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1、绝密 考试结束前2015年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试英语国家概况 试卷(课程代码 00522)本试卷共8页,满分l00分,考试时间l50分钟。考生答题注意事项:1本卷所有试题必须在答题卡上作答。答在试卷上无效,试卷空白处和背面均可作草稿纸。2第一部分为选择题。必须对应试卷上的题号使用2B铅笔将“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑。3第二部分为非选择题。必须注明大、小题号,使用05毫米黑色字迹签字笔作答。4合理安排答题空阀,超出答题区域无效。第一部分 选择题MULTIPLE CHOICERead the following unfinished statement or questions ca

2、refully.For each unfinished statement or question,four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D are given.Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question.Blacken the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.(50 points,1 point

3、each)1.The Vikings,who came from ,atacked carious parts of England from the end of the 8th century.A.Norway B.FranceC.Germany D.Denmark2.The Celts began to arrive at Britain around and kept coming until the arrical of the Romans.A.600BC B.600ADC.700BC D.700AD3.Among the Bristish kings, was known as

4、“the confessor”because of his religious piety.A.Henry B.King AlfredC.King Harold D.King Edward4.The Domesday Book states all the following EXCEPT .A.the history of the land B.the ownership of the landC.the value of the land D.the extent of the land5.The spirit of Magna Carta was .A.the increasing of

5、 the powers of serfsB.the limitation of the powers of the kingC.the increasing of the powers of the Church.D.the limitation of the powers of the Church.6.The causes of the Hundred Yearss War was partly and partly economic.A.racial B.politicalC.religious D.territorial7.In British history,the First Ci

6、vil War broke out in .A.1640 B.1642C.1645 D.16498.The main causes for Henry s religious reform of the Church were the following EXCEPT .A.pressure from the popeB.Henrys need for moneyC.accumulated desire for change and reform in the ChurchD.public resentment for the pricvilege and wealth of the cler

7、gy9. was the only monarch that was condemned to death and executed in British history.A.Charles B.CharlesC.James D.James10.A good result of the argricultural enclosure was that .A.renants were ecicred from their lands.B.riots erupted in many areas where the peasant farmers wentC.a new class hostilit

8、y was introduced into tural relationshiosD.farms became bigger and bigger units as the great bought up the small11.The Industrial Revolution refers to the mechanization of industry and the consequent changes in social and economic organization in Britain in the .A.late 16th century and early 17th ce

9、nturyB.late 17th century and early 18th centuryC.late 18th century and early 19th centuryD.late 19th century and early 20th century12.Which of the following is TRUE about Britain in World War ?A.It lost all her natonal wealth .B.It was left gravely impoverished.C.It devoted half of her strength to t

10、he war.D.It entered a period of economic and financial boom.13. ,who found that his policy of appeasement of German aggression was no longer tenable ,was forced to declare war on Germany on Setember 3,1939.A.Churchill B.GeorgeC.Chamberlain D.Elizabeth14.In January 1973,Britain finally because a full

11、 member of the .A.CommonwealthB.European Economic CommunityC.North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationD.Organization of Petroleum Exportiong Countries15.The interval between General Elections in the years.A.2 B.4C.5 D.816.The two major parties in Britain since 1945 are .A.the Whig Party and the Tory

12、 PartyB.the Labor Party and the Liberal Party.C.the Labor Party and the Conservative Party.D.the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party17.In the U.K.,government ministers are responsible collectively to for all Cabinet decisions.A.the Queen B.the ParliamentC.the Privy Council D.the Prime Minister1

13、8.In Britain, is the largest of the Free Churches ,originated in the 18th century following the evangelical revival under John Wesley(1703-1791).A.the Methodist Church B.the Baptist ChurchD.the Church of England D.the Church of Scotland19.Which of the following is NOT a feature of the Open Universit

14、y?A.It is a non-residential university.B.It is open to all to become students.C.It admits students only from Britain.D.It offers degree and other courses for adult students of all ages.20. ,the most popular sport in England as well as in Europe,has its traditional home in England.A.Golf B.FootballC.

15、Cricket D.basketball21. In the late 15th century, supported by the Spanish Queen,Christopher Columbus, ,discovered the New Italian navigator B.a Danish English navigator D.a Portuguese navigator22. One of the features of the early colonists which play a role in the formation

16、 of American character is .A.religious intoleranceB.respect of individual rightsC.strong form of governmentD.discouragement of individual enterprise23. In September 1783, was signed and Britain recognized the independence of the United States.A.the Articles of Confederation B.the Bill of RightsC.the

17、 Declaration of independence D.the Treaty of Paris24.The Articles of confedration was very important in all the following Except that provided for no declared independence from Great was a written constitution for the United created a central government in th

18、e form of a Congress.25.The American Civil War broke out mainly because .A.Abbraham Lincoln was elected presidentB.Harrier Beecher Stowes Uncle Toms Cabin was publishedC.the southern states controlled land ,raw materials and labor tha the North neededD.the southern states broke away from the Union a

19、nd formed the Confederate State of America26. On August 4,1914,American President issued an official statement proclaiming American neutrality in the First World War.A.Harry Truman B.Theodore RooseveltC.Woodrow Wilson D.Franklin D.Roosevelt27.In the U.S.,the first blow to the stock market came on Oc

