1、工程勘察设计合同协议书范本四篇# 工程勘察设计合同协议书范本# 篇一*中文版*甲方:_(甲方单位名称) 乙方:_(乙方单位名称)根据双方的合作意向和协商一致,甲乙双方自愿签订本合同,遵循平等互利、诚实信用的原则,共同履行下列约定:*一、合同目的*甲方委托乙方进行工程勘察设计工作,具体项目为_(工程名称),具体任务包括_(任务内容)。*二、合同期限*本合同自签订之日起生效,至工程勘察设计工作完成验收之日止。*三、合同报酬*根据工程的复杂程度和工作量,双方商定报酬为_(具体金额),支付方式为_(付款方式及时间)。*四、合同变更*如需对合同的任何条款进行修改或补充,应经双方协商一致,并以书面形式确认
2、。*五、违约责任*任何一方如未能履行合同义务,应当承担相应的违约责任。*六、争议解决*因履行本合同所发生的争议,双方应协商解决,协商不成的,应提交_(争议解决方式)进行调解或仲裁。*七、其他条款*其它未尽事宜,双方可另行协商约定,并以补充协议形式确认。甲方:_(签字) 乙方:_(签字)日期:_*英文版*Party A: _ (Name of Party A) Party B: _ (Name of Party B)Based on the cooperation intention and mutual agreement of both parties, Party A and Party
3、B voluntarily enter into this contract, following the principles of equality, mutual benefit, honesty, and trustworthiness, to jointly fulfill the following agreements:*1. Purpose of the Contract*Party A entrusts Party B to carry out the engineering survey and design work for the specific project _
4、(Project Name), with specific tasks including _ (Tasks).*2. Contract Duration*This contract shall take effect from the date of signing and shall remain in force until the completion and acceptance of the engineering survey and design work.*3. Contract Remuneration*Based on the complexity and workloa
5、d of the project, the remuneration is agreed upon as _ (Specific Amount), with payment method as _ (Payment method and time).*4. Contract Amendments*Any amendments or additions to the contract terms shall be made through mutual agreement of both parties and confirmed in writing.*5. Liability for Bre
6、ach of Contract*Any party that fails to fulfill its contractual obligations shall bear corresponding liability for breach of contract.*6. Dispute Resolution*In the event of disputes arising from the performance of this contract, both parties shall resolve them through negotiation. If negotiation fai
7、ls, the dispute shall be submitted to _ (Dispute resolution method) for mediation or arbitration.*7. Other Provisions*For matters not covered in this contract, both parties may negotiate separately and confirm the agreements in a supplementary agreement.Party A: _ (Signature) Party B: _ (Signature)D
8、ate: _-# 篇二*中文版*甲方:_(甲方单位名称) 乙方:_(乙方单位名称)鉴于甲方需要进行工程勘察设计工作,经双方友好协商,达成协议如下:*一、服务内容*乙方接受甲方委托,承担_(详细工作内容)的工程勘察设计任务。*二、合同期限*本合同自签订之日生效,服务期限至工程勘察设计工作完成验收之日止。*三、合同价款*甲方应按照工程勘察设计阶段完成的进度支付合同价款,具体含金量及支付方式详见附件。*四、保密约定*双方对在履行本合同过程中所知悉的商业秘密和技术机密负有保密责任,未经对方书面同意,不得向第三方泄露。*五、违约责任*如一方违反本合同规定,应向对方承担相应的损失赔偿责任。*六、争议解决*
9、合同发生争议时,双方应优先通过友好协商解决,协商不成的,提交_(争议解决方式)处理。*七、其他约定*双方如需变更合同内容、补充协议等,应经双方协商一致,形成书面证明文件。甲方:_(签字) 乙方:_(签字)日期:_*英文版*Party A: _ (Name of Party A) Party B: _ (Name of Party B)In view of the need for engineering survey and design work by Party A, an agreement has been reached through friendly negotiation as
10、 follows:*1. Scope of Services*Party B accepts the commission of Party A and undertakes the engineering survey and design tasks of _ (Detailed work content).*2. Contract Period*This contract shall take effect from the date of signing, with the service period lasting until the completion and acceptan
11、ce of the engineering survey and design work.*3. Contract Price*Party A shall pay the contract price based on the progress of the engineering survey and design stages, with specific amounts and payment methods detailed in the appendix.*4. Confidentiality Agreement*Both parties shall maintain confide
12、ntiality of any trade secrets and technical know-how acquired during the performance of this contract, and shall not disclose them to third parties without written consent.*5. Liability for Breach of Contract*Should either party violate the terms of this contract, they shall be liable for compensati
13、ng the other party for any resulting losses.*6. Dispute Resolution*In the event of a contractual dispute, both parties shall first attempt to resolve it amicably through negotiation. If negotiation fails, they shall resort to _ (Dispute resolution method) for resolution.*7. Other Agreements*Should e
14、ither party wish to amend the contents of this contract or enter into supplementary agreements, they shall do so through mutual agreement and create written documentation as proof.Party A: _ (Signature) Party B: _ (Signature)Date: _-# 篇三*中文版*甲方:_(甲方单位名称) 乙方:_(乙方单位名称)鉴于甲乙双方的合作需要,为了明确工程勘察设计工作相关事项,特订立本
