1、-范文最新推荐- 感恩节感慨 接到几个朋友的短信,都是祝福感恩节快乐的。在此首先表示感谢。其实,感恩节是什么节我并不知道,这天也并不怎么快乐,生发了诸多的感慨倒是真的。因为是好日子,这天亲朋好友们请客的很多,我到八家去送礼祝贺,忙得晕头转向。一年当中,像这样一天送八次礼的时候虽然不多,但还是搞得人囊中羞涩,好在也得到一肚子回报:弄了个酒足饭饱回家。也算不枉过此节。中国人有知恩图报的传统美德,但感恩节却并不是中国的创意。几年前看共和国战争纪实片时,听美国的麦克阿瑟将军吹嘘:要到感恩节前消灭掉中朝军队,结束朝鲜战争。我才听到并记住了感恩节这个词。但还是不知道这是个什么节,麦克阿瑟将军又要去感谁的恩
3、的节日愈来愈多了: 情人节 、愚人节、佛诞节、平安夜、圣诞节、光棍节等等等等,这些洋节中国人也扯过来过。拿来主义真是学到了家,有点搞笑。我们的传统佳节自然要先隆重地过。如过年、端午、清明、中秋等等。因为这是祖辈流传下来的习俗,有特定的丰富内涵,也可以好好地休息一下身心,滋补滋补营养,表达表达亲情、友谊、思念等等。至于洋节,我们有好多还不知道是什么意思,怎么过呢?况且,节日多了也并非是好事。祝你年年有此日,岁岁有今朝。生日宴会上,朋友经常这样庆贺。这道祝辞现在引申到好多个日子里去了,乔迁新居朋友也祝年年有此日,岁岁有今朝、我两新婚朋友也祝年年有此日,岁岁有今朝。仿佛今朝此日比比皆是,不知浪费了多
4、少人力物力财力。祖先发明了六十个甲子,现在天天都有人用来过好事:结婚、嫁女、起房子;领导子女升学成了升学节;领导家属开店成了下属的购物节。实际上,这些人为的层出不穷的节日,成了人生活上的一大累赘,让人透不过气来,好叫人害怕。素不知一家过节百家愁,一些人的黄道日成了自己赤裸裸的敛财日,成了他人的忧愁日、亏本日甚至倒霉日。这样把自己的快乐建立在别人不幸之上的节或日,搞得太不像话了。我看不过也罢。 英语课开场白(一) good morning everyone, how r u? May I introduce myself first, my name is xx(写黑板),and you can
5、 just simply call me xx,I am very glad to be you xx teacher in the next few months time, and I really hope I could be your friend as well but not only your teacher. Well, this is my first lesson in my life(maybe not), so if there is any inconvenience between us, please do tell me, than I could make
6、a little notice on that next time. And if you have any questions wanna ask, please dont be shy. Ok, just before I start this lesson, if you do have any questions about me right now, I am listening.(please do so/please ask) 英语课开场白(二) Hi, my dear children, I am glad to be your teacher and friend from
7、now on. I am lisahong, M is my family name. How about you? I am eager to know about all of you. So do your new classmates. Now i d like u to introude yourself to your classmates as well as me. This class, there is only 10 chances. Who would volunteer first? ( Hopefully, anyone would raise their hand
8、 first) good, you please first After 10 students introduce themselves, you may start your first lesson. 英语课开场白(三) Good afternoon, boys and girls, I am XXX(put down your name on the blackboard) for your English lessons (your new teacher), also I am very glad to have this opportunity to teach you some
9、 knowledge in here, but first of all, I want to give all of you some brief introduction of mine(bla bla bla). Before we are going to study the new courses, Id like to go and review for the last lesson. 英语论文答辩开场白(一) Good evening, all the appraiser committee members. I come from HUST, majoring in fore
10、ign linguistics and applied linguistics. I am * and my supervisor is prof.*. With her sincere and intellectual guidance, for nearly one whole years hard work, I have finished my paper. Finally, it is the show time. This evening I will present my efforts to you all and I gratefully welcome any correc
11、tion. 英语论文答辩开场白(二) Good morning, ladies and gentlemen: I am Kelly.My supervisor is Mr. Hu. My papers title is A study of junior Middle schools English teaching strategies. Now, I introduce my paper. First, the cause of study In order to successfully purse the goal of teaching students how to learn, it is useful to understand the learning process. 5 / 5
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