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1、2014-2015学年第一学期初中学生学习水平综合评价八年级英语(白云区)一听力(略)二、语言知识与运用。(共两节,满分15分)第一节 单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 从1120各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )11. Who helped you clean the classroom yesterday? _. I cleaned it all by myself. A. Somebody B. Nobody C. Everybody D. Anybody ( ) 12. Which suitcase is_,the red one, the

2、 black one or the blue one? The red one. It is probably made of leather. A. expensive B. much expensive C. more expensive D. the most expensive ( ) 13. Toms mother bought him a new toy as his _ birthday present. A. nine B. nineth C. ninth D. the ninth ( ) 14. Tim will not catch the early bus _ he st

3、arts right now. A. if B. because C. unless D. when ( ) 15. Youd better _ late next time. Sorry, I wont.A. not to be B. dont be C. wont be D. not be( ) 16. Uncle Wang _ in this factory for 20 years already.A. will work B. works C. has worked D. is working( ) 17. John likes history very much. He spend

4、s one hour_ancient stories every day.A. reading B. to read C. reads D. read( ) 18. Miss Li will check our homework this afternoon. Have you finished it? Yes. I _ it last night.A. do B. did C. will do D. have done( ) 19. Liu Ying is good at singing. She sings as _ as the famous singer, CoCo.A. well B

5、. good C. better D. best( ) 20. Have you got an Encyclopedia? I want to _ some facts about dinosaursA. pour out B. find out C. look out D. take out第二节:语法选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从2130各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。A long time ago, an old farmer planted some rice. Every day he _21_ to fi

6、nd the field to watch the crops grow. He saw the young plants break through the soil and grow taller each day. _22_ still, he thought they were growing too slowly. “_23_ could the plants grow faster?” He thought in bed during the night and could not _24_. Suddenly he had _25_ idea. He could not wait

7、 for daybreak. He jumped out of the bed and ran to the field. By the moonlight, he began working on the rice crops. One _26_ one, he pulled up the young plants by half an inch. When he finishing _27_, it was already morning. He said to himself, “_28_ wonderful idea! Look, how much taller the plants

8、_29_ in one night!” He went back home _30_. He told his son what he had done. His son was shocked. Now the sun had risen. The young man was sad to see all the pull-up young plants dying.( ) 21. A. go B. goes C. went D. has gone( ) 22. A. So B. But C. Or D. Because( ) 23. A. When B. Why C. What D. Ho

9、w( ) 24. A. sleep B. sleeping C. to sleep D. slept( ) 25. A. a B. an C. the D.不填( ) 26. A. for B. to C. by D. on( ) 27. A. pull B. pulling C. pulled D. to pull( ) 28. A. What B. How C. What a D. What an( ) 29. A. grow B. grew C. are growing D. have grown( ) 30. A. happily B. happy C. happier D. happ

10、iest 三、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3140各题所给的A、B、C和D 项中,选出最佳选项。Tony and Judie live in English. They dont have any children or animals at home. But they have a robot. His name is Aimec. Aimec can sing songs and tell 31 to make them laugh, He often helps them 32 meals. Aimec has becomes one

11、of Tony and Judies family 33 Tony is 54 years old. He is the father and 34 of Aimec. He likes robots very much. Tony has a robot company. The company makes and 35 robots like Aimec. Judie also works in the company. She said, “we sork very hard, from 7:30 in the morning36 late into the evening. We of

12、ten 37 home at around 10:00.”Aimec is a lot like a human 38. Tony said, “He can recognize your face. He is a robot that knows who you are. He knows your likes and dislikes. He often 39 my letters to me. Ill never feel 40 anymore ! Aimec is my child !”31. A. jokes B. lies C. names D. colours32. A. ea

13、t B. cook C. buy D. have 33. A. photos B. rules C. members D. parties 34. A. speaker B. worker C. visitor D. inventor 35. A. sells B. buys C. plays D. draws 36. A. before B. after C. when D. until 37. A. wait B. stay C. arrive D. leave 38. A. teacher B. doctor C. child D. parent 39. A. sings B. read

14、s C. sends D. writes 40. A. angry B. tired C. fantastic D. lonely 四、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面的四篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 (A) One day, a farmer was walking along a road with his son Thomas. The father said, “Look! Theres a horseshoe. Pick it up and put it in your bag.” Thomas said, “

15、It isnt worth the trouble.” His father said nothing but picked it up himself. When they got to a nearby town,they had a rest. There the farmer sold the horseshoe and with the pennies he bought some grapes.It was very hot, and there wasnt a house or a tree where they could have a rest. Thomas felt to

16、o thirsty to walk on. At this time, his father dropped a grape on the ground and Thomas picked it up quickly and ate it. After a while, his father dropped another grape and once again, his son picked it up and put it in his mouth.And so they went on. The old farmer dropped the grapes and the son pic

17、ked them up. When Thomas had eaten up all the grapes, his father said to him, “My dear son,if you had bent down early to pick up that horseshoe, it would not have been necessary for you to bend so many times for the grapes, always remember the lesson: A person who does not worry about the little thi

18、ngs will find that he can not do the great things.”41. The horseshoe was picked up by _. A. the father B. the son C. the horse D.nobody42. What did the father buy after he sold the horseshoe? A. Pennies B. Grapes C. Trees D.A bag43. Why did Thomas pick up the grapes and eat them? A. Because he was a

