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1、知识产权转让协议书范本七篇1. 知识产权转让协议书范本(一)中文版:知识产权转让协议书甲方:(转让方)身份证号码:地址:电话:乙方:(受让方)身份证号码:地址:电话:鉴于甲方是知识产权的合法所有人,甲方愿意将其持有的有关知识产权全部转让给乙方,双方经友好协商,特订立本协议。第一条 知识产权转让事项1.1 甲方将其持有的包括但不限于专利权、商标权、著作权等知识产权一并转让给乙方,乙方接受上述知识产权的转让。1.2 甲方应保证其对转让的知识产权享有完全的所有权,并不存在任何第三方有效诉讼、仲裁或其他争议。1.3 乙方应按照协议约定向甲方支付相应的转让费用,并及时办理有关知识产权的登记手续。第二条

2、保密责任2.1 双方应对履行本协议所知悉的对方的商业秘密和保密信息负有保密责任,未经对方书面同意不得向第三方披露。2.2 本协议生效后,双方不得以任何形式利用对方的知识产权进行侵权活动。第三条 协议的履行3.1 本协议自双方签署之日起生效,直至知识产权转让完全完成。3.2 任何一方未履行本协议规定的义务,应赔偿对方由此造成的一切损失。第四条 争议解决本协议的履行与解释均适用中华人民共和国法律。如双方因履行本协议发生争议,应协商解决;协商不成的,应提交有管辖权的法院解决。甲方(签字): 乙方(签字):日期:年 月 日英文版:Intellectual Property Transfer Agree

3、mentParty A: (Transferor)ID Number:Address:Phone:Party B: (Transferee)ID Number:Address:Phone:Whereas Party A is the lawful owner of the intellectual property rights, and Party A is willing to transfer all relevant intellectual property rights to Party B, the parties have reached a friendly negotiat

4、ion and entered into this agreement.Article 1 Intellectual Property Transfer1.1 Party A transfers all intellectual property rights held, including but not limited to patent rights, trademark rights, copyrights, to Party B, and Party B accepts the transfer of the above-mentioned intellectual property

5、 rights.1.2 Party A shall ensure that it has full ownership of the intellectual property rights transferred and that there are no valid litigation, arbitration, or other disputes by any third party.1.3 Party B shall pay the corresponding transfer fees to Party A in accordance with the agreement and

6、timely handle the registration procedures for the relevant intellectual property rights.Article 2 Confidentiality Obligations2.1 Both parties have a confidentiality obligation to protect the other partys business secrets and confidential information known in performing this agreement and shall not d

7、isclose to third parties without the other partys written consent.2.2 After the agreement comes into effect, neither party shall engage in any form of infringement activities using the other partys intellectual property rights.Article 3 Performance of the Agreement3.1 This agreement shall come into

8、effect from the date of signature by both parties until the complete transfer of intellectual property rights is completed.3.2 Any party who fails to perform the obligations under this agreement shall compensate the other party for all losses incurred thereby.Article 4 Dispute ResolutionThe performa

9、nce and interpretation of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China. In the event of a dispute arising from the performance of this agreement, the parties shall resolve it through negotiation; if negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to a competent court for re

10、solution.Party A (Signature): Party B (Signature):Date: Year Month Day-2. 知识产权转让协议书范本(二)中文版:知识产权转让协议书甲方:(转让方)身份证号码:地址:电话:乙方:(受让方)身份证号码:地址:电话:鉴于甲方拥有某项特定的知识产权,愿意将该知识产权转让给乙方,双方经协商一致,特订立本协议。第一条 转让事项1.1 甲方将其持有的特定知识产权(具体包括内容)转让给乙方,乙方接受该知识产权的转让。1.2 甲方保证其对所转让知识产权享有完全的所有权,并无任何第三方权利、要求或任何形式的侵权。1.3 乙方应按照约定向甲方支

11、付相应的转让费用,并协助完成知识产权转让手续。第二条 保密义务2.1 双方在协议履行期间应保守对方的商业秘密和技术资料,并严格保密,防止泄露给第三方。2.2 乙方在转让知识产权后,不得利用知识产权侵犯他人合法权益。第三条 协议生效与终止3.1 本协议自双方签署之日起生效,并持续有效直至转让事项完成。3.2 若因一方违反协议内容致使另一方受损,违约方应赔偿损失,并承担协议解除的后果。第四条 争议解决本协议一切纠纷,双方应友好协商解决,协商不成的,提交有管辖权的法院进行解决。甲方(签字): 乙方(签字):日期:年 月 日英文版:Intellectual Property Transfer Agre

12、ementParty A: (Transferor)ID Number:Address:Phone:Party B: (Transferee)ID Number:Address:Phone:Whereas Party A owns a specific intellectual property right and is willing to transfer the said intellectual property right to Party B, the parties have reached a consensus through negotiation and hereby e

13、nter into this agreement.Article 1 Transfer of Rights1.1 Party A transfers the specific intellectual property right held (including specific content) to Party B, and Party B accepts the transfer of the said intellectual property right.1.2 Party A represents and warrants that it has full ownership of

14、 the transferred intellectual property right, and there are no third-party rights, claims, or any form of infringement.1.3 Party B shall pay the agreed transfer fees to Party A and assist in completing the procedures for the transfer of intellectual property rights.Article 2 Confidentiality Obligati

