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1、专利许可协议书范本四篇篇一:专利许可协议书范本中文:专利许可协议书甲方:_公司地址: _,邮编: _法定代表人: _联系方式: _乙方:_公司地址: _,邮编: _法定代表人: _联系方式: _鉴于:甲方拥有_专利权;乙方希望获得该专利的使用权;双方经友好协商,达成以下协议:第一条:授权范围甲方同意向乙方独家授权在_领域内以_专利为基础生产、销售相关产品。第二条:使用费用1. 乙方应按照实际生产数量支付给甲方使用费用,使用费用标准为_元/件。2. 使用费用应在每季度的10日前一次性支付,逾期支付的,乙方需承担违约金。3. 本授权期限为_年,届满后可续签。第三条:保密条款双方应对协议内容及专利技

2、术保密,未经对方书面同意,不得向第三方透露。第四条:违约责任1. 任何一方违反本协议约定,均应承担相应的违约责任。2. 如因提前终止本协议,乙方已支付的使用费用不予退还。第五条:适用法律本协议受中华人民共和国法律管辖,如发生争议,应提交_仲裁委员会仲裁,并受仲裁裁决。甲方(盖章):_ 公司签字: _ 日期: _乙方(盖章):_ 公司签字: _ 日期: _英文:Patent License AgreementParty A: _ CompanyAddress: _, Postal Code: _Legal Representative: _Contact: _Party B: _ Company

3、Address: _, Postal Code: _Legal Representative: _Contact: _Whereas: Party A owns the patent right of_; Party B wishes to obtain the right to use the patent; after friendly negotiations, the two parties reached the following agreement:Article 1: Scope of LicenseParty A agrees to grant Party B the exc

4、lusive license to manufacture and sell related products based on the patent _ in the field of _.Article 2: License Fee1. Party B shall pay the license fee to Party A based on the actual production quantity, with the fee standard of _ yuan per unit.2. The license fee shall be paid in full before the

5、10th of each quarter. In case of overdue payment, Party B shall bear a penalty.3. The term of this license is _ years, and it can be renewed upon expiration.Article 3: ConfidentialityBoth parties shall keep confidential the content of this agreement and the patent technology. Without the written con

6、sent of the other party, no disclosure to a third party shall be made.Article 4: Breach of Contract1. Either party shall bear corresponding liability for breach of this agreement.2. In case of early termination of this agreement, the license fee already paid by Party B shall not be refunded.Article

7、5: Applicable LawThis agreement is governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China. In the event of a dispute, it shall be submitted to the _ Arbitration Commission for arbitration and shall be binding on both sides.Party A (Seal): _ CompanySignature: _ Date: _Party B (Seal): _ CompanySignatur

8、e: _ Date: _篇二:专利许可协议书范本中文:专利许可协议书甲方:_有限公司地址: _,邮编: _法定代表人: _联系方式: _乙方:_有限公司地址: _,邮编: _法定代表人: _联系方式: _鉴于:甲方拥有_专利权;乙方希望获得该专利的使用权;经协商,双方达成如下协议:第一条:授权范围甲方同意授权乙方在_领域内使用_专利进行生产和销售。第二条:使用费用1. 乙方应按照实际使用情况向甲方支付相应的专利使用费,费用标准为_元/年。2. 使用费用应当在每年的_日前一次性支付。3. 本协议自双方签署之日起生效,有效期为_年。第三条:技术支持甲方应向乙方提供技术支持,协助乙方合理使用专利技术

9、。第四条:知识产权保护双方应共同维护该专利的知识产权,任何一方不得擅自侵犯对方的知识产权。第五条:争议解决双方如有争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,提交_仲裁委员会仲裁。甲方(盖章):_有限公司签字: _ 日期: _乙方(盖章):_有限公司签字: _ 日期: _英文:Patent License AgreementParty A: _ Co., Ltd.Address: _, Postal Code: _Legal Representative: _Contact: _Party B: _ Co., Ltd.Address: _, Postal Code: _Legal Represent

10、ative: _Contact: _Whereas: Party A owns the patent right of _; Party B wishes to obtain the right to use the patent; after negotiation, the two parties reached the following agreement:Article 1: Scope of LicenseParty A agrees to grant Party B the right to use the patent _ for production and sales in

11、 the field of _.Article 2: License Fee1. Party B shall pay the corresponding patent license fee to Party A based on the actual usage, with a fee standard of _ yuan per year.2. The license fee shall be paid in full before the _ day of each year.3. This agreement shall take effect from the date of sig

12、nature by both parties and shall be valid for _ years.Article 3: Technical SupportParty A shall provide technical support to Party B, assisting Party B in the reasonable use of the patent technology.Article 4: Protection of Intellectual Property RightsBoth parties shall jointly protect the intellect

13、ual property rights of the patent, and neither party shall infringe upon the other partys intellectual property rights.Article 5: Dispute ResolutionIn the event of a dispute, the parties shall seek to resolve it through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, the dispute shall be submitted to th

