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2、体期限),到期后协议自动失效。如需继续委托管理,需双方协商签署新协议。第三条委托管理费用乙方作为受托人,有权按照约定收取委托管理费用,具体费用标准为(金额及收费方式)。第四条委托人权利和义务1. 甲方有权随时对乙方的管理进行监督,并要求乙方提供相关报告。2. 甲方应按时支付委托管理费用,并配合乙方开展工作。第五条受托人权利和义务1. 乙方应以最大努力履行委托管理职责,确保管理工作的有效完成。2. 乙方有义务对房产进行定期检查维护,保证其正常运转。第六条违约责任任何一方违反本协议约定,应承担相应的违约责任,并赔偿因此造成的损失。第七条争议解决因本协议引起的争议,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,可

3、向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。第八条其他事项本协议未尽事宜,由双方协商确定,并作为本协议的补充部分。甲方(盖章):乙方(盖章):日期:年 月 日英文版本:Agency Management AgreementParty A: (Principal)Legal Representative:Address:Contact Number:ID Number:Party B: (Agent)Legal Representative:Address:Contact Number:ID Number:In accordance with the Contract Law of the Peoples R

4、epublic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B, on the basis of equality, voluntariness, and fairness, have reached the following agreement on the management entrusted by Party A to Party B:Article 1: entrusted mattersParty A entrusts Party B to manage its property loc

5、ated at (address), including but not limited to rent, maintenance, cleaning, and other affairs.Article 2: management periodThis agreement shall be effective from the date of signing by both parties and shall be valid for a period of (specific duration). Upon expiration, the agreement shall automatic

6、ally terminate. If it is necessary to continue the entrusted management, a new agreement shall be signed after consultation between both parties.Article 3: management feeAs the agent, Party B is entitled to charge a management fee as agreed upon, with a specific fee standard of (amount and payment m

7、ethod).Article 4: rights and obligations of the principal1. Party A has the right to supervise the management of Party B at any time and request relevant reports from Party B.2. Party A shall pay the management fee on time and cooperate with Party B in carrying out the work.Article 5: rights and obl

8、igations of the agent1. Party B shall make every effort to fulfill the entrusted management responsibilities and ensure the effective completion of the management work.2. Party B is obligated to conduct regular inspections and maintenance of the property to ensure its normal operation.Article 6: lia

9、bility for breach of contractIf either party breaches the agreement, they shall bear corresponding liability for breach of contract and compensate for any losses caused thereby.Article 7: dispute resolutionAny disputes arising from this agreement shall be resolved through amicable negotiation betwee

10、n the parties; if no agreement can be reached, the dispute may be referred to the competent peoples court for litigation.Article 8: other mattersAny matters not covered by this agreement shall be determined by mutual agreement of both parties and shall be considered as a supplementary part of this a

11、greement.Party A (Seal):Party B (Seal):Date: Year Month Day以上是委托管理协议书的范本样式,双方在签订协议前应认真阅读,并可根据实际情况进行调整和修改,以确保协议内容符合双方意愿并具有法律效力。希望以上内容对您有所帮助。文章二:委托管理协议书范本中文版本:委托管理协议书甲方:(委托人)法定代表人:地址:联系电话:身份证号码:乙方:(受托人)法定代表人:地址:联系电话:身份证号码:鉴于甲方有意委托乙方进行管理,经双方友好协商一致达成如下协议:第一条委托事项甲方委托乙方管理其名下的(具体物品/项目),包括但不限于运营、维护、销售等。第二条管

12、理费用乙方作为受托人,有权按照约定收取管理费用,具体费用标准为(金额及收费方式)。第三条管理期限本协议自双方签署之日起生效,有效期为(具体期限),到期后如双方无异议,则自动终止。第四条委托人权利和义务1. 甲方有权要求乙方按时履行委托管理职责,并提供相关工作报告。2. 甲方应按约定支付管理费用,并协助乙方开展管理工作。第五条受托人权利和义务1. 乙方应认真履行委托管理职责,确保管理工作的顺利进行。2. 乙方有义务保护委托物品的安全和完整。第六条违约责任任何一方违反本协议的约定,应承担相应的法律责任,并赔偿对方因此造成的损失。第七条争议解决双方因本协议产生的争议,应协商解决;如协商不成,由有管辖

13、权的法院解决。第八条其他事项本协议未尽事宜,由双方协商确定,并作为本协议的补充部分。甲方(盖章):乙方(盖章):日期:年 月 日英文版本:Agency Management AgreementParty A: (Principal)Legal Representative:Address:Contact Number:ID Number:Party B: (Agent)Legal Representative:Address:Contact Number:ID Number:In view of Party A intending to entrust Party B with managem

14、ent, after friendly negotiation, the following agreement is reached by mutual consent:Article 1: entrusted mattersParty A entrusts Party B to manage the (specific item/project) owned by Party A, including but not limited to operation, maintenance, and sales.Article 2: management feeAs the agent, Par