15、ons2.1 Both parties shall maintain the confidentiality of each others business secrets and technical information during the performance of the agreement and strictly prevent disclosure to third parties.2.2 After the transfer of intellectual property rights, Party B shall not infringe the legitimate

16、rights of others using the intellectual property rights.Article 3 Effectiveness and Termination of the Agreement3.1 This agreement shall come into effect from the date of signature by both parties and shall remain in effect until the completion of the transfer.3.2 If one party breaches the agreement

17、, resulting in losses to the other party, the defaulting party shall compensate for the losses and bear the consequences of the agreement termination.Article 4 Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising from this agreement shall be resolved through amicable negotiations between the parties. In the event

18、 that an amicable resolution cannot be reached, the matter shall be referred to a competent court for resolution.Party A (Signature): Party B (Signature):Date: Year Month Day- 3. 知识产权转让协议书范本(三)中文版:知识产权转让协议书甲方:(转让方)身份证号码:地址:电话:乙方:(受让方)身份证号码:地址:电话:鉴于甲方对特定的知识产权享有所有权,愿意将该知识产权转让给乙方,双方在平等和自愿的基础上,经过友好协商,特此

19、达成以下协议:第一条 知识产权转让事项1.1 甲方将其拥有的特定知识产权(包括专利、商标等)全部转让给乙方,乙方应当承担对该知识产权的一切权益和义务。1.2 甲方保证其对所转让的知识产权没有以任何形式限制其转让的情形,并且保证乙方能够合法使用该知识产权。1.3 乙方应当在签署协议之日起向甲方支付相应的转让费用,并协助办理有关知识产权的转让手续。第二条 保密义务2.1 双方在履行协议的过程中必须保密对方的商业秘密和技术资料,未经对方同意不得外泄。2.2 本协议生效后,双方不得利用对方的知识产权进行侵权行为,否则应承担一切法律责任。第三条 协议生效及变更3.1 本协议自双方签署之日起生效,并持续有

20、效,直至转让事项彻底完成。3.2 若双方对本协议的条款或内容有异议,必须经双方协商一致后,方可进行变更。第四条 争议解决本协议的解释和争议解决应遵循中华人民共和国的相关法律法规。经双方友好协商无法解决争议的,应向有管辖权的法院提起诉讼解决。甲方(签字): 乙方(签字):日期:年 月 日英文版:Intellectual Property Transfer AgreementParty A: (Transferor)ID Number:Address:Phone:Party B: (Transferee)ID Number:Address:Phone:Whereas Party A owns sp

21、ecific intellectual property rights and is willing to transfer the said intellectual property rights to Party B, the parties have reached a friendly negotiation on an equal and voluntary basis and hereby agree to the following terms:Article 1 Transfer of Intellectual Property Rights1.1 Party A trans

22、fers all specific intellectual property rights owned (including patents, trademarks, etc.) to Party B, who shall assume all rights and obligations related to the intellectual property rights.1.2 Party A warrants that there are no restrictions on the transfer of the intellectual property rights and g

23、uarantees that Party B can lawfully use the intellectual property.1.3 Party B shall pay the agreed transfer fees to Party A from the date of signing the agreement and assist in completing the procedures for the transfer of intellectual property rights.Article 2 Confidentiality Obligations2.1 Both pa

24、rties must maintain confidentiality of each others business secrets and technical information during the performance of the agreement and shall not disclose them without consent.2.2 After the agreement comes into effect, neither party shall engage in any infringement using the other partys intellect

25、ual property rights, otherwise bearing all legal responsibilities.Article 3 Effectiveness and Amendments3.1 This agreement shall come into effect from the date of signing by both parties and shall remain in effect until the completion of the transfer.3.2 In the event of any objections to the terms o

26、r content of this agreement, changes may only be made with the unanimous consent of both parties.Article 4 Dispute ResolutionThe interpretation of this agreement and the resolution of disputes shall follow the relevant laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China. In the event that disputes

27、 cannot be resolved through friendly negotiations, they shall be submitted to a competent court for litigation.Party A (Signature): Party B (Signature):Date: Year Month Day-4. 知识产权转让协议书范本(四)中文版:知识产权转让协议书甲方:(转让方)身份证号码:地址:电话:乙方:(受让方)身份证号码:地址:电话:鉴于甲方是特定知识产权的合法所有人,愿意将该知识产权全部转让给乙方,双方经友好协商,特订立本协议。第一条 转让事项

28、1.1 甲方将其持有的特定知识产权(详细内容)一并转让给乙方,乙方接受上述知识产权的转让。1.2 甲方在转让前已经依法取得了所述知识产权,保证其无任何限制和异议。1.3 乙方应按协议约定向甲方支付相应的转让费用,并协助办理知识产权的转让手续。第二条 保密义务2.1 双方在履行本协议过程中应保密对方的商业秘密和保密信息,未经允许不得对外公开。2.2 本协议生效后,各方不得利用对方的知识产权进行侵权等违法活动。第三条 协议生效及终止3.1 本协议自双方签署之日起生效,至知识产权转让完成之日终止。3.2 若一方未履行协议规定的义务,应赔偿对方因此造成的一切损失。第四条 争议解决本协议的履行和解释适用中华人民共和国法律。如


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