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1、010中考英语满分秘诀:记住100组同义词1. 一就as soon asthe moment,the minute,immediately,the instant,instantly2. 尽可能as as possibleasas you can3.乐意做be glad to do sth。be pleased to do sth。be happy to do sth。be delighted to do sth。have pleasure to do sth。4.准备做get ready for sth。get sth. readybe ready for sth。be ready to d

2、o sth。prepare for sth。prepare oneself for sth。prepare to do sth。prepare sth. for sb。be prepared for sth。5. “邀请”与“请求”Would you like to do sth.?Would you like sth.?Would you please do?(回答:Id love to 。)6.“没用”It is no use (in)doing sth。There is no use doing sth。It is useless to do sth。It is no good (in)

3、 doing sth。7. “结果”so thatenough to do sth。too to8. “花费”sb. spends some time/money on sthsb. spends some time/money (in) doing sth。sb. pays some money for sth。sb. buy sth. for some money。(sb sells sth. for some money。)sth. costs sb. some time/moneyIt costs sb. some money/time to do sth。It takes sb. s

4、ome time/money to do sth。It takes some time/money for sb. to do sth。9. “为了”so that (引导目的状语从句)in order that (引导目的状语从句)so as to do sth. (引导目的状语,只位于句尾)in order to do sth. (引导目的状语,可首可尾)to do sth. (引导目的状语,可首可尾)10. “以至于不”tootoso thatnot。.notenough to11. “习惯”be used to doing sth。be accustomed to doing sth。

5、12. 表示建议的表达What about sth./doing sth.?How about sth./doing sth.?Why not do sth.?13. “出什么毛病了”Whats the matter with?Whats wrong with?Whats the trouble with?What happens to?14. “为什么不”Why not do sth.?Why dont you do sth?15. “不但而且”not onlybut alsonot onlybutnot onlybut as well16.“劝阻”“阻止”stop sb. from doi

6、ngkeep sb. from doingprevent sb. from doingdiscourage sb. from doing sth。dissuade sb. from doing sth。17. “相处”get on with sb。get on well with sb。get along with sb。get along well with sb。mix with sb。mix well with sb。18. “因为”thanks todue tobecause ofas a result ofowing to19.“形式”Its + adj. (for/of sb. )

7、 to do sth. (形式主语)find/think/feel it + adj. + to do sth. (形式宾语)20. stress 句型汇总be stressed outbe under a lot of stresstakestand the stress 忍受压力put stress on sth. 强调21. “弥补”make up forpensate for22. “在看来”in ones opinion,to ones mindin ones viewin ones eyeaccording to sb.23. “丢”be lostbe missingbe gone

8、24. “著名”be famous for famous to famous as + 职位be famous to sb. as+ 职位be known for known to known as+ 职位be known to sb. as+ 职位25. “满意”be satisfied withbe pleased withbe happy withbe delighted with26. “为而高兴”be pleased for sbbe happy for glad for delighted for sth.

9、27. “祝贺”congratulate sb. on sth.congratulations to sb. on sth.28. “道歉”apologize to sb. for sth.make an apology to sb. for sth.29. “玩得高兴”have a good timehave fun (doing sth.)enjoy oneself30. “决定”decide to do sth.make a decision to do sth.determine to do determined to do sth.make a determinatio

10、n to do sthresolve to do sth.make a resolution to do sth.make up ones mind to do sth.set ones mind to do sth.31. “使役”make sb. do sth.let sb. do sth.have sb. do sth.get sb. to do sth.set sb. to do sth.32. to表示 “的”the key to the doorthe key/answer to the questionthe solution to a problemthe way to sp.

11、the entrance to on a visit to a visit to sp.a trip to sp.a ticket to sp. (a ticket for + 比赛名称)33. “花了”pay some money for sth.spend some money on sth. for some money.cost sb. some money34. “怎么样”怎么样表达?What do you think of sth.?How do you like sth.?Whats your view on sth.?How do yo

12、u feel sth.?Whats your opinion about sth?35. 对的态度:be kind to nice to friendly to amiable to polite to respectful to impolite to rude to mean to patient with impatient with angry with sb. at mad with strict with sb. in st

13、h.36. 疑问词+动词不定式what to dohow to do sth.where to do sth.when to do sth.whether to do sth.37. “刚就”hardlywhenno sooner thanbe about to do sth. when38. like句型汇总like sth./ doing sthlike to do sth.would like to do sth.would like sth.feel like doing sth.feel like sth.look likewhats like39. need句型汇总n