15、ty B is entitled to charge management fees as agreed upon, with a specific fee standard of (amount and payment method).Article 3: management periodThis agreement shall be effective from the date of signing by both parties and shall be valid for a period of (specific duration). Upon expiration, the a

16、greement shall automatically terminate unless there is no objection from both parties.Article 4: rights and obligations of the principal1. Party A has the right to require Party B to fulfill the entrusted management responsibilities on time and provide relevant work reports.2. Party A shall pay the

17、management fees as agreed upon and assist Party B in carrying out the management work.Article 5: rights and obligations of the agent1. Party B shall diligently fulfill the entrusted management responsibilities to ensure the smooth progress of the management work.2. Party B is obligated to protect th

18、e safety and integrity of the entrusted items.Article 6: liability for breach of contractIf either party violates the agreement, they shall bear corresponding legal liability and compensate the other party for any losses incurred.Article 7: dispute resolutionAny disputes arising from this agreement

19、shall be resolved through negotiation between both parties; if no agreement can be reached, the matter shall be settled by the court with jurisdiction.Article 8: other mattersAny matters not covered by this agreement shall be determined by mutual agreement between both parties and shall be considere

20、d as a supplementary part of this agreement.Party A (Seal):Party B (Seal):Date: Year Month Day以上是委托管理协议书的另一范本样式,请根据实际情况进行具体调整和修改,以确保协议内容符合双方意愿并具有法律效力。文章三:委托管理协议书范本中文版本:委托管理协议书委托方(甲方):法定代表人:地址:联系电话:受托方(乙方):法定代表人:地址:联系电话:鉴于甲方有意委托乙方进行管理,特订此协议如下:第一条委托内容甲方委托乙方经营管理其名下的(具体物品/项目),受托管理范围包括但不限于营销、采购、仓储等。第二条管理

21、费用乙方作为受托人,有权按照约定收取委托管理费用,费用标准为(金额及收费方式)。第三条管理期限本协议自双方签署之日起生效,有效期为(具体期限)。到期后,双方经协商并签署新协议,如未签署新协议,则自动终止。第四条委托方权利和义务1. 甲方有权随时监督乙方的管理工作,并要求乙方提供相关的经营数据报告。2. 甲方应按时支付委托管理费用,并对乙方的经营提供必要的协助和支持。第五条受托方权利和义务1. 乙方应遵守诚信原则,按约定履行委托管理职责,维护甲方利益。2. 乙方有责任制定合理的经营管理计划,并及时向甲方说明执行情况。第六条违约责任任何一方违反本协议的约定,应按法律规定承担相应的违约责任,并赔偿对

22、方因此造成的损失。第七条争议解决双方应友好协商解决因本协议引起的任何争议;协商不成的,应提交有管辖权的法院解决。第八条其他事项本协议未尽事宜,应由双方协商确定,并作为本协议的补充内容。委托方(盖章):受托方(盖章):日期:年 月 日英文版本:Agency Management AgreementPrincipal (Party A):Legal Representative:Address:Contact Number:Agent (Party B):Legal Representative:Address:Contact Number:In view of Party A intending

23、 to entrust Party B with management, this agreement is hereby made as follows:Article 1: entrusted contentParty A entrusts Party B to manage the (specific item/project) owned by Party A, and the scope of entrusted management includes but is not limited to marketing, procurement, and warehousing.Arti

24、cle 2: management feeAs the agent, Party B is entitled to charge management fees as agreed upon, with a fee standard of (amount and payment method).Article 3: management periodThis agreement shall be effective from the date of signing by both parties and shall be valid for a period of (specific dura

25、tion). Upon expiration, both parties shall negotiate and sign a new agreement. If no new agreement is signed, the agreement shall automatically terminate.Article 4: rights and obligations of the principal1. Party A has the right to supervise the management work of Party B at any time and request rel

26、evant operational data reports from Party B.2. Party A shall pay the management fees on time and provide necessary assistance and support to Party B in their operations.Article 5: rights and obligations of the agent1. Party B shall abide by the principle of good faith, fulfill the entrusted manageme

27、nt responsibilities as agreed upon, and protect the interests of Party A.2. Party B is responsible for developing a reasonable operational management plan and promptly informing Party A of the implementation progress.Article 6: liability for breach of contractIf either party violates the agreement,

28、they shall bear corresponding liability for breach of contract according to the law and compensate the other party for any losses incurred.Article 7: dispute resolutionBoth parties shall resolve any disputes arising from this agreement through amicable negotiation; if no agreement can be reached, th

29、e matter shall be submitted to the court with jurisdiction.Article 8: other mattersAny matters not covered by this agreement shall be determined by mutual agreement between both parties and shall be considered as a supplementary part of this agreement.Principal (Seal):Agent (Seal):Date: Year Month Day以上是委托管理协议书的另一范本样式,双方在签订协议前应认真阅读并充分了解协议内容,以确保


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