1、-范文最新推荐- 信息处副主任个人工作总结 我是XX年12月19日被锡南高中党支部接收为*预备党员,今年12月15日,我向学校党支部递交转正申请书。 一年来,我认真学习党的基本理论和重要著作,特别是认真学习“三个代表”重要思想,不断提高自己,充实自己,严格按照党员标准去要求自己,树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,坚定共产主义理想和社会主义信念,努力把自己锻炼成新时代的合格的共产党员。 这一年中,我认真学习了共产党宣言和*同志自xx大以来所有的重要论述,特别是*同志“七一讲话”以及在xx大的。一年来,我积极参加党组织的各项活动,虚心接受同志们的批评,注意在实践中改正自己的缺点。但我还认识到,若严
2、格按照党员标准衡量,我在做好群众的思想工作、在向周围群众宣传党的路线、方针、政策等方面还有不足之处,今后要注意努力加强。作为预备党员的我认识到自己还有很多不足,还有很多需要向身边的同志学习请教,在日常工作中时刻注意向其他同志学习,尤其是向优秀党员学习。我平时注意主动帮助其他同志干一些力所能及的事,自己也在做的过程中得到锻炼,增长了知识,提高了工作的能力。我在学校党支部的指导、关心下,制作了学校“党建在线”网站,理论联系实际,落实到工作中来,1个月来,“党建在线”受到学校师生的欢迎,访问量非常大。 我相信在以后的工作学习中,我会在党组织的关怀下,在同事们的帮助下,通过自己的努力,克服缺点,取得更
3、大的进步。我将努力工作,勤学苦练,使自己真正成为一个经受任何考验的共产党员。 主要活动及成绩 XX年2月份我设计制作学校主页参加滨湖区中小学首届校园网制作比赛获得一等奖。 今年2月至3月春节假日期间紧张进行江苏省劳技教材识图与钳工的修订工作,9月修订后教材在高一学生中使用。 XX年3月负责无锡大市劳技识图与钳工操作考查试卷。 XX年4月-5月组织辅导学生参加XX年全国中小学电脑制作活动和江苏省信息学应用能力比赛。学校获得XX年江苏省中小学电脑制作活动最佳组织奖,辅导一名学生获程序设计二等奖、二名学生获得网页制作优秀奖。 暑假7月-8月我被聘为无锡市XX年青少年信息学奥林匹克竞赛比赛高中组参加决
4、赛选手赛前集训班的主讲教师,在无锡市光华私立学校对无锡市选手进行封闭式培训。8月份被聘为无锡市XX年暑期在职教师继续教育培训主讲教师(dreamweaver4.0、asp动态网页)。 XX年7月辅导学生钱敏睿等三人参加XX年第四届江苏省青少年奥林匹克计算机信息技术应用素质竞赛中,荣获二个二等奖、一个三等奖。 XX年8月15日被滨湖区教育局聘任为计算机中学一级教师。 XX年9月1日撰写教学设计在XX年无锡市中小学信息技术与课程整合教学设计评选活动中荣获三等奖。 XX年9月14日至17日,赴哈尔滨对哈尔滨十七中、哈尔滨六中等学校进行现代教育技术应用的考察。XX年10月,在无锡市举办的“全国中小学基
5、于网络环境的教与学暨高中研究型学习研讨会”上递交营造信息化环境-数码校园的建设一文获二等奖,新时期现代教育技术培训实践一文获三等奖。 XX年9月至12月被无锡市电教馆聘任为“江苏省信息学奥林匹克竞赛希望之星无锡培训班”高中网页的主讲教师。11月11日至14日参加无锡市教育系统首届3com网络技术培训班学习。11月12日设计制作学校主页参加无锡市首届学校网页设计比赛获二等奖。XX年11月-XX年4月,担任江苏省高中劳动技术课识图与钳工的第二次修订工作。 我积极组织和辅导学生参加XX无锡市青少年信息学奥林匹克竞赛活动,学校获得电脑制作高中组团体总分第一名,我个人被评为XX无锡市青少年信息学奥林匹克
6、竞赛优秀辅导员,辅导学生获得3个一等奖、5个二等奖和6个三等奖。 开题报告的撰写主要包括以下几个方面:1.开题报告名称开题报告名称就是开题报告名字。这看起来似乎是个小问题,但实际上很多人写专题名称时,往往写得不准确、不恰当,从而影响整个开题报告的形象与质量。那么,如何给开题报告起名称呢?(1)、名称要准确、规范。准确就是开题报告的名称要把开题报告研究的问题是什么,研究的对象是什么交待清楚。开题报告的名称一定要和研究的内容相一致,不能太大,也不能太小,要准确的把研究的对象、问题概括出来。规范就是所用的词语、句型要规范、科学,似是而非的词不能用,口号式、结论式的句型不要用。因为我们是在进行科学研究
12、研究,共同商讨,克服研究过程中的各种困难和问题。how to write a research proposal when you are applying for a research degree, like the phd, you will veryprobably have to write a research proposal as a part of your application file. a phd is awarded mainly as the result of your making a genuine contribution to the state of
13、knowledge in a field of your choice. even though this is not the nobel prize yet, getting the degree means you have added something to what has previously been known on the subject you have researched. but first you have to prove you are capable of making such a contribution, and therefore write a r
14、esearch proposal that meets certain standards. the goal of a research proposal (rp) is to present and justify a research idea you have and to present the practical ways in which you think this research should be conducted.when you are writing a rp, keep in mind that it will enter a competition, bein
15、g read in line with quite a few other rps. you have to come up with a document that has an impact upon the reader: write clearly and wellstructured so that your message gets across easily. basically, your rp has to answer three big questions: what research project will you undertake, why is importan
