the panda? ()AIts black.BIts black and white.35、Where is the little monkey? ()AIts on the elephant.BIts on the giraffe.10 One day

17、Mr. and Mrs. White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a store. They buy a lot of things and they want to put the things in the car. But Mr. White cant open the door of the car, so they ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly to help them. Just then a man comes up and s

18、houts, “What are you doing with my car?” Mr. and Mrs. White take a look at the cars number and they are frozen there. It isnt their car.31、Mr. and Mrs. White drive for _. ()AfishingBshoppingCbusiness32、They stop their car _. ()Aat the parking spotBnear the seaCnear the store33、They want to put the t

19、hings _. ()Ain a big bagBin their carCin others car34、Mr. White cant open the car, so _. ()Athey walk homeBthey ask a policeman to helpCthey call a taxi35、The car _ their car. ()AisntBisCare11 Hello, kids! Here are many gifts (礼物) for you. Theyre in the red bag. Look! Three white erasers, two yellow

20、 pens and a green pencil. The pens are for Sarah and John. The pencil is for Sam. How many books? Six. Whats this? Oh, its a toy tiger. Its brown and funny. Its for Sam.31、The bag is _. ()ABC32、Here are three white _ and _ yellow pens. ()Aerasers; 3Bpencils; 2Cerasers; 233、How many books? ()ABC34、Th

21、e toy tiger is _. ()Ayellow and funnyBbrown and coolCbrown and funny35、The pencil is for _. ()ASamBSarahCJohn12 Grandpa & Grandma: Happy Birthday, Bobby. This is for you.Bobby: Thank you, Grandpa and Grandma. What is this?Grandpa & Grandma: Its a robot.Bobby: Great!Mum & Dad: This yellow jacket is f

22、or you, Bobby. Happy Birthday!Bobby: How nice! I like (喜欢) this colour. Thank you, Dad and Mum.John: Bobby, Happy Birthday! This CD is for you.Bobby: Thank you, my friend!Tina: This ball is for you, Bobby. Happy Birthday!Bobby: Thank you, My sister.31、Its _ birthday. ()ATinasBJohnsCBobbys32、Mum and

23、Dad give (给) Bobby _. ()Aa jacketBa robotCa CD33、Bobby likes (喜欢) _. ()AblueByellowCred34、_ is Bobbys friend. ()AJohnBTinaCTim35、Bobby has got (得到) _ presents (礼物). ()A2B3C413 Hello, Im Jack. Im 10. I like football. Look at me. Im cool. Look at my football. Its black and white. Look at my T-shirt. I

24、ts yellow. Look at my shorts. They are blue. Look! This is my sister Alice. She is 12、 And that is my brother Ben. Hes 8.31、The writers name is _. ()AJackBAliceCBen32、The writer is _ years old. ()A12B10C833、The writers _ black and white. ()AT-shirt isBshorts areCfootball is34、The writers shorts are

25、_. ()AredByellowCblue35、Alice is the writers _. ()AfriendBsisterCbrother14 Hello, Im Weiwei. Im a boy. Im nine. Im a pupil. Look! This is a photo (照片) of my family (家庭). This is my father, hes a policeman. This is my mother, shes a doctor. This is my sister Lanlan, shes four. Doudou is my dog, its a

26、 yellow dog, and its my friend (朋友).31、How old is Weiwei? ()A9B8C732、Which picture (哪张图片) is Weiwei? ()ABC33、Weiweis father is a _. ()ABC34、Is Weiweis mother a teacher? ()AYes, she is.BNo, she isnt.CYes, he is.35、Doudou is _. ()Aa yellow catBa yellow dogCa yellow bird15 This girl is Linlin. She is t

27、en. Its her birthday today (今天). She has (有) two presents. Look! This present is from (来自) her mother. What is it? Oh! Its a book. Now it is on the desk. Her father gave (给) her a cat kite. It is blue. Linlin likes (喜欢) the presents.31、Linlin is _. ()A9B10C1232、Linlin has two _. ()ApresentsBblackboa

28、rdsCbirds33、The book is from her _. ()AteacherBgrandmaCmother34、Now the book is _. ()Aon the chairBon the deskCin the book35、Her father gave her a _. ()ABC16 Hello! Im Liu Yang. Im a boy. Im nine. Im a pupil. My English teacher is Ms Zhang. She is a good teacher. I have a good family. My father is a

29、 doctor. My mother is nurse. My grandpa and Grandma are farmers. I have a cat. Its a yellow cat. Her name is Mimi. We all like it.31、Liu Yang is a _. ()AgirlBboyCteacher32、Liu Yang is _. ()AtenBeightCnine33、Liu Yangs (刘洋的) father is a _. ()AteacherBdoctorCdriver34、Liu Yangs grandpa is a _. ()Afarmer

30、BteacherCpoliceman35、Liu Yangs cat is _. ()AblackByellowCwhite17 Today we are in the zoo. Wow, its very big. Look at the monkey. Its in the truck. Its funny. Look at the tiger. Its drinking water. Look at the panada. Its black and white. Its cute. I see many pigs. How many pigs? Lets count. 1, 2, 39

31、! I see 9 pigs. They are fat. They are eating. I like them.31、They are in the _. ()ABC32、The _ is drinking water. ()ABC33、The _ is black and white. ()ABC34、How many pigs? ()ATwoBThreeCNine35、Its in the truck. Its funny. ()A有趣的B可爱的C奇怪的18 Hello! My name is Tommy. Im very happy today, because (因为) toda

32、y is my birthday. Im ten years old now. Look! I have a birthday gift. Its a tiger bag. I like the colour. Its yellow and black. My friend Mimi is yellow and black, too. Look! Mimi is coming. Haha, its a cat. Its one year old. Its cute. I like it very much.31、Today is _ birthday. ()AMimisBTommys32、_

