1、-范文最新推荐- 记者实习报告总结 作为一名实习记者,如何才能写好实习报告呢?以下有一篇记者实习报告范文,教你实习报告怎么写。 2018年7月1日到8月10日,我在我们龙岩市最具影响力的媒体闽西日报社记者部进行了一个多月的实习。在实习期间,在报社各位领导和老师的帮助下,我学到了很多东西,对本人今后的人生之路都将产生很大的影响作用。 在这期间,我出去采访的内容涉及面还是比较广的,政府会议、社会新闻、人物采访都有接触,感触也比较多。思想认识得到很大的提高,深刻体会到党的先进性;工作作风变得更加严谨;记者业务能力也得到很大的提高。 会议新闻看似简单,但要写好也不易 时政新闻是党报的重要的组成部分,主
2、要报道的是党和政府的一系列的事情,涉及主要是会议、重大活动或措施之类的,有很强的政策导向性。所以报道必须准确、及时。特别是政府会议,由于它具有新闻的时效性,必须当天的新闻当天就出稿,并且还要准确无误。只有这样才能称得上新闻。这种新闻的写法看起来比较简单的,其实要写好也不容易,要掌握好领导人,会议时间和会议内容,组织语言,突出重点,把握好核心,才能写出一篇好的会议新闻,我在这方面锻炼的也比较多。 掌握采访技巧十分重要,还得注重礼仪 采访上,老师教会了我如何让当事人自己开口说的方式技巧,面对不同的人群也要选择不同的沟通的渠道。比如,当采访对象为市领导时,首先服装的选择就很重要,不能太学生样,也不能
3、太职业化(会形成一种比较紧张的气氛),其次语言要组织好,一般会提前准备好要提问的问题,不能太随便,也不能废话连篇,一定要抓住重点。并且要掌握一定的技巧,激发被采访人主动提供新闻,有继续谈下去的欲望。采访时的礼仪也很重要。 写好一篇稿件,要提炼主题,谋篇布局,字斟句酌 出去采访后,回来写稿子,主要根据采访笔记,大致的内容框架出来后,再拟标题和小标题这些,然后整体润色,然后就是改错别字,这个很关键,虽然后面还有编辑那一关,但是,像错别字和语法这样的低级错误,应尽量避免发生,也减少编辑的工作量,因为报纸的阅读面广,容易给别人造成误导。稿子写好后,就请老师批评指正,在老师的意见中,不断学习一些写新闻稿
4、的技巧。 接下来说一下在实习中我的一点心得: 第一 ,做事要认真。对于新闻的时间、地点、人名一定要准确,特别是领导的职位更要弄准确。报社特意打印了份领导的排名和职位以免出错。在照片的选择上也要很仔细,要注意构造,更要注意人物表情,特别是有领导的照片,更要慎重,领导的面部表情走路的姿态及站的位置都要考虑全了。外出采访时更要注意检查装备是不是都带全,采访本、笔是最基本的了,然后我因为没有录音笔,就只好用MP4代替,虽然录音的质量差点,但回来整理采访笔记的时候,可以有证可查。不然,有些关键的内容不能确认。U盘也是必备的,有些相关的资料可以直接从相关地方拷贝过来,就可以减少很多错误和打字的麻烦。所以,
5、不管做任何事情都要认真用心的去做。 第二 ,知识面要广。记者要打交道的人是方方面面,有农民,有医生,有老师,形形色色的人都有可能遇到。对不同的领域,如果一点都不了解的话,在采访中就可能遇到想不到的一些困难。比如上次定光古佛与客家民间信仰研讨会在龙岩市举行,而我之前对定光古佛一点都不了解,根本就无从下手。这就提醒我,在采访前的准备工作要深入一步,对于要采访的领域多做些了解,不要在采访中显得比较无知。这就要求我们平时多看点书,扩充一下自己的知识面。 第三,要有职业道德。新闻工作者就是把真实的事情反映给人民群众,影响力相当大。我们记者就要有正确的价值观,有自己的立场,把真实的新闻传递给大家。之前闹得
6、沸沸扬扬的陕西华南虎假照片事件,给我们深刻的教训。作真实的新闻,为社会负责、也为自己负责!因为我们职业的特殊性,我们必须把真实的新闻传播出去,这样才能发挥报纸的真正作用。 第四, 身体要好。作为新闻工作者,身体是革命的本钱。身体好了才可以更好地工作。上次恰逢永定土楼申遗成功和中国福建(永定)土楼客家文化节开幕,事情很多很杂,经常要东奔西跑,加上下点小雨,我就感冒了,很难受,直接影响工作。所以有一个健康的体魄确实很重要。在学校学习的同时也要加强体育锻炼,给自己一个健康的身体就是给自己一笔宝贵的财富。 以上是我的实习工作总结,感谢所有帮助我的老师,他们是记者,他们的职业道德和热情令我敬佩。他们不仅
