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1、劳务派遣合同协议书范本六篇1. 劳务派遣合同协议书范本中文版:劳务派遣合同协议书甲方:(雇主单位名称)地址:法定代表人:联系方式:乙方:(派遣单位名称)地址:法定代表人:联系方式:鉴于甲方因业务需求,需要聘用乙方提供的劳务派遣服务,为明确双方权利义务,特就相关事宜订立本合同。一、劳务派遣内容:乙方同意为甲方提供劳务派遣服务,包括但不限于派遣员工(具体岗位及数量另行约定)、制定工作计划、培训员工等。二、薪酬支付:甲方按照本合同约定支付劳务派遣费用,具体支付方式为(月/季/年)结算,支付周期为每月(具体时间)支付一次。三、劳务派遣期限:本合同自(起始日期)起生效,至(终止日期)终止。期满后,可双方

2、协商续签。四、保密条款:双方同意对于因工作内容而获取的机密信息进行保密,未经对方书面同意,不得擅自披露或泄露。五、违约责任:若一方违反本合同约定,应承担相应的违约责任,并赔偿因此造成的损失。六、其他事项:本合同未尽事宜,双方可协商解决,如有争议,应提交相关法院解决。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签订日期: 签订日期:英文版:Contract Agreement for Labor DispatchParty A: (Employers name)Address:Legal representative:Contact information:Party B: (Dispatching enti

3、tys name)Address:Legal representative:Contact information:Whereas Party A requires labor dispatching services from Party B due to business needs, in order to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties, this contract is hereby entered into for the relevant matters.1. Labor dispatching content

4、: Party B agrees to provide labor dispatching services to Party A, including but not limited to dispatching employees (specific positions and quantities to be agreed separately), developing work plans, and training employees.2. Payment of compensation: Party A shall pay the labor dispatching fee as

5、agreed in this contract. The specific payment method shall be settled on a (monthly/quarterly/annual) basis, with payments made on a monthly basis on (specific date).3. Labor dispatching period: This contract shall take effect from (start date) and expire on (end date). Upon expiration, it may be re

6、newed subject to mutual agreement.4. Confidentiality clause: Both parties agree to keep confidential any proprietary information obtained as part of their work responsibilities, and shall not disclose or divulge such information without written consent from the other party.5. Liability for breach: I

7、f either party breaches the terms of this contract, they shall bear the corresponding liability for breach and compensate for any losses incurred as a result.6. Other matters: Any matters not covered in this contract shall be resolved through mutual agreement. In the event of a dispute, it shall be

8、submitted to the relevant court for resolution.Party A (seal): Party B (seal):Date of signing: Date of signing:2. 劳务派遣合同协议书范本中文版:劳务派遣合同协议书甲方:(雇主单位名称)地址:法定代表人:联系方式:乙方:(派遣单位名称)地址:法定代表人:联系方式:鉴于甲方需求,甲方同意聘用乙方派遣员工工作,特订立本合同。一、派遣人员:乙方同意派遣员工(姓名、性别、身份证号码等信息)到甲方单位工作,工作内容为(具体工作内容),工作地点为(工作地点)。二、薪酬支付:甲方应按时支付乙方派遣

9、员工的工资和福利待遇,具体支付标准和方式另行约定。三、工作保障:甲方应提供良好的工作环境和必要的工作保障措施,确保派遣员工的劳动权益。四、劳务纠纷:如在工作过程中发生纠纷,应及时协商解决;如无法协商的,可申请劳动仲裁或通过法律途径解决。五、终止合同:本合同的解除、终止等事宜,应双方协商一致,如有争议,应向相关部门申请调解或仲裁。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签订日期: 签订日期:英文版:Contract Agreement for Labor DispatchParty A: (Employers name)Address:Legal representative:Contact inform

10、ation:Party B: (Dispatching entitys name)Address:Legal representative:Contact information:Whereas Party A requires employees and agrees to employ the dispatched employees from Party B, this contract is entered into.1. Dispatched personnel: Party B agrees to dispatch employees (name, gender, ID numbe

11、r, etc.) to work at Party As premises. The work shall involve (specific job responsibilities), and be performed at (work location).2. Payment of compensation: Party A shall timely pay the wages and benefits of the employees dispatched by Party B, with specific payment standards and methods to be agr

12、eed separately.3. Work protection: Party A shall provide a good working environment and necessary work protection measures to ensure the labor rights and interests of the dispatched employees.4. Labor disputes: In the event of disputes during work, parties shall promptly negotiate for resolution. If

13、 negotiation fails, labor arbitration or legal means may be pursued for resolution.5. Termination of contract: Matters related to the termination of this contract shall be agreed upon by both parties. In case of disputes, mediation or arbitration may be sought through the relevant authorities.Party

