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1、远程教育合同范本四篇文章一:远程教育合同范本中文版:远程教育合同甲方(学生):_乙方(教育机构):_鉴于甲方有意参加乙方提供的远程教育课程,双方经友好协商,达成如下协议:一、课程内容1.1 乙方将为甲方提供远程教育课程,包括但不限于线上教学、教学资料提供、作业布置等服务。二、费用与结算2.1 甲方应按照乙方规定的学费标准及支付方式进行缴费。2.2 学费一经支付,不予退还。三、课程安排3.1 乙方将根据课程安排提供课程内容和学习指导。3.2 甲方应按要求参加课程,并按时提交作业。四、知识产权4.1 课程中所涉及的教学资料及知识产权归乙方所有,甲方不得擅自传播或使用于其他用途。五、违约责任5.1

2、若甲方未按时缴纳学费或违反课程规定,乙方有权终止提供课程并保留追究违约责任的权利。六、其他6.1 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,具有合同效力。6.2 本合同如有争议,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,可向有管辖权的法院提起诉讼。甲方(签字):_ 日期:_乙方(签字):_ 日期:_英文版:Remote Education ContractParty A (Student): _Party B (Education Institution): _In consideration of Party As intention to participate in the remote education

3、course provided by Party B, the parties have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiation:1. Course Content1.1 Party B will provide Party A with remote education courses, including but not limited to online teaching, provision of teaching materials, and assignment arrangement.2. Fees

4、 and Payment2.1 Party A shall pay the tuition fees according to the tuition fee standards and payment methods specified by Party B.2.2 The tuition fee once paid is non-refundable.3. Course Arrangement3.1 Party B will provide course content and learning guidance according to the course arrangement.3.

5、2 Party A shall attend the courses as required and submit assignments on time.4. Intellectual Property Rights4.1 The teaching materials and intellectual property rights involved in the course belong to Party B, and Party A shall not disseminate or use them for other purposes without authorization.5.

6、 Breach of Contract5.1 If Party A fails to pay the tuition fees on time or violates the course regulations, Party B has the right to terminate the provision of courses and reserves the right to pursue breach of contract liability.6. Miscellaneous6.1 This contract is made in duplicate, each party hol

7、ding one copy, which has legal effect.6.2 In case of any dispute with regard to this contract, the parties shall resolve it through friendly negotiation; if negotiation fails, they may bring a lawsuit to the court with jurisdiction.Party A (Signature): _ Date: _Party B (Signature): _ Date: _文章二:远程教育

8、服务合同范本中文版:远程教育服务合同甲方:_(学生)乙方:_(教育机构)甲乙双方在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上,就乙方将向甲方提供的远程教育服务,订立本合同。一、服务内容1.1 乙方给予甲方的服务范围包括但不限于在线课堂教学、学习资料提供、作业批改等远程教育服务。1.2 乙方将为甲方提供专业的教学指导和学术支持。二、费用及结算2.1 甲方应按乙方规定的学费标准及交费方式支付相应费用。2.2 如有未缴费用,乙方有权暂停或终止向甲方提供服务。三、服务期限3.1 本合同自双方签署之日起生效,服务期限至乙方课程结束为止。四、知识产权4.1 乙方所提供的所有教学资料、课程安排均为其知识产权,甲方不得以任

9、何形式泄露或滥用。五、违约责任5.1 若甲方违反本合同之约定,乙方有权终止服务,并保留追究违约责任的权利。六、其他6.1 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,具有法律效力。6.2 任何一方如需解除本合同,应提前5个工作日书面通知对方。甲方签字:_ 日期:_乙方签字:_ 日期:_英文版:Remote Education Service ContractParty A: _ (Student)Party B: _ (Education Institution)In a spirit of equality, voluntariness, and mutual agreement, Party A and

10、 Party B, have entered into this contract based on Party Bs provision of remote education services to Party A.1. Service Content1.1 The services provided by Party B to Party A include but are not limited to online classroom teaching, provision of learning materials, assignment grading, and other rem

11、ote education services.1.2 Party B will provide professional teaching guidance and academic support to Party A.2. Fees and Payment2.1 Party A shall pay the corresponding fees according to the tuition fee standards and payment methods specified by Party B.2.2 In case of any outstanding fees, Party B

12、reserves the right to suspend or terminate the services provided to Party A.3. Service Duration3.1 This contract shall take effect from the date of signing by both parties and shall remain in force until the end of Party Bs course.4. Intellectual Property Rights4.1 All teaching materials and course

13、arrangements provided by Party B are intellectual property rights of Party B, and Party A shall not disclose or misuse them in any form.5. Breach of Contract5.1 In the event of Party As violation of the provisions of this contract, Party B reserves the right to terminate the services and pursue brea

14、ch of contract liability.6. Miscellaneous6.1 This contract is made in duplicate, each party holding one copy, which has legal effect.6.2 If either party wishes to terminate this contract, a written notice must be given to the other party five working days in advance.Party A (Signature): _ Date: _Par

