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1、划分句子成分专题练习1.They are working on the farm now.2.Seeing is believing3.All of us like Kobe Bryant very much4.She became a doctor in 19985.The book lying on the floor are mine6.Suddenly it begins to rain7.To catch the train ,I got up early yesterday8.I always find her happy9.He wonders If I still study

2、English10.The letter which I received the day before yesterday was a friend of mine11.We always work hard at English.12.He said he didnt come.13.They love each other.14.What did you bye?15.She watched her daughter playing the piano.16.your job today is to help the old.17.Speaking doesnt mean doing.1

3、8.Bye the time I got to the station,the train had left.19.The children bought their parents a car for the 25th anniversary of their marriage.20.It takes me an hour to get there.答案:1They(主语) are working(系表结构做谓语) on the farm(地点状语) now(时间状语). 2.Seeing(动词ing做主语)is believing (复合谓语)3.All of us(主语) like (谓

4、语)Kobe Bryant (宾语)very much (程度副词状语)4.She(主语) became(谓语) a doctor (宾语)in 1998 (时间状语)5.The book(主语) lying on the floor(补语) are(谓语) mine (宾语)6.Suddenly (状语)it(形式主语) began to rain (谓语)7.To catch the train ,(目的状语)I(主语) got up (谓语)early yesterday (时间状语)8.I(主语) always find(谓语) her (宾语)happy (状语)9.He (主语)w

5、onders (谓语)if I (条件句中的主语)still study(条件句中的谓语) English (条件句中的宾语)整个条件句做主干的宾语10.The letter(主语) which I received the day before yesterday(定语从句) was(谓语) a friend of mine (宾语) 1.We always work hard at English。 主语 状语 谓语 状语 状语2. He said he didnt come. 主句主语 主句谓语 从句主语 从句谓语3.They love each other. 主 谓语 宾语4.What

6、 did you bye? 宾 助动词 主 谓5.She watched her daughter playing the piano. 主 谓 宾 宾语补足语6.your job today is to help the old. - 主 定语 系动词 表语7.Speaking doesnt mean doing. 主 谓 宾8.Bye the time I got to the station,the train had left. 时间状语从句 主句主语 主句谓语9.The children bought their parents a car for the 25th annivers

7、ary of 主语 谓语 间接宾语 直接宾语 状语their marriage.10.It takes me an hour to get there. 形式主语 谓语 宾语 真正主语正确 效率 整洁(一). 指出下列句中主语的中心词划分句子成分练习题(2) The teacher with two of his students is walking into the classroom. There is an old man coming here. The useful dictionary was given by my mother last year. To do todays

8、homework without the teachers help is very difficult.(二). 选出句中谓语的中心词 I dont like the picture on the wall.A. dont B. like C. picture D. wall The days get longer and longer when summer comes.A. get B. longer C. days D. summer Do you usually go to school by bus?A. Do B. usually C. go D. bus There will

9、be a meeting at the library this afternoon.A. will be B. meeting C. the library D. afternoon Did the twins have porridge for their breakfast?A. Did B. twins C. have D. breakfast Tom didnt do his homework yesterday.A. Tom B. didnt C. do D. his homework What I want to tell you is this.A. want B. to te

10、ll C. you D. is We had better send for a doctor.A. We B. had C. send D. doctor He is interested in music.A. is B. interested C. in D. music Whom did you give my book to?A. give B. did C. whom D. book(三) 挑出下列句中的宾语My brotherhasntdonehis homework.A B C DPeoplealloverthe worldspeakEnglish. A B C D You m

11、ust paygoodattentiontoyourpronunciation. A B C D How many newwordsdidyoulearnlast class? A B C D Some of thestudentsin the school wantto go swimming,howaboutyou? A B C D Theold mansittingat the gatesaidhe was ill. A B C DTheymadehimmonitorof the class.A B C D Goacrossthebridgeand youwill findthe mus

12、eumon the left. A B C D You will finditusefulafteryouleaveschool. A B C DTheydidnt knowwhoFatherChristmas really is.A B C D(四) 挑出下列句中的表语 The old manwasfeelingverytired. A B C D Why isheworriedaboutJim? A B C DTheleaveshaveturnedyellow. A B C D SoonTheyallbecame interestedin the subject. A B C D Shew

13、asthe firstto learnabout it. A B C D(五) 挑出下列句中的定语 TheyuseMr. Mrs. with thefamilyname. A B C DWhatisyourgivenname? A B C D On thethirdlapareClass 1 and Class 3. A B C D I amafraidsomepeopleforgotto sweepthe floor. A B C DThe mandownstairswastryingto sleep. A B C DIam waitingforthe soundof the other s

14、hoe! A B C D(六) 挑出下列句中的宾语补足语 Shelikesthe childrento read newspapers and booksin thereading-room. A B C D Heaskedherto take the boyout of school. A B C D Shefounditdifficultto do the work. A B C D TheycallmeLilysometimes. A B C DIsawMr. Wangget on the bus. A B C D Did you seeLi Mingplaying footballon

15、 the playgroundjust now? A B C D(七) 挑出下列句中的状语Therewasa big smileon her face. A B C DEvery nightheheardthe noiseupstairs. A B C D Hebeganto learnEnglishwhen he was eleven. A B C DThe manon the motorbikewas travellingto fast. A B C DWith the medicine box under her arm,MissLihurried off. A B C DShelove

16、sthe librarybecause she loves books. A B C DIamafraidthatif youve lost it,you must pay for it. A B C DThe studentsfollowedUncle Wangto see the other machine.A B C D(八) 划出句中的直接宾语和间接宾语 Please tell us a story. My father bought a new bike for me last week. Mr. Li is going to teach us history next term.

17、Here is a pen. Give it to Tom. Did he leave any message for me?答案(一) teacher man dictionary To do(二) B A C A C C D C A A(三) D D B A B D C D A D(四) D B D C B(五) C C A B B D(六) C C C C D B(七) D A D D A D C D(八) us, 间接宾语 a story, 直接宾语 me, 间接宾语 a new bike, 直接宾语 us, 间接宾语 history, 直接宾语 Tom, 间接宾语 it, 直接宾语 me, 间接宾语 message, 直接宾语


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