1、-范文最新推荐- 溇江漂流导游词 各位来宾、各位朋友: 大家好! 欢迎大家来溇江进行惊险刺激的漂流。溇江由索水和溇水组成,分别发源于张家界国家森林公园和湖北省江口镇,于慈利县城汇入湖南省四大河流之一澧水,张家界国家森林公园的金鞭溪便是溇江的上游。我们现在所处的位置便是溇江漂流的起点码头,小地名叫长峪村。 从武陵源区人民政府所在地索溪峪出发,到达溇江漂流起点码头的路程仅为30公里,车程1小时。溇江漂流河道 16公里,隐滩18个,漂程2小时,仅用半天时间即可返回索溪峪。漂流途中,峡谷幽
2、深,树木葱茏,滩多浪急,惊险刺激,两岸美景,尽收眼底。我们公司现有漂流船80余条,可同时一次性接待400人左右的大型 旅游团队。漂流船分为4人舟、8人舟、10人舟、12人舟,无论团队还是散客,均可以迅速合理地安排船只,进行漂流。 【漂前准备】国家旅游主管部门明文规定:漂流属特殊旅游项目,凡属现金、首饰、相机、摄像机、手机、BP机、手表、高级皮鞋等贵重物品一律不准带上船。如若大家强行带上漂流船,发生损坏或丢失所造成的后果由大家自行负责。大家上船以后,一切均应听从船老大的招呼,在漂急滩时,请大家抓好安全绳,将重心向中间移动。覆舟或落水属于正常情况,请大家不要惊
3、慌,我们的船老大一定会全力救护大家到安全河段。为了增添漂流途中的乐趣,大家可以购买打水仗的武器水瓢、水枪,但费用自理,还可以自备防水雨衣雨裤。好啦,请大家赶快穿好救生衣,准备出发。 【天王妃子洗衣滩】大家都知道,在我们土家族历史上,深受我们后人爱戴的土家族首领便是元末明初的向王天子向大坤,著名景区天子山便因向王天子在那儿率众起义而得名。今天,在我们溇江河,也有一处因向王天子而命名的景点:天子妃子洗衣滩。今天漂流的第一个险滩边据说曾是当年向王天子的妃子们为征战的英勇男儿捶洗衣服的地方。您看,现在还有很多土家妇女、土家姑娘在这里洗衣服哩。找一找,其中有没有妃子
4、? 【姜太公钓鱼台】在我们前方,漂过一个险滩之后,河流的左岸是一堵石壁,呈弧形,上部延伸出来的地方有一根细长细长的藤蔓垂挂着,传说这是姜子牙当年垂钓的地方,我们叫它姜太公钓鱼台。 【坐井观天】来到这里以后,河道千回百转,但见两岸青山叠翠,山的走势蜿蜒曲折,抬头向上望去,四周的青山便形成了一个标准的圆形井沿,我们身在其中,坐井观天的感觉很强烈,真是山外有山,天外有天呀。 【升斗潭、八耳锅】来到这里,眼前豁然开朗,河水骤然平缓,我们将这个水潭叫升斗潭,意思是说这个潭小巧玲珑,仅用一升一
5、斗的容量便可度量。传说古时候有一年,溇江两岸田地干旱,老百姓颗粒无收,眼望着今年难以度过饥荒,老百姓一愁莫展。天上的神仙得知这一情况后,马上命人送来一口有八只耳朵的铁锅子,放在溇江边,然后分别以报梦的方式告诉溇江两岸的父老乡亲,只要大家根据全家人的食量到八耳锅里去一升一斗地取,粮食就会源源不断,取之不竭。哪晓得江垭镇上一位财主得到消息后,带领大批家丁赶来,没完没了地从八耳锅中掏粮食,这一下子惹恼了天上的神仙,只听“轰隆”一声巨响,八耳锅连同财主、家丁和粮食一起滚入溇江河中,再也没有起来。所以说做人不能贪心不足,只能适可而止。后来人便将这个潭叫升斗潭,八耳锅如今已变成了一块巨石。 &
6、nbsp; 【红砂洲】这里是今天漂流途中惟一的开阔地带,名叫红砂洲,以出产红砂而得名。您看两岸绿意盎然,屋舍俨然,炊烟袅袅,间杂鸡鸣狗吠,好一幅田园风光图。转过头来,浅滩上还有临江而钓的老者、涉江而过的黄狗,远处白鹤飞翔,鸥鹭栖息,真正的世外桃源啊! 【猪槽峪】又要过程度比较大的隐滩了。这个滩名叫猪槽峪,意思是说河道狭窄,仅有猪槽宽,而且落差大,请大家做好浪遏飞舟的准备。 【结束语】经过近两个小时的冲浪漂滩,我们现在已完完全全地“湿”身于溇江了。前面,远方有一座大桥叫江垭大桥,也就是说我们今天的溇江漂流之旅的终点站江垭
7、镇到了。谢谢大家的光临,欢迎大家下次再来溇江进行漂流。 漂流结束后,大家还可以去参加我们公司为大家准备的另一个惊险刺激的 旅游项目江垭水库高峡平湖水上飞伞。水上飞伞是溇江平湖游的主要内容,是利用快艇的动力将扣在飞伞上的人带上天空,在距离水平面70米的天空很随意地飞翔,湖光山色尽收眼底,朵朵白云伸手可摘,真正地浪漫,真正地爽快。 The Exhibition of Inscribed Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms at Changsha Ladies and gentlemen,Welc