14、eed sth/sb.need to do sth.need sb. to do sth.need doing sth. =need to be doneneednt do sth.Needdo sth.?(need 作情态动词时常用于否与疑)in need of = in want ofin great need ofmeet the needs of40. “到达”get to sp.arrive in/at sp.reach sp.41. interest句型汇总be interested in sth.have interest in sth./doing sthinterest sb

15、. in sth./doing sth.lose interest in sth/doing sthIts interesting (for sb.)to do sth.a place of interest42. tell句型汇总tell sb. sth.tell sth. to sb.tell sb. about sth.tell sb. to do sth.tell sb. not to do sth.tell A from Btell the difference between A and B43. “相同”be the same aslook likebe similar to44

16、. “拜访”call at spcall on sb.drop in at sp.drop in on sb.注意call on 还有“号召”的意思,句型为call on sb. to do sth.45. hope与wish句型汇总hope to do sth.hope thatwish to do sth.wish sb. to do sth.wish thathope sb. to do sth. ()46. “翻译”translate intoturn intochange into47. suggest句型汇总suggest that(虚拟语气)suggest to sb. that

17、suggest that(表明 )suggest doing sth.suggest sb. to do sth. ()48. advise句型汇总advise sb. against sth/doing sthadvise sb. to do sth.advise sb. not to do sth.49. to doing sth汇总look forward to doing sth.devote oneself to doing sth.devote ones life to doing attention to doing used to doing st

18、 accustomed to doingstick to doing sth. 坚持做adapt to doing sth.admit to doing sth.apply to doing addicted to doing dedicated to doing sth. 致力于;献身于be indifferent to doing opposed to diong similar to doing sth.get down to doing sth.give ones mind to doing sth.give rise t

19、o doing sth.lead to doing sth.object to doing sth.prefer doing A to doing Brespond to doing sth.take to doing sth. 喜欢上;从事;养成的习惯;沉湎于turn to doing sth.求助;转而从事于in addition to doing sth.50. “容忍”put up withstandbeartolerateendure51. “对厌烦”be tired ofbe fed up withbe sick ofbe bored with52. tired句型概览be tir

20、ed of 对厌倦,对烦be tired with/from sth./doing sth. 因感到疲劳be tired out 精疲力竭 (=be exhausted)53. “擅长”do well in sth.doing good at sth.doing expert at sth.doing clever at sth.doing great at sth.doing excellent at sth.doing skilled at sth.doing adept at sth.doi

21、ng sth.54. “弱”be weak inbe bad atbe poor at55. 感叹句句型汇总what + a/an + adj + C + 主+ 谓!What + adj+ pl./u +主+ 谓!How + adj/ adv + 主+ 谓!How + 句子!56. “双宾语”总揽show sb. sth show sth. to sb.pass sb. sth. pass sth. to sb. sth. post sth. to sb.give sb. sth give sth. to sb.take sb. sth. take sth. to sb.len

22、d sb sth. lend sth. to sb.throw sb. sth. throw sth. to sb. harm do harm to sb.offer sb. sth. offer sth. to sb.wave sb. sth. wave sth. to sb.tell sb. sth. tell sth. to sb.send sb. sth. send sb.wish sb. sth. wish sth. to sb. sth. read sth. to sb.teach sb. sth. teach sth. to

23、egraph sb. sth. telegraph sth. to sb.sing sb. sth. sing sth. to/for sb.write sb. sth. write sth. to sb. sth. save sth. for sb.order sb. sth. order sth. for sb.pour sb. sth. pour sth. for sb.make sb. sth. make sth. for sb. sth. buy sth. for sb.cook sb. sth. cook sth for sb.get sb. sth.

24、 get sth. for sb. sth. win sth. for sb.His hard work won him a lot of praise.His hard work won a lot of praise for him.leave sb. sth. leave sth. for sb.57. “毛病”there is sth. wrong with sth./sb.sth. is wrong with 58. doing与to do,意思别模糊forget doing sth. 做了忘了forget to do sth. 忘了做了remember doing s

25、th. 记得已做remember to do sth. 记住要做stop doing sth. 停止做stop to do sth. 停下来去做watch/see/hear sb. doing sth. 看/听见在做watch/see/hear sb. do sth. 看/听见做go on doing sth. 继续做(同一件事)go on to do sth. 继续做(另一件事)try doing sth. 努力做try to do sth. 尝试做mean doing sth. 意味着mean to do sth. 打算做learn doing sth. 学过 (不一定会)learn to

26、 do sth. 学会做59. “告别”wave sb off 挥手告别wave goodbye to sb.say goodbye to sb.see sb. off60.给某人打xxcall sbring up sb.ring up sbphone sb. to do sth.give sb a phonegive sb. a callcall sb. at+xx号码dial +xx号码61. “吃惊”be surprised atbe amazed atbe astonished atbe astounded atbe shocked at 对很震惊62

