1、马拉松赛事合同协议书范本合同协议书范本/Marathon Race Contract Agreement Template中文版:【甲方:赛事主办方】甲方:_(以下简称“主办方”)统一社会信用代码:_地址:_联系人:_电话:_邮箱:_【乙方:参赛选手】乙方:_(以下简称“选手”)身份证号码/护照号码:_电话:_邮箱:_鉴于甲、乙双方就举办马拉松赛事达成一致意见,为明确双方权利义务,特订立本合同协议书,共同遵守以下条款:第一条 赛事信息1.1 本次马拉松赛事名称:_1.2 举办时间:_1.3 赛事地点:_第二条 选手权利义务2.1 选手须按时到达比赛地点,并按照规定配合工作人员完成报到、换装等流
2、程。2.2 选手必须携带个人身份证件及比赛号码参赛。2.3 选手应当服从赛事组委会的管理,遵守比赛规则,保证比赛过程中的公平性。2.4 选手在比赛中应当尊重其他选手、裁判、观众及工作人员,不得有违体育道德行为。2.5 选手在比赛中应当注意安全,严格遵守比赛规则,不得采取任何不正当手段谋取比赛胜利。第三条 主办方权利义务3.1 主办方负责组织赛事的筹办、安全、保障等工作,确保比赛顺利进行。3.2 主办方应当保障选手的安全,提供赛事期间的医疗救助服务。3.3 主办方应当公平公正地对待所有参赛选手,确保比赛的公平性和公正性。3.4 主办方有权对不遵守比赛规则的选手进行警告、处罚甚至取消比赛资格的处理
3、。3.5 主办方应当妥善处理比赛过程中出现的纠纷和意外情况,并及时向相关部门报告。第四条 违约责任4.1 若甲方未按约定时间、地点举办赛事,导致乙方无法参赛,应承担相应责任赔偿乙方损失。4.2 若乙方在比赛过程中违反比赛规则,涉嫌作弊或有违体育道德行为,应接受主办方的处理,包括取消比赛资格。4.3 若因不可抗力等特殊情况导致比赛无法如期举行,主办方应当及时通知所有参赛选手,并协商调整赛事日期或取消比赛,双方不承担违约责任。第五条 合同解除5.1 双方协商一致可以解除本合同,解除合同应提前书面通知对方,并书面协商解除事宜。5.2 若因一方原因导致无法履行合同,应承担违约责任,赔偿对方因此造成的损
4、失。第六条 争议解决6.1 本合同双方如有争议,应先友好协商解决,协商不成的,应提交给双方协商的领导部门协商解决。6.2 如协商仍无法解决争议,则应向当地人民法院提起诉讼解决。第七条 其他7.1 本合同未尽事宜,双方可协商补充约定,经双方签字盖章生效。7.2 本合同自双方签署之日起生效,至赛事结束后终止。甲方(盖章):_日期:_乙方(签字):_日期:_英文版:【Party A: Race Organizer】Party A: _ (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer)Unified Social Credit Code: _Address: _Co
5、ntact Person: _Phone: _Email: _【Party B: Participant】Party B: _ (hereinafter referred to as the Participant)ID/Passport Number: _Phone: _Email: _Whereas Party A and Party B have reached a consensus on the organization of the marathon race, in order to clarify the rights and obligations of both parti
6、es, this contract agreement is hereby established and both parties shall abide by the following terms:Article 1 Race Information1.1 Name of the marathon race: _1.2 Date of the event: _1.3 Venue of the event: _Article 2 Participants Rights and Obligations2.1 Participants must arrive at the race venue
7、 on time and cooperate with the staff to complete the check-in and dressing process as required.2.2 Participants must bring their personal identification documents and race numbers to participate in the race.2.3 Participants shall comply with the management of the race organizing committee, abide by
8、 the race rules, and ensure the fairness of the race process.2.4 Participants must respect other participants, referees, spectators, and staff during the race, and shall not engage in any unethical behavior.2.5 Participants must ensure safety during the race, strictly follow the race rules, and shal
9、l not use any unfair means to seek victory.Article 3 Organizers Rights and Obligations3.1 The Organizer is responsible for the organization, safety, and security of the race to ensure the smooth conduct of the event.3.2 The Organizer shall ensure the safety of the participants and provide medical as
10、sistance services during the event.3.3 The Organizer shall treat all participants fairly and impartially, ensuring the fairness and impartiality of the race.3.4 The Organizer has the right to warn, penalize, or disqualify participants who do not comply with the race rules.3.5 The Organizer shall han
11、dle disputes and accidents that occur during the race properly and report to the relevant departments promptly.Article 4 Breach of Contract Liability4.1 If Party A fails to hold the race as agreed, resulting in Party Bs inability to participate, Party A shall be liable to compensate Party B for any
12、losses incurred.4.2 If Party B violates the race rules, cheats, or engages in unethical behavior during the race, Party A has the right to take action, including disqualification.4.3 If the race cannot be held as scheduled due to force majeure or other special circumstances, the Organizer shall noti
13、fy all participants promptly, and both parties shall not be liable for breach of contract.Article 5 Termination of Contract5.1 The contract can be terminated by mutual agreement, with prior written notice and written negotiations.5.2 If one party is unable to fulfill the contract for reasons beyond
14、their control, they shall be liable for breach of contract and compensate for any losses incurred.Article 6 Dispute Resolution6.1 In the event of a dispute, both parties shall first seek an amicable solution through negotiation, and if no agreement can be reached, the dispute shall be submitted to t
15、he leadership of both parties for resolution.6.2 If the dispute still cannot be resolved through negotiation, it shall be submitted to the local peoples court for litigation.Article 7 Miscellaneous7.1 Any matters not covered in this contract may be supplemented by mutual agreement and shall be effec
16、tive upon signed and stamped by both parties.7.2 This contract shall come into effect from the date of signing by both parties and shall expire upon the conclusion of the event.Party A (Seal): _Date: _Party B (Signature): _Date: _-此为马拉松赛事合同协议书范本,双方应严格遵守以上约定,确保赛事顺利进行,保障选手权益和赛事公平。愿本合同为本次马拉松赛事的成功举办提供保障,祝愿所有参赛选手取得优异成绩!
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