8、ome to Changsha museum. Well be here to visit “The Exhibition of Inscribed Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms at Changsha and The Years of Unearthed Most Valuable Cultural Relics”. I hope my explanation can satisfy you!Now, we are in the first exhibition hall. Here, it adopts panoram
9、ic technique, and restores the site of unearthing Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom. In 1996, during July to November, in the southeast of Wu Yi square, team up with Ping He Tang Department. The exhumations were carried on by Changsha relics work teams. They unearth 61 archaic wells during the Warring St
10、ates period and the Ming and Qing Dynasty, and found out 3000 kinds of relics, like copper, iron bamboo, wood, ceramics, and so on. To peoples astonishment, in the No.22 archaic well, they found lots of bamboo tablets and wooden slips. After confirming, they are the relics of Sun Wu in Three kingdom
11、s 1700 years ago. These patches of relics would replenish the lacked historical materials of three kingdoms exactly. Our country once had four discoveries: The oracle bone inscription of Yin, bamboo tablets and wooden slips of Tunxu in northwest China, Cultural books of Dunhuang stone room, Files of
12、 Qing cabinet. Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms at Changsha can be mentioned in the same breath with the four discoveries, and become the searching subject of international academia.Everybody! Please look at the cross section reconstruction of the NO.22 archaic well. Its upper part
13、 of opening was damaged when it was excavating. This is an irregular circular shape vertical shaft; the bottom has a bag form likely. The opening of the well has a length 3.5 m from south to north, 3.1 m from east to west, and 5.6 m in depth. The opening is covered with pure red brown color clay, 1.
