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1、授权协议书范本五篇篇一:软件授权协议书范本为了保障软件的知识产权,维护用户权益,特制订本授权协议书。第一条 许可权利1、许可人将授予用户非独占、不可转让的使用权,许可用户使用软件。2、用户应按照本协议的约定使用软件,不得对软件进行非法复制、传播、出租、出售等行为。第二条 知识产权1、软件的知识产权归许可人所有,用户仅获得使用权,不得侵犯软件的知识产权。2、用户不得对软件进行反向工程、反汇编或修改等行为,不得擅自转让软件。第三条 使用规定1、用户可根据软件的使用说明书对软件进行合法使用,不得利用软件从事违法活动。2、用户应对自己使用软件所产生的行为承担责任,如因用户违反本协议而造成损失,由用户承

2、担全部责任。第四条 终止条款1、本协议自用户安装软件之日起生效,直至用户不再使用软件为止。2、发生本协议第三条所述违约行为的,许可人有权终止用户对软件的使用许可,并保留追究法律责任的权利。第五条 其他约定1、本协议的订立、生效、解释、履行及争议解决,适用中华人民共和国法律。2、本协议未尽事宜,由双方协商解决。Software License Agreement TemplateIn order to protect the intellectual property rights of the software and safeguard the rights of users, this l

3、icense agreement is formulated.Article 1 License Rights1. Licensor grants the user a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the software.2. The user shall use the software in accordance with the terms of this agreement, and shall not engage in illegal copying, dissemination, rental, sale or ot

4、her activities of the software.Article 2 Intellectual Property Rights1. The intellectual property rights of the software belong to the licensor, and the user only obtains the right to use the software, and shall not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of the software.2. The user shall not

5、 engage in reverse engineering, disassembly, modification or other activities on the software, and shall not transfer the software without authorization.Article 3 Terms of Use1. The user may use the software legally in accordance with the instructions, and shall not engage in illegal activities usin

6、g the software.2. The user shall be responsible for the actions resulting from the use of the software, and shall bear all liabilities for any losses caused by the users violation of this agreement.Article 4 Termination Terms1. This agreement shall take effect from the date the user installs the sof

7、tware until the user ceases to use the software.2. In the event of a breach of the agreement as described in Article 3, the licensor has the right to terminate the users license to use the software and reserves the right to pursue legal liability.Article 5 Other Agreements1. The establishment, effec

8、tiveness, interpretation, performance and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.2. Matters not covered in this agreement shall be resolved through consultation between the parties. 篇二:音乐授权协议书范本为了规范音乐授权行为,维护音乐版权,特拟订本音乐授权协议书。第一条 授权内容1、授权人特此

9、授权受许可人在指定范围内使用所述的音乐作品。2、授权人保留对音乐作品的所有权及其他相关权益。第二条 使用范围1、受许可人可以在约定的范围内将音乐作品用于商业用途,但不得侵犯他人版权。2、受许可人应按约定支付相应的授权费用,未支付费用的使用行为属于侵权。第三条 保密责任1、双方应妥善保管音乐作品相关资料,不得泄露给未经授权的第三方。2、若因任何一方泄露了音乐作品相关资料而导致损失的,应承担相应的赔偿责任。第四条 责任限制1、在授权期间,若发生由受许可人原因引起的侵权行为,应由受许可人承担全部法律责任。2、授权人对音乐作品的真实性、合法性及适用性不作任何明示或暗示的保证。第五条 终止规定1、协议在

10、双方约定期满后自动终止,双方应及时停止使用音乐作品。2、若协议因某一方原因提前终止,提前终止的一方应承担相应的违约责任。Music License Agreement TemplateIn order to standardize music licensing activities and protect music copyrights, this music license agreement is formulated.Article 1 Authorization Content1. The licensor hereby authorizes the licensee to use

11、 the music works within the specified scope.2. The licensor reserves all ownership and other related rights to the music works.Article 2 Scope of Use1. The licensee may use the music works for commercial purposes within the agreed scope, but may not infringe upon the copyrights of others.2. The lice

12、nsee shall pay the corresponding licensing fees as agreed upon, and any use without payment of fees constitutes infringement.Article 3 Confidentiality Responsibility1. Both parties shall properly safeguard the relevant information of the music works and shall not disclose it to unauthorized third pa

13、rties.2. If either party discloses the information related to the music works and causes losses, they shall assume corresponding compensation responsibilities.Article 4 Liability Limitation1. During the authorization period, if any infringement occurs due to the licensees reasons, the licensee shall

14、 bear all legal liabilities.2. The licensor does not make any express or implied warranties regarding the authenticity, legality, or applicability of the music works.Article 5 Termination Provisions1. The agreement shall automatically terminate upon the expiration of the agreed period, and both part

15、ies shall cease using the music works promptly.2. If the agreement is terminated prematurely due to the fault of one party, the party causing the premature termination shall assume corresponding breach responsibilities.篇三:图书授权协议书范本为了明确图书版权归属,规范图书授权行为,特制订本图书授权协议书。第一条 授权内容1、原著作者特此授权受许可方对所述的图书进行转载、传播等用

