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1、2022年因为疫情出现下滑的中国内地奢侈品市场在2023年迎来复苏,但是现有经济环境和海外消费回暖减慢了复苏势头。疫情过后,中国内地奢侈品市场开始向正常增长模式过渡,但消费者信心恢复速度有多快?海外奢侈品消费能恢复多少?前进道路上依然存在着一些不确定因素。2023年中国奢侈品市场:复苏和过渡之年 本册著作权归贝恩公司所有。作者简介及致谢布鲁诺(Bruno Lannes)是贝恩公司消费品和零售业务资深全球合伙人,常驻上海。联系方式:.邢微微是贝恩公司消费品和零售业务全球合伙人,常驻香港。联系方式:.报告的作者特别感谢贝恩公司董事经理刘瑞楠和贝恩公司助理顾问邢开珺为本报告做出的贡献。rQwOqNn

2、PzQpMpPpNnOyRtMbRbP6MoMqQpNtPfQoOtRlOqQsM8OoPmMvPqNnPvPmMpN2023年中国奢侈品市场:复苏和过渡之年1摘要 2022年因为疫情出现下滑的中国内地奢侈品市场在2023年迎来复苏,预计将实现12%的同比增长,但整体规模仍稍逊色于2021年水平。长远来看,中国奢侈品消费的基本面依然强劲,但近期存在一些不确定因素。2024年中国内地奢侈品市场预计将取得中等个位数增长。2017至2021年,中国内地奢侈品市场在5年内增长两倍,但增长势头在2022年停止,市场销售额出现了两位数的下降。2022年12月初,社会和经济活动复苏,也带动中国内地奢侈品市场





7、两大指标缩水的潜在原因包括折扣力度减弱、代购活动减少以及消费者理性程度提高。?2021?CAGR182120182122 2223E1920212223E36%(11)%11%70%(29)%25%39%(13)%12%6%6%8%11%9%10%图4:随着国内旅游恢复以及海南省颁布措施刺激奢侈品消费,海南免税奢侈品销售额在2023年有所反弹2023年中国奢侈品市场:复苏和过渡之年5综上所述,虽然中国奢侈品市场在2023年实现了两位数的增长,但距离2021年的水准尚有一点距离,这主要是因为消费者信心减弱、整体经济复苏不如预期以及越来越多的内地消费者重新选择出国购买奢侈品。不同品牌之间增长势头差









16、的占比将提升至2426%。中国奢侈品市场将继续致力于打造一流的零售场所、出众的消费体验、成熟的客户服务、强大的活动策划和执行体系、多样化的数字环境,同时发展必要能力,培养关键人才,满足内地消费者不断提高的期望,为全球奢侈品行业树立标杆和典范。1 世界旅游业理事会;世邦魏理仕;携程2 招商银行2023中国私人财富报告Bold ideas.Bold teams.Extraordinary results.贝恩公司是一家全球性咨询公司,致力于帮助世界各地有雄心、以变革为导向的商业领袖共同定义未来 目前,贝恩公司在全球40个国家设有65个分公司,我们与客户并肩工作,拥有共同的目标:取得超越对手的非凡业

17、绩,重新定义客户所在的行业。凭借度身订制的整合性专业能力,配以精心打造的数字创新生态系统,我们为客户提供更好、更快和更持久的业绩结果。自1973年成立以来,我们根据客户的业绩来衡量自己的成功。我们在业内享有良好的客户拥护度。是什么使我们在竞争激烈的咨询行业中脱颖而出贝恩公司坚信管理咨询公司发挥的作用不应局限于提供建议方案的范畴。我们置身客户立场思考问题,专注于建议方案的落地。我们基于执行效果的收费模式有助于确保客户与贝恩的利益捆绑,通过与客户通力合作,以发掘客户的最大潜力。我们的战略落地/变革管理(Results Delivery)流程协助客户发展自身的能力,而我们的“真北”(True Nor

18、th)价值观指导我们始终致力于为我们的客户、员工和社会实现目标。贝恩公司大中华区20世纪90年代初,贝恩公司进入中国,是较早进入中国市场的全球咨询公司之一。目前在北京、上海和香港设有三个分公司,大中华区员工人数近400人。多年来,凭借对中国本地市场的了解和在全球其他地区积累的丰富经验,我们持续为不同行业的跨国公司和中国本土企业提供咨询服务,度身订制企业策略和解决方案。欲了解更多信息,请查询 或关注微信号:Chinas luxury market experienced a strong rebound in 2023 after a decline caused by Covid-19 in