7、教会我新闻宣传的知识,更让我懂得做一名记者的责任与良知。感谢我们闽西日报社的程主任、刘主任,感谢带我的记者部的各位老师。无论今后我是否会从事新闻宣传工作,我的这次实习经历将令我终生受益:做一个有用的人,做一个有利于国家、有利于社会的人。 送走了诚实稳健的老牛,迎来了威严凶猛的老虎。不知不觉这半学期的工作即将结束,盘点这半学期的点点滴滴,感觉还是有所收获的。 这学期承蒙的器重,我由一位普通的体育教师走到岗位,政教工作对于我来说是一个全新的工作,以前我所面对的是一个班或几个班,现在我面对的是全校三百多名学生和三十多名老师。坐到政教的位子上,我的心里没有喜悦,有的只是一种压力,时时想的是如何把工作做
8、好。还好,这学期在领导的指导帮助下,在我们老师的积极配合下,我校的纪律、卫生、德育、安全等工作都取得了一定成效。一、安全工作: 按照上级的有关安全工作会议精神,结合学校实际,我觉得首要的是做好学校的安全工作。首先我从增强师生安全意识,强化学校安全管理入手,把安全工作作为学校第一要事来抓。比如:我们每天实行日报表制度,因病、因事没来上学的,我都叫班主任用电话联系家长,确定孩子没来上学的真实原因,防止学生离开家门不上学,到社会玩耍,避免安全事故的发生。学生到校以后,后勤人员及时锁上大、小门,学生只进不出。如果学生有病,我叫班主任及时通知家长,叫家长接孩子回家,防止学生在回家的路上发生意外。 为了学
9、生的安全,开学初我和主管德育的副校长逐一排查学校的安全隐患,学校南侧的篮球架子,在外面已经风风雨雨几十年,有的铁管已经烂了,于是,我们及时上报学校领导,在领导的努力下,我们购置了新的篮球架子。我和后勤人员挖坑、埋桩,把一副新的篮球架子立了起来,我们很辛苦,但我们很快乐,因为又一个安全隐患被我们排除了。二、 纪律、卫生工作(一)、值周工作无论在哪里,我们每个人都希望得到公平公正的评价。作为领导我在安排工作任务的时候,难免会有不同的声音,但我知道是因为我们工作方式或想法不一致,我想的是学校全局的工作,老师想的是班级的工作,有时可能还涉及教师的个人利益,因此,有时也会和老师发生不愉快的争论。但我想作
11、,但我知道三十多双眼睛看着我呢,我不想让人在背后戳脊梁骨生活,我也不想叫每一位老师感到受到不公的待遇。 人都说有所得就会有所失,只要学校干净了,纪律好点了,自己牺牲点也值了。哪有那些十全十美的事呢!(二)、德育工作 我记得有一篇文章介绍:在一个管理研讨会上,有一位资深的管理者问与会人员:世界上什么最难管?下面一片寂静,没有人回答,这时候他说:“帽子下面”。我想的真是太精辟了,太准确了。现在每家一个孩子,娇惯、任性这是大多数孩子的通病,这给我们的教育工作带来很大的困难。现代社会是信息社会,学生通过电视、广播、电脑、报纸等现代传媒,了解了许多有关教育的信息。所以再像以前那样,学生犯错误,就以打、骂
12、、吓唬、体罚等手段来教育学生,已经是行不通了,这就需要我们掌握更多的教育学、心理学的知识,来教育学生。 “己所不欲,勿施于人”,领导说我一句,我心里不舒服好几天,我想对学生也是一样。所以对待犯错误的学生,只要不是违反原则的,一般我不会严厉批评,学生本来知道错了,怀着一颗忐忑的心面对老师,如果我们再进行严厉的批评,明白事理的,可能没什么,知道自己错了,认错态度会好些;不明白的,学生就会认为,你说了,骂了,打了,我们扯平了,就会破罐子破摔。长此以往,就会使学生产生逆反心理,这样也给我们的教育工作带来更大的困难。所以我在教育学生的时候,不会因为我是领导或是老师就居高临下,训斥学生,而是就事论事,以理
13、服人,一视同仁。比如: 我在处理学生骂人事情时,是这样处理的。我把他们叫到办公室,进行询问。我问:“你知道我为什么叫你来吗?”学生答:“知道。”问:“你妈 平时也这样骂你吗?”犹豫一下回答:“是的。”问:“ 你认为这样骂好吗?”答:“不好。”问:“一会打电话,叫你们家长来一下,你对父母骂一句?怎么样?”答:“不用了,老师我错了,以后再也不骂了。”(我并不想叫家长来,也不是吓唬学生,只是想告诉学生这样是不对的。) 我说:“我们都是父母所生,以后你也要为人父 ,我们每个人都会犯错误,希望你以后相同的错误,不要再犯,好吗?希望你能做一名合格的中学生,但你要为你今天的错误负责,我们一起来学习一下中学生
14、日常行为规范,读一遍,写一遍,之后说一下,你违反了那条,看看你错在哪里。签上自己的姓名,以后如果再犯,就背中学生日常行为规范了。”我们批评学生也好,教育学生也好,目的是叫学生明白道理,改正不良习惯和错误。我们经常用“良药苦口利于病”来说明我们的说教是为了学生好,但我们有时的说教或严厉的批评并没有达到预期的目的。现在许多小孩的用药已不再苦了,而且还有点甜,可一样可以治病,所以良药不一定苦口。处理学生问题,因人施训,语言不要过激,“穷寇莫追”。我们还需在教育方法上下功夫。三、其他工作 在学校,我非常尊重姜校长,他是我学习的榜样。每天校长都是自己清扫办公室和走廊的卫生。作为校长,却没有一点架子,叫人