15、合同,经双方代表授权,同意如下:*一、服务范围*乙方应按照甲方的要求,承担_(详细工作内容)的工程勘察设计任务。*二、工作要求*乙方应按时高质高效地完成工程勘察设计任务,确保工程质量和进度。*三、合同报酬*甲方应按工作阶段的完成情况支付合同价款,具体金额及支付方式详见合同附件。*四、知识产权*工程勘察设计成果的知识产权归甲方所有,乙方无权擅自使用或转让。*五、违约责任*如一方未履行合同义务,应负相应的违约责任。*六、解决争议*双方应积极协商解决合同争议,协商不成的,应向_(争议解决方式)提交解决。*七、其他事项*本合同如需修改、补充,需书面确认,未尽事宜由双方协商确定。甲方:_(签字) 乙方:
16、_(签字)日期:_*英文版*Party A: _ (Name of Party A) Party B: _ (Name of Party B)In order to clarify the matters related to the engineering survey and design work, the parties have entered into this contract, duly authorized by their representatives, and agree as follows:*1. Service Scope*Party B shall undert
17、ake the engineering survey and design tasks of _ (Detailed work content) in accordance with the requirements of Party A.*2. Work Requirements*Party B shall complete the engineering survey and design tasks on time, efficiently, and ensuring high quality, in order to guarantee the project quality and
18、schedule.*3. Contract Remuneration*Party A shall pay the contract price based on the completion of each work stage, with specific amounts and payment methods detailed in the contract appendix.*4. Intellectual Property Rights*The intellectual property rights of the engineering survey and design resul
19、ts belong to Party A, and Party B shall not use or transfer them without authorization.*5. Liability for Breach of Contract*In the event of a partys failure to fulfill its contractual obligations, they shall be held liable for breach of contract.*6. Dispute Resolution*Both parties shall actively neg
20、otiate to resolve any contract disputes, and in case of failure to reach an agreement, they shall seek resolution through _ (Dispute resolution method).*7. Other Matters*Any modifications or additions to this contract shall be confirmed in writing, and any matters not covered herein shall be determi
21、ned through mutual agreement.Party A: _ (Signature) Party B: _ (Signature)Date: _-# 篇四*中文版*甲方:_(甲方单位名称) 乙方:_(乙方单位名称)鉴于甲乙双方的合作需求,为明确工程勘察设计工作事宜,特制订本合同,经双方友好协商,达成如下约定:*一、任务范围*乙方接受甲方的委托,负责_(详细工作内容)的工程勘察设计工作。*二、履约期限*本合同自签订之日生效,服务期限至工程完成验收,具体工期由双方协商确定。*三、合同价款*甲方应按照工程勘察设计工作的进度支付合同价款,具体金额和支付方式详见合同附件。*四、知识产权
22、*工程勘察设计成果的知识产权归甲方所有,乙方无权擅自使用或转让。*五、保密义务*双方应保守工程相关的商业秘密和技术秘密,未经对方允许,不得向第三方透露。*六、违约责任*一方如未履行合同义务,应向对方承担相应的违约责任。*七、争议解决*合同争议应协商解决,协商不成的,应向_(争议解决方式)提交解决。*八、其他事项*合同如需变更,须经书面协商一致,并以补充协议形式确认。甲方:_(签字) 乙方:_(签字)日期:_*英文版*Party A: _ (Name of Party A) Party B: _ (Name of Party B)In order to clarify the matters r
23、elated to the engineering survey and design work, the parties have reached an agreement through friendly negotiation and established this contract as follows:*1. Scope of Work*Party B shall be responsible for the engineering survey and design work of _ (Detailed work content) commissioned by Party A
24、.*2. Performance Period*This contract shall take effect from the date of signing and shall remain in force until the completion and acceptance of the project. The specific project duration shall be determined by mutual agreement.*3. Contract Price*Party A shall pay the contract price based on the pr
25、ogress of the engineering survey and design work, with specific amounts and payment methods detailed in the contract appendix.*4. Intellectual Property Rights*The intellectual property rights of the engineering survey and design results belong to Party A, and Party B shall not use or transfer them w
26、ithout authorization.*5. Confidentiality Obligations*Both parties shall maintain the confidentiality of project-related trade secrets and technical know-how, and shall not disclose them to third parties without permission.*6. Liability for Breach of Contract*In the event of a partys failure to fulfi
27、ll its contractual obligations, they shall be held liable for breach of contract.*7. Dispute Resolution*Contractual disputes shall be resolved through negotiation, and if negotiation fails, they shall resort to _ (Dispute resolution method) for resolution.*8. Other Matters*Any contract modifications shall be made through written negotiation and mutual agreement, confirmed in the form of a supplementary agreement.Party A: _ (Signature) Party B: _ (Signature)Date: _
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