14、A (seal): Party B (seal):Date of signing: Date of signing:3. 劳务派遣合同协议书范本中文版:劳务派遣合同协议书甲方:(雇主单位名称)地址:法定代表人:联系方式:乙方:(派遣单位名称)地址:法定代表人:联系方式:鉴于甲方有派遣需求,甲方同意聘用乙方提供的劳务派遣服务,为此,特订立本合同。一、派遣员工:乙方同意派遣员工到甲方单位工作,具体人员及具体工作岗位双方另行约定,工作期限自(起始日期)起,至(终止日期)止。二、薪酬及福利待遇:甲方应按照本合同的约定,及时支付派遣员工的工资和福利待遇,包括但不限于基本工资、加班费、社会保险等。三、工作

15、内容及要求:派遣员工应严格遵守甲方的相关规章制度,完成工作任务,并服从甲方的安排和管理。四、保密责任:派遣员工对于在工作过程中获悉的机密信息应保密,未经甲方同意不得泄露,违反者将承担相应法律责任。五、违约责任:如因一方违约造成损失,应承担相应的法律责任,并进行赔偿。如有争议,可通过协商、仲裁等方式解决。丙方(甲乙双方共同代表): 丁方(盖章):签订日期: 签订日期:英文版:Contract Agreement for Labor DispatchParty A: (Employers name)Address:Legal representative:Contact information:P

16、arty B: (Dispatching entitys name)Address:Legal representative:Contact information:Whereas Party A has a need for labor dispatching services and agrees to hire the services provided by Party B, this contract is hereby entered into.1. Dispatched employees: Party B agrees to dispatch employees to work

17、 at Party As premises. Specific personnel and job positions shall be agreed separately by both parties, with the work period starting from (start date) to (end date).2. Compensation and benefits: Party A shall timely pay the wages and benefits of the dispatched employees in accordance with the terms

18、 of this contract, including but not limited to basic salary, overtime pay, and social insurance.3. Job content and requirements: Dispatched employees are required to strictly abide by Party As rules and regulations, complete work tasks, and comply with Party As arrangements and management.4. Confid

19、entiality responsibility: Dispatched employees are obligated to keep confidential any proprietary information obtained during work and shall not disclose it without Party As consent. Violators shall bear legal responsibilities.5. Liability for breach: If either party breaches the contract and causes

20、 losses, they shall bear corresponding legal liabilities and provide compensations. Disputes may be resolved through negotiation, arbitration, or other means.Party C (representative of both parties A and B): Party D (seal):Date of signing: Date of signing:4. 劳务派遣合同协议书范本中文版:劳务派遣合同协议书甲方:(雇主单位名称)地址:法定代


22、失。六、其他事项:本合同未尽事宜,可由双方协商解决,如有争议,提交相关仲裁机构处理。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签订日期: 签订日期:英文版:Contract Agreement for Labor DispatchParty A: (Employers name)Address:Legal representative:Contact information:Party B: (Dispatching entitys name)Address:Legal representative:Contact information:Whereas Party A has a labor deman

23、d, this labor dispatch contract is signed after negotiation and agreement by both parties A and B.1. Dispatched personnel: Party B agrees to dispatch (number) employees to work at Party As premises. The work shall involve (specific job responsibilities), and be performed at (work location).2. Salary

24、 payment: Party A shall timely pay the wages of the employees dispatched by Party B, including basic salary, performance bonuses, etc., with payment method agreed separately.3. Job requirements: Dispatched employees shall comply with Party As management, follow Party As arrangements, complete work t

25、asks on time, and adhere to Party As rules and regulations.4. Labor protection: Party A shall provide a good working environment and necessary labor protection measures for the dispatched employees to ensure their safety and welfare during work.5. Liability for breach: If either party breaches the c

26、ontract, they shall bear legal responsibilities and compensate for any economic losses incurred as a result.6. Other matters: Any matters not covered in this contract may be resolved through negotiation between both parties. In case of disputes, they shall be submitted to the relevant arbitration in

27、stitution for resolution.Party A (seal): Party B (seal):Date of signing: Date of signing:5. 劳务派遣合同协议书范本中文版:劳务派遣合同协议书甲方:(雇主单位名称)地址:法定代表人:联系方式:乙方:(派遣单位名称)地址:法定代表人:联系方式:鉴于甲方因业务需要,需要聘用乙方提供的劳务派遣服务,特订立本合同。一、劳务派遣内容:乙方同意向甲方派遣员工,具体人员及工作岗位双方另行约定,派遣期限从(起始日期)起至(终止日期)终止。二、薪酬支付:甲方应按照本合同约定支付派遣员工工资,包括基本工资、加班费等,支付方式另行约定,支付周期为每月(具体时间)支付一次。三、劳务派遣管理:派遣员工应服从甲方的工作管理,听从甲方的工作安排,完成工作任务,并遵守甲方的规章制度。四、双方权利义务:双方均应遵守合同约定,如有争议应及时协商解决,共同营造良好的工作环境。五、保密责任:派遣员工应对在工作中获取的商业秘密等保密信息进行保密,未经甲方同意不得泄露。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签订日期:


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