27、. “生气” 的句型be angry with angry about angry at sb./ angry with/at sb. about angry thatbe mad at annoyed with sb.63.“严格”三句型be strict with strict in strict with sb. in sth.64. “根据”base A. on/upon BA be based on/upon B65.“尽力”句型汇总try to do sth.try ones best to

28、do ones best to do ones upmost to do sth.put ones effort into sth./doing sthspare no effort to do sth. 全力以赴做endeavor to do sth. 竭尽全力做go out of ones way to do sth.66. “哪儿残疾”be blind inbe deaf inbe lame in67. “视而不见”与“充耳不闻”be blind toclose ones eyes to deaf to68.“洗耳恭听”与“目不转睛”be all

29、 earsbe all eyes69. “与某人做生意”do business with sb.make a deal with sb.70. “surprise”句型汇总in surpriseto ones surprisebe surprised at sth./doing sth.with a surprised look71.“call”句型汇总call sb.upcall on sb. 拜访某人call on sb. to do sth. 号召某人做drop in on sb 拜访某人call at sb. at + xx号码call off sth/

30、dong sth. = cancel sth/dong sth.put off sth./doing sth. = postpone sth/dong sth.72. “care”句型汇总care sth. 在意care for sth./sb. 喜欢; 照顾care about sth./sb.关心;担心;对感兴趣take care oftake good care oftake care to do sth.take care not to do under the care ofbe careful about/ofbe careless about/ofIts carel

31、ess of sb. to do sth.73. “如何打、抓人”catch sb. by the +身体部位grasp sb by the +身体部位hit sb. on/in the +身体部位tap sb. on the back/shoulder74. 关于“up with” 的句型catch up with 追赶keep up with 与保持一致put up with 容忍e up with 提出be fed up with 厌恶75. “choose”句型总汇choose to do sthchoose sb as +职位choose A before B 选择A而非Bchoos

32、e sb. sth.choose sth. for sb76. “把视为”take A as Blook on A as Bregard A as Btreat A as Bconsider A as Bcount A as Bview A as Bthink of A as B77. “充满”be filled withbe full ofbe crowed withbe flooded withbe peopled with78. “in”句型汇总in dangerin troublein surprisein black and whitein briefin casein case o

33、fin that casein charge ofin the charge ofin monin depthin factin effectin favor ofin futurein generalin handin orderin order to do order thatin other wordsin pairsin personin privatein publicin progressin ragsin realityin returnin shortin spiritin spite of = despitein sumin store for te

34、rms ofin the air=in the skyin the endin truthin turnin vainin view ofin want ofin need ofin ones twentiesinterest sb. in sth.doing interested in sth.doing sth.have difficulty in doing sth.succeed in doing sth.spend some time in doing weak in sth.doing well in sth.doing st

35、itches 笑破肚皮,笑得前仰后合The play had us in (full) bloom 盛开in blossom 盛开in ruinsin roughin that 在于in the blink of an eye 眨眼间,瞬间in pawn 典押in camera 秘密地79.“decide”句型汇总decide to do sth,decide sb. to do sth.decide on sth.You decide. = It depends on you.80. “dream”句型汇总realize ones dreammake ones dre

36、am e truedream of doing sth.follow ones dream81. “鼓励”与“泄气”句型encourage sb. to do sth.discourage sb. from doing sth.82. 五“照顾、照看”look after sb.take care of sb.attend to sb.wait on for sb.keep an eye on sth./sb.have an eye for sth.83. fail的句型fail (in) to do sb. = make sb. disapp

37、ointed84. 从“做成”到“做败”succeed in doing sth.manage to do sth.attempt to do to do sth.85.feel句型总汇feel + adj.feel like doing sthfeel it + adj. + to do sthfeel for sth. 摸索feel sb. do sth.feel sth. to be86. “适合做”,“有资格做”be fit forbe suitable forbe great forbe responsible forbe qualified forbe eligi

38、ble for87. fit句型总汇fit sb. for sb to do fit to sth.It is fit for sb. to do sth.88. free句型总汇be free fromfree sb.sth fromset sb. free89. fun句型总汇have fun doing sth.Its great fun doing sth.make fun of sb.90. “尊重”与“鄙视”look up to sb.respect sb.look down upon sb.despise sb.91.如何与人“结/离婚”marry

39、sb.get married to married to sb.divorce sb.ones marriage with sb.ones divorce from sb.92. 过去分词短语做宾补have sth doneget sth. donewant sth donewith sth done93. 两“放弃”give up sth./doing sth.drop sth.94. 两“检查”look over sb./sth.examine sb./sth95. good句型汇总be good to good for sb./ good at sth.


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