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1、亲子协议书范本【中文版】亲子协议书范本第一章接触双方及背景一、父系一方: 。二、母系一方: 。三、双方有共同决定并通过共同协商,为孩子共同制定了本亲子协议书。第二章生活、教育及保健责任分工一、生活及教育1.父母双方均同意关于孩子的日常生活常规、每日作业安排及学习任务的制定原则由父母双方全程协商一致,要给孩子一个尊重、爱的家庭氛围,不可出现任何对孩子不利影响的事情,且离婚后,一方不得扰乱对方的生活规律,要保持与子女的联系。2.孩子的节日(包括重大节日、母亲节、父亲节、儿童节等)及生日,由父母双方共同协商决定。若有庆典和活动,由双方共同筹划实施。父母双方都可以陪伴孩子度过重大节日及生日。3.外出旅



4、涉及司法程序,需依法解决,双方均应全力配合。第六章附则一、本协议经双方父母签字确认后生效,对双方父母具有法律效力。二、本协议一式两份,双方父母各持一份备查。【英文版】Parent-Child Agreement TemplateChapter 1 Introduction of the Parties1. Fathers Side: .2. Mothers Side: .3. The parties involved have jointly decided and, through mutual negotiation, created this Parent-Child Agreement

5、 for the child.Chapter 2 Responsibilities for Life, Education, and Healthcare1. Life and Education1. Both parents agree that the daily routines, homework schedules, and learning tasks of the child should be determined through mutual consultation. They should provide a respectful and loving family at

6、mosphere for the child, avoiding any negative impact on the child, and post-divorce, one party should not disrupt the living habits of the other, maintaining regular contact with the child.2. Significant holidays (including major holidays, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Childrens Day, etc.) and birthdays

7、 of the child shall be jointly decided by both parents. If there are celebrations and activities, they shall be planned and implemented together. Both parents can accompany the child on major holidays and birthdays.3. Outings: Both parties agree that informing the other parents about long-term trips

8、 is necessary. If one party is unable to accompany, a travel declaration should be signed with the other parent to ensure the safety of the child.2. Health and Healthcare1. Both parties have the right to participate in and learn about the childs medical examination reports. In cases of medical condi

9、tions, timely notification to the other parent is necessary, followed by joint discussions on treatment measures.2. Both parties agree to strictly adhere to relevant laws and regulations regarding vaccination, routine check-ups, and overall healthcare of the child.Chapter 3 Economic Distribution and

10、 Support Obligations1. Economic Responsibility1. Both parents share the responsibility for the childs expenses, including but not limited to living expenses, educational fees, healthcare costs, etc., divided proportionally.2. Both parents have the right to request economic income proofs from the oth

11、er parent to ensure the childs basic living standards.3. Both parents share the childs expenses equally every month, ensuring the quality of the childs daily life.2. Support Obligations1. Both parents have the duty to provide the child with sufficient support, care, and love. Throughout the childs g

12、rowth, continuous love, understanding, and educational guidance should be provided for a healthy upbringing.2. In case of special circumstances (such as one parents illness or accidental death), the other parent should provide timely assistance and support, ensuring the childs well-being.Chapter 4 V

13、isitation Arrangements and Agreements1. Child Visitation1. Both parents have the right to visit the child at specific times, confirming the time, location, and purpose in advance. If a parent is unable to pick up the child on time, prior notification to the other parent is necessary.2. Both parents

14、can agree on long-term visitation hours and methods to ensure the child receives love from both parents.Chapter 5 Breach of Agreement and Resolution Methods1. Breach of Agreement1. Failure to fulfill any provision of this agreement is considered a breach. The other party has the right to propose a s

15、olution and demand compensation for financial losses.2. In case of severe breaches, legal procedures may be involved, needing resolution according to law, with both parties required to cooperate fully.Chapter 6 Miscellaneous1. This agreement comes into effect after both parents have signed and confirmed, holding legal validity for both parents.2. This agreement comprises two copies, each parent holding one for reference.I hope you find the above articles suitable as per the given task description. Let me know if you need any more assistance.


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