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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date电大高级职业英语期末复习考试资料参考答案5电年夜高级职业英语期末复习考试资料参考答案The Listening, Reading, Writing Exam paper for “English at Work”.Paper 1: LISTENING TESTInformation for the candidates:l There are three parts

2、to the test. Each part will be played twice.l There will be a pause before each part to let you read through the questions and other pause at the end of each part for you to check you answers.l You may write your answers on the question paper as you listen.l You will have 10 minutes at the end of th

3、e listening test to transfer your answers to the answer sheet. Part 1. Listen to the conversation and answer Questions 1-8.Mark the following statements as T (true) or F (false)_(1). Mrs. Wells has a heart problem_(2) The doctor is prescribing exercises to help thin the blood._(3) Mrs. Wells will pr

4、obably throw away the instructions and the packet._(4) Six tablets must be taken every day._(5) Mrs. Wells should drink plenty of beer._(6) The side effects include nausea and tiredness._(7) Mr. Wells should do the heavy housework and shopping._(8) Mrs. Wells should go for gentle walks.1 T 2 F 3 F 4

5、 T 5 F 6 T 7 F 8 TPart 2. Listen to the recording and answer Questions 9-15. Choose the best answer among the choices given.(9) How many employees worked at the London office of Global Marketing?a) Sixb) 30,000c) 150.(10) What was Jennys old job?a) She had been a research officerb) She had been an a

6、dministrative assistant.c) She had been a production manager.11) What is the name of Jennys new workplace?a) Bristol Marketing and Sellingb) Bristol Research.c) Bristol Marketing Research.(12) Who is Jennys new boss?a) Bob Fosterb) Mary Fosterc) Bob Fossey.(13) Why was Mary in a hurry?a) She had to

7、shampoo her hair.b) She had to buy some shampoo.c) She was doing market research for Silken Shampoo.(14) Global Marketing was run as a) a highly bureaucratic organization.b) a flexible organization.c) a friendly organization.(15)Bob Foster ran his firm on a) bureaucratic organization principles.b) f

8、lexible organization principles.c) formal organization principles.9 c 10 b 11 c 12 a 13 c 14 a 15 bPart 3. Question 16-20. Complete the following table which summarizes the information about the Beijing and Australian studies of food preparation referred to in the telephone conversation. Use either

9、a word, short phrases or short sentences to complete the table.Generation GrandmothersMothersChildrenInfluences on food preparation (16)Science & rationalityConsumer society, advertising and school friendsEffects of InfluencePrepare foods according to (17)Plan meals based on (18)Like (19) and (20) t

10、hey can exchange in the playground16 tradition 17 the season of the year 18 a balance of the major food products19 fast foods 20 foods packaged with small giftsPaper 2: READING AND WRITINGInformation for the candidates:l There are four parts to the reading test, each having one reading passage.l The

11、re is one writing task.l You should write ALL your answers in the Answer Sheet as you do the tasks.READINGTEST 50 pointsPart 1. Read the following account of current changes in university education and mark the statements following the passage as being T( true ) or F ( false) according to the inform

12、ation you get from the text:Passage 1. Changes in university educationUniversities around the world are undergoing major changes. Government policies now require universities to become more cost efficient, entrepreneurial and less dependent on public funding. There are three views about the outcome

13、of these processes. The first view is that universities are now much more efficient. The second is that although universities need to improve efficiency, the changes have been unnecessarily far-reaching and severe. The third view is that the changes have wreaked havoc in several fundamental areas of

14、 university activity such as the curriculum, teaching, research and administration. Here we will examine the impact of changes on the lecturing staff. Although most university staff has had to deal with the effects of educational changes, academic staff has borne the greatest burden. In addition, th

15、ey have had to adjust to variations in salary levels, working conditions and the measurement of teaching performance. This latter issue is clearly set out in a statement by a US university president, “If it moves, we measure it”. It is this move to measurement in academia that has provoked controver

16、sy in universities.Traditionally the main, and often only, qualification for teaching has been a Ph. D. in the academics specialized field, even if the specialist had few teaching skills. Now, a professional teaching qualification is an essential requirement when academics apply for promotion or ten