19、sked to do that. B. Because he liked them. C. Because he was thirsty. D. Because he didnt wanted to waste food.44. The father dropped the grapes one by one because he wanted _. A. his son to eat them all B. to teach his son a lesson C. to make fun of his son D. to throw them away45. From the passage

20、, we can learn that _. A. if we want to eat grapes,we must pick up a horseshoe B. a horseshoe is so expensive that it can bring us much money C. a father is always wiser than a son D. we should worry about small things before we do the great things(B)A group of fourteen children in Hong Kong show th

21、e world that music can be enjoyed by everyone.These children are special. They all have hearing problems, and joined a choir(合唱团) in Hong Kong. Recently, they competed in a local competition as the first choir of deaf peopleand won the fourth place.These children are taught to sing songs in special

22、ways. A sign language teacher is their conductor(指挥). By following the teachers sign language, they can match the melody(旋律) with the lyric(歌词) even though they cannot hear the music clearly.After joining the choir, most of them have become more confident. They have learned that they are not differe

23、nt from children who can hear.46. How many children are there in the choir?( ) A. 12. B. 13. C. 14. D. 15.47. Whats the problem with the children? ( ) A. They cant hear. B. They cant see. C. They cant walk. D. They cant sing.48. How do the children learn to sing songs? ( ) A. Follow the tape. B. Lea

24、rn by themselves. C. Learn from their parents. D. Follow the teachers sign language.49. What does the underlined word “competed” (in paragraph 2) mean?( ) A. won B. took part C. lost D. finished50. Whats the best title of the article?( ) A. The deaf B. A Special Choir C. Hearing Problem D. A Local C

25、ompetition(C)Whenever the house gets quiet, Mrs. Smith knows just where to find her 6-year-old daughter Maria: lost in the world of stories.“I like to read every time of the day,” said Maria, a student at Creel Elementary School in Australia.Marias headmaster, Mrs. White, wants each of her 850 stude

26、nts and their families to learn the love of reading this year. She wants reading at home to become an activity of choice in every family, even during holiday breaks. “I truly realize reading should be an important part of everyones life, and nothing should stop it.” said Mrs. White.“The aim we want

27、most of all is to help children understand they can enjoy reading, as well as practice their skills,” said Hannas, an education researcher. He suggested parents take their children to the library and allow them to pick out books that interest them.Each night, students take home two books to read wit

28、h their parents or other family members. They have to return the books the next day with a signed note from their parents showing that the books were read, and have passing tests that check how well they understand the books.“Were trying to get parents into the habit of reading with their kids.” sai

29、d the headmaster. “Nothing is better than sitting on a sofa with your child and reading and laughing.”Through books, Mrs. Smith, a parent, said shes able to give her two daughters more experiences than she could.“I think reading opens all the doors and creates imaginations in children,” she said, “I

30、 think if you read well, you can succeed in anything in life.”51 Maria is a girl who_A .is always quietB. loving reading very muchC.studies in a middle a daughter of Mrs.White52.The aim of the at-home-reading activity is to _.A. show the parents how important reading is B. ask each of the

31、 students to learn from MariaC. help the students and their families enjoy reading D. let them know the story of the book53.To make sure how well the students understand the books, the school has to _.A. give the students testsB. ask their parents to write a noteC. check how many books they have rea

32、d D.ask the students to return the books in time54.From the article, we know that the at-home-reading activity _.A. can open the door of the room. B. has influenced the students at Creel Elementary SchoolC. helps family members understand each other better D. can let parents love each other55.The ar

33、ticle is probably from a/ magazine五、写作(共三姐,满分25分)第一节 单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据下列句子以及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。在填写答题卡时,要求写出完整单词。56. John was glad that he had a c_ to go to Australia as an exchange student. 57.What would you like to o_ , Miss? - C409 Lenove lap

34、top, please.58. He was b_ in a small country in 1980.59.All the students have gone back home .The classroom is e_.60.A great way to remember something is to imagine a picture of it in your m_.第二节(共5题,每题2分,满分5分)根据所给汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子61.晚饭后去散步有益健康。Its good for your health to _ _ _after supper.62.垃圾桶塞满了垃圾,

35、请清理一下。The dustbin_ _ _rubbish.please clean it63.这部电影非常有教育意义,值得一看。The film is very educational.It _ _ _.64.寒假快到了。我期待着一个令人愉快的假期。Winter holiday is coming.I_ _ _ _ a happy holiday.65.由于污染,这条河变得和墨水一样。The river became _ _ _ink because of pollution.第三节:书面表达(共1小题,满分10分)Tom 是来自美国的交换生,他想了解你们学校就要举行的英语周。请你根据英语周

36、的海报相他介绍学校英语周的情况(必须包括包括名称、活动内容并补充第四幅图)注意:1.词数7080左右(文章开头已给出,不计入词数)Our English WeekHello Tom.Welcome to our English Week.I would like to introduce some actitivestoyou._I hope you can have fun in our English Week.参考答案:二、语言知识部分第一节 单项选择1115 BDCCD 1620 CABAB第二节 语法选择2125 CBDAB 2630 CBCDA三、完形填空31-35 ACCDA31

37、-36 DCCDD四阅读理解41-45 ABCBD 46-50 CADBB 5155 BDABD五,写作单词拼写56. chance 57.order 58. born 59. empty 60. mind 完成句子61. take a walk; 62. is filled with ,/is full of 63. is worth seeing; 64. look forward to having; 65. as black as 书面表达AlrightTom,soforourEglishweekwehaveabookfairinthelibrary.Usuallywegatherar



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