33、is the birthday gift. ()AA tiger bagBA cat bag33、Tommy likes _. ()Ayellow and blackBwhite and black34、Mimi is a _. ()AdogBcat35、Mimi is _ year(s) old. ()A1B1019 Hello. Im Liu Yang. Im eight years old. I like bread and milk. Look! I have a bag. Its yellow. This is my dog. Its white. It has (有) blue e

34、yes. I like it.31、Liu Yang is _ years old. ()A7B8C932、Liu Yang likes (喜欢) _. ()AmilkBriceCfish33、Liu Yang has a yellow _. ()Apencil boxBcrayonCbag34、The dog is _. ()AorangeBwhiteCblack35、The _ has blue eyes. ()AcatBdogCelephant20 Its cold in winter. Ben and I make a snowman. Look, its eyes are big.

35、They are two apples. Its nose is long. Its a banana. Its mouth is big. The snowman is not tall. It is short and fat.31、Ben and I make a snowman in _. ()AspringBautumnCwinter32、Its nose is _. ()AsmallBlongCbig33、Its mouth is _. ()AbigBshortClong34、Its _ is a banana. ()AmouthBeyeCnose35、The snowman is

36、 _. ()AshortBthinCtall【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习1B解析:31、B32、A33、C34、B35、B【分析】短文大意:介绍李华及她的朋友莉莉。31、句意:莉莉来自_。根据Lily is an English girl(女孩). 可知她来自英国。故选B。32、句意:莉莉有一个_。根据She has a cat(猫).可知她有一只猫。故选A。33、句意:我们经常一起_。根据We often go to school together. 可知是去上学。故选C。34、句意:莉莉_岁了。根据Is she 10 years old too?

37、 Yes, she is. 可知她10岁了。故选B。35、句意:Kitty是一_。根据 She has a cat(猫). Its name is Kitty.可知是一只猫。故选B。【点睛】2C解析:31、C32、B33、A34、C35、A【分析】对话大意:对话介绍了琳和迈克喜欢的水果。31、句意:琳和迈克买一些_。A钢笔;B直尺;C水果;根据对话中的So, lets buy some fruit.所以,我们买些水果吧。可知琳和迈克买一些水果,故选C。32、句意:琳:我喜欢_。A梨和西瓜;B橘子和西瓜;C梨和橘子;根据对话中的No, I dont like pears. Lets buy so

38、me oranges and watermelons.不,我不喜欢梨。咱们买些橘子和西瓜吧。可知琳喜欢橘子和西瓜。故选B。33、句意:迈克:我喜欢_。A梨和西瓜;B橘子和西瓜;C梨和橘子;根据对话中的Good idea! I like pears and watermelons. Lets buy some.好主意!我喜欢梨和西瓜。咱们买一些吧。可知迈克喜欢梨和西瓜,故选A。34、句意:琳和迈克:我们都喜欢_。A草莓;B梨;C西瓜;根据对话中的琳喜欢橘子和西瓜,迈克喜欢梨和西瓜,可知他们都喜欢西瓜,故选C。35、句意:_我不喜欢梨。A琳;B迈克;C妈妈;根据对话中的No, I dont lik

39、e pears. 不,我不喜欢梨。可知琳不喜欢梨,故选A。【点睛】3C解析:31、C32、A33、C34、A35、A【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了我房间里面的物品。31、句意:一个球在床_。A在上面;B在里面;C在下面;根据短文中的A ball is under the bed.可知球在床下面,故选C。32、句意:两本书在床_。A在上面;B在里面;C在下面;根据短文中的 Two books are on the bed. 可知两本书在床上面,故选A。33、句意:一个_在书桌下面。A球;B包;C椅子;根据短文中的A chair is under the desk.可知一把椅子在书桌下面,故选C。3

40、4、句意:一个玩具_在书桌上面。A小船;B小汽车;C狗;根据短文中的 A toy boat is on the desk.可知一个玩具小船在书桌上面,故选A。35、句意:有多少草莓?_根据短文中的Fifteen strawberries!可知有十五个草莓,故选A。【点睛】4B解析:31、B32、A33、A34、B35、A【导语】本文介绍了莉莉的猫及玩具。31、句意:莉莉来自_。A英国,B美国,根据Hi, my name is Lily. Im from the USA.,可知莉莉来自美国,故选B。32、句意:西西是一只_。A猫,B狗,根据This is my friend, Cici. Its

41、 a cat.,可知西西是一只猫,故选A。33、句意:西西有一个_身体。A大的,B小的,根据It has a big body and a long tail.,可知西西有一个大身体,故选A。34、句意:莉莉喜欢_。A鱼,B西瓜,根据I like watermelons.,可知莉莉喜欢西瓜,故选B。35、句意:莉莉有_辆玩具汽车。A十六,B十九,根据13 balls, 16 toy cars, 17 crayons and 19 pencils.,可知莉莉有16辆玩具汽车,故选A。5B解析:31、B32、C33、A34、A35、B【导语】本文Lisa介绍了自己的基本情况,澳大利亚受欢迎的动物和

42、自己有的一个新的玩具动物。31、题干句意:丽莎是哪里人?A中国,B澳大利亚,C加拿大,根据“Im from Australia.”可知是澳大利亚的,故选B。32、题干句意:我们在澳大利亚看到很多_。A大象,B猴子,C袋鼠,根据“In Australia, kangaroos are very popular (受欢迎的).”可知是袋鼠,故选C。33、题干句意:丽莎是新来的_。A学生,B教师,C动物,根据“I am a new student in China.”可知是学生,故选A。34、题干句意:带下划线的单词pouch表示_。根据“Where is the baby kangaroo (小袋鼠)? Its in her mothers


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