19、2022.However,the recovery was tempered by the current economic climate and the re-start of overseas shopping.As the market transitions to a normalized post-Covid growth phase,uncertainties remain regarding the speed at which consumer confidence will resume and the extent to which luxury shopping wil

20、l return overseas.2023 China Luxury Goods Market:A Year of Recovery and TransitionCopyright 2023 Bain&Company,Inc.All rights reserved.Authors and acknowledgmentsBruno Lannes is a senior partner with Bain&Companys Consumer Products and Retail practices and is based in Shanghai.You can contact him at

21、.Weiwei Xing is a partner with Bain&Companys Consumer Products and Retail practices in Greater China and is based in Hong Kong.You can contact her at .The authors are grateful for all those who contributed to this report,especially Kate Liu,a senior manager in Bains Shanghai office,and Lucy Xing,an

22、associate consultant in Bains Beijing office.2023 China Luxury Goods Market:A Year of Recovery and Transition1At a GlanceIn 2023,Chinas luxury market saw a 12%yearly increase,recovering from the previous years decline due to Covid-19,but landing slightly below 2021s record levelWhile Chinas long-ter

23、m fundamentals for luxury consumption remain robust,there are near-term uncertainties.It is projected that Chinas luxury market will experience mid-single-digit growth in 2024Over the span of five years,from 2017 to 2021,Chinas luxury market tripled in size.However,the boom came to an end in 2022 du

24、e to the impact of Covid-19,resulting in a double-digit decline.The lifting of Covid restrictions in December 2022 paved the way for the resumption of social and economic activities in 2023.Consequently,the market witnessed a significant rebound,with an estimated year-on-year growth of 12%(see Figur

25、e 1).Source:Bain-Altagamma 2023 Worldwide Luxury Market Monitor;Bain analysisMainland China personal luxury market(B RMB)0100200300400500201112131415161718192023E2221CAGR202223E12%5%CAGR40%CAGR(1%)CAGRCOVID restrictions were lifted at the end of 2022,leading to social and economic activities resumpt

26、ion in 2023Chinas luxury market has not fully recovered to its 2021 level,primarily because of the current economic environment and overseas luxury shoppingThere are significant growth differences across brands:about half of the leading brands have recovered their 2021 sales levels,along with multip

27、le niche brands Figure 1:The Mainland China luxury market is to grow 12%in 2023,not fully back to 2021 level,be-cause of current economic environment and overseas luxury shopping2023 China Luxury Goods Market:A Year of Recovery and Transition2The year 2023 presented a stark contrast in performance,w

28、ith a strong rebound in the first half(H1)followed by a more subdued second half(H2)(see Figure 2).The robust performance in H1 can be attributed to the low base created by the lockdowns in the second quarter of 2022,which set the stage for a significant rebound.However,H2 witnessed weaker growth,pr

29、imarily driven by a decline in consumer sentiment and a high comparable base in the third quarter.It is expected that December will experience a strong rebound,as there was limited shopping activity in the previous December due to the lifting of restrictions.Source:Bain-Altagamma 2023 Worldwide Luxu

30、ry Market Monitor;Financial reports;Bain analysis Mainland China personal luxury market year-over-yeargrowth rate by quarter50%1015%2023 Q12023 Q22023 Q32023 Q43035%(5)(10)%1015%4030201001020A year of contrast Significant growth differences across brandsStrong H1 due to Covid-19 in 2022 Q2Weak H2 pa

31、rtly driven by deteriorated consumer sentiment and a high Q3Consumers stick to iconic brands and productsBrands with higher concentrations of VICs fared betterSome niche brands also achieved stellar performanceCost of doing business is increasing;the larger brands have greater capability and

32、 resourcesFigure 2:2023 was a year of contrast where H1 rebounded strongly especially in Q2 while H2 was much more muted2023 China Luxury Goods Market:A Year of Recovery and Transition3All categories within the luxury market in China experienced a rebound in 2023.The beauty category saw solid growth

33、 of approximately 8%,driven by strong momentum in fragrances and makeup(see Figure 3).Fashion and Lifestyle,Leather Goods,and Jewelry also rebounded nicely,with growth rates ranging from 10%to 20%.However,the Leather Goods category was slightly softer compared to other categories,as consumers focuse

34、d more on the lower-price bag segment.The Watches category saw the softest rebound,with growth rates ranging from 5%to 10%,driven by the polarization of brands.Source:Bain-Altagamma 2023 Worldwide Luxury Market Monitor;Financial reports;Bain analysis Mainland China personal luxury market year-over-y