14、5 m deeper of which is the bamboo tablets and wooden slips layer. The bamboo tablets and wooden slips layer is 50 cm thick in center and 20 cm thin on all sides, piled up with slope form. The ropes tied the bamboo tablets and wooden slips have become rotten, but we can see they were buried by bundle
15、s at that time. There are more than 10,000 pieces of bamboo tablets and wooden slips by the initial statistics. The second layer is the gray brown clay layer of 3.1 m thick, among them mix up with lots of bamboo wood scrapes, grass scrapes, leaves, fragmentary bricks, pottery and porcelain and so on
16、. At the bottom of the well is another small well, which has square wooden frame. The four corners are nailed by a stick of spile inlayed with two wooden boards as the well wall. The circle of the well is 93 cm long, 58 cm tall. The function of this small well is probably for gathering the groundwat
17、er from all sides of the well, and then put forward to pour out with water pitcher and other tools in order to maintain the well space dry. This is the living photo taken by the time of excavating.Analyzing the structure and relics of the well NO.22, it is an ancient well for storing food. The clima
18、te of Changsha is so hot, wet and rainy that the food is easy to be rot, but the circumstance under the ground of 10 m depth is just like as a modern refrigerator. The archaeological discoveries approved that people had used this storing method from the time of Shang dynasty. You may ask that, why w
19、ere the bamboo tablets of Wu Kingdom buried in the well? There are two statements. The first one considered that in the period of Three Kingdoms, there were so many wars, the suddenly burst-out war made people bury them here in a hurry. The other considered that to bury them in the well may be a way
20、 of dealing with the records in the past.Now please look at the photo. This is the photo of unearthing the No.22 well. We can see that the bamboo tablets and wooden slips were soaked in the mud. Why can they be kept intact for over 1700 years? One of the important reasons is that the ground water le
21、vel in Changsha was very high, and the bamboo tablets and wooden slips were soaked in the water. Besides, they were buried deeply; they can be sealed up wall. With these, they can be kept intact for over 1700 years.Next, lets visit the second exhibition room. In this room we can get the detailed int
22、roduction of the bamboo tablets and wooden slips. Before we visit, I have a question to ask. Do you know whether the words on the bamboo tablets and wooden slips were written or carved on them? With the question, lets look at the photo of the pottery figurine. This pottery figurine was unearthed in
23、a Western Jin tomb in Jinpenling in Changsha in 1950s. On the left of the photo there is a man handing a wooden slip and reading something, the man on the right who were holding a hair pencil in a hand and a wooden slip in the other was writing something. The pottery figurine shows us the condition
24、of ancients writing on the bamboo tablets and wooden slips. Now, we can say, the word on the bamboo tablets and slips were written on them. Did you guess it?To see another set of photos. This is a hair pencil unearthed from one of the tombs of the Warring State at Zuojiagong Mountain of Changsha in
25、1954. Its shaft is long and small but easy to be broken. On the side of it there is a bamboo pipe used for containing the pen when it is collected and preserved. This is an ink stone with little ink blocks near it. Here also remains a bronze chopping knife which is used for the calligrapher to make
26、inscribed bamboo and wooden slips and correct writing mistakes. This is a set of photos of calligraphy tools discovered in No.168 Tomb in Jinan city of former capital of Chu State. In addition to this, there are 6 pieces of wooden slips without character. This is also the most complete and most typi
27、cal set of Han Dynastys stationery ever seen up to now. Uniting our ancient people calculates the number of the inscribed bamboo tablets and wooden slips are not “slice”, but “jin”. It is recorded in history that the 1st emperor of Qin Dynasty did not have a rest until he finished reading over 120 j
28、in of memorial to throne and inscribed bamboo and wooden slips.Please notice the following brief tablet about information of the inscribed bamboo and wooden slips unearthed from all parts of the nation from this century. Among this, the column in red character is the number of the inscribed bamboo a
29、nd wooden slips excavated from Changsha this time. The number this time has exceeded the total amount of that unearthed from all parts of the nation these years. Therefore, it is named as “the surprising wonder of the world”and “one of the most important archaeological discoveries of this century.”
