1、-范文最新推荐- 研发部个人工作年终总结 研发部个人工作年终总结 2018年,自己最喜欢的一句话。我们应该学会往前看,往前看是为了让我们知道进取,不会老是停留在自己的功劳簿上沾沾自喜,停滞不前,而是要从零开始,继续奋斗;我们更应该懂得往后看,往后看是为了让我们学会珍惜,不要总是奢求别人的所拥有的,而无视自己所最宝贵的,而是要脚踏实地,稳步前行。 2018年,公司作为省内医疗行业征集解决方案的提供商,我们的目标是为客户提供更加高效,优质的服务。作为研发部的一名管理人员,个人工作目标是要除了要实现工程项目高效完成,产品质量稳步提升,客户服务及时响应以外,还是实现建设优秀的研发团队,协调好部门间的沟
2、通问题以及实现自身综合素质水平的稳步提升。下面我对其做逐步论述。 年初的时候,我们拥有一支Herp组的研发团队,拥有5名研发人员,负责Herp产品的研发工作。现在我们拥有一支门诊组的研发项目团队,拥有5名研发人员,3名实施人员。一年来年初的团队人员,只剩下我和赵子龙两名,主要的业务系统,也从Herp系统转变为门诊相关系统。值得庆兴的是我们现在仍然是一支非常有战斗力的团队,团结一心,携手向前,并且我们的原来的团队成员,现在也成为了其他团队骨干成员核心力量,为其他的研发团队奉献出自己的力量, 我们各自都仍然为自己所梦想热衷的事业继续奋斗着,千难万险,不变初衷。 2018年,作为一名研发人员,在产品
3、方面,我们完成了对于药品管理系统标准版的产品优化升级,并且在山西省中医学院附属医院,XX省中医研究院两家三甲医院实现的程序更新,在省二院,市八院等十余家二级医院免费完成了药品系统的升级工作;完成了药品供应链系统的产品研发,以及产品的实施推广工作,目前药品供应链系统产品已经初步成型,在新的一年里,我们还需要逐步对于产品的雕琢完善,以使产品更加完美。 2018年,在产品方面,我们未能够实现的有,对于医疗器械,固定资产新开发产品的研发推广工作,未能及时保证,产品推广和完善计划未能完成;对于药品管理系统,预计新开发的升级版本的产品研发工作,未能够及时展开,并完成;对于HERP管理系统,相关的产品规划,
4、功能扩展,产品推广未能及时完成。 2018年,关于产品研发的经验是,之前定的目标过于多,定的目标过于分散,研发想做的事情太多,但真正落地的时候,才发现要么是精力不足,要么是人力资源不足,或是其他方面的原因,导致最终做了一堆半残的产品,不推广吧白白浪费经历,强行推广的化,不能够达到用户的要求,或者说只能达到部分用户的需求,后续的改造完善工作无法接续,导致新研发升级更新速度缓慢,几尽于无。还有一点就是,我们总是把大量的精力,放在如何去使用学些新的技术,如何去开发新的业务面更广的新产品,而缺乏真正在我们现有的业务产品上,进行精雕细琢,进行产品优化,扎实产品基础,完善产品不足。不过现实可能也就是这样,
5、我们总是执着于外表光鲜美丽的东西,而往往忽略事务内在的价值意义。在这我想与公司新来的研发人员,一起共勉的一句话,研发的工作是枯燥乏味的,需要持之以恒的耐心和坚持不懈的毅力,别无他路,唯一的捷径就是勤勉,。 人生从来就不是一帆风顺,有高潮,更会有低谷。重要的,不是你在顺境中能走多远,而是要看你在逆境中能够坚持多长时间。以后,别人羡慕你的资本,不是你在一帆风顺的时候,多么的风光无限,而是你在逆境中,在别人不知道的时候所受的苦,在逆境中的不断坚持和不变的希望。所以,朋友,不要在意你年轻时候所受到的苦难,因为他们才是你以后成功的资本。让我们一起在荆棘中前行,在磨砺中成长。 谢谢。 1、What do
6、you think from the perspective of job analysis yourself, what is your biggest strengths and weaknesses?Tip:such as you are serious and responsible to things .And there are some jobs require appropriate advantages, such as technical staff can say have strong learning ability, the business staff can s
7、ay expression capability is strong, the accountants can say themselves is sedate, steadfast.As for the shortcomings, don't say no, or never thought. Because no one is perfect, if you said you have no disadvantage , it is certainly that you don' t recognize you own shortcomings,you should say
8、 some shortcomings that has no impact on the new job.2、Have you ever thought about a personal business, if you want to entrepreneurship, when are you going to entrepreneurship?Tip: now that is the interview and you choose to work, so you have to avoid mentioning entrepreneurship. Because of differen
