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1、传媒合作协议书范本五篇*传媒合作协议书范本*Media Cooperation Agreement Template*-*第一篇*合作方:甲方(媒体名称)Cooperation Party: Party A (Media Name)甲方简介:甲方是一家知名的媒体机构,致力于提供客观、及时、准确的新闻报道和娱乐资讯。具有良好的口碑和影响力。Introduction of Party A: Party A is a well-known media organization dedicated to providing objective, timely, and accurate news re

2、porting and entertainment information. It has a good reputation and influence.乙方:(合作方名称)Party B: (Cooperation Partys Name)乙方简介:乙方是一家新兴的公司/机构,希望通过与甲方合作,提高品牌知名度和影响力。Introduction of Party B: Party B is an emerging company/organization that hopes to enhance its brand awareness and influence through coop

3、eration with Party A.一、合作内容1. Cooperation Content甲乙双方同意合作,共同开展以下业务:Party A and Party B agree to cooperate and jointly conduct the following businesses:1.1 发布媒体报道及宣传1.1 Publishing media reports and promotions1.2 举办合作活动1.2 Organizing cooperative activities1.3 共同推广产品/服务1.3 Jointly promoting products/se

4、rvices二、合作期限2. Cooperation Period本协议自双方签署之日起生效,有效期为一年。如需续签,须提前30天书面通知另一方,并经双方同意。This agreement shall come into effect upon the signing by both parties and shall be valid for one year. If renewal is needed, one party shall give written notice to the other party 30 days in advance and obtain the conse

5、nt of both parties.三、权利和义务3. Rights and Obligations3.1 甲方有权对乙方提供的内容进行审核和编辑,并有权拒绝发布不符合要求的内容。3.1 Party A has the right to review and edit the content provided by Party B, and has the right to refuse to publish content that does not meet the requirements.3.2 乙方需按时提供合作所需的相关资料和信息,并保证其真实有效。3.2 Party B sha

6、ll provide the relevant materials and information required for cooperation in a timely manner, and ensure their authenticity and validity.3.3 双方应保护对方的商业机密和隐私信息,不得泄露给第三方。3.3 Both parties shall protect each others trade secrets and confidential information and shall not disclose them to third parties.

7、四、收益分配4. Profit Distribution4.1 双方按照合作协议约定的分成比例进行收益分配。4.1 Both parties shall distribute profits in accordance with the profit-sharing ratio agreed upon in the cooperation agreement.4.2 如因特殊情况导致收益分配方案需调整,须经双方协商一致后方可执行。4.2 If special circumstances lead to the need for adjustments in the profit distrib

8、ution plan, it shall be implemented only after unanimous consultation between the two parties.五、违约责任5. Liability for Breach of Contract对于任何一方未履行本协议约定的义务,应向对方支付相应的违约金,违约金的具体数额按照双方协商确定。If either party fails to fulfill the obligations agreed upon in this agreement, it shall pay the corresponding liquid

9、ated damages to the other party. The specific amount of liquidated damages shall be determined through mutual consultation.六、争议解决6. Dispute Resolution因本协议引起的任何争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。如协商无果,应提交至协商解决的裁决。Any dispute arising from this agreement shall be resolved through amicable negotiations between the two part

10、ies. If negotiations fail, it shall be submitted to arbitration for resolution.七、协议变更7. Agreement Amendment本协议的任何变更均须经双方书面同意并签署。Any amendment to this agreement shall be made in writing and signed by both parties.八、其他事项8. Other Matters8.1 本协议生效后,如涉及合作内容的调整或变更,须双方书面确认后生效。8.1 After this agreement comes

11、 into effect, any adjustments or changes regarding the cooperation content shall take effect only after written confirmation by both parties.8.2 本协议自双方签署之日起生效。8.2 This agreement shall come into effect upon the signing by both parties.-*第二篇*合作方:甲方(媒体名称)Cooperation Party: Party A (Media Name)甲方简介:甲方是一

12、家专业的网络媒体,拥有大量用户群体和稳定的流量,致力于打造精彩的内容。Introduction of Party A: Party A is a professional online media organization with a large user base and stable traffic, dedicated to creating excellent content.乙方:(合作方名称)Party B: (Cooperation Partys Name)乙方简介:乙方是一家创新型公司,希望通过与甲方合作,提升品牌形象和市场影响力。Introduction of Party

13、B: Party B is an innovative company that hopes to enhance its brand image and market influence through cooperation with Party A.一、合作内容1. Cooperation Content甲乙双方同意合作,共同推进以下业务:Party A and Party B agree to cooperate and jointly promote the following businesses:1.1 制作合作节目1.1 Producing cooperative progra

14、ms1.2 开展线上线下活动1.2 Organizing online and offline activities1.3 共同开发创新产品1.3 Jointly developing innovative products二、合作期限2. Cooperation Period本协议自双方签署之日起生效,有效期为两年。期满后,如无续签意愿,本协议自动失效。This agreement shall come into effect upon the signing by both parties and shall be valid for two years. Upon expiration,

15、 if there is no intention to renew, this agreement shall automatically become invalid.三、权利和义务3. Rights and Obligations3.1 甲方有权对乙方提供的宣传资料进行审核和确认,并有权要求乙方调整或修改。3.1 Party A has the right to review and confirm the promotional materials provided by Party B, and has the right to request Party B to make adj

16、ustments or modifications.3.2 乙方需提供真实有效的合作内容和相关信息,并保证其合法性和安全性。3.2 Party B shall provide genuine and effective cooperation content and related information, and ensure their legality and security.3.3 双方应互相尊重对方的创意和版权,不得擅自使用或侵犯他人的知识产权。3.3 Both parties shall respect each others creativity and copyright,