35、ear growth by category202020212021202220222023E2025%4045%4550%5060%3035%510%1520%1015%1520%8%(6)%BeautyFashion andLifestyleLeatherGoodsJewelryWatches(15)(20)%(10)(15)%(10)(15)%(20)(25)%Beauty saw solid growth,driven by strong momentum in fragrances and makeupFashion and Lifestyle,Leather Goods and J

36、ewelry rebounded nicely,with Leather Goods slightly softer than other categories due to consumers focus on bags lower price segmentWatches saw the softest rebound with contrasted per-formance across brandsFigure 3:All luxury categories rebounded,Beauty,Fashion,Jewelry,and Leather Goods saw strong gr

37、owth,and Watches continues to lag other categories2023 China Luxury Goods Market:A Year of Recovery and Transition4In 2022,the concentration of Very Important Customers(VICs)increased as a result of reduced shopping mall traffic.However,in 2023,both VIC and non-VIC consumers saw a significant reboun

38、d in shopping mall traffic.While conversion and average spending for non-VIC consumers declined,VICs continued to exhibit strong performance in these metrics.Hainan duty-free sales declined by approximately 30%in 2022.In 2023,Hainans duty-free sales grew by about 25%,not back to its 2021 level(see F

39、igure 4).This rebound can be attributed to the return of many tourists,which was a direct result of the recovery in domestic travel and the stimulus measures implemented by the Hainan government.It is worth noting that although the traffic increased,the number of duty-free shoppers did not grow as s

40、ignificantly,indicating a reduced conversion rate.Additionally,the average spending per shopper decreased by more than 25%,likely due to lower discount levels,less Daigou activities,and an increased rationality among consumers.Source:Haikou Custom;Ministry of Culture and Tourism;Literature research;

41、Financial reports;Analyst reports;Bain analysisA strong rebound in tourists drove the rebound in sales,a direct result of domestic travel recovery and the Hainan governments stimulusConversion and aver-age spending de-creased vs.2021,both likely due to lower dis-count levels,less Daigou activities,a

42、nd increased rationality in consumptionMainland China personal luxury sales(B RMB)Hainan duty-free sales as share of total market:OthersHainan duty-free salesCAGR182120182122 2223E1920212223E36%(11)%11%70%(29)%25%39%(13)%12%6%6%8%11%9%10%Figure 4:Duty-free sales in Hainan rebounded in 2023,benefitin

43、g from domestic travel recovery,and Hainan governments stimulus2023 China Luxury Goods Market:A Year of Recovery and Transition5To summarize,Chinas luxury market has experienced a double-digit rebound although not yet back to the historical high of 2021.This can be attributed to factors such as low

44、consumer confidence,a slower-than-expected economic recovery,and Chinese consumers return to luxury shopping overseas.When examining the growth differences across brands,it becomes evident that about half of the leading brands,as well as several niche brands,have managed to recover their 2021 sales

45、levels.Several factors have contributed to the success of these brands:Brands with iconic offers over-performed those with seasonal offers as consumers value longer term investment in times of uncertainty.Brands with a higher concentration of Very Important Customers(VICs)have shown greater resilien

46、ce in the uncertain economic situation.Bigger brands tend to outperform smaller brands due to more resources and stronger capabilities.This scale advantage enables them to execute high-quality marketing events and provide exceptional in-store services.Niche brands that have consistently invested in

47、building brand desirability over multiple years have experienced success.This year,our research explores two significant trends and their impact on the luxury markets growth outlook.They are:i)luxury shopping overseas,and ii)the Daigou marketTrend 1:Luxury shopping overseasPrior to the Covid-19 pand

48、emic,approximately one-third of mainland Chinese luxury spending took place within mainland China,while the majority occurred outside mainland.However,due to closed borders,the ratio shifted dramatically to over 90%for both 2021 and 2022.As Chinese overseas tourism progressively resumed throughout t

49、he year,we estimated that in 2023 around 70%of mainland Chinese luxury spending happened within the mainland(see Figure 5).The recovery of Chinese tourists luxury spending in Europe and Asia has been significant.Mainland Chinese spending abroad in 2023 recovered to 40%of 2019 level in Europe and 65%

50、in Asia.This recovery can be attributed to a combination of increased traffic and higher average spending compared to pre-Covid levels.Various factors have contributed to this partial recovery,including increased traveling and lodging costs abroad.European tourism has seen a slower recovery,as many


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