30、It is well known that document history in the Three Kingdom Period handed down is very rare.”The Annals of Three Kingdom”by Chenshou in Xijin has 65 volumes, among which there are 30 volumes of Wei Book, 15 volumes of Shu Book, 20 volumes of Wu Book with total of more than 1 million characters. Over
31、 the years, the unearthed inscribed bamboo slips and wooden tablets in nationwide archaeology is also rarely seen and only exist tens of pieces in Anhui, Jiangxi and Hubei .But nowadays in Changsha, the total number of the excavation of the inscribed bamboo from Wu State in Three Kingdom Period reac
32、hes 10 thousand pieces for just one time and the total wordage reaches more than 3 million if counted with 20 words in each piece. These character materials greatly surpass the total wordage in that of the “Annals of Three Kingdom”, which offers abundant material for the study of social economy, pol
33、itical system, inscribed bamboo and volume system, history and geography and also fill the vacancy of historic works. We can forecast that the discovery of inscribed bamboo slips from Wu State in Changsha will surely influence many aspects of the Chinese historic study and anew examining and verifyi
34、ng the past final conclusion.Well, let us have a look at this map. Though the series archaeological excavation around the “Wuyi square ”by our archaeological workers, we have preliminarily defined the region of the ancient Changsha .It extends northward to “Lao Zhaobi ”, southward to “Pozi Street”,
35、eastward to “Caie Road”and westward to “Shanghe Street”which shaped rectangle. And the center of Changsha is todays “Wuyi Square, which, we can say, hasnt changed basically nearly 3000years.The unearthed inscribed bamboo slips and wooden tablets for this time, if according to their shape, they can b
36、e distributed to big and small inscribed bamboo slips, wooden tablets and so on; if according to their use, they can be distributed to five kinds:The first kind is document. It can be subdivided into two parts. One is the land rent document with 0.5m long, 2.5cm wide and 100 to 200 Chinese character
37、s on. The other is the official document which recorded the distribution and exchanging of money, crops, and goods among different governmental setups. Please look at this smaller slice. It is a classified label. It shows us a monthly report recorded by two officials named Huang Wei and Pan lv in th
38、e first year of Jia He period. Second, about judicature, which recorded some detail contents and economic cases, such as the trying, appealing and reexamining? Whats on this wooden tablet is an individual case about a Du You. Du You is a kind of government official. He was sentenced to death for his
39、 corruptness of salt, but he was not convinced and appealed to a high court. However, the reexamining did not make the judge change. So he had nothing to do but accept.The third kind is directory, somewhat like the household and registered books today. Lets look at this slice. Here the Chinese chara
40、cter “Rong Li”was a name of some place in Changsha. This whole sentence means there is a man named He Qin, 55 years old, lived in Rong Li. His dukedom is Gong Cheng. And here “Suan Yi” means can be counted as one of a taxpayer;” Xing Liang Zu” refers to whose legs had been cut off. The directory ser
41、ved as a registered permanent resident, which put down peoples name, age, position and something we cant find in our registered permanent resident-physical condition. The fourth one is calling card. It mainly referred to paying respect, giving gift and administrative affairs, as visiting cards we us
42、e today.The last kind is the wooden tablet on account which recorded the managing account of departments belongs to Changsha government. Please look at these historical relics again. This blue and green porcelain in the Three Kingdoms and Tow Jin Dynasties were discovered in ZouMalou ancient well. L
43、ook, their glazed colors is sparking and crystal-clear, the decorate are simple and element. The second among them is called “Chichen-Head Potting”, the potting is coronal form, guides the neck and proceeded high, and the modeling of it is very beautiful. These potting were very popular in Jin Dynas
44、ty. They were used as pitcher and chalice. Everybody has seen many photos, has listened to so much explanation, now we come to see the original of the bamboo slips, wooden tablets or slips for writing. Now, you see in the pyramid shape exhibition cupboard, it is a bamboo slips and wooden tablets or
45、slips original that explored in Zoumalou in the ancient well of the building this time. The bamboo slips and wooden tablets or slips are the material that the ancient remains of our country come down to write. Among them the narrow and long bamboo, the wood chips are called “Jian”, the generous wood
46、 chips called “Du”. You must distinguish one from the other, not wood make are named “Du”, what bamboo make named “Jian”. Jian has the wooden one, too. Ok, the right side of I there set some inscribed wooden tablets, the middle are heavy inscribed wooden slips. In the left, they are bamboo slips tha
47、t pressed under the transparent glass. The characters on the bamboo slips and wooden tablets or slips are simple and clear. Its easily can be distinguished. The script is the transition from Lishu to Regular script.These kinds of inscribed wooden slips and inscribed wooden tablets are made in shirt
48、woods. The quality of these trees is pre-pressing. It is intact to keep. The raw materials of inscribed bamboo slips is bamboo whose quality is loose, apt and crooked and out of shape, so it in displaying and need press when exhibiting. The ancients have several procedures to make the bamboo slips.
49、First, they cut the bamboo into bamboo slips, and then burnished them in order to make them smooth, these smooth slips called “Jian”. But people could not write on the wet bamboo slips. Then, they roasted dry the wet bamboo slips. While roasting, there was some water steaming out. The water looked like sweet, s
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