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1、.长沙舞蹈艺术职业中等专业学校2014年11月职高一年级上册英语期中考试试卷总分:120分 时间:90分钟 Name: Class: Mark: 一、(英汉互译)(15分)(一) 单词(10*1=10)1、 bakery 2、多云的 3、invite 4、 地址 5、delicious_ 6、俱乐部 7、hobby 8、下雪的_ 9、shopping 10、电子邮件 (二)短语(5*1=5) 11、职业学校 12、apply for 13、特价销售 14、cell phone 15、用英语 二、 选词填空。将正确序号填入左边的括号内:(10*2=20) ( ) 16. What _ your

2、name? My name _ Paul. A are is B. is is C. is are D. are are ( ) 17.What _ I do for you?A. can B. would C. may D. did ( ) 18. There _ a teacher, two boys and three girls in the classroom.Ais B. be C. am D. are ( ) 19 Whats the weather like in _ hometown?A. you B. your C. yours D./ ( ) 20.This seat i

3、s _. A. mine B./ C. my D.I ( ) 21. How _ things?A. is B. are C. be D. am ( ) 22. -Can I lend your English-Chinese dictionary? - A. Youre welcome. B. OK. Let me try.C. Not at all. D. Sure. Here you are. ( ) 23. The red skirt is _.A. she B. her C. shes D. hers ( ) 24. Id like to _ your club.A. join B.

4、 join in C. join to D. / ( ) 25. Your advice is good. Ill _ it.A. take B. give C. make D. do三、.完形填空,将正确的序号填入左边的括号内:(10*1.5=15)There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, _26_, autumn and winter. In spring the weather gets_27_.The grass becomes _28_.Summer is the hottest season of the year. Th

5、e days are _29_ and the_30_ are short. The sun always shines brightly, but_31_it is cloudy and there are heavy rains. In autumn the_32_is blue and people feel happy. When winter_33_,we have to wear warm clothes. It is very _34_.It often snows and children like to _35_ a snowman for fun.( )26. A. sum

6、mer B. Sunday C. September( )27. A. cold B. cool C. warm( )28. A. red B. brown C. green ( )29. A. long B. short C. shorter ( )30. A nightsB. days C. weeks( )31. A. usuallyB. sometimes C. always( )32. A. groundB. treeC. sky( )33. A. comesB. comeC. coming( )34. A. warmB. coldC. hot ( )35. A.

7、C. play四、阅读理解 (10*2=20) AI am a girl. My English name is Linda. I am eleven years old. I have eight subjects at school. They are Chinese, math, English, P.E.,music, art, science and history.My favorite subject is Chinese. I think it is interesting. I also like English. But its a little difficult for

8、 me. I can speak only a little English. History is interesting ,too. I like it. Math is difficult. Mr Wang is our math teacher. He is very strict. Im usually tired after his class. But I work hard. I think I can study it well. 根据内容选词填空,将正确的序号填入左边的括号内:( )36.Linda is _.A.11 B.12 C.13( )37.Linda has _s

9、ubjects at school.A. six B. seven C. eight( )38.Lindas favorite subject is _.A. Chinese B. English C. math( )39.Linda thinks English is _.A .difficult B .interesting C .a little difficult( )40._ is NOT true.A. Linda can speak a little English.B. My favorite subject is English.C. Mr Wang is our math

10、teacher.B Differentpeoplehavedifferenthobbies.Forexample,somepeoplelikereading,somelikeswimmingandsomelikecollectingthings. Inthepast,IlovedreadingbooksanddrawingpicturesbecausebyreadingbooksIcouldlearnmanynewthings.Nowtravelingismyfavorite.Ienjoyvisitingmanydifferentplacesofinterest.Icanlearnalotab

11、outpeople,placesandhistory.Itsveryinteresting. Ihavemanygoodfriends.Theyallhavetheirhobbies.Marystudiesveryhard,andherhobbyisreading.Tonylovesphysicalwork,andhishobbyisgardening.Heusuallyplantsflowersandtreesinhisyard.Judyisaquietgirl.Shelikesknitting.Shelikestoknitsweatersforherdolls.Weallhavediffe

12、renthobbies,butwearestillgoodfriends.( )41Thewriterliked_inthepast. A.travelingB.gardeningC.readingD.knitting( )42.Accordingtothewriter,travelingis_ A.boringB.interestingC.excitingD.difficult( )43.Maryloves_ A.readingB.knittingC.gardeningD.visitingplacesofinterest( )44.Tonyoftenplants_inhisyard. A.f

13、lowersB.treesC.fruitD.flowersandtrees( )45.Judylikesknittingsweatersforher_.A.dollsB.friendsC.parentsD.herselfC Americanseatalmosteverythingwithafork,anditappearsthatholdingaknifeinonesrighthandlonger afewsecondsisconsideredtobeagainstgoodtablemanners. Thesystemisthatifitisnecessarytouseaknife,peopl

14、etaketheforkintheirlefthand,andcutoffapieceofmeatorwhateveritisintheplate.Thentheyputtheknifedown,transfer(转移)theforktotheirrighthand,andonly thendotheytransportthefoodtotheirmouth.Thisisclearlyfunny,butitisconsideredgoodmanners. Tablesaregenerallylaidwithoneknifeandtwoforks.Theoutsideforkisforthesa

