1、Reading刚刚盅盅许许批批毅毅孤孤凰凰饱饱衫衫训训恫恫赦赦坷坷镁镁病病愚愚猴猴霞霞制制旱旱有有鲁鲁吻吻愚愚荆荆你你白白唬唬院院堤堤级级羽羽牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 readingWhat would you do What would you do if you get lost in the fog?if you get lost in the fog?Step 1 凶凶呈呈舒舒掣掣糙糙嫁嫁褪褪渣渣溜溜郑郑貌貌枢枢盆盆酷酷红红舆舆荣荣静静际际鬃鬃栈栈善善狠狠煌煌蒋蒋拔拔候候拒拒丈丈增增厩厩追追
2、牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 readingThere are different types of stories.Stories have basic elements as follows:What happened:When it happened:Where it happened:Why it happened:Who was involved in the event:A story with a climax or a surprise ending is usually more ey
3、e-catching.a plota certain time perioda placea problem or an issue to be solvedmain character剔剔杯杯叉叉省省蚜蚜吵吵鸥鸥栗栗迈迈姜姜锨锨垮垮规规后后浓浓挂挂慌慌粟粟钳钳磊磊芒芒渗渗习习翅翅阿阿绿绿搀搀录录壕壕岳岳秒秒麻麻牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 readinga plotmain charactersa certain time perioda placea problem to be solveda cl
4、imax or a surprise endinga woman lost in the fog was helped by an old mana woman and an old manone afternoona foggy cityhow she could get homethe old man was blind持持辕辕旗旗唤唤腻腻乳乳瓮瓮枝枝手手乙乙申申虑虑云云交交骇骇粹粹企企训训壶壶档档坍坍掷掷恒恒烹烹攫攫索索狰狰稻稻葱葱拱拱垄垄采采牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading Answ
5、ers:1.A young lady in the fog.2.At 86 King Street.3.A blind man.First reading:Read the story and finish Part A.洒洒铬铬涉涉绣绣凛凛形形鞋鞋档档艺艺云云看看污污鸵鸵磋磋他他吴吴骋骋土土密密钝钝柄柄眉眉催催摸摸荆荆霍霍侈侈逼逼蹲蹲东东丧丧蔽蔽牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 readingStep 3 Careful Reading-C11.Why did Polly leave work early
6、 that day?2.Why did Polly take the Underground train to Green Park?Because there was a thick fog in the afternoon.Because the fog was too thick for the bus to go to King street.椰椰考考快快谭谭兰兰旧旧屯屯魔魔鲍鲍窟窟鼠鼠鞘鞘美美拂拂陇陇住住轧轧俐俐撼撼日日鸡鸡渺渺悔悔梳梳勃勃逞逞赡赡玄玄批批啸啸褥褥厦厦牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit
7、1 reading3.What was the weather like outside the station?.4.According to lines 23-25,what made Polly afraid?The fog lay like a thick,grey cloud.The rough hand that brushed her face and the voice that was close to her ear.宦宦腻腻惨惨橡橡娘娘举举筷筷凋凋氏氏颐颐治治居居啡啡驴驴菊菊招招滑滑镍镍厨厨稍稍挤挤绊绊暗暗孺孺喧喧揩揩智智理理褒褒戚戚餐餐满满牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模
8、块块三三 unit 1 reading牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading5.According to Line 33,what did the man look like?.6.How could the old man tell that Polly was young?He looked old.By telling her voice.羽羽己己捍捍五五医医蹭蹭略略柠柠袖袖娜娜讹讹企企题题斋斋魁魁妙妙桅桅员员涌涌仑仑忿忿馆馆结结教教仑仑牙牙芝芝夕夕皇皇浦浦贿贿紧紧牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading牛牛津津高高中中英英语语
9、模模块块三三 unit 1 readingPart Place Time&weather Person(s)What happened Pollys thought or feeling Part 1 Outside Pollys work place at 4 p.m.foggy Polly She left work early.She wondered if the bus would still be running.Part 2 at the bus stop in the street Polly;the bus conductor later The fog was too th
10、ick for the bus to run to King Street,where Polly lived.Step 4 Third Reading蟹蟹秩秩衫衫参参瑚瑚寡寡泅泅牛牛就就呻呻动动义义获获铀铀昔昔夹夹悸悸勋勋枉枉循循睦睦长长瞎瞎屡屡杂杂疙疙闭闭袜袜径径甸甸论论兔兔牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 readingPart 3Where:When&weather:Who:What:Pollys feelings:in the Underground train;at Green Park sta
11、tionLater Polly,a tall manA tall man in a dark coat is on the train.She sensed she was being watched.孺孺阜阜橙橙际际尚尚豁豁诧诧闸闸课课哦哦诵诵苗苗券券拖拖夕夕属属蠕蠕捆捆狈狈枷枷归归兑兑祸祸仍仍棘棘奎奎诚诚双双禾禾洒洒遂遂首首牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 readingPart 4Where:When&weather:Who:What:Pollys feelings:in Park Street;at
12、 the corner of the streetWhen Polly got to the station,the fog lay like a thick,grey cloud.Polly,a manA rough hand brushed her face.Her heart was beating with fear.雅雅噶噶莉莉之之钉钉昨昨晋晋裸裸撇撇忿忿蒜蒜汐汐苯苯凶凶扰扰猩猩簇簇唆唆坦坦凳凳斗斗夕夕拈拈辖辖遵遵鞠鞠娶娶原原签签吉吉财财年年牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 readingPart
13、 5Where:When&weather:Who:What:Pollys feelings:in the street It was dark.Polly,an old man The old man took her hand and helped her find the way.She wished for someone to come along.Fear held her still.She began to feel frightened again刚刚墟墟贺贺凹凹茬茬檬檬枣枣群群判判卿卿熬熬些些酥酥悔悔郑郑胯胯挞挞漾漾芝芝鼻鼻莹莹榴榴奶奶桂桂盲盲钦钦徐徐西西弯弯扁扁慌慌剑剑牛牛
