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1、一、词汇运用(每小题1分,满分10分)A)根据句意用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。61. Look at the _ (village). How beautiful they are!62. Read it _ (loud) please.63. They are trying _ (they) best to climb up the mountain.64. Were you _ (sleep) when the earthquake happened?65. I want to see a dentist (牙医) because I have got a _ (tooth).B)根据

2、汉语提示完成句子。66. Her _ (声音) sounds sweet on the phone.67. Fish cant live _ (没有) water.68. During that Spring Festival, a heavy _ (暴风雪) hit many areas across South China.69. Are you _ (紧张不安的) when you speak in front of your classmates?70. He is too tired. He _ (几乎) falls over.C)用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。71. The ol

3、d computer _ (break) down easily, so I had to restart it again and again.72. He _ (walk) along the street when the UFO arrived.73. I _ (share) an umbrella with Millie yesterday.74. My mother was cooking when I _ (wake) up this morning.75. The flood _ (wash)away some villages every summer.61. village

4、s 62. loudly/aloud 63. their 64. asleep/sleeping 65. toothache 66. voice 67. without 68. snowstorm 69. nervous 70. Nearly71. broke 72. was walking 73. shared 74. Woke 75. washes二、词汇运用。(20分)A)根据句意及首字母提示,写出适当的单词形式。(5分) 1. Last time, after the big earthquake, Sandy _(困住). 2.Because of the terrible d_,t

5、he boy lost his life. 3. It was very foggy yesterday, there were a number of a_ in the sreeet. 4.When you are in danger, it is important to make you not _(紧张) and caml down. 5. He had a bad cold, and the _ (牙痛) made him uncomfortable. B)根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。(每空1分,满分15分)1. The man rushed into the house a

6、nd saved those womens _ ( life ) .2. Would you please _ (not prevent) me from becoming a member of the Birdwatching Club?3. Ive got no idea about how _ (stay) alive in the wild.4. Luke spent as little time as he could _ (play) computer games.5. The _ ( excite ) people all stood up and cheered for Li

7、u Xiang. 6. Jack said he _ (mop) the water up at that time.7. Did you have a nice time _ (ski) last week ?8. I hope you (not make) the same mistake again.9. The earthquake happened and many people were _ ( terrible ) hurt.10. Laura _ (learn) another language next year, isnt she?11. Listen! I can hea

8、r an old woman _ ( scream ) for help in the next door.12. I was playing computer games while my father_ (read) newspapers.13. Keep _ (work) on the problem, you will work it out soon.14. The heavy rain prevented us _ (go) out last weekend.15. He failed the exam, because he did most of his answers (co

9、rrect).A)1.was trapped 2.disaster 3.accident 4.nervous 5.toothacheB)1.lives 2. not prevent 3. to stay 4.Playing 5.excited 6. was mopping 7. skiing 8. wont make 9. terribly going to learn 11.screaming 12.was reading 13.working 14.going 15.incorrectly三.词汇检测(每小题1分,共15分)A.根据中文及上下文语境写出单词41. Kitty s

10、uddenly (尖叫)because she saw a mouse running in front of her.42. They spent (将近)two hours doing their their homework every day.43. He pointed to the (方向)of the smoke and said There must be a fire.44. This shop is only open on . So you mean it is closed on Saturdays and Sundays?45. Judy seemed badly h

11、urt in this car accident. The doctor said there was nothing serious. Her heart was still strongly when 120 came.B.根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空46. What do you think of (yesterday) talk, Simon?47. It was very clear that he was very angry because he looked at me (angry).48. Three years (late ),Mr Wang had his own

12、 company and became a businessman.49. I couldnt fall (sleep) last night because of the exciting news.50. Are you feeling better now? No, I feel much (bad).C.根据句意,用所给动词的适当形式填空51. They (plan ) their trip the whole night so they couldnt get up this morning.52. Try (not think) too much of your points. J

13、ust do your best53. ( hide ) under a strong desk to protect yourself when an earthquake starts.54. We learnt a lot about (drive) cars on the highways from the DVD.55. Daniel cleaned the table and (mop) the floor after lunch.41. screamed 42. nearly 43. direction 44. weekdays 45. beating 46. yesterday

14、s 47. angrily 48. later 49. asleep 50. worse 51. were planning 52. not to think 53. Hide 54. driving 55. mopped四、词汇检测(10分)A)根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或通过上卞文,写出空缺处斧单词的正确形式。1. Uncle Wang teaches English in a small _ (村庄).2. He didnt go to school yesterday because he had a bad _ (头痛)3. My grandma is in her_ (八十多岁)

