1、-范文最新推荐- 英文情书技巧 One of the best ways to convey exactly how you feel about someone is through written words. Finding the perfect way to say what you mean when it comes to love can be a challenging task for anyone. So, we’ve gathered some helpful tips. Go ahead; spill your heart onto a piece of
2、paper. Whether through a one-line sentiment, a poem, or some prose let them know how you feel! Tips for writing your own love letters Make it personal. Writing a love letter is a dying art. So if you’re going to say it mean it! Express your gratitude for the person being in your life. Include
3、any special nicknames that the two of you share. Be specific. What are the things that he/she does to make you starry-eyed? Is it the way he gets a little teary at a sad movie? Is it the way she can’t wake up without her green tea? Include memories of specific times you spent together. Let him
4、/her know what they meant to you and why. Whether you’re sending it by mail or delivering it to them personally, hand-write it. Typed letters are sterile. If you’re even thinking about e-mail, then do something creative like designing a personalized home page love letter. You can get fre
5、e templates at C. Love quotes People have been writing about love for centuries. Love quotes can capture exactly how you feel about your sweet in just a few words. Make up your own, or borrow a few of these to add to your letter. Those who love deeply never grow old. Love does not consist in gazing
6、at each other, but in looking together in the same direction. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery) For an instant, love can transform the world. It’s not being in love that makes me happy. It’s being in love with YOU that makes me happy. If there is anything better than to be loved, it is loving.
7、Did I tell you today how much I love you? Creative expression Think a letter is too boring? Here are 10 ways to get your message across and have it remembered. 1. Write your message in magnetic letters on their refrigerator. 2. Create a Letter Hunt. Leave a note on his/her computer telling him/her y
8、ou have written him/her a love letter, but it has to be found. Give a clue. Clue to clue to clue. Make your lover search for the prize. 3. Send your love roses according to how many letters he/she has in their name. On each flower, attach a note that uses the letters of their name, as the first lett
9、er of the message. For example: Sean. The first rose could say, Sometimes I get starry-eyed when I look at you. The second, Everything you do makes me happy. And so on. 4. Book of Love. Put together a book of ten pages each page for some unique thing you love about him/her. 5. An audiotape letter. A