17、ure. In addition, today the academic must show evidence of teaching ability. In earlier times, whilst there was no formal assessment of the effectiveness of teaching, primitive informal assessments did exist. Today, with the introduction of commercialization processes into universities, the student

18、has been re-named “the customer”. Because the student/customer is paying for an education, she or he has the right to make a judgment about the “product” being offered. Now student assessments of the lecturers performance are based upon anonymous questionnaires, administered by staff development dep

19、artments of universities.Senior university managers and the people who administer the assessment measures in universities believe in the objectivity, reliability, validity and usefulness of the measurement procedures. Lecturers are more critical saying that four factors undermine the reliability of

20、student responses.First, students must complete a four or five page questionnaire six or more times a year and some students become more cynical with each questionnaire. Second, the questionnaires are usually completed late in the semester when many student essays/assignments are due. Thus hasty, so

21、metimes ill-considered assessments are made.Third, one subject may be a first year compulsory course with 200 or more students, whilst another is taken by only ten students, all of whom have chosen the course because it is of interest to them. Such variations undermine the principle of reliability o

22、f measurement techniques.Fourth, it is well established in organizational studies that whenever performance measures are introduced an improvement is recorded. One reason for this is that the person being measured is able to manipulate the account of the performance. Academics have been known to int

23、roduce strategies such as inflating the marking of student papers, or introducing a lengthy lecture/tutorial break for coffee (paid for by the lecturer). These strategies can produce a positive, but false, image of the lecturers teaching ability.Mark the following statements as T (true) or F (false)

24、 according to the information in the text.21. There are pressures on universities to become less entrepreneurial.22. University changes are affecting the curriculum, teaching, research and administration.23. The changes have led to commercialization within universities.24. Today students are treated

25、 more like customers.25. If it moves, we measure it was meant to suggest that promotion to senior management positions in universities are open only to staff in the Mathematics departments.26. University lecturers have always had to have teaching qualifications.27. Prior to the current changes, the

26、teaching of university lecturers was not subjected to forms of assessment.28. Senior university managers have faith in the objectivity and reliability of current assessment techniques.29. Senior university managers believe that because the assessment measures are valid they are useful.30. Organizati

27、onal studies cast no doubt on the effectiveness of assessment measures.Part 2. Read passage 3 and answer questions 31-40.Passage 2 Medical Insurance The State Council plans to expand the nations pilot program involving the reform of Chinas free medical-care system to some 80 cities this year. The ex

28、tension is a follow=up to previous work in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, and Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province, launched early last year.China established a free medical care system in 1951. State owned institutions and industrial factories were entitled to open welfare accounts to help cover medical expens

29、es of their employees.Medical expenditure has increased. In 1994, medical expenditures for workers nation-wide amounted to 55.8 billion Yuan. IN 1978 the cost was 2.7 billion Yuan.The experiments have attempted to create a new medical insurance system that integrates overall medical funds with perso

30、nal accounts. Under the new system institutional and industrial employees pay 1 percent of their monthly salary to set up a personal account for medical expenses. Both capital and interest are set aside for the individual.Units are required to contribute a sum equivalent to about 10 percent of their

31、 entire staffs salaries, about 50 percent or more of which goes into personal accounts for each staff member. The remainder of the money goes to establish an overall medical fund for cases of serious illness. Medical costs will be subtracted first from employees personal accounts. But for serious ai

32、lments or costly medical treatment, the overall medical-insurance fund will cover the majority of the cost.21 F 22 T 23 T 24 T 25 F 26 F 27 F 28 T 29 T 30 FComplete the summary by filling in the missing information according to the information from the passage.Because medical care _(31) have increas

33、ed from 2.7 billion Yuan in 1978 to _(32) in 1994, the medical care system in China, established in 1951, is being restructured. A pilot scheme tried out in two cities, is now being expanded to _(33) cities. The new scheme is funded from money paid by institutional and industrial _(34) and by _(35).