16、坏了,在它的坏处,也在徐徐的冒着青烟。了解情况后,我找到后勤的刚哥,叫他想办法找一个小一点的炉箅子,我们又到仓库找了一节好的炉筒子,由于正在考试没有换,班主任说考完后再换,我和后勤的刚哥又把烟道给通了一下,刚哥到修理部焊了一个炉箅子交给班主任。我不知道这是不是我职责内的事,不过碰到、看到了,我就会尽一点力量,把它做好。做好身边的每一件小事。 今年还做了其他的一些工作,如开学组织各班铲操场的杂草,清理学校维修校舍遗留的垃圾,往煤库运煤,我把它概括为这学期的“三大工程”。“一二九”组织学生长跑,这次活动开展的非常成功。协助市疾控、区疾控做好麻疹疫苗、乙肝疫苗、甲流疫苗的注射工作。组织老师作家访工作
17、等等。总之,通过全校师生的共同努力,我校的卫生、纪律状况有了很大的改善,本学期没有发生一起安全事故。当然,也有不足之处,主要是作为政教主任,由于我刚上来,缺少这方面工作经验,缺少工作方法,个人能力有限,往往是心有余而力不足。有时把事情想的过于简单,所以做事有时不是很完美,不过在各位领导的指导帮助下,在全体老师的积极配合下,这学期还是比较圆满的完成了领导交给的任务。我现在正积极参加奥鹏远程教育学习,以此来提高自己的业务水平和能力。其实无论收获还是遗憾,都将成为过去,相信在我的努力下,领导的指导下,各位老师的协助下,我的工作会越来越出色。 人:宝国 通用类问题 1. Tell me about y
18、ou! Keep your answer to one or two minutes; dont ramble. Use your resume summary as a base to start. 2. What do you know about our company? Do your homework before the interview! Spend some time online or at the library researching the company. Find out as much as you can, including products, size,
19、income, reputation, image, management talent, people, skills, history and philosophy. Project an informed interest; let the interviewer tell you about the company. 3. Why do you want to work for us? Dont talk about what you want; first, talk about their needs: You would like to be part of a specific
20、 company project; you would like to solve a company problem; you can make a definite contribution to specific company goals. 4. What would you do for us? What can you do for us that someone else cant? Relate past experiences that show youve had success in solving previous employer problem(s) that ma
21、y be similar to those of the prospective employer. 5. What about the job offered do you find the most attractive? Least attractive? List three or more attractive factors and only one minor unattractive factor. 6. Why should we hire you? Because of your knowledge, experience, abilities and skills. 7.
