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1、硕士论文写作与学术规范语言学与应用语言学方向1.硕士论文写作与学术规范The components of a thesis1.Title2.Dedication,Preface,Acknowledgements3.Table of Contents4.List of Tables5.List of Figures6.Abstract(English version+Chinese version)7.7.Body of the thesis8.8.Bibliography(References)9.9.Appendix(Appendices)2.硕士论文写作与学术规范The body of a

2、 thesisChapter 1(One)IntroductionChapter 2(Two)Literature ReviewChapter 3(Three)Research Design(Research Methodology)Chapter 4(Four)Results and DiscussionChapter 5(Five)Conclusion 3.硕士论文写作与学术规范The components of Chapter 3(Three)1.A brief description of what is to be talked about 2.Research questions(

3、Hypotheses)3.Subject(s)/Participants4.Instrument(s)5.Procedure of the experiment6.Data collection7.Data analysis 4.硕士论文写作与学术规范Writing style for the whole thesis1.Dont use contractions,such as cant,dont,didnt,wouldnt.They should be written as cannot,do not,did not,would not2.Dont use colloquial words

4、 or expressions,such as a little,whats more.Use such words as slightly,moreover instead.3.Try not to write in the first or second person,to ensure the objectivity of what you are writing.Try to write sentences in the passive voice instead.5.硕士论文写作与学术规范The components of Chapter 3(Three)1.A brief desc

5、ription of what is to be talked about 2.Write in several lines(35 lines)to tell the reader what is to be covered in the whole chapter to avoid abruptness.3.This chapter first presents the research questions of the study,followed by detailed descriptions of the subjects selected for the study,instrum

6、ents employed in the research,followed by information about the experimental procedure and data collection.The description of data analysis is given at the end of the chapter.6.硕士论文写作与学术规范The components of Chapter 3(Three)2.Research questions(Hypotheses)a.Research questions are formulated in either

7、general(yes/no)questions or special questions(wh-questions).b.Dont use the word“whether”to begin a research question;c.For an M.A.thesis,two or three research questions are enough.Dont try to answer too many questions.d.Some questions listed by students are not research questions, students who

8、 intend to do corpus research.(What are the possible causes for the errors made by the subjects?)7.硕士论文写作与学术规范The components of Chapter 3(Three)3.Subject(s)/Participants This section includes information about:a.where they are from(which school,which department,college or university they are from)b.

9、how many are selected old they many males and how many females are selectede.whether they are divided into groups(the control group and the experimental group)8.硕士论文写作与学术规范The components of Chapter 3(Three)3.Subject(s)/ParticipantsRemember:a.When there are different subjects

10、 at the different phases of your study,you can use sub-sections to tell the reader about the different subject groups,e.g.3.1,3.2,3.3.b.Use mainly the past tensec.Limited to information about the subjects onlyd.Try to use formal and grammatical sentence structures a)大一、大二、大三、大四学生:first-year,second-y

11、ear,third-year,fourth-year college students(freshmen,sophomores,juniors,seniors)Dont use such words as Grade 1,Grade 2,Grade 3,Grade 4.9.硕士论文写作与学术规范The components of Chapter 3(Three)3.Subject(s)/Participants b)专业的学生 majors of /students majoring in 计算机专业的学生 majors of computer science/students majorin

12、g in computer science;非英语专业的学生non-English majors At the time of the survey/the experiment,their age ranged from to,with the average being.the first semester of their first/second/third/fourth academic year.Of the 60 subjects,35 are male and 25 are female.They were enrolled in University in 2011.10.硕

13、士论文写作与学术规范The components of Chapter 3(Three)4.Instrument(s)This section includes information many instruments are used in your studyb.What they arec.detained descriptions of each of the instruments mentionedd.a)if possible,the name of the instruments;e.b)different parts of each instrumen

14、t+detailed information about each part,but for a questionnaire,an interview and a test,unnecessary to tabulate all the questions in the body of the thesis.Instead,you can put them in the Appendix part.f.11.硕士论文写作与学术规范The components of Chapter 3(Three)4.Instrument(s)Remember:a.You can use sub-section

15、s to tell the reader about the different instruments,e.g.3.3.1,3.3.2,3.3.3.b.Choose the proper tense according to what you are to writec.Limited to information about the instruments onlyd.Try to use formal and grammatical sentence structures.e.Instruments that can be used:questionnaires,interviews,t

