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1、英语基础模块英语基础模块英语基础模块英语基础模块 (上册)(上册)(上册)(上册)CONTENTSCONTENTSCONTENTSCONTENTSLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.Ut enim ad minim veniam,quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat

2、.Unit1、GreetingsUnit2、FamilyUnit3、Campus LifeUnit4、TimeUnit5、FoodUnit6、WeatherUnit7、ComputersUnit8、Brave It OutUnit9、CultivationUnit10、SportsUnit11、FriendshipUnit12、FestivalsUnit1Unit1Unit1Unit1GreetingsGreetingsGreetingsGreetings GreetingsReading:WelcometoOurSchoolWarmingupReading&WritingNewwordsan

3、dexpressionsListening&SpeakingReadingGameCenterListening&SpeakingGrammarGrammarhello!你好Hello!你好Good morning!早上好Good morning!早上好大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流可以互相讨论下,但要小声点可以互相讨论下,但要小声点可以互相讨论下,但要小声点可以互相讨论下,但要小声点常见问候语常见问候语Hello,What s your name?你叫什么名字?你叫什么名字?Hi,my name is 地地你好,我叫你好,我叫 色色 Fine,thanks,and

4、you?我很好,谢谢我很好,谢谢你呢你呢Im fine,too.Thank you!我也是,谢谢我也是,谢谢how are you?你好吗?LOREMIPSUMDOLOR Nice to meet you!很高兴见到你Nice to meet you,too!也很高兴见到你Notes:1.Introductions are important because a proper introduction will leave a good first impression upon others.Look at the picture and tick.Emily and Jenny meet

5、each other for the first time.Tick what they would say.()1.Hi,Jenny!()2.Good morning Jenny.Nice to meet you.()3.Hello,Im Emily.()4.Bye.See you later.()5.How do you do?()6.Thank you! greet peopleHow do you do?Nice to meet you.Its a pleasure to meet/know you.Pleased to meet you.Its

6、 good to know you.Im glad to know you.nThe first times meeting Hello.Hi.How are you?How are you doing?Hows it going?Whats up?Whats new?Hi,thereBetween Acquaintances kwentns How are you?Good,pretty good,great,fantastic,perfectNot badSo soNot goodBad,I am not in a good mood I am in a blue mood Terribl

7、e,awful Saying good byeByeSee youSee you later,see you aroundLater(s)So longTake careCultural Notes:The titles American use to address people:Mr.Mrs.Miss.And Ms.Mr.-对成年男性的礼貌称呼,与姓氏连用。如Mr.Black。Mrs.-对已婚女子的礼貌称呼,与丈夫姓氏连用.如Mrs.Black。Miss.-对未婚女子的礼貌称呼。与该女士自己的姓 氏连用。在这种情况下,它可以单独使用,不必跟随姓氏。Ms.-对成人女性的婚姻状况不明或者回避时

8、的礼貌称呼,与自己的姓氏连用。如Ms.Zhang。Formal or Informal?_ speaking with a boss or manager at work_ talking to your brothers and sisters_ talking to your teacher for the first time_ speaking to an older adult_ speaking to classmates_ meeting someone for the first timeFIFFIDependsIntroduction Americans have so ma

9、ny different ways of greeting one another!In fact,many times an American greeting will consist of several greeting questions strung together.It is very common to hear a friend say,“Hi,Jack.How are you doing?Wow,I havent seen you how have you been?”all in one breath.美美国国人人彼彼此此之之间间有有很很多多种种不不同同的的问问候候方方




13、手礼一般在室内举行,并且仅限于手腕以下部位,一般是指背。Kissinghands双手合十:这种礼仪多见于信奉佛教的国家,比如说泰国。泰国人见面时往往低头问候,并将双手合十于胸前。小辈见长辈双手举到前额高度,平辈到鼻子高度,而长辈还礼则只需到胸前即可。另外,泰国认为头部是神圣的,不能随意摸别人的头。crossoneshandsapatontheback拥抱:在欧美、中东及南美洲常见的礼节,一般用于熟人和朋友之间,有时伴随着接吻礼,是比较亲密的一种见面礼仪。这种礼仪一般用于同性或者亲密的异性之间。ahug1.w_(欢迎)2.v _ (职业的)3.g_(高兴的)4.m_(遇见,汇合,迎接)5.l_(

14、看,瞧,看起来,显得.)6.c_ (教室)7.b_ (建筑物,楼房)8.l_ (实验室)9.f_(楼层,地板)10.l_ (大的)11.b_(明亮的)12.c_(班级,课节)13.l_(图书馆)14.l_(批,块)15.r_(读,阅读)16.s_(学习)17.a_ (在.之后)18.s_(看见)19.n_(下次的,其次的)20.d_(宿舍)21.d_(餐厅)22.b_(卧室,寝室)New words and expressionsvwelcome welcome to 例句:欢迎到我们学校。vvocationalvglad be glad to do 例句:很高兴见到你。vmeetvlook