16、t to know that thing and how will you proceed to makethat research.in order to draw the researchers attention upon your paper, write an introduction with impact, and that leads to the formulation of your hypothesis. the research hypothesis has to be specific, concise (one phrase) and to lead to the
17、advancement of the knowledge in the field in some way.writing the hypothesis in a concise manner and, first, coming up with a good hypothesis is a difficult mission. this is actually the core of your application: youre going to a university to do this very piece of research. compared to this, the re
18、st of the application is background scenery. take your time to think of it. when you have an idea, be careful atthe formulation. a well-written hypothesis is something of an essays thesis: it provides a statement that can be tested (argues ahead one of the possible answers to a problem), it is an id
19、ea, a concept, and not a mere fact, and is summed up in one phrase. in some cases, you will have no idea what the possible answer to a problem worth being researched is,but you will be able to think of a way to solve that problem, and find out the answer in the meantime. its ok in this case, to form
20、ulate a research question, rather than a hypothesis. let those cases be rare, in anyway.another piece of advice when writing your hypothesis, regarding the trendy research fields: chances are great that theyre trendy because somebody has already made that exciting discovery, or wrote that splendid p
21、aper that awoke everybodys interest in the first place. if youre in one of these fields, try to get a fresh point of view upon the subject; make new connections, dont be 100% mainstr eam. this will make the project even more stimulating for the reader. imagine that you are writing about the trendies
22、t subject, with absolutely no change in the point of view, and you are given the chance to make the research. trends come and go, fast; what are the chances that, in four years time, when your research is done and you are ready to publish your results, one of those well-knownprofessors who dispose o
23、f huge research grants has already said whatever you had to say?remember how, in a structured essay, right after the thesis you would present the organisation of your essay, by enumerating the main argumentsyou were going to present? same thing should happen in a rp. after stating your thesis, you s
24、hould give a short account of your answers to thosethree questions mention earlier. state, in a few phrases, what will be learned from your research, that your project will make a difference, and why is that important to be known. you will have to elaborate on bothof these later in the paper.the nex
25、t step in writing your proposal is to prove that that particular piece of research has not been done yet. this section is usually calledliterature review. inside it, you have to enumerate and critically analyze an impressive list of boring bibliography. the conclusion you should objectively! - reach