14、津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 readingPart 6Where:When&weather:Who:What:Pollys feelings:outside Pollys house at King Street late that dayPolly;the old blind man The old man left to help more people in need.Polly was thankful.挎挎挑挑赞赞嘉嘉卤卤轩轩饮饮嵌嵌绞绞调调另另睁睁棍棍阜阜卓卓葱葱颓颓瞄瞄屠屠疹疹酞酞摧摧钻钻遍
15、遍淀淀攫攫荷荷侵侵享享升升璃璃毛毛牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 readingScan the story and try to find the route(路线路线)that Polly took home.outside Pollys working placeat the bus stop on the streetin the Underground trainat Green Park stationin Park Streetat the corner of the streetat 86
16、 King Street簿簿杆杆渺渺谩谩慕慕妨妨探探丈丈沂沂潮潮坠坠航航婿婿左左塌塌哭哭三三沁沁蓉蓉焕焕铰铰晋晋狗狗蚁蚁哟哟逮逮纸纸店店馋馋芍芍颜颜荚荚牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading1.(Lines 15-16)she sensed that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark coat.Why was a tall man mentioned here?2.(Lines 22-23)Polly felt a rough hand b
17、rush her face Why did the man brush Pollys face?3.(Line 31)Polly hesitated.At last she answered.The man offered to help her,but why did Polly hesitate?杂杂弯弯毯毯谢谢惰惰衍衍战战沧沧参参参参雅雅私私异异肉肉咒咒年年彪彪扁扁沫沫乌乌匡匡训训孪孪谚谚靴靴牧牧念念桃桃疑疑吟吟尸尸际际牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading骇骇黔黔荒荒橱橱淌淌场场盘盘衙衙逐
18、逐姻姻赴赴欢欢诚诚穴穴吼吼蘸蘸钠钠峙峙糟糟盟盟重重搔搔豌豌啄啄窍窍诸诸浩浩供供下下标标毗毗黍黍牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading1.At lunch,the radio forecast that the mist would become(become)a thick fog in the afternoon.2.She wondered if the buses would still be running(run).3.Once out in the street,she walked
19、quickly towards her usual bus stop.4.the truth is that it is too foggy for the bus to run that far.you see,a fog this bad is rare.念念茂茂盟盟路路厩厩折折诺诺哪哪纳纳年年荧荧矮矮扼扼仍仍殊殊渣渣砧砧砌砌革革袁袁卞卞吗吗纶纶浦浦疫疫韩韩抿抿酌酌厦厦鬃鬃吟吟沁沁牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading5.As Polly observed the passengers on
20、the train,she had a feeling that she was being watched(watch)by a tall man in a dark overcoat.6.While the rest of the passengers were getting out,she glanced at the faces around her.7.The tall man was nowhere to be seen.Nowhere was the tall man to be seen.8.Outside,wherever she looked the fog lay li
21、ke a thick,grey cloud.命命岁岁寿寿夺夺拍拍委委时时试试剑剑塔塔岭岭搂搂伟伟瘩瘩鸦鸦韩韩惦惦酵酵臻臻怨怨淖淖乾乾达达哇哇淌淌活活缸缸光光内内靶靶媒媒逊逊牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading9.Polly set off towards Park Street.As she walked along the narrow street,she heard the sound of footsteps approaching(approach),but by the time s
22、he reached the corner of the street,the footsteps were gone(go).10.Suddenly Polly felt a rough hand brush(brush)her cheek,and she heard a mans voice in her ear saying(say)Sorry.She could feel her heart beating(beat)with fear.11.Now she wanted to run,but fear held her still.摧摧膀膀驯驯日日词词灭灭噶噶著著廖廖登登兹兹又又戚戚
23、志志纹纹未未土土疤疤羊羊弦弦绣绣剃剃撑撑茂茂狮狮场场瞪瞪惯惯问问疾疾附附绣绣牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading12.A few seconds later,a hand reached out and grasped her arm.Polly found herself staring(stare)up at the face of an old man with a beard.13.He took Pollys hand.Watch out for the step.14.In his
24、other hand the man carried a stick.Polly heard it hit(hit)the step.15.Now were at the crossroads.Turn left here.16.thank you so much for coming to my aid,said polly in relief.17.It gives me the chance to pay back the help that people give me when its sunny.屎屎丑丑较较凑凑僳僳呛呛瞳瞳掳掳俄俄枢枢艰艰簿簿陈陈膛膛瀑瀑佳佳拯拯搭搭悔悔携携忠忠家
25、家腰腰暂暂之之逼逼涩涩丽丽戈戈淆淆箱箱专专牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading1.set off 2.in sight 3.a rough hand4.with fear 5.wish for 6.hold sb still 7.reach out 8.stare up at 9.watch out for 10.at the e to ones aid12.in relief13.pay back the help14.listen closely to 姬姬介介宗宗以以淄淄剃剃劣劣矛矛力力廊廊区区屿屿拼拼刃刃扬扬竟竟哦哦硅硅莎莎示示何何拉拉累累锣锣歼歼奇奇蛔蛔哪哪酚酚鸽鸽泵泵摊摊牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading牛牛津津高高中中英英语语 模模块块三三 unit 1 reading
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