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1、进口合同范本五篇进口合同范本Import Contract Template一、产品采购合同范本Product Procurement Contract Template本合同由以下双方于日期签署:This contract is entered into by the following parties on this date:甲方(采购商):_ (以下简称“甲方”)Party A (Purchaser): _ (hereinafter referred to as Party A)乙方(供应商):_ (以下简称“乙方”)Party B (Supplier): _ (hereinafter

2、 referred to as Party B)鉴于乙方同意向甲方销售以下产品,双方经友好协商达成如下协议:Whereas Party B agrees to sell the following products to Party A, the parties have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiation:1. 产品描述 Description of Products1.1 乙方同意向甲方销售以下产品:Party B agrees to sell the following products to Part

3、y A:- 产品名称:_ Product Name: _- 规格型号:_ Specifications: _- 数量:_ Quantity: _- 单价:_ Unit Price: _2. 交货及验收 Delivery and Acceptance2.1 乙方应在_之前将货物交付至甲方指定地点,甲方应在收到货物后进行验收。Party B shall deliver the goods to the designated location of Party A before _, and Party A shall inspect the goods upon receipt.2.2 如货物未能

4、按时交付或不符合合同约定规格,乙方应负责迟延或不符问题,承担相应责任。If the goods are not delivered on time or do not meet the specifications agreed in the contract, Party B shall be responsible for the delay or non-conformity and assume corresponding liabilities.3. 付款 Payment3.1 甲方应在收到货物后_内支付货款给乙方。Party A shall pay the purchase pri

5、ce to Party B within _ after receiving the goods.3.2 付款方式为_。The payment method is _.4. 知识产权 Intellectual Property Rights4.1 双方保证,所提供的产品不会侵犯第三方的知识产权。Both parties warrant that the products provided will not infringe upon any third-party intellectual property rights.5. 违约责任 Liability for Breach5.1 若一方未

6、履行合同义务或违约,应向对方承担违约责任。If either party fails to perform its contractual obligations or breaches the contract, it shall be liable to the other party for the breach.6. 争议解决 Dispute Resolution6.1 双方如有争议应友好协商解决;协商不成的,提交_仲裁委员会仲裁。In the event of a dispute, the parties shall seek an amicable resolution throu

7、gh negotiation; if negotiation fails, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration by the _ Arbitration Commission.双方签署确认:Party A: _Party B: _日期:_Date: _二、进口代理合同范本Import Agency Agreement Template本合同由以下双方于日期签署:This contract is entered into by the following parties on this date:甲方(委托人):_ (以下简称“甲方”)Pa

8、rty A (Principal): _ (hereinafter referred to as Party A)乙方(代理人):_ (以下简称“乙方”)Party B (Agent): _ (hereinafter referred to as Party B)鉴于乙方同意接受甲方委托,双方经友好协商达成如下协议:Whereas Party B agrees to accept the commission from Party A, the parties have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiation:1

9、. 代理范围 Scope of Agency1.1 乙方接受甲方委托,并获得独家权利,代理甲方在其所在地区的产品销售和推广。Party B accepts the commission from Party A and obtains exclusive rights to represent Party A in the sales and promotion of products in its region.1.2 代理产品为:_The products to be represented are: _2. 代理期限 Term of Agency2.1 本合同自_起生效,至_终止。Thi

10、s contract shall be effective from _ to _.2.2 若期满后任何一方未要求终止合同,合同将自动延长。If neither party requests termination of the contract after its expiration, the contract will be automatically renewed.3. 佣金 Commission3.1 甲方应按销售额支付佣金给乙方,佣金比例为_。Party A shall pay a commission to Party B based on sales volume, with

11、 a commission rate of _.3.2 佣金支付方式为_。The method of commission payment is _.4. 保密 Confidentiality4.1 双方应保密与本合同相关的商业信息,并不得向第三方透露。Both parties shall keep confidential the commercial information related to this contract and shall not disclose it to any third party.5. 终止 Termination5.1 若一方未履行合同义务或有违约情况发生

12、,对方有权提前终止合同。If either party fails to perform its contractual obligations or breaches the contract, the other party has the right to terminate the contract in advance.6. 争议解决 Dispute Resolution6.1 双方如有争议应友好协商解决;协商不成的,提交_仲裁委员会仲裁。In the event of a dispute, the parties shall seek an amicable resolution

13、through negotiation; if negotiation fails, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration by the _ Arbitration Commission.双方签署确认:Party A: _Party B: _日期:_Date: _三、进口独家经销合同范本Exclusive Import Distribution Agreement Template本合同由以下双方于日期签署:This contract is entered into by the following parties on this date

14、:甲方(生产商/供应商):_ (以下简称“甲方”)Party A (Manufacturer/Supplier): _ (hereinafter referred to as Party A)乙方(分销商):_ (以下简称“乙方”)Party B (Distributor): _ (hereinafter referred to as Party B)鉴于甲方同意授予乙方有关产品在其所在地区的独家经销权,双方经友好协商达成如下协议:Whereas Party A agrees to grant Party B the exclusive distribution rights of the p