14、e _ Arbitration Commission for arbitration.Party A (Seal): _ Co., Ltd.Signature: _ Date: _Party B (Seal): _ Co., Ltd.Signature: _ Date: _篇三:专利许可协议书范本中文:专利许可协议书甲方:_科技有限公司地址: _,邮编: _法定代表人: _联系方式: _乙方:_科技有限公司地址: _,邮编: _法定代表人: _联系方式: _鉴于:甲方拥有_专利权;乙方希望取得该专利的合法使用权,双方达成以下协议:第一条:授权范围甲方同意授权乙方在_领域内以_专利进行生产、销售

15、相关产品。第二条:使用费用1. 乙方每年向甲方支付特许费_元,按年结算。2. 如乙方对一年内的特许费款有异议,应在收到通知后_日内提出。第三条:技术转让甲方应向乙方提供专利技术转让培训,确保乙方技术人员掌握相关技术知识。第四条:商标授权甲方亦同意乙方在生产销售涉及的产品中使用甲方商标,并支付相应的授权费用。第五条:违约责任任何一方违反本协议约定,均应承担相应的法律责任。第六条:争议解决本协议如有争议,应友好协商解决;协商不成,提交_仲裁委员会仲裁,仲裁裁决为终局裁决。甲方(盖章):_科技有限公司签字: _ 日期: _乙方(盖章):_科技有限公司签字: _ 日期: _英文:Patent Lice

16、nse AgreementParty A: _ Technology Co., Ltd.Address: _, Postal Code: _Legal Representative: _Contact: _Party B: _ Technology Co., Ltd.Address: _, Postal Code: _Legal Representative: _Contact: _Whereas: Party A owns the patent right of _; Party B wishes to obtain the legal right to use the patent; th

17、e two parties have reached the following agreement:Article 1: Scope of LicenseParty A agrees to grant Party B the right to produce and sell related products based on the patent _ in the field of _.Article 2: License Fee1. Party B shall pay an annual royalty fee of _ yuan to Party A, settled on an an

18、nual basis.2. If Party B has any objections to the royalty fee for the year, it shall be raised within _ days upon receipt of the notice.Article 3: Technology TransferParty A shall provide technology transfer training to Party B to ensure that Party Bs technical personnel master the relevant technic

19、al knowledge.Article 4: Trademark LicensingParty A also agrees to allow Party B to use Party As trademark in the products produced and sold, and Party B shall pay the corresponding licensing fee.Article 5: Breach of ContractAny party that breaches the agreement shall bear the corresponding legal res

20、ponsibility.Article 6: Dispute ResolutionIn the event of a dispute, the parties shall seek to resolve it through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, the dispute shall be submitted to the _ Arbitration Commission for arbitration, and the arbitration decision shall be final and binding.Party A

21、 (Seal): _ Technology Co., Ltd.Signature: _ Date: _Party B (Seal): _ Technology Co., Ltd.Signature: _ Date: _篇四:专利许可协议书范本中文:专利许可协议书甲方:_科技集团有限公司地址: _,邮编: _法定代表人: _联系方式: _乙方:_科技有限公司地址: _,邮编: _法定代表人: _联系方式: _鉴于:甲方拥有_专利权;乙方希望获得该专利的使用权;双方在平等自愿的基础上经友好协商,达成以下协议:第一条:授权范围甲方授权乙方在_领域内以_专利为基础从事相关产品的生产、销售和推广。第二条

22、:使用费用1. 乙方应根据实际生产情况向甲方支付特许使用费,费用标准为_元/年。2. 使用费用由乙方在每年的_日前向甲方支付。3. 本协议自签署之日起生效,有效期为_年。第三条:技术支持甲方应向乙方提供专利技术支持,确保乙方合理、高效地使用专利技术。第四条:知识产权双方应共同维护专利的知识产权,不得侵犯对方的权益。第五条:违约责任如一方违反本协议的任何条款,应承担相应的法律责任。第六条:法律适用及争议解决本协议适用中华人民共和国法律;双方如发生争议,应友好协商解决;协商不成,提交_仲裁委员会裁决。甲方(盖章):_科技集团有限公司签字: _ 日期: _乙方(盖章):_科技有限公司签字: _ 日期

23、: _英文:Patent License AgreementParty A: _ Technology Group Co., Ltd.Address: _, Postal Code: _Legal Representative: _Contact: _Party B: _ Technology Co., Ltd.Address: _, Postal Code: _Legal Representative: _Contact: _Whereas: Party A owns the patent right of _; Party B wishes to obtain the right to u

24、se the patent; the two parties have reached the following agreement on the basis of equality and voluntary negotiation:Article 1: Scope of LicenseParty A grants Party B the authorization to engage in the production, sales, and promotion of related products based on the patent _ in the field of _.Art

25、icle 2: License Fee1. Party B shall pay the royalty fee to Party A based on the actual production situation, with a fee standard of _ yuan per year.2. The license fee shall be paid by Party B to Party A before the _ day of each year.3. This agreement shall take effect from the date of signature and

26、shall be valid for _ years.Article 3: Technical SupportParty A shall provide technical support to Party B to ensure the reasonable and efficient use of the patent technology.Article 4: Intellectual Property RightsBoth parties shall jointly protect the intellectual property rights of the patent and shall not infringe upon each others rights.Article 5: Breach of ContractIf either party violates any terms of this agreement, they shall bear the corresponding legal responsibility.Article 6: Applicable Law and Dispute ResolutionThis agreement shall


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