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1、装修设计服务合同协议书范本七篇*合同协议书范本一: 装修设计服务合同*中文版*甲方:(委托方)乙方:(设计方)鉴于甲方有装修需求,希望乙方提供设计服务,双方经友好协商,达成如下协议:一、设计内容及要求1. 乙方应根据甲方提供的装修需求和要求,设计合理、美观的装修方案,确保设计方案满足甲方的需求。2. 设计方案包括平面设计、立面设计、颜色搭配等内容,乙方应提供详细的设计方案图纸和说明。二、设计费用及支付方式1. 设计费用总额为(具体金额),甲方应在签订合同时支付设计定金(具体金额),余款在设计完成后一次性支付。2. 设计费用不包括后续施工监理费用,如甲方需要乙方提供监理服务,另行协商。三、设计修

2、改1. 若甲方对初步设计方案有修改意见,应在书面通知乙方后3个工作日内提出,乙方将根据甲方的要求进行修改,但变更修改可能会影响工期和费用。2. 设计修改次数不得超过3次,超过次数的修改将按照另行商定的费用标准收取额外费用。四、设计方案的保密1. 乙方应对甲方提供的装修需求和相关信息严格保密,未经甲方授权不得泄露给任何第三方。2. 设计方案的知识产权归属于乙方,甲方有权使用设计方案进行装修,但未经乙方授权不得作为商业用途。五、违约责任1. 若因乙方原因导致无法按期完成设计工作,乙方应承担相应责任并取消相应费用。2. 若因甲方原因导致设计工作难以进行,甲方应承担相应责任并支付相应费用。六、争议解决

3、本合同项下如有争议,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,提交当地法院解决。七、其他事项双方如有其他约定,请在本合同附表中详细列明。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签订日期: *英文版*Party A: (Client)Party B: (Designer)Whereas Party A has the need for renovation and requires Party B to provide design services, the two parties have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiation:

4、I. Design Content and Requirements1. Party B should design a reasonable and beautiful renovation plan based on the renovation needs and requirements provided by Party A, ensuring that the design meets Party As needs.2. The design plan includes floor plans, elevations, color schemes, etc. Party B sho

5、uld provide detailed design drawings and explanations.II. Design Fee and Payment Method1. The total design fee is (specific amount). Party A should pay a design deposit of (specific amount) when signing the contract, and the balance should be paid in full upon completion of the design.2. The design

6、fee does not include subsequent construction supervision fees. If Party A requires Party B to provide supervision services, it should be negotiated separately.III. Design Modifications1. If Party A has modification suggestions for the initial design, it should be submitted to Party B in writing with

7、in 3 working days. Party B will make modifications according to Party As requirements, but changes may affect the schedule and cost.2. The number of design modifications should not exceed 3 times. Additional modifications beyond this limit will incur extra charges based on agreed fee standards.IV. C

8、onfidentiality of Design Plans1. Party B should strictly keep confidential the renovation needs and related information provided by Party A, and should not disclose it to any third party without Party As authorization.2. The intellectual property rights of the design plans belong to Party B. Party A

9、 has the right to use the design plans for renovation purposes, but cannot use them for commercial purposes without Party Bs authorization.V. Breach of Contract Liability1. If Party B fails to complete the design work on time due to its own reasons, it should bear corresponding responsibilities and

10、cancel the related fees.2. If the design work is difficult to proceed due to Party As reasons, Party A should bear corresponding responsibilities and pay the related fees.VI. Dispute ResolutionIn case of any disputes under this contract, the two parties should resolve them through friendly negotiati

11、on. If negotiation fails, the matter should be submitted to the local court for resolution.VII. Other MattersIf the two parties have any other agreements, please specify them in detail in the attached appendix of this contract.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date of Signing: *合同协议书范本二: 装修设计服务合同*中文版*甲

12、方:(业主)乙方:(设计公司)鉴于甲方拟进行装修设计,希望乙方提供专业的设计服务,双方达成如下合同:一、设计内容及要求1. 乙方应根据甲方的装修需求和预算,提供符合甲方要求的装修设计方案,确保设计内容合理、美观。2. 设计方案应包括平面布置、家具搭配、灯光设计等内容,并提供详细的施工图纸和材料清单。二、设计费用及支付方式1. 设计费用总额为(具体金额),甲方应在签订合同时支付50%的设计定金,余款在设计完成后支付。2. 设计费用不包括施工费用,如甲方需要乙方提供施工监理服务,应另行商议费用事宜。三、设计修改1. 如甲方对初步设计方案有修改意见,应在书面通知乙方后尽快提出,乙方将根据甲方要求进行

13、修改。2. 设计修改次数不得超过2次,超过次数的修改将额外收取设计费用。四、设计方案的使用权1. 设计方案的知识产权归乙方所有,甲方仅有装修使用权,未经乙方允许不得将设计方案用于其他用途。2. 乙方保证设计方案的独特性,不得将设计方案出售或转让。五、违约责任1. 若因乙方原因导致设计工作无法按期完成,乙方应承担相应责任,并全额退还已支付费用。2. 若因甲方原因导致设计工作无法继续,乙方有权终止合同并要求支付相应工作费用。六、争议解决本合同项下如有争议,双方应协商解决;协商不成的,提交当地仲裁机构解决。七、其他事项双方如需增加或修改合同内容,应在书面协商一致后签订补充协议。甲方(盖章): 乙方(