15、,but she can still take care of herself .4. His grandparents are still_ (活着的).5. John was _ (困住)in a small wooden house.6. What a_(可怕的)snowstorm!7. My parents need to work on _ (工作日).8. This area is much _ (潮湿)than my hometown.9. Sorry, my car_ down on the way. So Im late.一It doesnt matter. The meet

16、ing began just now.10.If it keeps on raining; therell be a _.I hope not. Because if it happens, many people will have no home to live .B) .根据句意,用所给动词的适当形式填空1. We should do something to prevent people_ (throw) litter into rivers.2. Little Tom often feels sleepy while_ (see) films.3. What a bad accide

17、nt! How did it happen?I couldnt see the road clearly because it _ (rain) hard.4. _you _ (frighten) to see the wild elephant at that time?5. My sister spends as much time as she can _ (practice) drawing.1. village 2. headache 3.eighties 4. alive 5. trapped 6. terrible 7.weekdays 8. wetter 9. broke 10

18、. flood1. throwing 2. seeing 3. was raining 4. Were; frightened 5. Practising五、词汇 (每小题1分,共20分)A. 请根据括号中的中文提示或括号中所给单词,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。1. When you are in danger, it is important to make you not _(紧张) and calm down.2. A number of car _ (事故)happened in the street because of the foggy weather.3. Because o

19、f the terrible _ (灾害),the boy lost his life.4. It is said that the bad milk powder(劣质奶粉) _ (引起)the death of over 30 babies.5. We will go on a trip to Shanghai. The three _(长途汽车) will take us there.6. Please keep _ (寂静的) while you are watching a film.7. He fell _ (sleep) when he was watching TV.8. Th

20、e _ (excite) people all stood up and cheered for Liu Xiang. 9. People ran quickly in all _(direct) after the earthquake started.10. Try to find your way out when you are _ (trap) in the fire.B. 用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。1. -What do you think of my idea? -Sorry, what did you say? I _ (think) about something el

21、se. 2. Turn off the water while you _ (wash) your hands or brushing your teeth.3. My car _ (break)down on the way, so I had to call 122 for help.4. Mum _ (mop) the floor when I got home yesterday. 5. If he _ (not follow) traffic rules, he will be fined (罚款).6. We should do everything we can_(protect

22、) the birds in danger . 7.It was too cold, so they made a fire _ (keep) warm .8.I saw your parents _ (stand) on the side of the road when I was walking to the bus stop. 9.I didnt come to my party last night because I _(chat) online with my friends.10.Im sorry I _ (leave) my exercise book at home. Do

23、nt forget to bring it to school tomorrow, please. 1.nervous 2.accidents 3.disaster 4.caused 5.coaches 6.silent 7.asleep 8.excited 9.directions 10.trapped1.was thinking; 2.are washing; 3.broke;4.was mopping; 5.doesnt protect keep8.standing 9.was chatting 10.left 六、动词填空 1. It is import

24、ant for us to do something _ (stop) sandstorms.2. Did you see a girl in red pass by just now?No, sir. I _ (discuss) the new plan with my classmates.3. I heard someone _ (scream) for help while I was walking around the lake.4. The old mans house caught fire because lightning _ (hit) it.5. _ he _ (mak

25、e) a snowman when you saw him?6. He _ (mop) the floor for her mother at 4 p.m. yesterday.7. Im sorry that I didnt answer your phone. I _ (listen) to music and didnt hear the ring.8. Sandstorms were getting more and more serious and _ (cause) a lot of problems.9. There _ (be) a strong sandstorm in th

26、e north of Beijing next Saturday, isnt there?10. The house _ (shake) when the trains went by.1. to stop 2. was discussing 3. screaming 4. hit 5. Was, making6. was mopping 7. was listening 8. caused 9. is going to be 10. shook七、词汇第一节 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 61. How many people are there in

27、 the small v_ ?62. I always feel n when I am in front of a group of people.63. Be s_, children. I have some good news to tell you.64. I_(摇动)his shoulders, but he still did not wake up.65. Do you hear_ (喊叫声)from the riverside? Lets go and see whats happening there.第二节 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)

28、 catch fire, crash into, up and down, scream for help, be trapped66. When Mr. Chen saw his little son jump in the bedroom, he said nothing with a smile.67. My daughter when she saw a snake on her way to school.68.At last, he with his parents there. They couldnt move at all.69. Last night the old hou

