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1、2017届上海英语高考11选10专项练习A:sailorsB: barkingC: lockedD: breakingE: wildernessF: discoverG: surroundedH: plungingI: mindJ: climateK: obvious The Vernadsky scientific base a handful of grey huts _1_ by penguins in Antarctica was once home to some of the worlds most important _2_ science. It was here, in 19

2、85, that British scientists did some of the key work to _3_ the hole in the ozone layer. But today, its home to something altogether different: the closest thing Antarctica has to a rock star, a 44-year-old long-haired Ukrainian geophysicist called Bogdan Gavrylyuk. “Here its a special place for wri

3、ting songs,” he says, standing in his laboratory, where musical instruments are propped up among the scientific equipment. “Were like prisoners, _4_ up for 10 months in the cold. Alone! But it creates a special mood. “I write all kinds of songs: about pirates and gangsters; about _5_ hard at work; a

4、bout the salty, sweet taste of kisses; about hope and love. I cant write about those things back in Ukraine theres too much noise.” When you visit Antarctica, music isnt the first thing that comes to _6_. One of the most striking things about it is its very lack of sound. There are no revving cars,

5、or people _7_ into mobile phones. There arent even trees for the wind to rustle. You only hear sounds in snatches when you stumble into the middle of a penguin colony, or the ice cracks and sends part of a glacier _8_ into the ocean. That silence may seem _9_: Antarctica is the worlds last _10_, a c

6、ontinent of over 5.4 million sq miles (14 million sq km), almost all of it under ice. But nothing can prepare you for the strangeness of it. Chinese netizens are known for coming up with creative terms for people and things making the news. and they spread like _1_. From skinny blue mushrooms to mel

7、on-eating masses, we now take a look at what has _2_their imaginations this year.A: misfortuneB: qualifiedC: meaningD: originE: unstoppableF: soundingG: capturedH: scoredI: fullestJ: lonelinessK: wildfire National swimmer Fu Yuanhui not only won a bronze medal at the Rio Olympic Games, but also _3_a

8、 win with viewers in China in a now-iconic TV interview. When told she had _4_for the final, Fu pulled a comically exaggerated face and declared: I have used all my prehistoric powers to swim!Prehistoric powers, or honghuangzhili, was adopted as a term for a(n) _5_force, while Fu became an internet

9、darling. One mans _6_ in love turned out to be a goldmine for netizens, when a man from Guangxi province uploaded a video of himself talking about his _7_while his girlfriend was away. Unbearable, I want to cry, he moaned - but thanks to his heavy accent, it ended up _8_more like skinny blue mushroo

10、m. Lanshouxianggu was swiftly shared more widely and took off as a meme(文化传播), mostly as a way to mock the southern Guangxi accent. A term whose closest equivalent is possibly popcorn gallery, its _9_expression is the melon-eating masses who dont know whats really going on.Its _10_is unclear, but ne

11、tizens often use this - sometimes derogatorily(贬低) - to describe a passive group of bystanders at a major incident or event. A: propertyB: authoritiesC: giantD: protestE: tightenedF: insistingG: questioningH: accusedI: blamingJ: concernsK: proof Chinese e-commerce _1_ Alibaba is back on the USs noto

12、rious markets list over counterfeit(仿造;伪造) goods sales. Alibaba was taken off the list four years ago, but US _2_ say the firms online platform Taobao is used to sell high levels of fake goods. The company has rejected the allegations, _3_ it polices its market place better than in the past. The fir

13、m also suggested the current political climate in the US might be why they are back on the list. US President-elect Donald Trump had, during his campaign, repeatedly criticized Chinese firms for stealing intellectual _4_. Alibaba Group President Michael Evans said he was disappointed by the decision

14、 , _5_ whether it was based on actual facts or was influenced by the current political climate. The Chinese online retailer and its market place Taobao have long been _6_ of being a platform for counterfeit goods. Taobao said earlier this year it had _7_ controls on its sale of luxury goods, requiri