20、tober 24,1929,which was called .A.the black Monday B.the black FridayC.the black Thursday D.the black Tuesday28. The aim of President Roosevelts New Deal was to .A.abolish social security systemsB.reduce government regulation and controlC.discograge industries from deceloping too fastD.“save America

21、n democracy”as the himself put it29.The American containment policy towards the Soviet Union ,made by President Truman in 1949,lasted until .A.1975 B.1989C.1991 D.199830. was the result of struggle between the great powers for control of the world and military expansion of the countries of Nazi Germ

22、any, Fascist Italy and militarist Japan.A.The Cold War B.The Korean WarC.The First World War D.The Second World War31. was NOT a comerstone of the postwar American Economic boom.A.Increasing investment in agricultureB.An ever-increasing military spendingC.Automobile manufacturing for the growing new

23、 communitiesD.A construction boom to provide houses and schools for all children32. In Feberuary 1972, President visited China and met Chairman Mao and the two coutntries issued the Shanghai Communique.A.Nixon B.CarterC.Ford D.Reagan33.In the postwar years the United States continued to emphasize go

24、vernment involvement and adopted the in running the economy.A.Keynesian theory B.Marxist theoryC.Truman Doctrine D.Monetarist policies34.Apart from the stagnation,the American economy is now facing another problem of .A.foreign debts and trade deficit B.foreign debts and trade surplusC.overproductio

25、n and trade deficit D.overproduction and trade surplus35.The three giants in auto industry in the U.S.are .A.General Motors,Fotors,Ford,ChryslerB.General Motors,Toyota,ChrslerC.General Motors,Nissan,ChryslerD.General Motors,Volkswagen,Chrysler36. According to the provisions for constitutional amendm

26、ent,the Congress may initiate an amendment by a vote in each house.A.half D.three-fourths37.In order to be successful,a candidate for the U.S.Presidency must receive at least ecectoral votes.A.200 B.270C.435 D.53838.The ambassadors,ministers and consuls appointed by the U.S.P

27、rident must be confirmed by the .A.Senate B.HouseC.Supreme Court D.State Department39.Which statement about the American political parties in NOT true?A.In general,America has a two-party system.B.The Constitution makes no provisions for political parties.C.Political parties are the basis of the Ame

28、rican political system.D.The Democrats and the Republicans dominate politics only at the federal level.40. were those American writers who reported truthfully and objectively the life in the slums in the last decades of the 19th century and first decade of the 20th century.A.Realists B.NatralistsC.t

29、ranscendentalists D.Modemists41.The Prairie Provinces which lie west of Ontario are ideal for and are thinly B.miningC.tourism D.growing wheat42. After the Seven YearsWar from 1756 to 1763,the French were forced to give up Of Canada to B.the eastC.the whole D.the no

30、rthwest43.By the Statute of Westminster in 1931,Canada .A.took Newfoundland as its tenth provinceB.became a member of the Commonwealth of NationsC.found rich oil dields in Alberta and other western procincesD.opened the St.Lawrence Seaway for further growth in economy44.In 1921the British signed the

31、 Anglo-Irish Treaty to .A.start a civil war B.keep Ireland out of World WarC.found the Irish Republican ArmyD.establish an Irish Free State in Northern Ireland45.Henry was the first king to bring all under English control.A.Wales B.EuropeC.Ireland D.Scotland46.Most of Australia lies between 20 and 3

32、5 which is a area in the and wet and dryC.dry and windy D.dry and sunny47.In Australia,traffic drives on the of the road.A.single line B.middleC.right side D.left side48.In Australia,as people with different traditions and customs interact with each other,a peculiar blend of differ

33、ent will be emerging.A.politics B.societiesC.cultures D.philosophies49.The Lake of Taupo was formed by a(n) .A.big tsunami B.horrible floodC.terrible earthquake D.enormous volcanic eruption50.Since ,earthquakes in New Zealand do not usually cause many deaths.A.the land is hillyB.there are many mount

34、ain lakesC.many areas of the country are not heavily populatedD.the central plateau in North Island is dominated by 3 volcanic mountains第二部分 非选择题.SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions.Write your answer in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet. (30

35、 Points,3 points each)51.What was one of the most far-reaching consequences of the Second World War to Britain?52.Who is the current heir to the British throne according to law and convention?53.What kind of service does the National Health Service(NHS)provide in the U.K.?54.What does Oxbridge stand

36、 for?55.What is the major difference between the Puritans and the Pilgrims in American colonial times?56.What important proclamation did Predident Lincoln issue to make the Civil War a just one ?57.What is the basic instrument of American government and the supreme law of the land?58.What is America

37、s most important patriotic holiday?59.What is the name of the radio educational system through which children learn their lessons in Australia?60.Politically how many states and territories does Anstralia have?.TERM EXPLANATIONExplain each of the following terms in English.Write your answer in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet in around 40 words.(20 points,5 points each)61.Black Death62.Civil List63.The U.S.Presidency64.The Cuban Missile Crisis英语国家概况试卷第 7页共7页


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