1、Topic 3 Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well?Teaching aims1.Learn some useful words and expressions:sleepy,final,oral,dare,real,retell,pronounce,dialog,copy,diary,tape2.Learn the usage of“wh-+to do”I dont know what to do.3.Talk about how to learn English.(1).Do you like English
2、?(2).Have you ever met any difficulties in studying English?(3).If you meet any difficulties,whom will you turn to for help?(4).Do you think it is important to have a partner in English study?Discuss in groupsDo you have courage to answer the teachers questions in class?Dare you answer the teachers
3、questions in class?What dare you not do?I dare notNo,I dare not answer the teachers questions in class.预习导纲预习导纲一一.读读1 a对话,在对话中划出下列短语并朗读。对话,在对话中划出下列短语并朗读。1.许多名胜古迹许多名胜古迹 2.让别人明白你的意思让别人明白你的意思 _3.陷入困境陷入困境 4.与某人进行长谈与某人进行长谈_ 5.加倍努力学英语加倍努力学英语_ 6.在公众场合说英语在公众场合说英语 _ 7.英语口语英语口语_ 8.感到昏昏欲睡感到昏昏欲睡 _ 9.想要做某事想要做某事
4、_ 10.放弃放弃_ 11.害怕害怕._12.取得进步取得进步_二二.读下列句子,翻译并探究。读下列句子,翻译并探究。1.Could you make yourself understood in the USA?译译_探究:探究:make oneself understood 意为意为_,understood为过去分为过去分词作词作_补。补。做一做:做一做:I find it difficult to make myself _.A.UnderstandB.understood C.understandingD.understands2.I know oral English is very
5、 important,but I dare not speak English in public.译译:_。探究:探究:dare意为意为_,与与need一样,既可用作一样,既可用作_ 动词,也可用作动词,也可用作_动词。用作情态动词,后跟动词动词。用作情态动词,后跟动词_,主要用于主要用于_句或句或_句。句。用作实义动词时,它有三单形式用作实义动词时,它有三单形式_,现在分词现在分词_,过去式和过去过去式和过去分词分词_,后跟带后跟带to的的_.做一做:做一做:As a little girl,she _ go out by herself at night.A.dares not B.do
6、esnt dare to C.dare not to D.dares not to“How dare you _to me like that?”he shouted.A.to speak B.speaking C.spoken D.speak 3.I always feel sleepy in English classes.译:译:_。探究:探究:feel sleepy 意为意为_,其中,其中sleepy是是_词,作词,作feel的的_语,意为语,意为“困的,懒散的困的,懒散的”。sleepy的动词:的动词:_,名词:,名词:_注意注意asleep,sleepy 区别:区别:(1)二者都是
7、二者都是_词性,都可以作词性,都可以作表语。常见短语:表语。常见短语:fall asleep 入睡入睡 be asleep 睡着的睡着的 feel sleepy 昏昏欲睡昏昏欲睡 be sleepy 要睡的要睡的(2)sleepy 除作除作表语表语外,还可作外,还可作定语定语修饰名词,但是修饰名词,但是asleep 不能不能作定语,只能作表语作定语,只能作表语。sleepy还有还有“宁静的,不活跃的宁静的,不活跃的”之意,之意,如:如:a sleepy country life 恬静的乡村生活恬静的乡村生活如:一个困倦的学生如:一个困倦的学生 a _ student 一个宁静的小城一个宁静的小
8、城 a _ little town练一练:练一练:Liu Bin felt_this morning in class because he didnt fall_last night.A.sleepy;asleep B.asleep;sleepy C.sleep;asleep D.sleepy;sleeping 4.At times I feel like giving up.译:译:_探究:探究:.at times意为意为_,同义短语同义短语_,_.feel like此处意为此处意为_,后接后接_词或词或_词作宾语。词作宾语。同义短语有:同义短语有:_,_.give up意为意为_,后接后
9、接_词或词或_词作宾语。如果宾语是词作宾语。如果宾语是人称代词,则需放在人称代词,则需放在give up中间。中间。做一做:做一做:a).The people in HongKong have met lots of difficulties,but they havent_ hope.A.picked up B.given up C.looked for D.waited forb).Im hungry.I feel like_ something.A.to eat B.eat C.ate D.eating1.The old fisherman felt like _ a big boat
10、very much.Ato get B.get C.getting D.got2.Mr.Wang didnt tell me the time he arrived,so I dont know _ to meet him.A.where B.when C.why D who3.I dont do well in English words.I must learn how to_.A.spelling;keep a diary B.Spell;learn grammar C.spelt;listen to the tape D.spelling;recite the words 4._he
11、_ with foreigners in English?Yes,he dare.A.Dare;communicate B.Are;to communicate C.Does;dare communicate D.Is;dare communicate当堂训练当堂训练用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。1.He felt_(sleep)in the English class because he went to bed late last night.2.I am afraid of _(stay)in a dark place.3.Tom is good at _(speak)
12、English.So he is.4.He has been to many places of_(interesting).5.I cant follow you.Can you speak more_(slow)?1b Listen to 1a and number the problems._ It seems that I havent made any progress,though I work hard._ Its too difficult for me to remember new words._ I dare not speak English in public._ A
13、mericans spoke too quickly._ I couldnt have long conversations with American people._ I always feel sleepy in English classes.6532411a Listen,look and say.NameDifficultyWang JunfengHe works hard butHe works hard but h he e hasnt _ hasnt _ He feels like _.He feels like _.Li MingHe _ speak English in