17、and shall not use or infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others without authorization.四、收益分配4. Profit Distribution4.1 双方按照实际收益比例进行收益分配,予以公平合理。4.1 Both parties shall distribute profits according to the actual profit ratio, making it fair and reasonable.4.2 如因不可抗力等原因导致收益损失,双方应协商解决,共同承担责任

18、。4.2 If profit losses occur due to force majeure or other reasons, the two parties shall negotiate and resolve the matter, sharing the responsibility.五、违约责任5. Liability for Breach of Contract对于任何一方未履行合作协议约定的义务,应承担相应的违约责任,并赔偿给对方造成的损失。If either party fails to fulfill the obligations agreed upon in the

19、 cooperation agreement, it shall bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract and compensate the other party for any losses incurred.六、争议解决6. Dispute Resolution双方如因本合作协议发生争议,均应通过友好协商解决;如协商无效,可向有关部门申请调解或仲裁。If there is a dispute between the two parties arising from this cooperation agreemen

20、t, they shall resolve it through amicable negotiations; if negotiations fail, they may apply for mediation or arbitration with the relevant authorities.七、协议变更7. Agreement Amendment本协议的任何变更须经双方书面同意,并签署具有法律效力的补充协议。Any amendment to this agreement shall require the written consent of both parties and th

21、e signing of a supplementary agreement with legal effect.八、其他事项8. Other Matters8.1 双方应保守对方的商业机密和保密信息,确保数据和信息安全。8.1 Both parties shall keep each others trade secrets and confidential information confidential, ensuring data and information security.8.2 本协议自双方签署之日起生效,自动终止于合作期限届满。8.2 This agreement shal

22、l come into effect upon the signing by both parties and shall automatically terminate upon the expiration of the cooperation period.-*第三篇*合作方:甲方(媒体名称)Cooperation Party: Party A (Media Name)甲方简介:甲方是一家综合性传媒机构,拥有多个媒体平台,涵盖新闻、影视、音乐等领域,具有广泛的受众群体。Introduction of Party A: Party A is a comprehensive media or

23、ganization with multiple media platforms covering news, film and television, music, and other fields, with a wide audience base.乙方:(合作方名称)Party B: (Cooperation Partys Name)乙方简介:乙方是一家创意公司,专注于数字营销和品牌推广,希望通过与甲方的合作,拓展业务领域和市场。Introduction of Party B: Party B is a creative company focused on digital marke

24、ting and brand promotion, hoping to expand its business scope and market through cooperation with Party A.一、合作内容1. Cooperation Content甲乙双方同意合作,共同实施以下业务:Party A and Party B agree to cooperate and jointly implement the following businesses:1.1 联合策划推广活动1.1 Collaboratively planning promotional activitie

25、s1.2 制作优质视频内容1.2 Producing high-quality video content1.3 共同开发新媒体产品1.3 Jointly developing new media products二、合作期限2. Cooperation Period本协议自双方签署之日起生效,有效期为三年。合作期满后,如愿意继续合作,可另行签订协议。This agreement shall come into effect upon the signing by both parties and shall be valid for three years. Upon the expirat

26、ion of the cooperation period, if willing to continue cooperation, a new agreement may be signed.三、权利和义务3. Rights and Obligations3.1 甲乙双方应积极配合,共同完成合作任务,提高合作效率和质量。3.1 Both parties shall actively cooperate and jointly complete the cooperation tasks, enhancing cooperation efficiency and quality.3.2 甲方有

27、权对乙方提供的宣传内容进行审核和观察,并有权要求乙方作出相应调整。3.2 Party A has the right to review and observe the promotional content provided by Party B and has the right to request Party B to make adjustments accordingly.3.3 乙方需保证提供的合作内容真实可靠,并保护对方的商业机密和资料安全。3.3 Party B shall ensure the authenticity and reliability of the coop

28、eration content provided and protect the trade secrets and data security of the other party.四、收益分配4. Profit Distribution4.1 双方按照约定的比例分配收益,有效实现共赢发展。4.1 Both parties shall distribute profits according to the agreed ratio, effectively achieving win-win development.4.2 如因合作期间出现重大损失,双方应共同承担责任,并协商解决后续事宜。4

29、.2 If significant losses occur during the cooperation period, both parties shall bear the responsibility together, and negotiate to resolve subsequent matters.五、违约责任5. Liability for Breach of Contract一旦发现任何一方违反合作协议的内容,应依法承担相应的违约责任,包括赔偿损失等。If either party is found to have violated the content of the

30、cooperation agreement, it shall bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract in accordance with the law, including compensation for losses.六、争议解决6. Dispute Resolution双方如产生合作纠纷,应首先通过友好协商解决;如协商无效,可诉诸法律解决。If cooperation disputes arise between the two parties, they shall first try to resolve

31、them through amicable negotiations; if negotiations fail, legal means may be taken to resolve the disputes.七、协议变更7. Agreement Amendment本协议的任何变更应由双方共同商议,并签署具有法律效力的书面协议。Any amendment to this agreement shall be jointly discussed by both parties and signed in writing with legal effect.八、其他事项8. Other Mat

32、ters8.1 本协议生效后,双方应建立有效的沟通渠道,及时沟通合作事宜。8.1 After this agreement comes into effect, both parties shall establish effective communication channels and communicate cooperation matters in a timely manner.8.2 本协议适用于双方的关联公司和子公司,具有法律约束力。8.2 This agreement applies to the affiliated companies and subsidiaries of both parties and is legally binding.-*第四篇*合作方:


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