10、 cassette tape with your voice on it is an unexpected surprise. 6. Letter a day. Write your love a letter every day for a week and leave it in a place it will be found. 7. Write your loved one in a different language. He/She will have to get it translated, which will make their investment in the let
11、ter special. 8. Write a ransom note. Ransom an object of your lover’s and leave a note saying you’ll return it only after a romantic evening together. 9. Run a bubble bath for your love. Put a note inside a bottle and leave it floating in the water. 10. Hidden notes. Hide little love not
12、es in your lover’s pockets, wallet, bag, or desk for them to find later. 敬爱的党组织: 作为一名学生,可以说,我们的生活圈子是狭小的,每天接触到的不外乎老师和同学。但是这也是生活,是生活就会有烦劳,就有要面对和思索的问题。究竟我们应该怎样有意义地读过自己这短暂的四年大学时光呢,才不至于将来回首时有任何遗憾呢?我一直都在寻找着答案。在两个星期的党校学习过程中,我慢慢感悟道了一些生命的真谛。 前苏联作家奥斯特洛夫斯基的长篇小说钢铁是怎样炼成的中主人公保尔柯察金的名言:人最宝贵的是生命。生命每个人只有一次。人的一生
13、应当这样度过:回首往事,他不会因为虚度年华而悔恨,也不会因为卑鄙庸俗而羞愧;临终之际,他能够说:“我的整个生命和全部精力,都献给了世界上最壮丽的事业为解放全人类而斗争。 生活就是在坎坷中行进,在披荆斩棘中大步向前。人是有限的,不是永恒的,如何把握住这时时刻刻都在流逝的分分秒秒呢?我们不能增加人生的长度,但是可以扩展人生的宽度。将感动变为永恒,将精神变为永恒,将切身的身体力行变为永恒,让后人一代一代不停息地流传下去。 在中国,每位*员用行动践行着他们的诺言。郑培民说 “做官先做人,万事民为先”他跋山涉水,只为实地考察,为人民谋得幸福安康之路。任长霞说:“老百姓厚道啊,你给他5分,他给你10分。不
14、亲自到达破案现场的局长,不能算称职的公安局长。”她始终如一地奉献在自己的工作岗位上,勤勤恳恳为老百姓将“正义”高悬。*总理说:“只有把人民放在心上,人民才能让你坐在台上。” 汶川大地震,时刻揪痛着温总理的心。当看到受灾群众仍在痛苦中煎熬,而救援工作却因交通问题进展缓慢时,一向温文尔雅的温总理对前往汶川的登机部队领导说:“我就一句话,是人民在养你们,你们自己看着办!”“人民”是所有*人心中永久的牵挂。 作为一名大学生,我们究竟应当怎样去投生于社会时间中去呢,答案只有一个“为人民服务”。简而言之,就是尽量为身边的每个人提供便利与关怀,用一颗真诚的心去感染周围的人。作为即将为人师表的我们更应该为所有
15、的人做好表率,起好模范带头作用。不论你是谁,来自那里,现在做什么,只要从现在开始,通过为人民服务来充实自己,把握自己,提高自己,你就能获得一种充满力量积极向上的新人生。汇报人:2018年5月31日 敬爱的党组织: 心系群众、处处为百姓着想才是真正的*员。我们的党的宗旨是全心全意为人民服务,立党为公、执政为民是我们的原则。为人民服务,决不能停留在口头上,而要落到实处,否则永远是一句空话。对于沈浩,小岗村的每一名村民都装在他的心里。刚上任就走访所有的村户,了解他们的情况。他为百姓修路,冒着大雨去看望家中漏雨的村民并让他们出去避雨,为困难家庭修建新居等等,他已经将小岗村的村民当成了自己的亲人,把对亲
16、人的爱延续到了小岗村村民的身上。也正是他对村民们的真诚,打开了通往他们心里的路,村民们才会用承载着小岗村无尚荣耀的红手印来挽留他们的好书记。 想干事、能干事才是真正的*员。号称改革开放第一村的小岗村,长久以来以农为主的农村发展模式导致了集体的贫困,村中社会矛盾重重。“一夜跨过温饱线,二十年难越富裕槛”是小岗村的真实写照,为了能把带领村民致富,沈浩从不怕辛苦、不畏艰难、从不退缩。他收回集体资产、修路、招商引资、帮助贫困户、发展多种经济,在他的带领下小岗村发生了翻天覆地的变化。在录像中小岗村的一些前后对比的镜头,充分证明了沈浩干成事的成果。 厚德载物才是真正的*员。现在还清楚记得沈浩的床头有一个匾
17、额上面写着“厚德载物”几个字。沈浩在工作过程中,从不用强,而是善于以情感人,以德服人。虽然刚开始没能得到村民的信任,遭到质疑,甚至是被殴打,但他内心的坚韧和宽厚让他忍受住这一切,并坚持着努力为百姓做着实事。最终以情以理服人,百姓对他非常信任和尊敬,用他们的红手印挽留他。 以身作则、先锋带头才是真正的*员。沈浩放弃对名利的追逐,放弃安逸的生活、放弃晋升的机会,抛家舍业,积极进取,脚踏实地,挑战自我,把小岗人脱贫致富、步入小康的重任当成自己的事业。片中老百姓提到的书记和他们一起修路从不怕苦怕累的事迹让人很感动,作为一个书记,他能和百姓一起同甘共苦,发挥党员的先锋带头作用,让百姓觉得:“书记都这样干
18、了,他们能不干吗?” 沈浩也是一个平凡的人,他与我们普通人一样,既有对母亲的拳拳孝心,也有对妻子的温温爱心,还有对女儿的片片慈心,但他顾大家舍小家,忽略了对家庭的关心和照顾,放弃了省财政厅优越的工作和生活条件,选择到小岗村担任第一书记。令百废待兴的小岗村脱贫致富,发展为全国家喻户晓的名村,为小岗的建设,忘我工作,直至献出宝贵的生命,很好地诠释了何谓真正的*员。但归根结底,得到群众的认可,才是一名*员的最大意义。片中那些百姓诉说着对沈浩的感激,他们没有什么华丽的语言,也不懂得如何去表达心中的感激,但话语间无不透露出耿直、朴实和真诚。 作为一名大学生预备党员,我想我应该像沈书记那样脚踏实地的做事情,不求名利、不怕苦累、立足本职、脚踏实地、学以致用。以后更加严格地要求自己,积极工作,永葆党员本色,发挥先锋模范作用,做一名真正的*员。汇报人:思想汇报网2018年4月21日 7 / 8
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