34、 The funding is distributed in two streams. First, each staff member has their own _(36) medical account. This account pays for initial medical costs. The second stream is the overall medical fund which covers more _(37) illnesses needing more costly treatments. Funding for the first stream is suppl

35、ied from the employees contributions and from 50 percent of the units contributions. For cases of _(38) illness, the _(39) medical fund is financed from the remaining 50 percent of the units” _(40).31 expenditures/costs 32 55.8 billion Yuan 33 80 34 employees/workers35 units 36 personal 37 serious 3

36、8 serious 39 overall 40 contributionsPart 3. Read passage three and answer questions 41-50.Passage 3 Morton Crime stoppersIndecent Assault Indecent assault: At 4 p.m. on January 23rd, a female followed up the steps leading to Morton railway station from the main road. The man then accosted her. On a

37、ttempting to hurry away from him the female was grabbed by the shoulder and threatened. Fortunately, the female was in possession of an attack alarm, which she activated causing the man to run off. He is described as white, male, 35-40 years old, stocky, of dirty appearance, bald and in a dark brown

38、, zipped sports jacket. He seemed to run with a limp. Anyone who can help with the identity of this person should contact Crime stoppers on the number given above.Bag SnatchBag snatch: At about 5.45 p.m. on February 2nd, a woman walking alone along the A731 was approached by a lone female pedestrian

39、, just beside the old railway station, High Morton. After asking the time, she attempted to snatch the womans handbag. She is described as 30-40 years old, 5ft-5ft 2 inches tall, of medium build with straight, blonde hair, oval faced and with a tattoo on her hand, wearing sports shoes, probably the

40、Nike brand. She spoke with a local accent in a quiet and polite manner. Any information as to this womans identity is urgently required by PC Willimot of High Morton Police Station. Tel: 352 8999.Complete the table with the information from passage 3.Indecent Assault Bag SnatchTime4 p. m.5.45. p.m.D

41、ate_(41)February 2ndWhat occurredAttempted indecent assault, unsuccessful due to the victims use of an alarmBag snatch, successfulSuspects sex_(42)FemaleAge_(43)30-40 yearsHair_(44)_(45)HeightNot stated _(46)BuildStocky_(47)Other identifying characteristics_(48)_(49)ClothesA dark brown zipped sports

42、 jacket_(50)41 January 23rd 42 male 43 35-40 years 44 bald 45 blonde 46 5ft-5ft 2inches47 medium 48 Runs with a limp 49 A tattoo on her hand 50 Sports shoes, probably NikePart 4. Choose the best answer among the choices given according to the meaning of the text (Write down the letter representing y

43、our chosen answer in the space provided on the Answer Sheet)Passage 4 A successful school projectFeng Yuan, a reporter with Business Beijing, tells a fascinating story about a little Chinese girl, Li Taotao, and her contribution to the US Space Shuttle Columbia.Li Taotao was a Grade 5 student of Jin

44、gshan Primary School when, in October 1999, the US based Spacehab and China Time Network invited applications to the China STARS (Space Technology and Research Students) Programme.One the day that Li Taotao heard about the China STARS Programme she had no homework set for that night. As she had some

45、 spare time that evening she started to think about the China STARS Programme. She remembered her mothers mother, Li Taotaos grandmother, who wore silk clothes, soft and beautiful. She also thought about a science project she had completed about the four phases of a silkworms growth. Finally she rem

46、embered a TV report on the use of silk to make protein for cosmetics.She knew that many factories were moving from overseas to China. That made her thinks about the problem of moving factories from earth to outer space. Most factories have big heavy machines. She realized that silk worms were like s

47、mall factories. Li Taotao conjectured that silk production might be an ideal business to be run from orbital space factories.Within an hour she had finished her proposal. She entitled it Silkworms Spins Cocoon in Space. The proposal concentrated on the manufacturing problems that might occur at each of the four phases of the growth of the silkworm. Spacehab vice-president Dr. Bernard Harris understand that nobody knows exactly what would happen to silkworms, their cocoons or that silk in microgravity. That is why that US Space Shutt


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