16、ests,think-aloud,etc.Well first learn about questionnaires and interviews.12.硕士论文写作与学术规范The components of Chapter 3(Three)5.Procedure of the experiment If your study is an experiment,you should describe the experiment in detail.Such information should be included:a.Where the experiment is conductedb

17、.Who is the organizerc.How long the experiment lastsd.How the experiment is conducted step by step-the most important part 13.硕士论文写作与学术规范The components of Chapter 3(Three)6.Data collection Just tell who,when,where and how the data are collected.For a questionnaire,you should tell how many copies of

18、the questionnaire are returned and how many of these are valid.For an interview,you should also tell how many interviewees are involved.14.硕士论文写作与学术规范The components of Chapter 3(Three)7.Data analysis “All the data were input into a computer and analyzed via SPSS16.0”.Then you should specify what sta

19、tistical procedure(s)are used to see whether The statistical procedures include T-tests,ANOVAs,chi-square,etc.15.硕士论文写作与学术规范Chapter 4(Four)Results and Discussiona.This chapter also begins with a brief description of what is to be talked about.b.The layout of this chapter depends on your preference o

20、r on convenience.You can first present the results of all the instruments and then discuss the results,that is,4.1 Results,4.2 Discussion.Of course,you can subdivide 4.1 Results into 4.1.1,4.1.2,etc.c.You can also present the results and discussion of the instruments one by one.That is,4.1 Result an

21、d discussion of the interview,4.2 Result and discussion of the test,etc.16.硕士论文写作与学术规范Chapter 4(Four)Results and DiscussionAcademic ethicsa.Do not modify/change your data to get expected results.b.Remember unexpected results are results,and what you should do next is to try to explain the discrepanc

22、y.How to tabulate the SPSS outputa.Do not present in your thesis all the tables output by SPSSb.Do not present all the information of the tables.Just tabulate the important information,such as the mean(s),standard deviation(s),mean difference,the significance value,etc.17.硕士论文写作与学术规范Chapter 4(Four)R

23、esults and Discussionc.Explain each of the figures in your tables.Do not print them if you do not want to explain them.d.Try to discuss your results.If the results are what you have expected,find possible explanations.If not,also try to explain them.e.You can cite previous studies to support yoursel

24、f.f.Pay attention to the tense of the sentences.Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 are the most important parts of a thesis.18.硕士论文写作与学术规范Chapter 5(Five)ConclusionThe components of Chapter 5(Five)1.a brief description of what is to be talked about2.Major findings3.Implications of the study4.Limitations of the

25、study5.Suggestions for further/future studies 19.硕士论文写作与学术规范Chapter 5(Five)ConclusionThe components of Chapter 5(Five)2.Major findings Enumerate the findings of your study,plus a very brief summary of the similarity and discrepancy between your study and previous studies.20.硕士论文写作与学术规范Chapter 5(Five

26、)ConclusionThe components of Chapter 5(Five)3.Implications of the study This section indeed echoes one section in Chapter 1,i.e.significance of the study.Try to elaborate on the implications that your study has theoretically,methodologically,or pedagogically.21.硕士论文写作与学术规范Chapter 5(Five)ConclusionTh

27、e components of Chapter 5(Five)4.Limitations of the studya.the sample size,especially when the subjects are English majorsb.the English proficiency of the subjects,which may affect the results of the studyc.the variables left unattended to in the study,which may also influence the results 22.硕士论文写作与

28、学术规范Chapter 5(Five)ConclusionThe components of Chapter 5(Five)5.Suggestions for further/future studies a.Select a larger sampleb.Subjects c.More variables included 23.硕士论文写作与学术规范Bibliography(References)a.Difference between references and bibliographybibliography通常是指在写论文或者其他文章的过程中参考的书目,这些书目不见得都引用了在你的论文或文章当中,但是作者可能受到了启发,而且这些书目的阅读也是为了这篇论文或者文章做准备。reference通常是指你在论文或者文章中直接引用的內容,在文章中以括号的形式标注出来,这些內容是別人的,但是作者借用这些內容来支持或者证明自己的观点,这些是必须要列出来的,不然可能算作抄袭或者剽窃。24.硕士论文写作与学术规范Bibliography(References)b.Harvard System of Referencing:哈佛参考文献体系 25.


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