15、ng sellers to show _8_ of authenticity. In May though, Alibaba was suspended from the International Anti Counterfeiting Coalition (IACC) watchdog over piracy(盗版行为)_9_. More than 250 members, including Gucci America and Michael Kors, had threatened they would leave the IACC in _10_ at Alibabas member

16、ship. Alibaba - by far Chinas biggest online retailer - floated on the New York Stock Exchange in September 2014 and broke records by raising $25bn.A: overlookedB: extinctionC: estimatesD: unnoticedE: changesF: reservesG: survivingH: resourceI: developedJ: conflictK: threats The sleek, speedy cheeta

17、h is rapidly heading towards _1_ according to a new study into declining numbers. The report _2_that there are just 7,100 of the worlds fastest mammals now left in the wild. Cheetahs are in trouble because they range far beyond protected areas and are coming increasingly into _3_with humans. The aut

18、hors are calling for an urgent re-categorisation of the species from vulnerable to endangered. According to the study, more than half the worlds _4_cheetahs live in one population that ranges across six countries in southern Africa. Cheetahs in Asia have been essentially wiped out. A group estimated

19、 to number fewer than 50 individuals clings on in Iran. Because the cheetah is one of the widest-ranging carnivores(食肉动物), it roams across lands far outside protected areas. Some 77% of their habitat falls outside these parks and _5_. As a result, the animal struggles because these lands are increas

20、ingly being _6_by farmers and the cheetahs prey is declining because of bushmeat hunting. In Zimbabwe, the cheetah population has fallen from around 1,200 to just 170 animals in 16 years, with the main cause being major _7_in land tenure(土地权). Researchers involved with the study say that the _8_faci

21、ng the fabled predator(猎食者) have gone _9_for far too long. Given the secretive nature of this elusive(难以捉摸的) cat, it has been difficult to gather hard information on the species, leading to its plight(窘境;苦境) being _10_, said Dr Sarah Durant, from the Zoological Society of London, UK, and the reports

22、 lead author. A: poweringB: limitC: movementD: comparedE: potentialF: expandG: renewableH: costingI: concernsJ: selectedK: address If youve ever struggled to walk across the deck of a boat as it rolls in a choppy sea, or tried to stand up against breaking waves at the beach, youll have felt the migh

23、t(力量) of the ocean. It feels like theres a lot of power there too, so getting energy from the waves of the sea sounds as if its got real _1_. For World Service listener Michael McFarlane, its a question thats been on his mind for years. I live in Jamaica and we are never very far from the sea Electr

24、icity generation here is mainly based on fossil fuels, he says. So why isnt the ocean _2_ Michaels home yet? In order to _3_ this question for the World Service programme Crowdscience, first, there was a language problem to unpick. Deborah Greaves, Professor in Ocean Engineering and Director of the

25、COAST Laboratory at the UKs Plymouth University explains: Weve tended to use marine _4_ energy to describe wave and tidal energyits energy which can be extracted from the _5_ of the oceans in the marine environment. Large tidal power generators already exist in _6_ locations around the world - the L

26、a Rance River estuary plant in Brittany, France, opened in 1966, and the worlds current largest tidal power station is at Sihwa Lake in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, _7_ 313.5 billion South Korean Won (212 million GBP or $263 million USD). Expense is one of the factors that currently _8_ the world

27、wide number of tidal power plants. Environmental _9_ are another, as some places with particularly strong tides are also sensitive ecosystems, such as estuaries(河口). And theres one more detail thats particularly relevant for listener Michael: As anyone whos been lucky enough to spend time on a beach

28、 in Jamaica knows, the tides there dont go in and out that much. It can be by as little as centimetres, _10_ with metres at a time in other locations around the world. A: ill-trainedB: respondingC: distinctiveD: overlookedE: targetedF: facilitiesG: impressiveH: arrivalI: efficiencyJ: housingK: repla

29、ced In Singapores early years, the nation had no proper fire brigade(队). Fires were rampant then as many houses were built using wood. The equipment and _1_ were outdated, consisting mainly of horse-drawn fire engines. The firemen of the Singapore Fire Brigade were also _2_as they were made up of vo

