1、商业合作协议书范本四篇文章1:商业合作协议书范本中文版:【合作协议书】甲方:_(以下简称甲方)乙方:_(以下简称乙方)经甲、乙双方友好协商,为了促进业务发展,达成如下协议:一、合作内容1. 甲方与乙方就_展开合作,具体内容包括_。2. 双方就合作中的具体事项,如款项支付、商业机密保护等,均须严格遵守合同约定。二、权利与义务1. 甲方有权要求乙方按照合同规定履行具体合作事项,并提供必要支持。2. 乙方有义务向甲方提供相应的业务信息和合作进展情况,并确保合作顺利进行。三、保密条款1. 双方在合作过程中涉及到的商业机密及合作内容,均应保密,不得向外界披露。2. 甲乙双方应建立保密机制,确保合作信息不
2、被泄露。四、违约与解除1. 若一方违反本协议规定,需承担相应违约责任,并补偿对方因此产生的损失。2. 本协议可在双方一致同意下解除,但需提前书面通知对方。五、其他事项1. 本协议自双方签字生效,有效期为_年。2. 在合作过程中如有争议,双方应友好协商解决,若协商无果,则提交仲裁解决。甲方:乙方:日期:日期:英文版:【Cooperation Agreement】Party A: _ (hereinafter referred to as Party A)Party B: _ (hereinafter referred to as Party B)Through friendly negotiat
3、ion between Party A and Party B, in order to promote business development, the following agreement is reached:I. Cooperation Scope1. Party A and Party B will collaborate on _, including _.2. Both parties must strictly abide by the contract terms regarding specific matters such as payment, protection
4、 of commercial secrets, etc.II. Rights and Obligations1. Party A has the right to request Party B to perform specific cooperation matters according to the contract and provide necessary support.2. Party B is obligated to provide Party A with relevant business information and progress of cooperation,
5、 ensuring smooth collaboration.III. Confidentiality Clause1. Both parties must keep confidential any commercial secrets and cooperation content involved in the cooperation process, and not disclose them to third parties.2. Party A and Party B should establish a confidentiality mechanism to ensure th
6、at cooperation information is not leaked.IV. Breach and Termination1. In case of breach of this agreement by either party, the party shall bear corresponding breach liability and compensate the other party for resulting losses.2. This agreement may be terminated with mutual consent, with prior writt
7、en notice to the other party.V. Other Matters1. This agreement shall take effect upon signature by both parties and remain valid for _ years.2. In case of disputes during cooperation, both parties should resolve them through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, arbitration shall be sought.Par
8、ty A: _ Party B: _Date: _ Date: _(Note: This is a template for a business cooperation agreement, and details should be customized according to the specific needs of the contracting parties.)文章2:商业合作协议书范本(续)中文版:六、协议变更1. 本协议条款如需变更,须经双方书面确认后生效。2. 双方如需提前终止合作,须提前_天书面通知对方。七、附件1. 本协议的附件包括_,为本协议不可分割的组成部分。2.
9、 若附件与本协议内容有冲突,以本协议为准。八、签订地点本协议一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,于_年_月_日在_处签署生效。甲方:乙方:日期:日期:英文版:VI. Agreement Amendment1. Any amendment to the terms of this agreement shall take effect only upon written confirmation by both parties.2. In case of early termination of cooperation by either party, written notice of _ days
10、 in advance must be given to the other party.VII. Annex1. The annexes of this agreement include _ and are an integral part of this agreement.2. In case of conflict between the annexes and the main agreement, the main agreement shall prevail.VIII. Signing VenueThis agreement is signed in duplicate, w
11、ith each party holding one copy, and shall come into effect on _ at _.Party A: _ Party B: _Date: _ Date: _(Note: The above continuation of the business cooperation agreement template provides information on agreement amendment, annexes, and signing venue. It is essential to customize the details to
12、suit the specific requirements of the contracting parties.)文章3:商业合作协议书范本(续续)中文版:九、法律适用与其他1. 本协议适用中华人民共和国法律法规。2. 本协议如有未尽事宜,双方可协商解决,并视具体情况确定具体条款。十、签署人声明1. 甲方和乙方均确认自愿签署本协议,同意并遵守其中规定的各项内容。2. 甲乙双方对协议各条款已充分了解并同意,不得以不了解协议内容为由追究责任。十一、溯及力本协议于甲、乙双方签字生效,具有溯及力。中英文版本以备存档,解释不同之处,以中文版为准。甲方:乙方:日期:日期:英文版:IX. Legal A
13、pplicability and Miscellaneous1. This agreement shall be governed by the laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China.2. In case of any matters not covered by this agreement, both parties may negotiate and determine specific terms based on the circumstances.X. Signatories Declaration1. Both
14、 Party A and Party B acknowledge that they voluntarily sign this agreement, agree to abide by all its provisions.2. Party A and Party B have fully understood and agreed to all the terms of the agreement and shall not hold lack of understanding of the agreement as a reason for liability.XI. Retroacti
15、vityThis agreement shall come into effect upon the signatures of Party A and Party B and shall have retroactive effect.The Chinese and English versions are for archival purposes. In case of discrepancies, the Chinese version shall prevail.Party A: _ Party B: _Date: _ Date: _(Note: The above continua
16、tion of the business cooperation agreement template provides information on legal applicability, signatories declaration, and retroactivity. It is important to follow the law and customize the agreement to suit the specific needs of the contracting parties.)文章4:商业合作协议书范本(完)中文版:十二、解释权本协议的最终解释权归甲、乙双方共
17、同所有。十三、变更、解除及争议解决1. 本协议如需变更或解除,必须经双方协商一致,并以书面形式确认。2. 如在执行本协议过程中发生争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。若无法达成一致,则提交有管辖权的仲裁机构裁决。十四、其他本协议自双方签字生效,如有发生争议,应以中文版为准。甲方:乙方:日期:日期:英文版:XII. Interpretation AuthorityThe ultimate interpretation of this agreement shall be jointly owned by Party A and Party B.XIII. Amendment, Termination,
18、 and Dispute Resolution1. Any amendment or termination of this agreement must be unanimously agreed upon by both parties and confirmed in writing.2. In case of disputes arising during the execution of this agreement, the parties should seek resolution through amicable negotiation. If no agreement is
19、 reached, the matter shall be referred to an arbitration institution with jurisdiction.XIV. OthersThis agreement shall come into effect upon the signatures of both parties. In case of disputes, the Chinese version shall prevail.Party A: _ Party B: _Date: _ Date: _(Note: The final part of the business cooperation agreement template covers interpretation authority, amendment, termination, dispute resolution, and other relevant information. It is important to have the agreement signed and understood by both parties to avoid disputes.)
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