9、ces in working for boss and bEing a boss is too big, expressing ideas that you would like to venture too much in the interview will make the interviewer uncomfortable, and many companies also be afraid one day you will take away his customer resources and the technical secret when you left.you shoul
10、d answer that now I don't consider entrepreneurship3、Why did you leave your last job?Tip: this question is very difficult, the principle is never speak ill of the original company or colleagues, it will only seem you are a narrow-minded person ,and cause a tube on the interview.you can emphasize
11、 some objective reasons, such as the original company relocation , company post adjustment and so on. When you Said the reason, pay attention to this reason never exists in the new work , otherwise it will backfire.What do you expect in the company two years later?Tip: because you are not familiar t
12、o the people around you and the work environment in the future, so don't say more nonsense, you can answer like that I hope can make some achievements in jobs to get recognition and appreciation of leadership through my own efforts in the company.What do you most want to get to our company?Tip:
13、don't answer that you come to company for exercise and improve - this kind of words are fresh graduates often like to say, there are a lot of people like to put the company as a training school, this idea is childish.I want to remind you that the company is not exist for the sake of training peo
14、ple, but to economic benefits. Working in a company, the core of everything is outstanding achievement and ability, so you must seize this two points.Recommend answer: I want most to be competent for my jobs as soon as possible to get promoted In the future.6、Would you please speak a deepest impress
15、ion or a sense of accomplishment in your previous job?Tip:What you must do is trying to prove the authenticity of the story to the interviewer , the story needs to highlight the experience that how you work hard and get the affirmation of the colleagues and company. 致xxxxx公司全体员工: 乐善好施、扶贫帮困是中华民族的传统美德
16、;相互帮助、患难扶持是社会倡导的时代新风。它既体现了人类最高尚的品质、最美好的情感和道德情操,又是社会文明与进步的标志。 在大家要欢度元旦、新春佳节之际,长期兼职销售的骨干员xx家中由于长期以来的经济负担,更因现家中儿子重病增加了高额的医疗费用,使本来不富裕的家庭更加不堪重负!在本来可以家人团聚欢乐融融喜迎新年、新春之际,让他们愁眉不展,燃眉之急亟待解决! 现公司首先以公司名义带头为其捐款,同时倡议全体干部员工充分发挥先进性,争当爱心排头兵,捐出一份爱心,献上一片真情,俗话说,授人玫瑰,手有余香;奉献爱心,收获希望。您的一份爱心,必将改变他们的命运;您的一次善举,更将换回心灵的快慰。 您的爱心和真情,好似春风为他们的生活送去一缕最温暖的阳光,犹如星星之火点燃他们心中希望的曙光,将会带动更多有爱心的人们加入到捐款行动中来。 困难的家庭需要您的爱心,和谐的社会需要您的支持。请伸出您的友 爱之手,献出您的关爱之情吧!只要人人都献出一点爱,世界会变成美好的人间! 捐款方式:以个人为单位报至行政人事部。 捐款时间:自公布之日起至20xx年1月13日下午17:00。 xxxxx有限公司 7 / 7
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