1、-范文最新推荐- 汽修专业面试英文自我介绍 As a professional automotive graduates. In school, I was always to improve their overall quality as the goal, self-direction for the comprehensive development, establish a correct outlook on life, values and world view. Through four years of study and life, and participated in
2、a number of social practice, I have a sound of life, the correct political orientation, have a certain analyze and solve the problem of capacity, there are strong practical ability. Car through the system sound knowledge of learning, I have a solid professional foundation of knowledge, and have some
3、 knowledge of automotive management. A lot of hunting through extra-curricular reading library books and materials in automobiles. I understand the direction of Chinas auto industry developments, particularly in the automotive after-market services. Know the status of the vehicle maintenance industr
4、y and trends. Good at learning new knowledge and methods of process analysis and problem-solving ability, and can be trained using the Internet to check vehicle maintenance information, collect the latest information on the industry. Feet on the ground is a fundamental base of society, which I alway
5、s remember the words. Have a good professional quality and ethics, to be loyal to their own business, personal career planning and development of enterprises in close combination. Innovative, good at creating, can withstand the higher operating pressure; hard, pay attention to cooperation and work w
6、ith young people, like fire and passion and vitality. To become a technology, and management, good business car people. I have been working and will be striving for. Of course, many talented people in this society I am not necessarily the best, but I will definitely try to acquire a niche in the ran
7、ks among the best. Chinas auto industry to realize their social value. In the four years of school life, I have a systematic grasp of the financial system financial professionals, but also the development of todays financial industry with a deeper understanding. Therefore, to lay a solid foundation
8、of professional expertise. Through a four-year specialized courses of study, can grasp and skilled use of international financial, monetary and Banking, Central Bank, Insurance, property insurance, life insurance, Western financial theory, financial marketing, financial marketing, school, bank accou
9、nting, commercial banks, Western economics and other professional knowledge and skills, and mastery of a computer beginner, intermediate knowledge and proficiency in the use of WINDOWS operating systems, proficiency in internet, can use WPS, Microsoft Word document editing and operation etc., and ca
10、n use tools such as Photoshop software graphic design, mastered the production of Microsoft Visual FoxPro database.I have been active in learning and motivated to study professional courses in each door, and through the National Computer Rank Examination 2. In practice, life, I put myself in the cru
11、el reality of the knowledge society, learning society, to participate in a number of social practice, greatly enriched his knowledge of society.I have a positive attitude towards life and a wide range of interests and hobbies, strong sense of responsibility at work, diligent, steadfast, strong organ
12、ization, public information capacity, focusing on team spirit and collective ideas. Road will be long Xi, Wu Jiang from top to bottom the sake of the! If a person can be more practical way of doing things, then his world is magnificent. I firmly believe this and constantly improve themselves.If the
13、privilege were employed, I will think that the best interests of the company to create their own best interests and not bargain. Sincerely do everything, and my colleagues work hard in unity. Work hard to enhance learning, continuous improvement! 敬爱的学校团支部: 我通过接受团委的团章的讲解学习,深入的了解了共青团的性质和历史,再加之作为了21世纪的
14、青年,更应该加入青年中的现今组织中国共青团。 中国共产主义青年团(简称共青团)是中国共产党领导的先进青年的群众组织,是广大青年在实践中学习共产主义的学校,是中国共产党的助手和后备军。中国共产主义青年团原名中国社会主义青年团。 在中国现在的情况下,我们青年就要发挥自己的作用,要把自己的思想和政治觉悟提高到一个新的高度。做一个四有青年,一个有理想、有道德、有文化,有纪律的四有青年。就因为这样,我就更应该加入这个由中国共产党领导的先进青年的群众组织。把自己思想和实践能力提高到一个新的高度! 正如上述所说,我会用自己的实际行动去积极的争取以及早日加入共青团。不管是否可以加入,但是我从此都会继续努力,都
15、持之以恒的以团员的标准来要求自己。 在“五四运动”中,我们老一代的无产阶级革命家就用自己的鲜血和生命谱写了一曲又一曲光荣的赞歌,为我们共和国的成立奠定了牢固的基石。新中国成立后,一批又一批的热血青年,投入到了新中国的建设之中,为祖国的繁荣富强贡献了自己的青春。 早在孩童时期,我就爱听老一辈的无产阶级革命家,讲述一些在那血与火的年代里,我们共和国的有志爱国青年投身革命的悲壮故事。尽管我暂还不是一名正式团员,但在我的学习生活中,我时时刻刻都以一个共青团员的标准来要求自己、规范自己。平日里团结同学、积极上进、热爱劳动、刻苦学习。 所以我争取早日加入中国共青团,并时刻接受组织对我的考验,如果我被批准了
16、,我决心更加用心遵守团的章程,执行团的决议,遵守团的纪律,积极的参加团的工作,按时交纳团费,争取做一名优秀的共青团员,处处起模范作用,为四化贡献力量;如果我一时未被批准,我决不灰心丧气,要更加努力争取,自觉接受考验,继续创造条件.以自己实际行动争取早日加入团组织。恳请团组织批准我的入团申请书! 学校团委经常组织团员到车站、街头参加公益劳动。到敬老院帮助老人打扫卫生,开展多种有益于思想学习和愉快身心的活动。这些活动受到了社会各界的赞扬和老师同学的好评。这一切使我对团员产生了敬佩之情和学习他们的要求。于是,我主动参加了团章的学习小组,学习团的基本知识,进一步明确了共青团的性质和宗旨,我加入共青团的
17、愿望更加强烈了。 我认识到,共青团是一支先进青年的群众组织,是广大青年在实践中学习共产主义的学校,是中国共产党的助手和后备军。中国共产主义青年团坚决拥护中国共产党的纲领,以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想为行动指南,用建设有中国特色社会主义的理论武装全团,解放思想,实事求是,它团结全团各族青年,为把我国建设成为富强、民主、文明的社会主义现代化国家,为最终实现共产主义的社会制度而奋斗。不仅如此,共青团还团结带领广大青年在建设有中国特色社会主义的伟大实践中,造就了早日成为光荣的共青团员,我要更加自觉地严格要求自己,刻苦磨练和提高自己,认真学习,陶冶情操,锻炼体魄,积极参加团组织的各项活动,自觉接受团组织的考验。 假如团组织同意我的申请,我将会履行团员的义务,做到宣传、执行党的基本路线,完成团组织交给的任务,处处起模范作用。自觉遵守国家的法律和团的纪律,执行团的决议。如果我未能加入我也不用灰心,那就证明我还有不足的地方,希望团组织批评指正,让我能不断地进步。继续创造条件争取。 7 / 7
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