14、public,and he always _ in English classes.He is really _ the final exam.Li XiangItIt s difficult for hims difficult for him to to _._.dare notdare not fefee els sleepyls sleepyafraid ofafraid ofrememberremember new words new wordsmade progressmade progress giving upgiving up Read 1a and fill in the
15、blanks.Li Mings difficultyMiss Wangs suggestiond db ba ac c3a Listen to the conversation and check Li Mings difficulties.Then listen again and match them with Miss Wangs suggestions.()1.cant read English news _()2.cant pronounce well _()3.forgets new words _()4.cant always understand the dialog when
16、 watching English movies _()5.isnt good at grammar _()6.isnt good at writing compositions _a.take part in the English cornerb.copy new words in a notebook and take it with himc.keep a diary in Englishd.listen to the tapee.sing English songsf.buy a grammar book3b Make up conversations in pairs based
17、on 1a and 3b.The following words may help you!make myself understood,oral English,dare not speak,feel sleepy,be afraid of,difficult to remember new words,feel like giving up,work hard at,ask sb.for help1c Read 1a and tick the words you find in it.Study the words and pay attention to the word formati
18、on.()wonder ()wonderful ()under ()understand()quick ()quickly ()courage ()discourage()real ()really ()sleep ()sleepy2Write down new words in the brackets by following the example.re+telldis+coverdis+likein+directim+possibleun+healthyun+happyhead+achegrand+daughterfire+place(retell )()()()()()()()()(
19、)(direction )()()()()()()()()()direct+tionill+nessdevelop+mentwonder+fulhome+lessexcite+ingsnow+ymain+lyfilm+makerdown+stairsdiscoverdislikeindirectimpossibleunhealthyunhappyheadachegranddaughterfireplaceillnessdevelopmentwonderfulhomelessexcitingsnowymainlyfilmmakerdownstairsprefixsuffixFill in the
20、 blanks.1.Mr.Smith _(曾经去过)China several times and he has visited many_(名胜).2.-_(吸烟)is bad for your health.-Yes,and Ill try my best to _(戒除它).3.Oh,My God!I failed the driving test again.Can you tell me _(该怎么办).4.I _(害怕知道)the result of the exam.5.Im thirsty,and I _ (想喝)a cup of tea.6.After following M
21、iss Wangs advice,I _(取得很大的进步)in oral English.am afraid of knowingSmoking places of interesthas been to feel like drinkingmade great progress what to dogive it up()7.-Could you please tell me _ the Christmas tree?-Sure.A.how to decorate B.how decorate C.how to decorating D.how decorating()8.No one ca
22、n tell me _ next.A.what to do it B.how do it C.how to do D.what to do()9.Speak louder,or you cant make yourself _.A.hear B.hearing C.heard D.to hearing()10.Im sorry but I _ you to tell a lie,or my father will punish me.A.not dare help B.dare not help C.dont dare help D.dare help notCADBChoose the be
23、st answer.A:Hello,Mary.1_?B:Fine,thank you,Lucy.A:Mary,2_.B:Its very kind of you to say that.A:Where did you buy it?B:3_.A:In Hangzhou?Well,Hangzhou is a very beautiful city.4_?B:Last month.A:Did you go there with your father?B:No.5_.A:England?B:Yes,on business.补全对话(河南补全对话(河南.05中考)中考)How are youYou
24、look so nice in the new skirt/Your coat looks-I bought it in HangzhouWhen did you go thereHe has gone to England/My father went to Englandsummary1.Some words:oral,sleepy,final,real retell,indirect,granddaughter pronounce,dialog,copy,notebook,diary,tape 2.Some phrases:keep a diary,make yourself under
25、stood,work hard at,be afraid of,make progress(in),what to do feel like doing,give up3.Some sentences:(1)I know oral English is very important,but I dare not speak English in public.(2)At times I feel like giving up.1.Form new words based on Word Formation.development,indirect,homeless2.Express our difficulties in learning English.
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