16、途。2、受许可方不得对图书进行二次创作,如需修改应事先征得原著作者同意。第二条 使用范围1、受许可方可以在约定范围内对图书进行传播、展示和销售等行为。2、受许可方应按约定支付相应的使用费用,并确保不侵犯他人版权。第三条 保密责任1、双方应保护图书相关资料的机密性,不得将其泄露给未授权的第三方。2、若因泄密导致的损失,应由泄密方承担相应的法律责任。第四条 责任限制1、受许可方应对其使用图书导致的侵权行为,承担全部法律责任。2、原著作者对图书的准确性、合法性及适用性概不负责。第五条 终止规定1、本协议在约定期限届满后自动终止,双方应停止图书的使用。2、若因任何一方违约导致协议提前终止,违约方应承担

17、相应的违约责任。Book License Agreement TemplateIn order to clarify the ownership of book copyrights and regulate book licensing activities, this book license agreement is formulated.Article 1 Authorization Content1. The original author hereby authorizes the licensee to reprint, distribute, and use the book.

18、2. The licensee shall not make any modifications to the book without the prior consent of the original author.Article 2 Scope of Use1. The licensee may disseminate, display, and sell the book within the agreed scope.2. The licensee shall pay the corresponding usage fees as agreed upon and ensure no

19、infringement of others copyrights.Article 3 Confidentiality Responsibility1. Both parties shall protect the confidentiality of the book-related information and shall not disclose it to unauthorized third parties.2. If losses occur due to information leakage, the party causing the leakage shall assum

20、e corresponding legal responsibilities.Article 4 Liability Limitation1. The licensee shall bear all legal liabilities for any infringement caused by the use of the book.2. The original author is not responsible for the accuracy, legality, and applicability of the book.Article 5 Termination Provision

21、s1. The agreement shall automatically terminate upon the expiration of the agreed term, and both parties shall cease using the book.2. If the agreement is terminated prematurely due to the breach of either party, the breaching party shall assume corresponding breach responsibilities.篇四:视频授权协议书范本为明确视

22、频版权归属,规范视频授权行为,特拟订本视频授权协议书。第一条 许可内容1、授权人同意受许可人在约定范围内使用所述视频,包括但不限于播放、传播等行为。2、视频的知识产权仍归授权人所有,受许可人仅获得使用权。第二条 使用范围1、受许可人可在约定范围内使用视频作品,但不得以任何形式侵犯他人版权。2、受许可人应按约支付授权费用,未支付费用属于侵权行为。第三条 保密责任1、双方应妥善保管视频相关资料,不得泄露给未授权的第三方。2、若因泄露而引起的损失,泄露方应承担相应法律责任。第四条 责任限制1、在授权期间,若受许可人的行为导致侵权,应由受许可人承担全部法律责任。2、授权人对视频内容的真实性、合法性及适

23、用性概不负责。第五条 终止规定1、协议在约定期满自动终止,双方应停止使用视频。2、若因任何一方违约导致协议提前终止,违约方应承担相应的违约责任。Video License Agreement TemplateIn order to clarify the ownership of video copyrights and regulate video licensing activities, this video license agreement is formulated.Article 1 License Content1. The licensor agrees to authori

24、ze the licensee to use the video within the agreed scope, including but not limited to playback, dissemination, etc.2. The intellectual property rights of the video still belong to the licensor, and the licensee only obtains the right to use.Article 2 Scope of Use1. The licensee may use the video wo

25、rks within the agreed scope, but may not infringe upon the copyrights of others in any form.2. The licensee shall pay the licensing fees as agreed upon, and any use without payment of fees constitutes infringement.Article 3 Confidentiality Responsibility1. Both parties shall properly safeguard the v

26、ideo-related information and shall not disclose it to unauthorized third parties.2. If losses occur due to leakage, the party causing the leakage shall assume corresponding legal responsibilities.Article 4 Liability Limitation1. During the authorization period, if the actions of the licensee result

27、in infringement, the licensee shall bear all legal liabilities.2. The licensor is not responsible for the accuracy, legality, and applicability of the video content.Article 5 Termination Provisions1. The agreement shall automatically terminate upon the expiration of the agreed term, and both parties

28、 shall cease using the video.2. If the agreement is terminated prematurely due to the breach of either party, the breaching party shall assume corresponding breach responsibilities.篇五:图片授权协议书范本为规范图片授权行为,明确版权归属,特拟订本图片授权协议书。第一条 许可内容1、授权方授予受许可方使用所述的图片,包括但不限于转载、展示等权利。2、图片的版权仍归授权方所有,受许可方仅获得使用权。第二条 使用范围1、

29、受许可方可在约定范围内使用图片,但不得用于商业盈利以及侵犯他人版权的行为。2、受许可方应按约定支付相应的授权费用,未支付费用的使用行为属于侵权。第三条 保密责任1、双方应保护图片相关资料的机密性,不得将其泄露给未授权的第三方。2、若因泄露相关资料导致的损失,泄露方应承担相应的法律责任。第四条 责任限制1、在授权期间,若受许可方的使用行为导致侵权,应由受许可方承担全部法律责任。2、授权方对图片内容的真实性、合法性及适用性概不负责。第五条 终止规定1、本协议在约定期满后自动终止,双方应停止使用图片。2、若因任何一方违约导致协议提前终止,违约方应承担相应的违约责任。Image License Agreement TemplateIn order to regulate image licensing


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