1、Problems TriggersoAccentoFast speaking speedoDifficult wordsoTerminologyoDifficult sentence structureoUnfamiliar idea/lack of knowledgeoToo nervousGeneral principle of copingoConvey the messageoBe flexible(不能卡壳,不能中断)Coping tacticsoHow can the speaker help?oHow can we help ourselves?oHow can the audi
2、ence help?How can the speaker help?oAsk the speaker to repeatoAsk the speaker to explainoAsk the speaker to slow downoAsk the speaker to stopHow can we help ourselves?oWell-grounded guess/reconstruction (based on co-text,situation,speakers background,linguistic knowledge主要指搭配,某些词只能和某些词搭配)oExplain wh
3、en dont know the equivalent termoRepeat the original sound (proper nouns,terms,abbreviations)How can the audience help?oTurn to some bilingual listenersoAsk for sympathy and forgivenessCoping example 1o喝雄黄酒 (二硫化砷 Arsenic sulphide/realgar)oA folk custom of drinking a special kind of wine which allege
4、dly keep evil things away.Coping example 2o麻生太郎 Taro Asoo福田康夫 Yasuo Fukudao安倍晋三 Shinzo Abeo小泉纯一郎 Junichiro Koizumio参拜靖国神社 Sakuni Shrine(where the tablets of the Class-A war criminals are enshrined.)Coping example 3o河豚 Globefisho餐桌上应译为:tasty but poisonous,can be fatalo若是邀请别人尝的主人可以说:rather give up my
5、life than to give up the fishCoping example 4o多宝鱼(大菱鲆)Turbot,一种比目鱼flatfish 餐桌上可译为:一种好吃的象征fortune或treasure的鱼o鲎 马蹄蟹,两公婆,海怪 Nicknamesea monster,誉为living fossil,同三叶虫trilobite一样古老,几亿年前出现Coping:a birdCoping:开场白o各位来宾,女士们、先生们:下午好!丰年祥和的气氛在升腾,政通人和的激情在燃烧。/o我们再次相聚在一起,相聚在美丽的鹭岛,共同畅谈一年来的工作和学习,畅想美好的未来。/o借此圣诞节来临之际,受林建农局长委托,我谨代表厦门市劳动和社会保障局向长期以来投身厦门特区建设的外籍人士、企业界人士和广大劳工致以衷心的感谢和诚挚的问候!