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1、八年级英语试题一、 听对话,选择正确的图片。(5分)( )1. Which one is probably Mary ? A B C( )2. What does Kitty want to be when she grows up? A B C ( )3.Whats the boy doing now? A B C( ) 4.What ball does Jack like best? A B C( )5. What subject does Mary think is the most difficult? A B C二、听对话,选择正确的答案(5分)6.What didnt Annie

2、read during the Reading Week?A. Harry potter B. Some ic books C. Some magazines 7.what are they going to do?A. To go to the playground B. To play basketballC. to visit Dave 8. What does the girl think of Anna? A. She is funny B. She is helpful C. She is friendly 9.How often does the boy go to the Mu

3、sic club?A. Once a week B. Twice a week C. Three times a month.10. Where are they probably?A. In the class B. In the library C. In the cinema 三、 听长对话,选择正确答案。(5分)听第一段长对话,回答第11-12小题。( )11.what does Mike think of his school?A. They are friendly. B. They are strict C. They are generous( )12.How often do

4、es Mike practice table tennis?A. Every day B.once a weekC. Twice a week听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。( )13.what do we know about Davids school life?A. He is studying in Grade 8. B. He is very busy at school.C.he has more classmates now.( )14.Wen does David usually play baseball after school?A. On Monday B. On T

5、uesday C. On Friday ( )15. What does David do at the weekend?A. Walk his dog. B. Go to the libraryC. A and B四、 听短文,选择正确的答案。(5分)( )16. What does Ricky look like?A. He has a square face. B. He has a long nose. C. He has a big nose.( )17. When will the speakers ask Ricky for help?A. When he feels unhap

6、py. B. When he has Problems with his homework.C. When he with other students.( )18. What is Ricky good at?A. Running B. Painting C. Singing ( )19. What is Ricky willing to share with the speaker?A. Books B. Magazines C. CDs( )20. Whats Ricky like according to the speaker?A. Hes thin. B. Hes generous

7、. C. Hes neat.五、 单项选择。(15分)( )21. -Whats your father like? -_A. He likes watching TV. B. He is a worker in a factory.C. He is friendly and helpful. D. He works on a farm.( )22. -Do you know what your sister will bee when she _?- she wants to be a teacher like my mother. A. Will grow up B. grows up C

8、. is going to grow up D. grew up( )23. My brother is very _and he is afraid to meet new people.A. thirsty B. shy C.polite D.willing( )24. Tom is _as his father, he is even _than his teacher.A. as tall ,tall B.taller,as tall tall,taller D.taller,tall( )25. Wends is my best friend. I can talk _he

9、r _anything.A. about,with B.about,to,with,about( )26. Father asked Sandy if she was ready _to school with him.A. for go B.going go D.goes( )27.My friend John has a good sense of humour and you will never _with him.A. bored B.happy C.interested D.excited( )28.Millie has _apples than Jo

10、hn,but Nick has_.A. more;most B.more,the most C.most;more D.the most;more( )29. We can also call autumn”_”in American English.A. fall B.vacation C.eraser D.truck( )30.My father likes looking _the newspapers before breakfastA. after B.down C.into D.through( )31. The players practiced hard and _the ma

11、tch at last.A. played B.won C. joined D.planned( )32.- How many _can she speak? - Three. They are English,Japanese,Chinese.A. languages B.stories C.subjects D.classes( )33.-Would you like to go shopping with me? -_.A. Thank you very much B. Yes, Id love to C. No, I dont think so D. Youre wele( ) 34.

12、 - Shall we go and play games? -_.A. It doesnt matter B. Good idea C. Youre wele D. Thats right( ) 35.Which is _, the moon, the sun or the earth?A. small B. smaller C. smallest D. the smallest六、根据汉语提示或首字母及英文释义写出单词(20分)1.Though the boy is very young, he can speak some foreign l_.2.We should eat healt

13、hy and t_ food3.Yao Ming is tall and he has a _(方形)face .4. Kitty has _(少) money than Daniel.5. Who is the _(英雄) in your heart?6. I like Daniel because he can tell _(interest) stories.7. These books are _(use). Dont read them any more.8. He is an _(idea) man. He wants all the things best.9. I brush

14、my teeth _ (two) a day.10. My mum can cook _ (taste) meals 11. Of all the subjects, I like English _(well).12. These students are studying in a _ (mix) school now.13. You must do your homework by_ (you). 14. Hearing this, he looked much _(sad).15.David Beckham and Yao Ming are my _(hero). They are m

15、y favorite players16.Dont stand too _(close) to the wild animals, though they are our _(close) friends.17Tom is very poor in English, He cant even understand _(easy) sentence in this unit.18. Miss Tang has no s_ of humour. We dislike her. 19.When I felt_ (happy), my friend felt sad, too.20.Bread has

16、 already bee one of _(popular) foods in our country now.七、翻译(20分)1.Lily是个真正的朋友,能保守秘密且不说别人的坏话。Lily is a true friend. She can _ and never _ about anyone.2.爸爸真的很乐于助人,他常常在我需要时给我些建议,并愿意随时帮助我。My father is _. He often gives me some advice _and likes helping me any time.3.我很了解我的朋友,我知道他长大后想当个医生。I know my fri

17、end very well. I know he _when he _.4.迈克有很好的幽默感,他常让我们大笑。Mike has_ He often _us _.5. 我们学校是一所混合学校. 男生和女生一同上课. Our school is a _. Boys and girls _ together. 6.我们每天穿校服.我是个一年级的学生,我想要学习怎样读和写.We_every day. I am _. I want to learn_.7.雷锋总是乐意帮助有需要的人。Lei Feng is always _help those people _.8. 我爸以前很幽默。My father

18、 _humor before9.玛丽擅长弹钢琴,她将来想成为一名钢琴家。Mary is good at _ piano, and she wants _ a pianist.10.我的伙伴经常帮我辅导家庭作业My buddy often _me _ my homework.八、翻译(10分)1. 关心;关注_ 2. 保守秘密_3撒谎_ 4.乐意做某事_5. 在任何时候_6.sense of humour _7. Listen to carefully_8.on the left_ 9. be good at around the world_ 九、 用方框中所给的词组的正确形式填空。(15分)borrowfrom, near the end of, bring in, morethan, gofaster 1. A plane _than a train. 2. We usually have a free talk _the English class.3. Will you _your books to the classroom tomorrow?4. He has _friends _I5. He likes _books _me.


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