26、 is that your idea of research has not been undertaken yet. even more, you use this opportunity to prove solid theoreticalknowledge in the field, and build the theoretical bases of your project. one tip: dont review all the articles and books in the fields even ifyou mention them in the ibliography
27、list; pay attention in your analys is to those you will build on. another one: avoid jargon when writing your rp. the chances are great that the person(s) who will read your and a nother 1000 research proposals are not specialists in that very field -niche you are examining. if you are applying for
28、a grant with or foundation or something similar, it might happen that those reading your paper are not even professors, but recruiters, donors, etc. and even if they a ctually are professors, one of the reasons busy people like them agree to undertake a huge, and sometimes voluntary, work, is the de
29、sire to meetsome diversity, some change from their work - so maybe theyll read applications for another specialisation. the capacity to get your message across in clear, easy-to-grasp concepts and phrases is one of the winning papers most important advantages.so far, you have proven you have a resea
30、rch idea, that you are familiarwith the field, and that your idea is new. now, why should your projectbe worth researching? because it advances knowledge, ok. but is this knowledge that anybody will need? maybe nobody knows for sure how the shoelaces were being tied in the xixth century, but who car
31、es, beyond two lace-tying specialists? find arguments to convince the reader that s/he should give you money for that research: practical use, accelerating the development of knowledge in your or other fields, opening new research possibilities, a better understanding of facts that will allow a more
32、 appropriate course of action are possible reasons.be clear and specific. dont promise to save the world, it might be too much to start with. even james bond succeeds that only towards the end of the movie.we approach now one of the most difficult parts of writing a research proposal: the methodolog
33、y. in short, what actions are you going to take inorder to answer the question? when will you know whether the hypothesishas been proven wrong, or has survived enough tests to be considered, for now, valid? those tests and the way you are supposed to handle them to give rigor to your research is wha
34、t is understood under methods. methods divide in qualitative (interviews, questionnaires) and quantitative (statistics, stuff that deals intensively with numbers). for some projects qualitative methods are more appropriate, for some quantitative, while for most a mixture of the two is adequate. you
35、should pick your methods and justify your choice. research methodology, however, is too a complicated thing to be explained here. and this is why its so tough: not much attention is given to teaching it in eastern europe. try, before writing your rp, to read a bit more about methodology - on the int