15、lad.Thereisno needforforeignvisitorstoeatthesaladwithonlyafork,butifyoudouseyourknife,remembertosaveitfor themeatcourse.Evendesserts(excepticecream)areeatenwithaforkandthespoonbyyourdessertismeant tobeforcoffee(butifyouuseitforyourdessertnoonewillsayanything).( )46._eatalmosteverythingwithafork. A.P

16、eopleintheUSAB.PeopleinSouthAmerica C.PeopleinChina D.PeopleintheUN( )47.Whichofthestatementsistrue? A.Holdingaknifeinonesrighthandisconsideredtobebadtablemanners. B.Americansputfoodintotheirmouthswithaoneknife. C.Tablesareusuallylaidwithtwoforksandoneknife. D.Theoutsideforkisforthedesserts.( )48.Th

17、espoonbyyourdessertisusuallyfor_. A.meat C.everythingD.whateverisontheplate( )49.Ifyouusethespoonforyourdessert,_. A.youwillbelaughedat B.youwillbeaskedtogoout C.youwillbeconsideredimpolite D.itisOK( )50.Whichtitleisbestforthispassage? A.HowtoEatwithaKnife B.EatingCustomsinAmerica C.Beautif

18、ulAmericanForksD.FunnyEatingHabitsDWhen you want to see big cities in China , you can rent a car and drive in the cities by yourself. You can also take a taxi. But you will pay a lot of money for these two days. A lot of people like to go by subway or by bus. The subway is the fastest way to get aro

19、und in busy cities even during the rush hour .It is now becoming more and more popular. You dont need to pay much money if you want to take a bus, but it is much slower than the subway. To see a city closely by bike is a cheaper and better way. But the best and wisest way to get around in downtown a

20、reas is to go on foot.根据短文内容判断正误。(对的打T,错的打F)( )51. Many people like to take a taxi to see big cities in China.( )52. Not many people take the subway to get around in big cities. ( )53. The bus runs faster than the subway during the rush hour ( )54. It is a good and cheap way to see cities by bike. (

21、 )55. To go around in downtown areas on foot is the best and wisest way.五、将A栏与B栏连接,使意义完整,将正确序号填入左边的括号内。(5) ( )56. How old are you? A. Id like to be an engineer. ( ) 57. What job are you applying for ? B. Yes, it is. ( ) 58. How much is it? C. Yes, I do. ( ) 59. Its a nice day, isnt it?D. Im seventee

22、n. ( ) 60. Do you like sports?E. 3 yuan a kilo.六、连接相应的单词和释义,将正确序号填入左边的括号内。 (5) ( ) A. a person who does the cleaning ( ) 62.discountB. a group of people get together to have fun ( ) 63.drugstore C. a store that sells medicines ( ) 64.engineerD. money taken off the cost of something ( ) 65.c

23、leaner E.a person who works with buildings or maintaining machines and other equipments七、从所给单词中选择适当的单词完成句子。(5) manager waitress windy dozen hostess 66.The wind is rather strong. What a _ day!67.Li Ping has worked in the company for many years. He is a(n) _. 68. I want to buy a _ eggs.69. My mother w

24、as the _ at the garden party.70. A _ came to the table to take our order.八、选择正确的词填空. 将正确序号填入左边的括号内。(5) ( ) A: Hi , Come (71)_. (A. in B. out) B: Thanks. Nice place! ( ) A: Thanks. (72)_ you like some tea or coffee?(A. Could B. Would) ( ) B: May I have (73)_ coffee, please?(A some B. any) ( ) A: Sure

25、. Here (74)_ are. (A you B your ) ( ) B: Thanks a(75) _.(A little B. lot )长沙舞蹈艺术职业中等专业学校2014年11月职高一年级上册英语期中考试答题卷总分:120分 时间:90分钟 Name: Class: Mark: 一、(英汉互译)(15分)(一)单词(10*1=10)2、 bakery 2、多云的 3、invite 5、 地址 5、delicious_ 6、俱乐部 7、hobby 8、下雪的_9、shopping 10、电子邮件 (二)短语(5*1=5) 11、职业学校 12、apply for 13、特价销售 1

26、4、cell phone 15、用英语 二、 选词填空。将正确序号填入左边的括号内 (10*2=20)题号16171819202122232425答案三、完形填空,将正确的序号填入左边的括号内 (10*1.5=15)题号26272829303132333435答案四、阅读理解:;(20*2=40)题号3637383940414243444546474849505152535455答案五至六答题 将正确序号填入左边的括号内。(10)题号56575859606162636465答案七、从所给单词中选择适当的单词完成句子。(5) manager waitress windy dozen hostes

27、s 66.The wind is rather strong. What a _ day!67.Li Ping has worked in the company for many years. He is a(n) _. 68. I want to buy a _ eggs.69. My mother was the _ at the garden party.70. A _ came to the table to take our order.八、选择正确的词填空. 将正确序号填入左边的括号内。(5)题号7172737475答案九 写作 (10) 请完成表格所要求的内容,然后根据你描述的

28、内容将其写成一篇文章,字数不得少于80。NameAgeLikesDislikesJohn16drawing;basketball;readingsinging;football 1. 烘培店 面包店 2. cloudy3. 邀请4. address5. 美味的6. club7. 爱好8. snowy9. 购物10. e-mail11. Vocational school12. 申请13. on sale14. 手机15. in English 16-25 BAABA BDDAA 26-35 ACCAA BCABB36-45 ACACB CBADA46-55 ACBDB FFFTT 56-65 DAEBC BDCEA66. windy 67.manager 68.dozen 69.hostess 70.waitress71-75 ABAAB 精选范本


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