30、lunteers, policemen, soldiers and convicts. Things changed for the better with the _3_of Superintendent Montague William Pett, a professional firefighter from England. He championed the building of the Central Fire Station, _4_the horse-drawn fire engines with motorised engines and improved the _5_o

31、f the fire service. Completed in 1909, the Central Fire Station was Singapores first proper and modernised fire station. It was a three-storey building with a(n) _6_lookout tower. Did you know that the lookout tower was Singapores tallest tower until the 1930s? The tower was used to spot fires in th

32、e vicinity. Besides _7_the firemen and their families, the station also had an engine house, a repair shop, a carpenter shop, a paint room and a training yard. During World War II, the buildings _8_red and white facade was painted green, to camouflage it from being _9_by Japanese aircraft. The build

33、ing, unfortunately, received numerous direct hits from Japanese bombs. Nevertheless, the station remain functional. Now thats one tough cookie.During the Battle of Singapore, the firemen, including those from the Auxiliary Fire Service, played a significant role in _10_to the numerous small fires ca

34、used by Japanese bombs.A: namedB: reeducationC: labeledD: primaryE: campaignF: protectionG: awarenessH: specificI: disturbanceJ: callK: account A total of 1,114 people involved in 1,881 cases of school violence and bullying have been arrested from January to November, and experts _1_ for a law on sc

35、hool bullying amid the countrys increasing efforts to protect juveniles. Middle school students _2_ for a higher percentage among underage suspects of school bullying. Separately, recent cases show male students are the _3_ suspects in school bullying, but bullying cases involving female students in

36、 middle school are rising, according to Shi. About 99 percent of 915 underage suspects being prosecuted in South Chinas Guangdong Province are men. At present, the primary task of tackling school bullying is to adopt a _4_ law, as the current law on the _5_ of juveniles does not fully cover the curr

37、ent situation of bullying on campus, Xia Xueluan, a professor of sociology at Peking University, told the Global Times. A total of 7,300 procurators in China have been _6_ as deputy principals in middle and primary schools to help improve the legal _7_ of school bullying, Zhang Zhijie, the director

38、of the SPPs minor procuratorate department, said at the briefing. Twenty-four procurators have also been appointed as lecturers on the prevention of and _8_ against school violence since June, Zhang added. More than 16,000 lectures have been held across China for more than 7.7 million students. The

39、SPP said they will also arrange related TV programs. Recent juvenile crimes mainly involve physical harm, troublemaking, robbery and public _9_, said Shi. Juveniles under 14 who cannot be held criminally liable but are involved in bullying and violence on campus can be sent by the government to _10_

40、, Shi said. According to a document released by the State Council in May, school bullying is defined as behavior that causes physical and mental harm to students through body contact, language and online. A: profitsB: equalC: commentD: optimisticE: coinedF: inspirationG: chargedH: regardingI: publis

41、hedJ: idealistK: tricksWhen you hear from Tim Wu that the Internet is dark, you know its really dark. Wu, a professor in the Law School of Columbia University, is a(n) _1_ of the Internet in my eyes. An expert on media and technology, Wu was the person who _2_ the term net neutrality in a 2003 acade

42、mic paper. Through his career, he has defended this founding principle of the Internet that allows all participants _3_ opportunities in receiving and distributing information, no matter who the participants are and what the information is. Wu offered the depressing _4_ about the Internet last week

43、at a panel discussion with New York Times reporter Amanda Hess held by the think tank New America _5_ his new book The Attention Merchants: The Epic Scramble to Get Inside Our Heads. The book is about how the media _6_ from selling the attention of the general public to advertisers. It talks about t

44、he history dating back to Benjamin Day, the founder of New York Sun newspaper and the first attention merchant who realized in the 19th century that he _7_ lower prices for newspapers to attract more readers, and then made money from the advertisers who needed the attention of the public. And it talks about the present. That is, of course, about the Internet which has


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