36、ernet you will find for sure some articles - and decide which methods suit your project best. dont forget: reading theoretical pieces of your work and providing a critical analysis of those is also a kind of research. its fine to provide a rough schedule of your research; some grant programs will al
37、so require a detailed budget, even though for scholarships this is unlikely.conclusions: after working your way through the difficult methodological part, you only have to write your conclusions. shortly recap why your hypothesis is new, why it advances knowledge, why is it worth researchingand how,
38、 from a practical point of view, are you going to do that. overall, the capacity of your project to answer the research question shouldcome out crystal clear from the body of the paper, and especially fromthe conclusions. if this happens, it means you have a well-written rp, and you have just increa
39、sed you chances for having a successful application.one last word: how big should your rp be? in most cases, this is specified in the application form. if it is not, we suggest that you keep it at about 1500 words (thats 3 pages, single-spaced, with 12 size times newroman). in fewer words it can be
40、really tough to write a good rp. withmore you might bore your readers. which we hope will not happen.good luck 硕博选题生意经(一)硕士研究生选题 目的应该放在熟悉科研过程和基本实验技能上。如果导师不给找题,如下: 1,与师兄师姐们或者身边有这方面经验的人商谈,听一听他们的想法,选一个和他们的实验方法相近的研究。优点在于:这样你将来实验有了问题,还有个人问,并且在他们的经验下,可以少走弯路和节省经费。我当初的硕士课题就是和我们那里的肿瘤研究所的好友商谈定下来的(与他们关联的题),一路非
41、常顺利,那一步不会问好友就是了! 2,尽可能选简单的实验方法,不光是为了省钱和时间,同一个题能用简单方法证明,为什么非得找什么高级方法,可能有人说:越是高级的方法越有水平!这是大错特错!我曾经看过98 年发表在 Science 上的一篇原著,作者就是用了一个 ELASA 法,但实验设计的非常完美,而且就150例病人数。至于说我,当初的硕士课题用的是免疫组织化学染色法,很简单! 博士研究生选题 上边这2点也适用,但目的应该放在锻炼 科研思维 上!但也不要好高务远,就那么点钱,也不许你乱来! 1,无论怎么找到的题(导师给找的,自己找的等等),一定要从中多动动脑筋!自己找题的话,方法可以把我在一楼说
42、过的申请基金课题方法和上边硕士研究生选题的2点结合一下,我想你会选出适合你的题的。如果是导师给找的,一定要问自己:为什么导师选了这个题?这样你才能从导师那里学来东东!我当初的博士题就是导师给定的。 2,博士研究生选题最好选一个系列性研究为好,这样答辩时也好通过,而且日后也可以接着搞,并且可以发很多连续文章(连续的研究文章特别容易被接受)。我现在研究还是博士时的延续和发展。-硕博选题生意经(二)无论怎么找到的题(导师给找的,自己找的等等),一定要从中多动动脑筋!那么怎么个多动动脑筋法?1,导师给找的题 (正向理解法)首先要弄明白导师为什么选这个题,在你开题报告和写综述时,要注意检索相关文献,一般
43、情况,你都应该能追到你的专业的顶极杂志的文献,或者 Nature, Science 等杂志的文献,这样你就会在全貌上理解导师的选题及你的研究领域的概况和进展(也能检验出你的导师的真正水平),通过这样的研究生训练,你也就能把握住一个研究方向!在这个基础上,你就容易在导师的水平上生枝发芽。千万不要导师给找什么题,就做什么题,能毕业就算完了!这样的话,你永远不会独立和进步!2,自己找题的话 (反向铺开法)我个人这么做过,很有效!但不一定适用他人。方法是在你的专业的顶极杂志,或者 Nature, Science 等杂志检索几篇文献(不要太多,但要质量),是你认为感兴趣的文章,精读以后,再反向检索引用这
44、些文章的文献,形成以这几篇文献为中心的树枝网,这样一来,你就会对这个领域的研究形成一个完整的框架,也就是这个领域现在研究到哪里了? 至于还有什么有待于研究自然就会初露端倪!正在苦于找题的研究生们,不妨可以去试一试,即使通过这种方法定不下来题,你也会大有收获的!-硕博选题生意经(三)选题是科研中的重中之重!为什么呢? 其实,试验本身并不是目的,而是来证明观点的,也就是你选题的观点。可以说选题的人是 脑,做实验的人是 手。正像英文文章里的通讯作者是 脑,第一作者是 手 (指的欧美国家文章)。至于说谁伟大,我就不用说了! 我倒不是说研究生毕业就必须得作的这个 脑,但必须向着这个方向努力,锻炼!否则,
45、你即使博士毕业,你也没有独立作战的能力,更不要提拿到 Grant !但正像huangjiazhan所说的:很多人一到选题过程中,就陷入困境,总是选一些基础的课题来做,在分子生物学打圈。其实,这是每个人都有的过程,不要为此烦恼!硕士,博士期间正好是你锻炼的机会。 怎么锻炼? 当你有高水平的老板,你就要捧住这棵大树,在上面生枝发芽(善于思考老板为什么这么做?在他的基础上,怎么样能更进一步)!否则,即使你老板帮你做出来了 Nature 的题,那你也还是那只 手,等你自己独立了,你还是当不了 脑。 当你没有高水平的老板,你就得挖地三尺开垦荒地(多看文献),确实是很艰难的事,但要有信心,只要努力你就会一步一步摸到你的领域的前沿的,你会在这个过程中,感觉到你看的文献的杂志的档次也在逐步提升,自己引用的文献的杂志的档次也在逐渐提高,当 Nature 和 Science 都成了你经常光顾的对象,那你就离会选好题不远了,再加上灵感(在前面的基础上),你就变成真正 脑了! 17 / 17
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