1、-范文最新推荐- 中国少年先锋队入队申请书 敬爱的中队委员会: 我是xx小学一年四班的xx,我申请加入中国少年先锋队。我渴望像高年级的哥哥姐姐们一样戴上鲜艳的红领巾,成为一名优秀的少先队员。 通过学习,我知道了中国少年先锋队,是中国共产党领导的中国少年儿童的群众组织,是建设社会主义和共产主义的预备队。少先队是一个先进的组织,加入少先队是很光荣的一件事。 加入少先队,我会努力做到,爱祖国,爱人民,爱学习,爱劳动,爱护公共财物。我每天都要好好学习,遵守纪律、尊敬老师、帮助同学、爱护红领巾。我
2、还会积极参加学校的各项活动,为红领巾增添荣誉,将来为祖国的建设献出自己的一份力量。申请人: xx2018年4月2日 入队带申请书中国带少年先锋带队: 我志愿加入中国少年先锋队,因为少年先锋队是中国少年的模范榜样,是一个团结积极向上的团队,她有着优秀的队史,红领巾象征着优秀少年先锋队员荣誉称号,所以我爱少年先锋队,申请加入中国少年先锋队。 我感觉自己已经够格,自己已经符合少年先锋队的标准,能够做个合格的少先队员;我觉得我各方带都很优秀,能够加入少年先锋队,愿意为同学们起着模范带头作用,但是我没有骄傲,我还会继续努力,请中国少年先锋队和老师考验我吧,批准我的申请。 此致 敬礼 申请人: 2018年
3、6月30日 Morning! Thank you for giving me this interview opportunity. I come from Affiliated Hospital Medical College Which is 3A level hospital in Jiangxi province. I graduated from Medical College and got my bachelor’s degree in Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine in 2003. After that, I became
4、 a doctor in the Affiliated Hospital Medical College and took charge of some research and teaching work in Ultrasound. In the past six years, I have published 6 papers, 3 of those were published in core journal. Due to my hard working and all these achievements, I was exceptionally promoted to be le
5、ctureship in 2007. Well, I may be an outstanding doctor in my hospital but I realized two years ago when I was visiting 301 hospital as a trainee, there is a significant gap between those professors and me. The academic atmosphere there also excited me so much that I decided to get further systemati
6、c training in famous university. I took the entry exam twice. The first time, I failed because my English was lower than the level. Well, I am the kind of person that once I have set up an aim I will fulfill it no matter what I may meet. The little frustration can’t beat me. To my pleasure, I am here today and I hope you could offer me this study chance. 3 / 3