15、ty B (Signature): _ Date: _文章三:远程教育在线学习合同范本中文版:远程教育在线学习合同甲方:_(学生)乙方:_(教育机构)鉴于甲方有意通过乙方提供的在线学习服务进行学习,双方经协商一致,特订立本合同:一、服务内容1.1 乙方将为甲方提供在线学习课程,包括但不限于视频教学、在线讨论、学习资料提供等服务。1.2 乙方将按照教学计划安排课程内容及学习指导。二、费用及支付2.1 甲方应按照乙方的学费标准及规定的支付方式进行缴费。2.2 学费一经支付,不予退还。三、课程安排3.1 乙方将根据实际情况制定课程安排,并提前通知甲方。3.2 甲方应按照课程安排参加学习,并完成规定的

16、学业要求。四、知识产权4.1 课程中提供的学习资料及教学内容归乙方所有,甲方不得非法传播或复制。五、违约责任5.1 若甲方违反合同规定或拖欠学费,乙方有权中止或终止提供服务,甲方需承担相应法律责任。六、其他6.1 本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,具有法律效力。6.2 若本合同引发的任何争议,应友好协商解决;协商不成,可以向当地法院起诉。甲方签字:_ 日期:_乙方签字:_ 日期:_英文版:Online Learning Contract for Remote EducationParty A: _ (Student)Party B: _ (Education Institution)Wher

17、eas Party A intends to study through the online learning services provided by Party B, the parties, through consultation, have entered into this contract:1. Service Content1.1 Party B will provide Party A with online learning courses, including but not limited to video teaching, online discussions,

18、provision of learning materials, and other related services.1.2 Party B will arrange course content and provide guidance according to the teaching plan.2. Fees and Payment2.1 Party A shall pay the fees according to the tuition fee standards and payment methods specified by Party B.2.2 The tuition fe

19、e once paid is non-refundable.3. Course Arrangement3.1 Party B will make course arrangements based on the actual situation and notify Party A in advance.3.2 Party A shall participate in the learning according to the course arrangement and complete the prescribed academic requirements.4. Intellectual

20、 Property Rights4.1 The learning materials and teaching content provided in the course belong to Party B, and Party A shall not illegally distribute or reproduce them.5. Breach of Contract5.1 If Party A violates the contract provisions or delays payment of tuition fees, Party B has the right to susp

21、end or terminate the services provided, and Party A shall bear corresponding legal liability.6. Miscellaneous6.1 This contract is made in duplicate, each party holding one copy, which has legal effect.6.2 In case of any dispute arising from this contract, the parties shall seek an amicable resolutio

22、n through consultation; if no agreement can be reached, they may file a lawsuit with the local court.Party A (Signature): _ Date: _Party B (Signature): _ Date: _文章四:远程教育课程服务合同范本中文版:远程教育课程服务合同甲方:_(学生)乙方:_(教育机构)鉴于甲方欲参与乙方提供的远程教育课程服务,甲乙双方特订立本合同:一、服务内容1.1 乙方将为甲方提供远程教育课程服务,包括但不限于视频课程、学习资源分享、在线辅导等服务。1.2 乙方

23、将为甲方提供专业教学指导和学术咨询服务。二、费用及支付2.1 甲方应按照乙方规定的学费标准及支付方式进行支付。2.2 学费支付后不得要求退款。三、课程安排3.1 乙方将制定课程安排表,并及时通知甲方。3.2 甲方应按照课程安排参加学习,并按时完成作业。四、知识产权4.1 课程中涉及的教学资料及内容归乙方所有,甲方不得擅自传播或使用。五、违约责任5.1 若甲方未按时支付学费或违反课程规定,乙方有权终止提供服务,保留追究违约责任的权利。六、其他6.1 本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,具有法律效力。6.2 如有争议,应友好协商解决;协商不成的,可向有管辖权的法院提起诉讼。甲方签字:_ 日期:_乙

24、方签字:_ 日期:_英文版:Course Service Contract for Remote EducationParty A: _ (Student)Party B: _ (Education Institution)Whereas Party A intends to participate in the remote education course services provided by Party B, the parties have entered into this contract:1. Service Content1.1 Party B will provide r

25、emote education course services to Party A, including but not limited to video courses, sharing of learning resources, online tutoring, and other related services.1.2 Party B will provide professional teaching guidance and academic consulting services to Party A.2. Fees and Payment2.1 Party A shall

26、pay according to the tuition fee standards and payment methods specified by Party B.2.2 No refund shall be requested after payment of tuition fees.3. Course Arrangement3.1 Party B will create a course schedule and inform Party A in a timely manner.3.2 Party A shall participate in the learning accord

27、ing to the course schedule and complete assignments on time.4. Intellectual Property Rights4.1 The teaching materials and content involved in the course belong to Party B, and Party A shall not disseminate or use them without authorization.5. Breach of Contract5.1 If Party A fails to pay the tuition

28、 fees on time or violates the course regulations, Party B has the right to terminate the services and reserves the right to pursue breach of contract liability.6. Miscellaneous6.1 This contract is made in duplicate, each party holding one copy, which has legal effect.6.2 In case of any dispute, the parties shall seek an amicable resolution through negotiation; if negotiation fails, they may bring a lawsuit to the court with jurisdiction.Party A (Signature): _ Date: _Party B (Signature): _ Date: _


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