15、look at vclassvv.欢迎 欢迎到来 eg.Welcome to our school.vadj.职业的 vadj.高兴的 高兴做某事 eg.Im glad to see you.vv.遇见;汇合;迎接vv.看;瞧;看起来,显得 看vn.班级;课节va lot of 例句:这有许多花。vread reading room 例子:读书vstudyvafter after class 例句:许多学生在课后打篮球。vseevlet 例句:让我看看。v许多+可数名词eg.There are a lot of flowers.vv.读;阅读阅览室 a bookvv.学习 v在

16、之后 课后 eg.Many students play basketball after class.vv.看见vv.让 eg.Let me see.veveryvlovevhard vthank thank for 例句:谢谢你的帮助。vvisitvtime vEnglishvwantvdeskvchairvadj.每一个;每个vv.热爱;爱好vadv.努力地;adj.硬的;难的vv./n.感谢为而感谢eg.Thank you for your help.vv./n.参观vn.时间;次数vadj.英国的,英语的/n.英语vv.想要vn.书桌;办公桌vn.椅子welcome welcome t

17、o vocational glad be glad to do meet look look at classroom buildingclassroom buildinglabfloorlargebrightclasslibrarylota lot ofreadreading roomstudyafterafter classseenextnext todormitorydining-hallbedroomletplayplaygroundwaybasketballfootballeverylovehardthankthank forvisittimeEnglishnicewantgreat

18、howblackboarddeskchairseathandsomeyoungmanReadingWelcometoOurSchoolReading Welcome to Our SchoolGood morning!Welcome to Xinhua Vocational School.My name is Li Lei.I am a new student of this school.Im very glad to meet you here today.翻译:早上好!欢迎来到新华职业学校。我的名字叫李雷。我是这学校的新生。我非常高兴今天能够见到你们。阳泉体校?Yang Quan Spo

19、rts School2 2、be glad to do sthbe glad to do sth 很高兴做某事很高兴做某事 例如:Im glad to see you 很高兴见到你 1 1、Welcome to .Welcome to .欢迎到欢迎到.来来.例如:Welcome to Beijing 欢迎到北京来 Look,this is the classroom building of our school.There are sixty classrooms,eighteen labs and many teachers rooms in this building.Our classr

20、oom is on the third floor.It is large and bright.There are fifty students in our class.That building is the school library.It is a new building.There are a lot of books in it.There are four reading rooms inthe library.We can read and study in the reading rooms after class.翻译:瞧,这就是我们学校的教学楼。里面有60间教室,1

21、8个实验室和许多教师办公室。我们的教室在3楼。既明亮又宽敞。我们班有50人。那栋楼是学校图书馆。是新建的。里面有很多书。图书馆有4间阅览室。下课后,我们可以到阅览室里阅读和学习。1、There be +名词名词+地点(时间)地点(时间)肯定结构There is(are)+主语+状语 例如:There is a map on the wall.(就近原则)否定结构There is(are)+no(not any)+主语+状语 例如:There is not map on the wall.一般疑问句Be+there+主语+状语?例如:Is there a map on the wall?Yes,

22、there is./No,there is not.2 2、on the+on the+序数词序数词+floor+floor就近原则就近原则就近原则就近原则就近原则就近原则就近原则就近原则welcome to our schoolwelcome to our schoolwelcome to our schoolwelcome to our schoolThat building is the school library.It is a new building.There are a lot of books in it.There are four reading rooms in th

23、e library.We can read and study in the reading rooms after class.Do you see the red building next to the library?1 1、句中的、句中的itit代替上句中的代替上句中的library.library.2 2、a lot of a lot of 很多大量(接可数名词复数很多大量(接可数名词复数/不可数不可数 名词)名词)例如:-You can see a lot of cars in the street.在街上,你能见到许多汽车 -There is a lot of water in

24、 the river.河里有很多水3 3、next to next to 邻接着,紧挨着邻接着,紧挨着 例如:The teachers room is next to our classroom.老师的办公室紧挨着我们的教室 Do you see the red building next to the library?That is the students dormitory.There is a large dining-hall and many bedrooms in it.Now lets go to the playground of our school.This way,pl

25、ease.Oh,here we are!How large it is!Many students play basketball and football here after class every day.翻译:你看见图书馆旁边那栋红色的大楼了吗?那是学生宿舍。里面有一个大食堂和许多间寝室。现在就让我们去学校的操场看看。请走这边。我们到了。每天下课之后,都有许多学生在这里打篮球、踢足球。1 1、Let sb do sth Let sb do sth 让某人做某事让某人做某事 2 2、howhow large it is!large it is!多么大啊!多么大啊!感叹句对形容词或副词感叹

