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1、动漫会展合同范本三篇Article 1:中文版:动漫会展合同范本一合同编号:XXXXXX甲方(展商):_地址:_联系电话:_传真:_邮箱:_法定代表人:_身份证号:_乙方(展览会主办方):_地址:_联系电话:_传真:_邮箱:_法定代表人:_身份证号:_鉴于,乙方拟举办动漫会展活动,甲方有意参加并与乙方签订本合同。双方经友好协商,达成如下协议:第一条 展位租用1.1 甲方同意向乙方租用展览会场地(展位号:_)作为展示动漫产品的场所。1.2 展位租金为人民币_元整,甲方应于签订本合同之日起三个工作日内支付展位租金。1.3 甲方应按照规定时间入场,并在规定台数内搭建展位,展示动漫产品。第二条 展品管

2、理2.1 甲方应按照展览会主办方的要求设置展台,并保持展台整洁有序。2.2 展品必须符合相关法律法规,不得携带任何违禁品或侵权商品参展。2.3 甲方自行对展品进行保险及安全保护,如发生盗窃损失,甲方应自行承担相关责任。第三条 宣传推广3.1 乙方有权宣传甲方展位所展示的产品,并在活动前、中、后进行相关推广。3.2 甲方应配合乙方宣传推广工作,提供相关宣传材料及资料。3.3 甲方展位上的宣传品、广告设计及内容,应符合乙方要求并取得乙方书面同意。第四条 结算方式4.1 展位租金支付后,乙方将开具正规发票并交付给甲方。4.2 如有特殊费用或额外服务,应另行协商确定,双方签署相关协议。第五条 违约责任

3、5.1 任何一方违反本合同约定,应当承担相应的法律责任。5.2 如因不可抗力导致无法履行合同,双方可协商解除合同,但应提前书面通知对方。第六条 法律适用6.1 本合同适用中华人民共和国法律,双方如发生争议应友好协商解决,协商不成的,提交有管辖权的人民法院管辖。甲方(盖章):_ 乙方(盖章):_签订日期:_地点:_英文版:Sample Anime Exhibition Contract 1Contract No.: XXXXXXParty A (Exhibitor): _Address: _Tel: _Fax: _Email: _Legal Representative: _ID No.: _P

4、arty B (Organizer of the Exhibition): _Address: _Tel: _Fax: _Email: _Legal Representative: _ID No.: _Whereas, Party B intends to hold an anime exhibition, and Party A is willing to participate and sign this contract with Party B. After friendly negotiations, the following agreement is reached:Articl

5、e 1 Booth Rental1.1 Party A agrees to rent the exhibition space (Booth No.: _) from Party B for showcasing anime products.1.2 The booth rental fee is RMB _ in total, and Party A shall pay the booth rental fee within three working days from the date of signing this contract.1.3 Party A shall enter th

6、e venue at the designated time, set up the booth within the specified number, and exhibit anime products.Article 2 Exhibit Management2.1 Party A shall set up the booth as required by the exhibition organizer and maintain the booth in a clean and orderly manner.2.2 Exhibits must comply with relevant

7、laws and regulations, and Party A shall not exhibit any prohibited or infringing products.2.3 Party A shall be responsible for the insurance and security protection of the exhibits. In case of theft or loss, Party A shall bear the related responsibilities.Article 3 Promotion and Advertising3.1 Party

8、 B has the right to promote the products displayed at Party As booth and conduct relevant promotion activities before, during, and after the event.3.2 Party A shall cooperate with Party B in promotional activities, provide relevant promotional materials and information.3.3 The promotional materials,

9、 advertising design, and content on Party As booth shall comply with Party Bs requirements and obtain written consent from Party B.Article 4 Payment Method4.1 Upon payment of the booth rental fee, Party B shall issue a formal invoice to Party A.4.2 If there are additional fees or extra services, the

10、y shall be separately negotiated and agreed upon, and a relevant agreement shall be signed by both parties.Article 5 Breach of Contract Liability5.1 Any party that breaches the terms of this contract shall bear the corresponding legal responsibilities.5.2 If the contract cannot be fulfilled due to f

11、orce majeure, both parties may negotiate to terminate the contract but shall provide written notice to the other party in advance.Article 6 Governing Law6.1 This contract shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China. In case of any disputes, the parties shall endeavor to resolve th

12、em amicably through negotiations. If negotiations fail, the dispute shall be submitted to the competent Peoples Court for adjudication.Party A (Seal):_ Party B (Seal):_Date of Signing: _Place:_Article 2:中文版:动漫会展合同范本二合同编号:XXXXXX甲方(参展单位):_地址:_联系电话:_传真:_邮箱:_法定代表人:_身份证号:_乙方(展览会主办方):_地址:_联系电话:_传真:_邮箱:_法定

13、代表人:_身份证号:_鉴于,乙方拟于_年_月_日至_年_月_日在_举办动漫会展活动,甲方申请参展并与乙方签订本合同。双方经友好协商,达成如下协议:第一条 展位租赁1.1 甲方同意向乙方租用展位(展位号:_)进行展示活动。1.2 展位租金为人民币_元整,甲方应于签订本合同之日起三个工作日内支付展位租金。1.3 甲方应在规定时间内搭建展位,展示动漫产品,并妥善保管自身财产。第二条 安全保障2.1 乙方应负责现场安全保障工作,保障展示活动的顺利进行。2.2 甲方应遵守现场秩序规定,不得私自移动、损坏展位及设备。2.3 如发现其他参展单位或观众有不良行为,应及时向乙方报告并得到及时处理。第三条 宣传推