14、盖章):签订日期: *英文版*Party A: (Owner)Party B: (Design Company)Whereas Party A intends to carry out renovation design and requires professional design services from Party B, the two parties have reached the following contract:I. Design Content and Requirements1. Party B should provide renovation design pla

15、ns that meet Party As requirements and budget, ensuring that the design content is reasonable and appealing.2. The design plan should include layout, furniture arrangement, lighting design, etc., and provide detailed construction drawings and material lists.II. Design Fee and Payment Method1. The to

16、tal design fee is (specific amount). Party A should pay 50% of the design deposit when signing the contract, and the remaining balance should be paid upon completion of the design.2. The design fee does not include construction costs. If Party A requires Party B to provide construction supervision s

17、ervices, the fee should be negotiated separately.III. Design Modifications1. If Party A has modification suggestions for the initial design, it should be submitted to Party B in writing as soon as possible, and Party B will make modifications according to Party As requirements.2. The number of desig

18、n modifications should not exceed 2 times. Additional modifications beyond this limit will incur additional design fees.IV. Rights of Use of Design Plans1. The intellectual property rights of the design plans belong to Party B. Party A has the right to use the design plans for renovation purposes on

19、ly, and cannot use them for other purposes without Party Bs permission.2. Party B guarantees the uniqueness of the design plans and shall not sell or transfer the design plans.V. Breach of Contract Liability1. If Party B fails to complete the design work on time due to its own reasons, Party B shoul

20、d bear corresponding responsibilities and fully refund the fees paid.2. If Party A causes the design work to be unable to continue, Party B has the right to terminate the contract and request payment for the corresponding work fees.VI. Dispute ResolutionIn case of any disputes under this contract, t

21、he two parties should negotiate for a resolution. If negotiation fails, the matter should be submitted to the local arbitration institution for resolution.VII. Other MattersIf the two parties need to add or modify the contract content, they should sign a supplementary agreement after reaching writte

22、n agreement.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date of Signing: *合同协议书范本三: 装修设计服务合同*中文版*甲方:(业主)乙方:(设计公司)鉴于甲方拟进行装修设计,希望乙方提供专业的设计服务,双方达成如下合同:一、设计内容及要求1. 乙方应根据甲方的装修需求和风格喜好,提供多样化的装修设计方案供甲方选择;2. 设计方案应包括平面布置、家具选购建议、风格搭配等内容,并提供3D效果图供甲方参考。二、设计费用及支付方式1. 设计费用总额为(具体金额),甲方应在签订合同时支付40%的设计定金,余款在设计完成后一次性支付;2. 设计费用不包括后

23、续的施工费用,如甲方需要乙方提供施工监理服务,费用另行商议。三、设计修改1. 如甲方对初步设计方案有修改意见,应在书面通知乙方后尽快提出,乙方将根据甲方要求进行修改;2. 设计修改次数不设次数限制,但超过3次的设计修改将按照约定的费用标准收取额外费用。四、设计方案的使用权1. 设计方案的知识产权归乙方所有,甲方可以复制、使用设计方案,但不得用于商业用途;2. 乙方对设计方案的独立性负责,保证设计方案不会抄袭他人作品。五、违约责任1. 若因乙方原因导致无法按期完成设计工作,乙方应承担相应责任,并全额退还已支付费用;2. 若因甲方原因导致设计工作难以进行,乙方有权终止合同并要求支付相应工作费用。六

24、、争议解决本合同项下如有争议,双方应协商解决;协商不成的,提交当地仲裁机构解决。七、其他事项双方如需增加或修改合同内容,应在书面协商一致后签订补充协议。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签订日期: *英文版*Party A: (Owner)Party B: (Design Company)Whereas Party A intends to carry out renovation design and requires professional design services from Party B, the two parties have reached the following con

25、tract:I. Design Content and Requirements1. Party B should provide a variety of renovation design options based on Party As renovation needs and style preferences for Party A to choose from;2. The design plans should include layout, furniture selection recommendations, style coordination, etc., and p

26、rovide 3D renderings for Party As reference.II. Design Fee and Payment Method1. The total design fee is (specific amount). Party A should pay 40% of the design deposit when signing the contract, and the remaining balance should be paid in full upon completion of the design;2. The design fee does not

27、 include subsequent construction costs. If Party A requires Party B to provide construction supervision services, the fee should be negotiated separately.III. Design Modifications1. If Party A has modification suggestions for the initial design, it should be submitted to Party B in writing as soon a

28、s possible, and Party B will make modifications according to Party As requirements;2. There is no limit on the number of design modifications, but additional design modifications beyond 3 times will incur additional fees based on agreed fee standards.IV. Rights of Use of Design Plans1. The intellect

29、ual property rights of the design plans belong to Party B. Party A can copy and use the design plans, but cannot use them for commercial purposes;2. Party B is responsible for the independence of the design plans and guarantees that the design plans will not plagiarize others works.V. Breach of Cont

30、ract Liability1. If Party B fails to complete the design work on time due to its own reasons, Party B should bear corresponding responsibilities and fully refund the fees paid;2. If Party A causes difficulties in the design work, Party B has the right to terminate the contract and request payment fo

31、r the corresponding work fees.VI. Dispute ResolutionIn case of any disputes under this contract, the two parties should negotiate for a resolution. If negotiation fails, the matter should be submitted to the local arbitration institution for resolution.VII. Other MattersIf the two parties need to add or modify the contract content, they should sign a supplementary agreement after reaching written agreement.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date of Signing: *合同协议书范本四: 装修设计服务合同*中文版*甲方:(委托方)乙方:(


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