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1、物业管理合作协议书范本三篇*物业管理合作协议书范本一*中文*物业管理合作协议书甲方:_物业管理公司乙方:_业主委员会根据物权法、合同法及其他相关法律法规规定,为保障双方权益,共同维护小区和谐稳定秩序,甲、乙双方经友好协商,达成如下协议:一、合作内容1. 甲方为乙方所在小区进行物业管理服务,包括但不限于保洁、绿化、安保、维修等工作。2. 乙方对甲方提供的管理服务进行监督和评价,及时反馈问题和意见。二、合作期限本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,期限为_年,到期后双方可续签协议或协商解除。三、权利和义务1. 甲方有义务按照合同约定提供优质、高效的管理服务,保障小区居民的生活安全和舒适。2. 乙方有权要

2、求甲方提供服务、投诉解决等,同时也有义务配合和支持甲方的管理工作。四、费用标准1. 物业管理费用按照实际管理服务情况确定,双方协商一致后确定具体金额,并于每月_号前支付。2. 如因乙方违约导致额外费用产生,乙方应承担相应责任。五、违约责任1. 若一方违约,另一方有权要求违约方赔偿损失,并视情况解除合作协议。2. 双方如因不可抗力因素无法履行合作协议,应及时通知对方并协商解决。六、争议处理凡因本协议引起任何争议或纠纷,双方应友好协商解决,如协商不成则提交_仲裁机构解决。甲方(物业管理公司):_乙方(业主委员会):_签署日期:年 月 日*英文*Property Management Coopera

3、tion AgreementParty A: _ Property Management CompanyParty B: _ Homeowners CommitteeIn accordance with the Property Law, Contract Law and other related laws and regulations, to safeguard the rights and interests of both parties, jointly maintain the harmonious and stable order of the community, Party

4、 A and Party B have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiation:I. Scope of Cooperation1. Party A shall provide property management services for the community where Party B is located, including but not limited to cleaning, landscaping, security, maintenance, etc.2. Party B shall su

5、pervise and evaluate the management services provided by Party A, provide timely feedback on issues and opinions.II. Term of CooperationThis agreement shall come into effect from the date of signing and sealing by both parties and shall be valid for _ years. Upon expiry, both parties may renew the a

6、greement or negotiate for termination.III. Rights and Obligations1. Party A is obligated to provide high-quality and efficient management services as stipulated in the contract, ensuring the safety and comfort of residents in the community.2. Party B has the right to demand services from Party A, ad

7、dress complaints, and also has the obligation to cooperate with and support Party As management work.IV. Fee Structure1. The property management fee shall be determined based on the actual management service situation. After mutual agreement, the specific amount shall be determined and paid before t

8、he _ day of each month.2. If additional costs are incurred due to Party Bs breach, Party B shall bear the corresponding responsibility.V. Breach of Contract1. In case of breach by either party, the other party has the right to claim compensation for losses and may terminate the cooperation agreement

9、 depending on the circumstances.2. If both parties are unable to perform the cooperation agreement due to force majeure factors, they shall promptly notify each other and negotiate for a solution.VI. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes or controversies arising from this agreement shall be resolved throug

10、h amicable negotiation between the parties. If negotiation fails, the matter shall be referred to _ arbitration institution for resolution.Party A (Property Management Company): _Party B (Homeowners Committee): _Date of Signing: Year Month Day-*物业管理合作协议书范本二*中文*物业管理合作协议书甲方:_物业管理服务有限公司乙方:_业主委员会鉴于甲方具有相

11、关物业管理经验和资源,乙方需委托甲方进行小区管理,为双方共同利益,特订立本协议:一、委托服务范围1. 甲方将为乙方所在小区提供全面的物业管理服务,包括但不限于保洁、维修、安全监控等。2. 乙方需配合甲方做好管理工作,保持小区环境卫生和安全。二、服务期限本协议自_年_月_日起生效,期限为_年,到期后如双方需继续合作,可协商续签。三、费用支付1. 乙方应按照约定标准支付物业管理费用,具体金额根据实际服务情况确定。2. 甲方应及时开具发票,并在约定时间内向乙方提供服务。四、保密义务双方应保守本协议约定内容,对于获知的相关信息应保密,禁止向第三方泄露。五、违约责任如一方违反本协议,应当承担相应违约责任

12、,并赔偿对方因此造成的损失。六、争议解决双方如因执行本协议发生争议,应首先通过友好协商解决;如协商不成,可向有关部门申请调解或解决。本协议一式两份,自双方签字并加盖公章生效。甲方:_物业管理服务有限公司乙方:_业主委员会签署日期:年 月 日*英文*Property Management Cooperation AgreementParty A: _ Property Management Services Co., Ltd.Party B: _ Homeowners CommitteeIn view of the property management expertise and resour