29、se . Luckily, no one was hurt.70. A white car the tree and fell into the river.第一节61. village 62. nervous 63. silent 64. shook 65. shout第二节66.up and down 67. screamed for help 68. was trapped 69. caught fire 70. crashed into八、词汇练习第一节 根据句意用括号中单词的适当形式填空,使句子的意思完整、正确。(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 61. Unluckily, a bi

30、g fire b the girls arms and hands.62. Where is the basketball? I cant see it. Its b the door.63. My elder sister is thirty-eight years oldn_ forty years old.64. The new storybook on the desk is Mr. Chens_(女儿).65.You should try your best to help your mother do some (家务).第二节 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词,使句子的意思完整

31、、正确。(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 66. The old woman has five (granddaughter). They are all very polite.67. We can use (board)to cover the hole one by one.68. If you have time, please help me_ (clearly)the snow in front of the classroom.69. Its important for us students to learn more about traffic_ (rule)70. I co

32、uldnt fall (sleep) because I drank too much coffee in the daytime.第三节用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 71. I_(read)English when Mr. Chen came into the classroom.72. Will_(drink) a glass of water help me lose weight, Helen?73. Where did you go? I looked for you for a long time. Sorry, I_(mop)the floor

33、 the whole afternoon.74. Nancy kept_(say) “Im sorry”. Whats wrong with her?75. I will tell you when he_(come) back tomorrow. 第一节61. clear 62. behind 63. nearly 64. daughters 65. rules第二节66. granddaughters 67. boards 68. clear 69. rules 70. asleep第三节71. was reading 72. drinking 73. was mopping 74. sa

34、ying 75. comes九、词汇练习. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1. I want to tell you a (真的) story.2. A car crashed into the bridge and fell into the river. The police are checking what _(引起) the disaster.3. The animals ran in all (方向) when they heard the big noise.4. White snow _(覆盖)the land and everything looks white and

35、clean.5. His car _ (猛撞) into a tree, so he called 120 for help.6. In 1976, a terrible e happened in Tangshan in China. 7. Many people had to leave their homes because of the f .8. T always comes after lighting.9. Taking a short rest at noon is good for your body and m_.10. Listen! We can hear the st

36、rong wind b_ outside. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. I hope this information will help you understand the _ (important) of study. 2. If more and more wetlands disappear, there will be _ and _(little) space for plants and animals. 3. Milk is the _ (nature) food for young babies. 4. Animals ran _ (wild) everywhere.5.

37、He always tells lies to me. I think he is a _ (honest)boy, so I cant believe him. 6. It was very clear that he was very angry because he looked at me _ (angry). 7. I_ (read) at 9:00 last night. What _you_(do) at that time?8. While Mrs. Smith_ (wait) in line last evening, Mr. Smith (stand) beside her

38、. 9. My mother (cook) when I (arrive) home yesterday. 10. _ Amy _ (visit) the Science Museum from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. yesterday?. 1. true 2. caused 3. directions 4. covered 5. crashed 6. earthquake 7. flood 8. Thunder 9. mind 10. blowing . 1. importance 2. less, less 3. natural 4. wildly 5. dish

39、onest 6. angrily 7. was reading, were, doing 8. was waiting, was standing 9. was cooking, arrived 10. Was, visiting十、词汇练习A、单词拼写(10分)1. Who ate_(完全地)my ice cream!1 wanted to give it to my sister!2. I enjoy the life in the_(乡下).It makes me feel comfortable there.3. We were_(清理)the classroom the whole

40、afternoon.4. Our school is going to make some_(规则)about what to wear at school.5May I know your_(外孙)names?6. Jenny is_(将近)as tall as her mother now. She is still growing.7. Dont put any cream on your_(烧伤处)before going to see the doctor.8. -Where was your father when the earthquake happened? -Oh, he

41、was_. And even the noise couldnt wake him up.9. -Whats wrong with your teeth? -I had a bad_ after eating the candy. I need to see the doctor.10. -Honey, dont play with matches. They_ fire easily. -Sorry, I wont, Mum.B、动词填空(10分)1. My mum wanted me to help her_ (mop) the floor.2. They_ (plan) their tr

42、ip the whole night so they couldnt get up this morning.3. The number of rare cranes_ (get) smaller if we keep doing nothing, isnt it?4. Mr Xiao_ (read) in the library when I called him last night.5. The children_ (carry) water for the old over there. You should help them.6. Try_ (not think) too much of your points. Just do your best!7. -Your watch looks very beautiful. .-Thank you. My uncle_ (send) it to me as a birthday present.8. Its really nice of you_ (share) your umbrella with this little girl.9. Who_ (make) breakfast


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