15、roducts in its region, the parties have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiation:1. 经销范围 Distribution Range1.1 甲方同意授予乙方独家在其所在地区销售并推广以下产品的权利:Party A agrees to grant Party B the exclusive rights to sell and promote the following products in its region:- 产品名称:_ Product Name: _- 规格型号

16、:_ Specifications: _2. 价格与付款 Price and Payment2.1 乙方应按协议价格支付产品采购款给甲方。Party B shall pay the purchase price of the products to Party A at the agreed price.2.2 付款方式为_。The payment method is _.3. 保护措施 Protection Measures3.1 甲方应采取必要措施,保护乙方在其销售区域内的独家地位。Party A shall take necessary measures to protect Party

17、 Bs exclusive position in its sales area.4. 知识产权 Intellectual Property Rights4.1 甲方保证其提供的产品不侵犯第三方知识产权,如有任何知识产权问题,甲方应负全部责任。Party A guarantees that the products it provides do not infringe upon third-party intellectual property rights, and shall be solely responsible for any intellectual property issu

18、es.5. 争议解决 Dispute Resolution5.1 双方如有争议应友好协商解决;协商不成的,提交_仲裁委员会仲裁。In the event of a dispute, the parties shall seek an amicable resolution through negotiation; if negotiation fails, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration by the _ Arbitration Commission.双方签署确认:Party A: _Party B: _日期:_Date: _四、进口

19、技术许可合同范本Import Technology License Agreement Template本合同由以下双方于日期签署:This contract is entered into by the following parties on this date:甲方(许可人):_ (以下简称“甲方”)Party A (Licensor): _ (hereinafter referred to as Party A)乙方(被许可人):_ (以下简称“乙方”)Party B (Licensee): _ (hereinafter referred to as Party B)鉴于甲方同意授予乙

20、方特定技术的使用权,双方经友好协商达成如下协议:Whereas Party A agrees to grant Party B the right to use specific technology, the parties have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiation:1. 技术许可范围 Scope of Technology License1.1 甲方同意授予乙方以下技术的使用权:Party A agrees to grant Party B the right to use the following

21、 technology:- 技术名称:_ Technology Name: _- 技术描述:_ Technology Description: _2. 专利权和知识产权 Patent Rights and Intellectual Property2.1 甲方保留所提供技术的专利权和知识产权,乙方不得擅自复制、传播或泄露技术。Party A reserves the patent rights and intellectual property of the technology provided, and Party B shall not copy, disseminate, or dis

22、close the technology without authorization.3. 技术使用费 Technology Usage Fee3.1 乙方应按照协议支付技术使用费给甲方,支付方式为_。Party B shall pay the technology usage fee to Party A according to the agreement, with a payment method of _.4. 保密保护 Confidentiality Protection4.1 双方应保密有关技术的商业信息,并不得向第三方透露。Both parties shall keep con

23、fidential the commercial information related to the technology and shall not disclose it to any third party.5. 争议解决 Dispute Resolution5.1 双方如有争议应友好协商解决;协商不成的,提交_仲裁委员会仲裁。In the event of a dispute, the parties shall seek an amicable resolution through negotiation; if negotiation fails, the dispute sha

24、ll be submitted to arbitration by the _ Arbitration Commission.双方签署确认:Party A: _Party B: _日期:_Date: _五、进口合同定价附则范本Import Contract Pricing Appendix Template本合同由以下双方于日期签署:This contract is entered into by the following parties on this date:甲方(供应商):_ (以下简称“甲方”)Party A (Supplier): _ (hereinafter referred

25、to as Party A)乙方(采购商):_ (以下简称“乙方”)Party B (Purchaser): _ (hereinafter referred to as Party B)鉴于双方达成进口合同,请制定如下定价附则:Whereas the parties have entered into an import contract, the following pricing appendix is established:1. 价格调整 Price Adjustment1.1 本合同价格以_定价,如合同期间内国际市场价格波动,价格可调整。The price of this contr

26、act is based on _, and the price may be adjusted if there are fluctuations in the international market price during the contract period.1.2 双方应在价格调整前提前_个工作日提供书面通知。Both parties shall provide written notice _ days in advance before price adjustment.2. 价格支付 Price Payment2.1 乙方应在合同规定时间内支付货款给甲方,逾期支付付款的,应

27、按逾期天数向甲方支付滞纳金。Party B shall pay the purchase price to Party A within the specified time of the contract, and if the payment is overdue, Party B shall pay Party A a late fee according to the number of overdue days.2.2 付款方式为_。The payment method is _.3. 交货及验收 Delivery and Acceptance3.1 甲方应按照约定时间将货物交付至乙

28、方指定地点,乙方应在收到货物后进行验收。Party A shall deliver the goods to the designated location of Party B at the agreed time, and Party B shall inspect the goods upon receipt.3.2 如货物未能按时交付或不符合合同约定规格,甲方应负责迟延或不符问题,承担相应责任。If the goods are not delivered on time or do not meet the specifications agreed in the contract, Party A shall be responsible for the delay or non-conformity and assume corresponding liabilities.双方签署确认:Party A: _Party B: _日期:_Date: _以上为进口合同范本内容,供参考。The above is the content of the import contract templates for reference.


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