22、 What do you look for in a job? An opportunity to use your skills, to perform and be recognized. 8. Please give me your definition of a . (the position for which you are being interviewed). Keep it brief - give an action- and results-oriented definition. 9. How long would it take you to make a meani
23、ngful contribution to our firm? Not long at all - you expect only a brief period of adjustment to the learning curve. 10. How long would you stay with us? As long as we both feel Im contributing, achieving, growing, etc. 经验与管理类问题 1. You may be overqualified for the position we have to offer. Strong
24、companies need strong people. A growing, energetic company is rarely unable to use its employees talents. Emphasize your interest in a long-term association, pointing out that the employer will get a faster return on investment because you have more experience than required. 2. What is your manageme
25、nt style? (If youve never thought about this, its high time you did.) Open-door management is best . And you get the job done on time or inform your management. 3. Are you a good manager? Give an example. Why do you feel you have top managerial potential? Keep your answer achievement- and task-orien
26、ted; emphasize management skills - planning, organizing, interpersonal, etc. 4. What do you look for when you hire people? Skills, initiative, adaptability. 5. Did you ever fire anyone? If so, what were the reasons and how did you handle it? Give a brief example of a time when you faced this, and st
27、ress that it worked out well. 6. What do you see as the most difficult task in being a manager? Getting things planned and done on time within the budget. 7. What do your subordinates think of you? Be honest and positive.they can check your responses easily. 8. What is your biggest weakness as a man
28、ager? Be honest and end on a positive note, e.g. I dont enjoy reprimanding people, so I try to begin with something positive first. 关于离职、跳槽的原因 1. Why are you leaving your present job? Refine your answer based on your comfort level and honesty. Give a group answer if possible, e.g. our department was
29、 consolidated or eliminated. 2. How do you feel about leaving all of your benefits? Concerned but not panicked. 3. Describe what you feel to be an ideal working environment. One in which people are treated as fairly as possible. 4. How would you evaluate your present firm? Its an excellent company t
30、hat afforded me many fine experiences. 考核你的经验与业绩 1. How have you helped increase sales? Profits? Explain in some detail, citing figures and specific examples. 2. Have you helped reduce costs? How? Describe in some detail with specifics. 3. How much money did you account for? Give examples as to your
31、 responsibilities. Explain how the budget was determined, and your role in overseeing your departments portion. 4. How many people did you supervise on your last job? Explain the structure of your department and your role as manager. 5. Do you like working with figures more than words? Be honest but
32、 positive. 6. In your current or last position, what features did you like the most? Least? Be honest but put a positive spin on your least favorite duties. 7. In your current or last position, what are or were your five most significant accomplishments? 针对简历中的内容会提出的问题 1. Why havent you found a new
33、position before now? Finding a job is easy; finding the right job is more difficult. Stress that you are being selective, and are looking for the right fit. 2.Had you thought of leaving your present position before? If so, what do you think held you there? Explain that your job is no longer challeng
34、ing and that you feel your talents are best used elsewhere. 3. What do you think of your boss? Be as positive as you can, even if you dont really believe it. 4.Would you describe a situation in which your work was criticized? Be as positive as you can and emphasize what you learned from the situatio
35、n. 5. What other types of jobs or companies are you considering? Keep your answer related to this companys field, and dont give out specific company names. 你的工作习惯与方式 1. If I spoke with your previous boss, what would he say are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? Emphasize your skills, and dont b
36、e overly negative about your weaknesses. Its always safer to identify a lack of a skill as an area for improvement rather than a shortcoming. 2. Can you work under pressures, deadlines, etc.? Yes, its a way of life in business. Be sure to cite examples of your success. 3. How have you changed the na
37、ture of your job? Explain how you have improved the efficiency, productivity, and the like. 4. Do you prefer staff or line work? Why? It depends on the job and its challenges. 5. In your present position, what problems have you identified that had previously been overlooked? Keep it brief and dont b
38、rag. 6. Do you feel you might be better off in a different size company? Different type company? It depends on the job - elaborate slightly. 7. How do you resolve conflict on a project team? Explain that communication is important, and that you would first you discuss the issues privately. 8. What w
39、as the most difficult decision you ever had to make? Try to relate your response to the prospective employment situation. 薪资问题 1. How much are you looking for? Answer with a question, e.g., What is the salary range for similar jobs in your company? If the interviewer doesnt answer, then give a range
40、 of what you understand you are worth in the marketplace. Check out Ms Salary Center. 2. How much do you expect, if we offer this position to you? Be careful; the market value of the job may be the key answer, e.g., My understanding is that a job like the one youre describing may be in the range of
41、_. 3.What kind of salary are you worth? Have a specific figure in mind…dont be hesitant. 性格问题 1. Do you generally speak to people before they speak to you? It depends on the circumstances. 2.What was the last book you read? Movie you saw? Sporting event you attended? Talk about books, sports
42、or films to show that you have balance in your life. 3. What is the toughest part of a job for you? Be honest. Remember, not everyone can do everything. 4. Are you creative? Yes. Give examples that relate to your current job. 5. How would you describe your own personality? Balanced is a good word to
43、 use, but remember the type of company you are interviewing at. Some companies may want someone who is aggressive and a go-getter. 6. Are you a leader? Absolutely! Cite specific examples using your current job as a reference point. 7. What are your future goals? Avoid, I would like the job you adver
44、tised. Instead, give long-range goals. 8. What are your strengths? Present at least three and relate them to the company and job you are interviewing for. 9. What are your weaknesses? Dont say that you don’t have any. Try not to cite personal characteristics as weaknesses, but be ready to have one if the interviewer presses. Turn a negative into a positive answer: I am sometimes intent on completing an assignment and get too deeply involved when we are late. 关于你的职业目标 1. If you could start your career again, what would you do differ
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