1、s发/s/的读音规则一、s在词首时,除了sugar,sure以及sh组合发/以外,其余一般发/s/。 例:surface,serve,seven,six,some,sign比较:design/dizain/一般前缀,合成词不影响其读音。s仍读成/s/。例:unsafe,unsatisfactory,roadside,teaspoon,snowstorm二、两个s在词尾时读作/s/。 例:grass,glass,address,press,success,pass,miss,stress,across,swiss, progress,process,kiss三、词尾s在u后读作/s/。 例:bu
2、s,us,minus,abacus,plus,status,virus四、在sis组合的弱读中,两个s都读作/s/。 例:emphasis,analysis,thesis,crisisemphasise, emphasize, analyse/ analyze, criticise/criticize (criticism n.)五、s在字母c前常读作/s/。 例:muscle,discipline,science六、s在某些前后缀中读作/s/。1在前缀mis-,dis-中,s读作/s/。 例:mismanage,misjudge, misbelieve,disorder,disobey2在后
3、缀sive,sity,self,-some,-sy中,s读作/s/。 例:expensive,intensive,decisive, yourself,handsome,troublesome,tiresome,quarrelsome七、s在清辅音前后常读作/s/。1s在清辅音前常读作/s/。 例:honest,newspaper,task,satisfy,grasp (grab, grip)2s在清辅音后常读作/s/。 例:sportsman,works,stops,roofs八、词尾se在字母r,l,n后读作/s/。 例:horse,nurse,worse,course, universe
4、,pulse,else,tense,senseI couldnt find good references by Googling, and I dont know anything about British English. As I think it through, it is quite plicated! Sorry - we should really get around to some spelling reform. I hope others can help edit this list if they think of exceptions. In American
5、English, typically If there are any prefixes or suffixes causing an s to be in the middle of a word (either because the s is part of the prefix or because it is part of the root), the s is always unvoiced清音/s/, e.g. subsist, substandard, mismatch, mistake, etc. An s that is written next to an unvoic
6、ed consonant 清辅音 is always unvoiced /s/, e.g. lisp, rasp, history, etc. When the unvoiced consonant of the above rule is t, then the /t/ is silent if the next syllable is syllabic /n/ or /l/: listen, whistle. (Otherwise it is pronounced. See the ments for a more detailed description of this rule.) A
7、n s before m is always voiced /z/: chasm, prism, plasma. However, the top rule takes precedence有优先权, so the s in mismatch is always voiceless /s/. An s that is written doubled between vowels is also unvoiced: massive, missive, missile, etc. However, if the s would occur in the phonetic stream /s+j/
8、then it assimilates to /, e.g. in mission. An s that is written as one single letter between vowels is usually /z/, e.g. laser, risible, criticise/ criticize, desert, design, reason, busy, result, reserve, closer (the parative form of the adjective close, has an /s/ sound). In the same environment a
9、s mentioned above /z+j/ will assimilate to / e.g. in vision. Terrible exception to the above: in dessert, the s is voiced to /z/. Many native English speakers misspell dessert for this reason. Note also that the difference between desert and dessert is not voicing, but which syllable gets the accent
10、 (it is the first in desert and the second in dessert). Possess and its derivatives are another exception; the middle ss is voiced to /z/. The terminating ss is not. Other miscellaneous exceptions: The -ss- in the American state name Missouri is also exceptionally pronounced /z/. In raspberry, the p
11、 is silent and the s assimilates to the /b/, so is voiced to /z/.补充:Based on the immediately surrounding letters: Word-internal -ns-, e.g. in insist, tense, tinsel, is almost always pronounced /ns/ with unvoiced /s/. This doesnt apply to words that end in -ns, like pens or lens (these have /nz/). Ex
12、ceptions: cleanse and pansy, which have /nz/. For some speakers, certain (but not necessarily all) words starting with trans such as transit and transition have /nz/. Word-internal -ls-, e.g. in else, pulse, is almost always pronounced /ls/ with unvoiced /s/. This doesnt apply to words that end in -