26、时要用感叹句对形容词或副词感叹时要用howhow并置于句首。并置于句首。例如:例如:How tall the building is!How tall the building is!How beautiful the flowers!How beautiful the flowers!Our school is a very good school.We love our school.We all study hard here.Well,thank you for your visit.See you next time!翻译:我们学校非常棒。我们爱我们的学校。我们一起在这里努力学习。好

27、了,谢谢你的来访。下次见!1 1、Thank sb for sthThank sb for sth 为感谢某人做某事为感谢某人做某事 例如:例如:Thank you for your helpThank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助谢谢你的帮助 2 2、See you next timeSee you next time!分手时希望下次再见面,常用的口语语句分手时希望下次再见面,常用的口语语句 例如:例如:See you later.See you later.一会儿见一会儿见 See you See you.再见再见 See you tomorrow.See you to

28、morrow.明天见明天见单词练习欢迎职业的高兴的高兴做某事遇见;汇合;迎接看班级;课节许多读;阅读学习v阅览室课后看见让每一个;每个v热爱;爱努力的;硬的为感谢参观时间;次数v英国的想要书桌椅子谢谢你的帮助welcome to vocational be glad to do meet look at classroom buildinglabfloorlargebrightclasslibrarya lot ofreading roomafter classseenext todormitorydining-hallbedroomplaygroundwaybasketballeveryha

29、rdthank forvisittimeEnglishwantgreathowblackboarddeskchairseathandsomeyoungManletReading Comprehension1.Li Lei is a1.Li Lei is a of the school.of the school.2.There are sixty2.There are sixty ,eighteen,eighteen and and manymany in the classroom building of in the classroom building of this

30、is school.3.Li Leis classroom is on the third3.Li Leis classroom is on the third and it and it isis andand .4.There are fifty4.There are fifty in Li Leisin Li Leis .5.The5.The is a new building and there is a new building and there areare books in it.books in studentnew studentclassroomsclass

31、rooms labs labs teachers rooms teachers rooms floor floorlargelarge bright bright students students classclassschool library school library a lot of a lot ofReading Comprehension6.There are four6.There are four in the school in the school library and the students can read and library and the student

32、s can read and there.there.7.the students dormitory is a7.the students dormitory is a next next to the the library.8.many students read and study in the reading 8.many students read and study in the reading roomsrooms every day.every day.9.Many students play9.Many students play andand on

33、on the playground after class every day.the playground after class every day.10.the students all10.the students all in this this school.reading rooms reading rooms studystudyred building red building after class after class basketballbasketball footballfootball study hard study hard be ple

34、ase a lot of next to hard study readafter class be glad to lets thank.for.1 1、ThereThere a new building in our school a new building in our school2 2、The students dormitory isThe students dormitory is the school the school library library3 3、ThereThere many teachers in Li Leis new school.many teache

35、rs in Li Leis new school.4 4、Hello,everyone.look here,Hello,everyone.look here,.5 5、My nameMy name Liu Tao.ILiu Tao.I your English your English teacher.You teacher.You the student of my classthe student of my class6 6、WeWe study in this schoolstudy in this schoolnext toisarepleaseisamareare glad to7

36、 7、Now,Now,go to the playground and play go to the playground and play 8、people come and visit Tiananmen people come and visit Tiananmen in Beijing every Beijing every day.9 9、Many students Many students and and in the reading in the reading room after after

37、 class.1010、All the students of our school study EnglishAll the students of our school study English 1111、We play basketball and football on the playground We play basketball and football on the playground every day.every day.1212、you very much you very much your help.your help.letsA great manyreada

38、fter classThankforstudyGrammar Focus1、you a new student?Yes,I .2、They my classmates3、She not a teacher4、There no books in our bedroom now5、I a boy.My name Mike 6、there any students over there?7、This my brother,Dick8、There a reading-room and many classrooms in our schoolAreamareis are amAreisisiscomp

39、lete the follwing passage with the correct form of the verd“be”.I a new student of this school.My name Li Lei.I very glad to meet you here today.This our new school.There 。six large buildings in our school.Look,that the classroom building.There many classrooms and labs in it.Out classroom on the thi

40、rd fioor.It large and bright.There a teacher and fifty students in our classroom now.Ms Gao our English teacher.She a very good teacher.We all study English hard.The school library a new building.There four reading rooms in the library.And there a very large playground in our school.We love our scho

41、ol and we very glad to study here.amisamisareisareisisisisisisareisareOur New ClassHello!Welcome to our class.I am a student of this class.My name is Wang Fei.There are forty students in our class.Twenty-five of us are boys and fifteen of us are girls.We are all new students in this school.Look!This is our clsssroom.It is large and bright.In our classroom,there is a blackboard and many desks and chairs.My seat is over there.There are some books on my desk.Our English teacher is a handsome youny man.We love our new class.


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