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1、信用证开证申请书样本IRREVOCABLE DOCUMENTARY CREDIT APPLICATION TO : HUA XIA BANK CO. , LTD. L/C No. Date: Jul.21., 2004Applicant ZHEJIANG ALISON IMP. & EXP. CO., LTD. C-719, WORLD TRADE CENTRE OFFICE BUILDING 122 SHUGUANG ROAD , HANGZHOU ,310007 CHINA Tel: 0086-571-87631686 Fax: 0086-571-87950611 Beneficiary(

2、full neame, address and tel etc.) SAMSUNG CORPORATION SAMSUNG-PLAZA BUILDING 263, SEOHYEON-DONG, BUNDANG-GU, SEONGNAM, GYEONGGI-DO , KOREA 463-721 TEL: 82-2-2145-2500 FAX: 82-2-2145-2596 Partial shipments ( X ) allowed ( )not allowed Transhipment ( X )allowed ( ) not allowed ( ) Issue by (air)mail (

3、 ) with brief advice by teletransmission (see UCP 500 article 11)( ) issued by teletransmission (see UCP 500 article 11)( )transferable Credit- as per UCP500 article 48(600 article 38) Loading on board/dispatch/ taking in charge at/from ANY TAIWAN PORT Not later than AUG.10., 2004 For transportation

4、 to SHANGHAI , CHINA Contract No.: SMST/24116 Credit Amount (both in figures and words): USD374,694.00 US DOLLARS THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY FOUR THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND NINTY FOUR ONLY. Trade Term: ( )FOB ( X ) CFR ( ) CIF ( ) 0thers: Description of goods: NAME OF COMMODITY QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL AM

5、OUNTHDPE GRADE NO.9004 204MT USD937.00/MT CNF SHANGHAI USD191148.00HDPE GRADE NO.3234 198MT USD927.00/MT CNF SHANGHAI USD183546.00TOTAL: 402MT USD374694.00Date and place of expiry: Aug.30., 2004 CHINA Credit available with ( ) by sight payment (X ) by acceptance ( ) by negotiation ( ) by deferred pa

6、yment at against the documents detailed herein (X ) and beneficiarys draft for 100 % of invoice value at 90 DAYS AFTER B/L DATE On issuing bank Documents reauired: (marked with X) 1. (X ) Signed commercial invoice in 3 copies indicating L/ C No. and Contract No. SMST/24116 2. (X) Full set of clean o

7、n board Bills of Lading made out X to order/ to the order of and blank endorsed, marked “ freight X prepaid/ to collect showing freight amount” notifying the applicant/ 3. ( ) Air Waybills showing “freight prepaid/ to collect indicating freight amount” and consigned to 4. ( )Insurance Policy/Certifi

8、cate in 3 copies for 110 % of the invoice value showing claims payable in China in currency of the draft,blank endorsed, covering ( Ocean Marine Transportation / Air Transportation / Over Land Transportaion) All Risks, War Risks. / 5. (X ) Packing list / Weight Memo in 3 copies indicating 6. (X ) Ce

9、rtificate of Quantity/ Weight in 3 copies issued by X manufacturer / Seller / independent surveyor at the loading port, indicationg the actual surveryed quantity / weight of shipped goods as well as the packing condition. 7. (X ) Certificate of Quality in 3 copies issued by X manufacturer / public r

10、ecognized surveyor / 8. (X ) Beneficiarys Certified copy of fax dispatched to the applicant within 2 days after shipment advising the contract number, name of commodity, quantity, invoice value, bill of loading, bill of loading date, the ETA date and shipping Co. 9. ( ) Beneficiarys Certificate cert

11、ifying that extra copies of the documents have been dispatched to the applican/ 10. ( ) Certificate of Origin in copies certifying. 11. ( )Other documents, if any: Document to be presented within ( )days after the date of shipment but within the validity of the Credit.Additiona instruction: (marked

12、with X) 1. ( X )All banking charges outside the opening bank are for beneficiarys account. 2. ( X )Documents must be presented within 21 days after the date of issuance of the transport documents but within the validity of this credit. 3. ( ) Third party as shipper is not acceptable, Short Form / Bl

13、ank B/l is not acceptable. 4. ( ) Both quantity and amount % more or less are allowed. 5. (X ) All documents to be forwarded in one lot by express unless otherwise stated above. 6. ( ) Other terms, if any: We request you to issue on our behalf and for our account your irrevocable credit in accordance with the above instruction (marked X)where appriatiate)This L/C is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit (1993 Revision ) ICC Publication No. 500.(申请人名称及印鉴章) RMB A/C No. USD or ( ) A/C No. 联系人 : 电话 :


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