13、ls, like eels or steals (these have /lz/). Exception: palsy, which has /lz/. Word-internal -rs-, e.g. in persist, verse, is almost always pronounced /rs/* with unvoiced /s/. This doesnt apply to words that end in -rs, like stars or yours (these have /rz/*).Based on identifying particular suffixes: T
14、he ending -sive is usually pronounced /sv/ with voiceless /s/, even when there is a vowel letter immediately preceding the letter s. For example, explosive, invasive, abusive, derisive are all pronounced with /s/. The ending -osity is always pronounced with voiceless /s/.名词复数后面s的发音规则一般来说,s在元音或浊辅音后读z
15、,在清辅音后面读成s,在t后与t在一起读成ts,在d后与d一起读成dz。cups 杯子 days 日子 hands 手 hats 帽子2、以s,sh,ch,x结尾的词在词尾加es,读izclasses 班级 buses 公共汽车 boxes 盒子 watches 手表3、以“元音字母y”结尾的词,加s,读作z;以辅音字母y结尾的词,变y为i,再加es,读iz。boy-boys 男孩 army-armies 军队 story-stories 故事 factory-factories 工厂 baby-babies 宝贝4、以o结尾的词,多数加s,读z。kilo-kilos 公里 photo-pho
16、tos 照片 tobacco-tobaccos 烟草 piano-pianos 钢琴以元音字母o结尾的词一律加s,读z。zoo-zoos 动物园 radio-radios 收音机少数以o结尾的词,在词尾加-es,读z。tomato-tomatoes 西红柿 hero-heroes 英雄 Negro-Negroes 黑人 potato-potatoes 土豆5、以f或fe结尾的词,多数把f,fe变为v,再加es,读s。leaf-leaves 树叶 thief-thieves 小偷 wife-wives 妻子 knife-knives 小刀 shelf-shelves 架子6、不规则名词的复数形式
17、。(1)、通过变化单词内部元音字母,构成复杂形式。man-men 男子 woman-women 女人 foot-feet 脚 goose-geese 鹅 tooth-teeth 牙齿 mouse-mice 老鼠 child-children 小孩(2)、单数形式与复数形式相同sheep-sheep 绵羊 deer-deer 鹿 Chinese-Chinese 中国人 Japanese-Japanese 日本人规则的名词复数形式一般是在单词后加-s 或-es。其音法方法为:在/p/ /t/ /k/ /f/等清辅音后 /s/Cups, hats, cakes, roofs在/s/ /z/ /M/
18、/CM/ /DN/等音后 /iz/glasses, roses, brushes, matches, bridges在其它情况下 :/z/Beds, days, cities, knives以th收尾的词原读/的,加词尾s后,多读/z/,例如:mouth mouthspath /pa:z/- paths /pa:Iz/但也有不这样变的,如:month /mn/ - months /mns/, length/leng/ - lengths/lengs/,另有些词可变可不变,如:youth/ju:/ - youths/ju:s/或/ju: z/, truth/tru:/ - truths/tru:
19、s/或/tru: z/。关于名词复数后面s的发音规则,我相信你已经看过了多遍语法书上名词复数后面的三条发音规则了,只是看不懂,也不会用。要掌握这些复杂难懂的规则,关键是要知道其背后的用意,从而不被表面的文字所迷惑。下面请你睁大双眼,我告诉你它们的真实用意其实就是为了两个字“顺口”。 没明白吗,稍微解释两句。s为什么可发s和z两个音呢,就为了顺口,这两个音一个弱一个强,一个无声一个有声(也就是过去所说的,前一个是清辅音,后一个是浊辅音),那么这两个音怎么用呢?很简单,遇到单词尾是不响亮的清辅音字母时(如p,t,k,f)就发s;遇到单词尾是响亮的浊辅音字母(如b,d,m,n,r)或元音字母(如a,
20、e,o,u)时就发z,这样做的目的就是为了顺口。清辅音发音时仅气流从嘴里出来,声带不振动,发出的声音较弱,因此英语里认为清辅音是一种不响亮音,而浊辅音和元音发音时声带要振动,发出的声音大,因此英语里认为浊辅音和元音是响亮音。为了追求发音的顺口和协调,英语人民普遍有一个发音倾向,并且大家都在自觉地执行,就是让清辅音和清辅音连在一起(如ps,ts,ks,fs),让响亮音和响亮音连在一起(如bz, dz,mz, nz, rz, az),他们认为这样发音很顺口协调。在他们看来,要是让一个清辅音和一个浊辅音连在一块,比如fz,kz,pz,tz, 就好像让一个哑巴和一个大叫驴站在一块,怎么看都别扭,不顺口
21、,不舒服。 因此英语人民在发名词复数后面s音时就自发自动地出现了的两个现象(也就是上面的第一条和第三条): 1)s在p,t,k,f等清辅音后发s; 3)在其他情况下(即在浊辅音和元音后)发z。 怎么样,这回你明白了吗,要是没明白的话,别急着往下看,翻回头去再看几遍我上面说的话,直到彻底搞明白了再往下看。我向你保证,以上内容绝对十分简单,只是你过去学英语“复杂”惯了,猛然碰到个简单的,一时半会还转型不过来。 等你看明白了上面的话语,我再接着讲。 英语里有一些特别讨厌的单词,它们以s,z, sh, ch为结尾,比如单词bus, fox, dish, watch,等,这些单词的结尾音有一个一致的特点
22、,就是和s的发音一样或特别接近,这使得若在这些单词的后面直接加个s来表达复数的话,成为buss, foxs, dishs, watchs的话,单词结尾的发音就出现了难题,因为区分两个一样或十分相近的s音十分困难,不信你念念上面单词,看你的嘴能否区分开。 怎样来解决这个难题呢?英语人民还真很智慧,他们不知道是谁带了头,想了一个办法来对付这个难题,就是在两个s之间塞个e,变成buses, foxes, dishes, watches,并且让e发音为i,这样一来不就把两个相似的s的发音间隔开了吗?妙妙妙!看来全世界群众的眼睛都是雪亮的。 那么buses, foxes, dishes, watches
23、最后的那个s该怎么发音呢? 这回该问你了,你不是看懂了我前面说的那段话了吗,里面有“响亮音要和响亮音连在一起”。e是个什么音?是元音,元音属声带振动的“响亮音”,并且e在这里发i,那么它后面跟个s该怎么发音,这还用说吗,肯定是顺口协调地与e一同发响亮的z了。 因此要是让我来修改上述三条规则,首先就是取消第二条,取消这个像烟雾弹一样的多余规则,都是它把问题搞乱了,这条多余的规则使整个规则的讲解都出现了逻辑上的混乱,就好像告诉别人“人类社会是由人类和大人小孩组成的”,这话谁能听得懂? 取消第二条后我把上述三条规则改写成如下两条: 名词复数后的s 1)S在清辅音后发s 2)S在浊辅音或元音后发z。 如果你还能进一步看得明白,看得觉醒,我就索性将它再改一改,改成一步到位的、谁都能一眼看得明白记得住的下面两句话: 1)S在不响亮音后发s 2)S在响亮音后发z。
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