1、-范文最新推荐- 辞职书(公司职员) 辞职书(公司职员)尊敬的主管、副理:你好!在公司工作一年中,学到了很多知识,公司的营业状态也是一直表现良好态势。非常感激公司给予了我这样的机会在良好的环境工作和学习。虽然在公司里基础的业务知识及专业知识已经基本掌握,但俗话说“学无止境”,有很多方面还是需不断学习。提出辞职我想了很久,公司的环境对于业务员很照顾很保护(至少对于业务风险来说),鉴于我的个性,要在公司自我提升及成长为独挡一面的能手,处于保护的环境下可能很难。我自己也意识到了自己个性倾于内向,你们也有经常提醒我这一点,其实,这不管是对于公司培育人才或是我自身完善都是突破的难点。虽然我的观念是:人需
3、的时候更为难。谢谢!最后,希望公司的业绩一如既往一路飙升!主管及各位同仁工作顺利! 尊敬的*总: 您好! 曲指算来,我到公司已有 个月了,这 个月里,虽然我的工作并不是尽善尽美,但在公司同事们的帮扶、辅佐尤其是您的信任与支持下,我也要求自己尽心尽职,每一项工作都用了自己十二分的努力去对待。凭心而论,领导青睐器重,同事齐心融洽,这真的是我工作以来,所遇到最好的工作环境。 但犹豫再三,我还是写了这封信。 我要离开公司了! 虽然我心里也真的不愿意,但我不得不这样选择。 您知道虽然我是个女孩,但我并不是个怕吃苦的人。而让我感到难堪的是,身体不好,居然成了我这次离开公司的理由。虽然我的毛病不是什么大问题
4、,但医生的一再叮嘱要我好好静养,却令我不得不认真对待。您知道,对于一个女孩来说一份好的工作固然重要,但一个健康的身体却是一切的根本。 我是一个理智而现实的人,虽然事业上的进步也是我的梦想,但我不敢去拼什么青春。健康对我来说,真的比什么都要重要。以我现在的身体状况,已经不能再胜任您交给我的工作,所以我不想为难自己,更不愿让您及公司为难,我必须要离开了。我真的需要休息一段时间,我不想自己这样的年龄就有着这样或那样的隐疾。尽管我知道这样的理由在别人看来并不算是什么,但对我来说它真的很重要,这点还希望你理解与谅解。 加入公司以来,您对我的器重与信任,令我非常感动,也成为激励我努力工作的动力。在您及同事
5、们的热心指导与悉心帮助下,我个人无论是业务素养的提高,还是社会阅历的丰富都是非常明显的。我常想,自己应该用一颗感恩的心,去回报您及公司对我厚爱,真的想用自己的努力去做好您交给的每一份工作任务,但自己的能力真的很有限,不一定做得都能让你满意,所以在工作中如果有什么失误与不足的地方,我只能对您说声抱歉,请您原谅! 再一次真诚地感谢您及公司全体同事对我的关爱与信任! 恳请您接受我的辞职请求! 谢谢! 签名* 年 月 日 Dear Michael, It is with deep sadness and regret that I send you this letter of resignation
6、 from the Walt Disney Company, both as Chairman of the Feature Animation Division and as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors. You well know that you and I have had serious differences of opinion about the direction and style of management in the Company in recent years. For whatever reason, you
7、have driven a wedge between me and those I work with even to the extent of requiring some of my associates to report my conversations and activities back to you. I find this intolerable. Finally, you discussed with the Nominating Committee of the Board of Directors its decision to leave my name off
8、the slate of directors to be elected in the coming year, effectively muzzling my voice on the Board much as you did with Andrea Van de Kamp last year. Michael, I believe your conduct has resulted from my clear and unambiguous statements to you and the Board of Directors that after 19 years at the he
9、lm you are no longer the best person to run the Walt Disney Company. You had a very successful first 10-plus years at the Company in partnership with Frank Wells, for which I salute you. But, since Franks untimely death in 1994, the Company has lost its focus, its creative energy, and its heritage.
10、As I have said, and as Stanley Gold has documented in letters to you and other members of the Board, this Company, under your leadership, has failed during the last seven years in many ways: 1. The failure to bring back ABC Prime Time from the ratings abyss it has been in for years and your inabilit
11、y to program successfully the ABC Family Channel. Both of these failures have had, and I believe, will continue to have, significant adverse impact on shareholder value. 2. Your consistent micro-management of everyone around you with the resulting loss of morale throughout this Company. 3. The timid
12、ity of your investments in our theme park business. At Disneys California Adventure, Paris, and now in Hong Kong, you have tried to build parks on the cheap and they show it, and the attendance figures reflect it. 4. The perception by all of our stakeholders consumers, investors, employees, distribu
13、tors and suppliers that the Company is rapacious, soul-less, and always looking for the quick buck rather than the long-term value which is leading to a loss of public trust. 5. The creative brain drain of the last several years, which is real and continuing, and damages our Company with the loss of
14、 every talented employee. 6. Your failure to establish and build constructive relationships with creative partners, especially Pixar, Miramax, and the cable companies distributing our products. 7. Your consistent refusal to establish a clear succession plan. In conclusion, Michael, it is my sincere
15、belief that it is you who should be leaving and not me. Accordingly, I once again call for your resignation or retirement. The Walt Disney Company deserves fresh, energetic leadership at this challenging time in its history just as it did in 1984 when I headed a restructuring which resulted in your
16、recruitment to the Company. I have and will always have an enormous allegiance and respect for this Company, founded by my uncle, Walt, and father, Roy, and to our faithful employees and loyal stockholders. I dont know if you and other directors can comprehend how painful it is for me and the extended Disney family to arrive at this decision. In accordance with Item 6 of Form 8-K and Item 7 of Schedule 14A, I request that you disclose this letter and that you file a copy of this letter as an exhibit to a Company Form 8-K. With sincere regret, (Roy Edward Disney) Roy E. Disney 7 / 7
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