14、广3.1 乙方有权宣传甲方参展的动漫产品,并在展期内进行相关推广。3.2 甲方应积极配合乙方的宣传工作,提供相关资料和宣传品。3.3 甲方的宣传品和活动内容应遵循乙方的规定,不得违法违规。第四条 结算方式4.1 展位租金支付后,乙方将开具正规发票并交付给甲方。4.2 如有特殊费用或额外服务,应另行协商确定,双方签署相关协议。第五条 违约责任5.1 任何一方违反本合同约定,应当承担相应的法律责任。5.2 如因不可抗力导致无法履行合同,双方可协商解除合同,但应提前书面通知对方。第六条 法律适用6.1 本合同适用中华人民共和国法律,双方如发生争议应友好协商解决,协商不成的,提交有管辖权的人民法院管辖

15、。甲方(盖章):_ 乙方(盖章):_签订日期:_地点:_英文版:Sample Anime Exhibition Contract 2Contract No.: XXXXXXParty A (Exhibitor): _Address: _Tel: _Fax: _Email: _Legal Representative: _ID No.: _Party B (Organizer of the Exhibition): _Address: _Tel: _Fax: _Email: _Legal Representative: _ID No.: _Whereas, Party B intends to

16、hold an anime exhibition from _ to _ at _, and Party A applies to participate in the exhibition and sign this contract with Party B. After friendly negotiations, the following agreement is reached:Article 1 Booth Rental1.1 Party A agrees to rent a booth (Booth No.: _) from Party B for exhibiting act

17、ivities.1.2 The booth rental fee is RMB _ in total, and Party A shall pay the booth rental fee within three working days from the date of signing this contract.1.3 Party A shall set up the booth within the specified time, exhibit anime products, and properly keep its property secure.Article 2 Safety

18、 Assurance2.1 Party B shall be responsible for on-site safety assurance to ensure the smooth progress of the exhibition activities.2.2 Party A shall abide by the rules on-site and not move or damage booths and equipment without authorization.2.3 If any improper behavior by other exhibitors or audien

19、ce is found, it shall be promptly reported to Party B for timely handling.Article 3 Promotion and Advertising3.1 Party B has the right to promote the anime products exhibited by Party A and conduct relevant promotion during the exhibition.3.2 Party A shall actively cooperate with Party B in its prom

20、otional activities, provide relevant materials and promotional items.3.3 The promotional materials and activities of Party A shall comply with the regulations of Party B and shall not violate any laws or rules.Article 4 Payment Method4.1 Upon payment of the booth rental fee, Party B shall issue a fo

21、rmal invoice to Party A.4.2 If there are additional fees or extra services, they shall be separately negotiated and agreed upon, and a relevant agreement shall be signed by both parties.Article 5 Breach of Contract Liability5.1 Any party that breaches the terms of this contract shall bear the corres

22、ponding legal responsibilities.5.2 If the contract cannot be fulfilled due to force majeure, both parties may negotiate to terminate the contract but shall provide written notice to the other party in advance.Article 6 Governing Law6.1 This contract shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Repub

23、lic of China. In case of any disputes, the parties shall endeavor to resolve them amicably through negotiations. If negotiations fail, the dispute shall be submitted to the competent Peoples Court for adjudication.Party A (Seal):_ Party B (Seal):_Date of Signing: _Place:_Article 3:中文版:动漫会展合同范本三合同编号:

24、XXXXXX甲方(参展方):_地址:_联系电话:_传真:_邮箱:_法定代表人:_身份证号:_乙方(展览主办方):_地址:_联系电话:_传真:_邮箱:_法定代表人:_身份证号:_鉴于,乙方拟于_年_月_日至_年_月_日在_举办动漫会展活动,甲方申请参展并与乙方签订本合同。双方经友好协商,达成如下协议:第一条 展位租赁1.1 甲方同意向乙方租用展位(展位号:_)进行展示活动。1.2 展位租金为人民币_元整,甲方应于签订本合同之日起三个工作日内支付展位租金。1.3 甲方应在规定时间内搭建展位,展示动漫产品,并妥善保管自身财产。第二条 宣传推广2.1 乙方有权宣传甲方参展的动漫产品,并在展期内进行相关推广。2.2 甲方应积极配合乙方的宣传工作,提供相关资料和宣传品。2.3 甲方的宣传品和活动内容应遵循乙方的规定,不得违法违规。第三条 结算方式3.1 展位租金支付后,乙方将开具正规发票并交付给甲方。3.2 如有特殊费用或额外服务,应另行协商确定,双方签署相关协议。第四条 违约责任4.1 任何一方违反本合同约定,应当承担相应的法律责任。4.2 如因不可抗力导致无法履行合同,双方可协商解除合同,但应提前书面通知对方。第五条 法律适用5.1 本合同适用中华人民共和国法律,双方如发生争议应友好协商解决,协商不成的,提交有管辖权的人


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