13、ces of Party A and the need of Party B to entrust Party A with the management of the community, for the mutual benefit of both parties, this agreement is hereby entered into:I. Scope of Entrusted Services1. Party A shall provide comprehensive property management services for the community where Part

14、y B is located, including but not limited to cleaning, maintenance, security monitoring, etc.2. Party B shall cooperate with Party A to carry out management work and maintain the cleanliness and safety of the community.II. Service TermThis agreement shall come into effect from _, with a term of _ ye

15、ars. Upon expiry, if both parties wish to continue cooperation, they may negotiate for renewal.III. Fee Payment1. Party B shall pay the property management fee at the agreed standard, with the specific amount determined based on the actual service situation.2. Party A shall issue invoices promptly a

16、nd provide services to Party B within the agreed timeframe.IV. Confidentiality ObligationBoth parties shall maintain the confidentiality of the contents of this agreement and shall not disclose related information to third parties.V. Breach of Contract LiabilityIn case of breach by either party, the

17、 breaching party shall be held responsible for the breach and compensate the other party for any resulting losses.VI. Dispute ResolutionIn the event of a dispute arising from the implementation of this agreement, the parties shall first attempt to resolve it through amicable negotiation. If negotiat

18、ion fails, they may seek mediation or resolution through relevant authorities.This agreement is made in duplicate and shall come into effect upon signing by both parties and affixing of official seals.Party A: _ Property Management Services Co., Ltd.Party B: _ Homeowners CommitteeDate of Signing: Ye

19、ar Month Day-*物业管理合作协议书范本三*中文*物业管理合作协议书甲方:_物业管理服务中心乙方:_业主代表委员会鉴于乙方需委托甲方进行小区物业管理,确保小区环境整洁和安全,双方经过友好协商,达成如下协议:一、服务内容1. 甲方应为乙方所在小区提供全面的物业管理服务,包括日常保洁、绿化养护、设施维护等工作。2. 乙方应支持和配合甲方的管理工作,及时反馈问题和建议。二、服务期限本协议自签署之日起生效,期限为_年,到期后可协商续签。三、费用支付1. 乙方应按时支付物业管理费用,具体金额由双方协商确定,并应提供合法发票。2. 如因乙方原因导致额外费用发生,乙方应承担相应责任。四、保密义务双

20、方应保密协议内容及相关信息,不得擅自泄露给第三方。五、解决争议双方如发生争议,应通过友好协商解决,如协商不成,可向有关部门申请调解或解决。六、其他约定本协议解释权归甲方所有,与其他协议或口头协议相抵触的,以本协议为准。甲方(物业管理服务中心):_乙方(业主代表委员会):_签署日期:年 月 日*英文*Property Management Cooperation AgreementParty A: _ Property Management Service CenterParty B: _ Homeowners Representatives CommitteeIn view of the ne

21、ed of Party B to entrust Party A with the management of the community to ensure the cleanliness and safety of the community environment, both parties have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiation:I. Scope of Services1. Party A shall provide comprehensive property management servi

22、ces for the community where Party B is located, including daily cleaning, landscaping maintenance, facility maintenance, etc.2. Party B shall support and cooperate with Party As management work, provide timely feedback on issues and suggestions.II. Service TermThis agreement shall come into effect f

23、rom the date of signing and shall be valid for _ years. Upon expiry, it may be renewed through negotiation.III. Fee Payment1. Party B shall pay the property management fee on time, with the specific amount to be determined by mutual agreement, and shall provide legal invoices.2. If additional costs

24、are incurred due to Party Bs reasons, Party B shall bear the corresponding responsibility.IV. Confidentiality ObligationBoth parties shall maintain the confidentiality of the agreement contents and related information and shall not disclose them to third parties without authorization.V. Dispute Reso

25、lutionIn the event of a dispute between the parties, they shall attempt to resolve it through amicable negotiation. If negotiation fails, they may seek mediation or resolution through relevant authorities.VI. Other AgreementsThe interpretation of this agreement belongs to Party A. In case of conflic

26、t with other agreements or verbal agreements, this agreement shall prevail.Party A (Property Management Service Center): _Party B (Homeowners Representatives Committee): _Date of Signing: Year Month Day通过以上三份物业管理合作协议书的范本,我们可以清晰地了解合作双方的权利和义务,以及协议内容和条款的具体规定。在实际合作中,双方应遵守协议约定,共同努力,以实现小区管理工作的良性发展和生活环境的提升。愿双方合作愉快,共同打造美好的居住社区!


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